Wrestler on the Ropes


Published on Mar 26, 2022


Wrestler On The Ropes


Frank choked and spluttered, and tried to pull away from my dick as my jism poured like spilt cream down his throat. I was cautious that he might choose to bite down on my dick, so I let go of his head; he pulled back as the final dregs of my sperm shot out over his tongue, coating the inside of his mouth.

He went to spit out the cum that remained in his mouth.

"DON'T YOU FUCKING DARE, BOY!" I threatened. "Spit out that cum and you'll regret it... I promise!"

He look up at me.

"Swallow it, you cunt."

He shut his eyes, thinking about his next move, and then squinted as he very reluctantly swallowed the remainder of my spunk. His Adam's apple bobbed up and down as the thick salty clammy liquid slowly fell down his throat into his stomach.

"Very Good Boy!"

He sat backwards and wiped his mouth, sticking out his tongue in a vain effort to somehow remove the taste of my semen from it.

"What do you say?" I asked.

"Fucking wanker!" came the reply. I can't say I was surprised. I wasn't expecting him to be completely submissive -- after all, I was effectively blackmailing him into being my sex slave for the weekend, against his will...

"Nope, that's not what you say if you are an obedient Boy doing everything he can to please his Master-"

"You fuckin' cunt." He interrupted, looking deep into my eyes as he did so.

"... especially a Master who can broadcast the various videos of you getting fucked in the ass that I took last night and today on the dark web..."

"...Wha... What?"

"You heard me Boy. You fucking show me some respect and I'll wipe them forever. Fuck with me, fail to obey me, disrespect me, and they'll be on the web forever, and all those pervs out there will know you got hard and came from being fucked in the ass like a bitch." I warned. "And I imagine the press would be interested too... you fucking pervert."

"But... you... wouldn't...!" Frank sat back further until he was sitting in a kneeling position. He grimaced as the chain between his tit-clamps swung downwards and tugged on his nipples.

"I fucking would and I fucking will if you don't obey me. Now, get back on your hands and knees and say the words I want to hear. Or else..."

Frank hesitated a moment, and then returned to his earlier position on his hands and knees. He grimaced again as once more gravity took hold of the tit-clamp chain and pulled it towards the ground.

"Thank you Sir." he said, so quietly that I could barely hear it.

"Again, Boy. Louder."

Frank grunted, resigned to the fact that no matter what he tried, I was always one step ahead of him. I had him by the balls - financially, emotionally and of course, physically.

"Thank you Sir." He repeated.

"Thank me for what, Boy?" I taunted. I wanted to continue my humiliation of him.

"Thank you for letting me suck your cock, Sir."

"And for letting you swallow my spunk?"

He stayed silent.

"Answer me Frankie Boy!"

"Yes Sir, thank you for letting me swallow your spunk." He looked down at the floor, his face flushed red with embarrassment and anger all mixed together.

"Good, that's a good Boy. One more task for you to complete and then I'll take the cage off your dick... oh, and the clamps off your tits. Are you enjoying how they feel?"

"No Sir, they're making my nipples sore..."

"They're meant to, Boy. Complain and I have heavier ones with a heavier chain to put on you..."

"No Sir, please, no, these are... these are fine."

I smirked, knowing he was lying, but the fact he would say just about anything to avoid things getting worse turned me on.

"Good Boy, now get up and let's go back to the dungeon. Hands behind your back as before."

Frank clambered back onto his knees as before and then slowly got up into a standing position. I stood up as he turned and walked towards the doorway, putting his hands behind the small of his back as before.

I couldn't help but stare at his arse moving about in those tight white shorts, hypnotised by his two big bouncing buttocks...

I followed Frank back downstairs and pointed to the rubber mat that he knew so well from earlier on.

"On your hands and knees, Boy, on the mat."

"Yes Sir." he replied, shrugging his shoulders and letting out a sigh as he reluctantly obeyed.

Once he was in position on the mat, I walked over to the far side of the dungeon and picked up a large metal dog bowl -- the kind you have for very large dogs. I moved back to where Frank was and put the bowl down just in front of his head.

"Look at me, Boy." I demanded.

Frank looked up at me, wondering what I had in store for him, and what the dog bowl was for.

"Uhmmm, Sir, what is the bowl for?" he asked me curiously.

"Gotta take a piss, Boy." I started to undo my jeans to pull my cock free.


"And then Boy, you will show your submission to me by drinking it all up and then licking the bowl clean. Fail to do so and the cage stays on."

"Oh shit." came the reply.

"Oh shit indeed, Boy. Tell you what, beg me to let you drink my piss and I'll take the tit-clamps off."


"Don't tell me you want to keep wearing them Boy?"

"Ummm, no Sir, I.. errr... please Sir, can I drink your piss?" he asked.

I smiled down at him, looking into his eyes.

"Yes Boy." I aimed my dick at the dog bowl and let my bladder splash from my piss slit into the bowl. "I didn't want to do this upstairs and have you making a mess in my nice tidy home."

My warm piss filled up the bowl slowly until it was almost overflowing. I still had some left but I stopped the flow, wondering if he should be drinking the rest from the tap.

No, I thought, there was plenty in the bowl for him to enjoy and fill his big belly...

"Stay right there, don't start until I come back." I ordered.

"No Sir." he responded. I didn't imagine he would be that eager to disobey me and start drinking from the bowl, considering its contents.

I walked into the cell behind him and emptied the remainder of my piss into the toilet. I wiped off the last drops of piss from my cockhead, then instantly regretted doing so as I could have shook them onto Frank's disgusted face.

I flushed the toilet and returned back to Frank, who was looking down at the bowl of my piss and scrunching up his face in disgust.

I knelt down next to Frank, placing my left hand on the back of his head. I pushed his head slowly down towards the bowl, reaching with my other hand underneath his chest until I found one of the tit-clamps with my fingers.

"Take a deep breath."

I heard Frank breathe in, feeling his chest expand as he took a lungful of air.

"Breathe out."

Frank breathed out as I pinched the tit-clamp open on his left nipple.

"URGH! FUCK!" he screamed as the blood returned to his already sore nipple.

I pushed his head further down towards the surface of the bowl, the acrid smell of my piss no doubt filling Frank's nostrils.

I reached further along Frank's chest until I found the other tit-clamp.

"Stick out your tongue Boy, dip it into the bowl, show me how you want it like you begged me just now..."

"Please, Sir... please..."

I put my fingers onto the tit-clamp and tugged on it. Frank gasped in response.

"Do it."

Frank gingerly stuck out his tongue, which by now was so close to the surface of the piss that it dipped into the warm straw-coloured liquid. I felt him recoil and try to pull his head away.

I squeezed on the tit-clamp and it opened.

"OH FUCK! FUCK! Please... Oh fuck Sir!" he screamed, the pain in his nipple increasing as the blood flooded back into it.

I pushed his face towards the bowl.

"Drink it Pig!" I demanded.

"Please! SIR!" he replied, trying to push himself away.

I used both hands to firmly push his head until his face was now in the bowl of my piss. He spluttered and it splashed over his face. I relented somewhat to allow him the chance to breathe -- I didn't want to drown the fucker -- and moved my right hand to reach down and grope at his big ass through those ever-so sexy white rugby shorts.

"Shit... Sir...please...!" Frank begged, coughing as he caught his breath.

"I told you to drink it, so drink it or the cage stays on..."

Frank cleared his throat and hesitated as he decided what to do. Then, he leant forward and began to drink my urine, lapping it up like a cat drinking milk.

"Good Boy, Frank, very good..." I patted his rump with my right hand in approval as my left held his head close to the bowl. I heard a disgusted grunt in response.

"Got to keep you hydrated, Boy, cos when that bowl is empty and licked clean I'm going to remove that cage as a reward and make you cum..."


"I might even suck your dick if you do a good job... would you like that, Frankie Boy? Having that sub dick sucked, your big balls emptied...?" I teased.

I felt him nod his head underneath my hand, as he continued to slurp away at the bowl of piss. It had by now lost some of it's initial temperature and so Frank was finding it rather less appetising than before -- if he ever did.

I was enjoying the show, my cock was hard in my jeans once again as I felt up Frank's arse and delighting in my position of dominance over him.

"You're fucking loving this aren't you my Boy?" I asked.

"mmmm..." came the response as he tried to vaguely shake his head.

I squeezed his left buttock hard, then moved my right hand beneath him to lightly caress his big balls.


"Yeah, Boy wants these emptied doesn't he?"

"Mmmmm! Mmmmm!" I felt a slight nod from Frank as he slurped at the contents of the bowl.

I looked towards his head and was surprised by how much of my piss he had now drunk. The bowl was almost empty. "You're certainly emptying that bowl quicker than I had expected, Frankie Boy... you must fucking love the taste of my piss..."

I got no response to that, but I felt him lower his head and stick out his tongue to lick up all the remaining drops of my piss from the bowl. He must really want the cage off, I thought...

I could see droplets of piss on his moustache and dribbling from his chin as he raised his head. Seeing that made up for me forgetting to shake the drops from my cock onto his face earlier on.

"Very good Boy, you must have been thirsty... or is it that you want me to take the cage off and make you cum?"

"It tastes foul, Sir, your piss... but I want this fucking cage off cos my cock hurts..." He paused for a second. "Will you suck my dick... Sir... please?"

"Seeing as you have been so good, Boy, I may just do that for you... stand up."

Frank got up off the floor and stood upright, stretching his back.

"Here, take this." I said, holding out a Viagra tablet in my right hand.

Frank looked down at my hand and then up at me.

"You are going to take the cage off, aren't you?" he asked, worried that the Viagra would increase his torment. "Please Sir..."

"Yep, I will take the cage off, but I want you nice and hard whilst I play with you. Can't have you going floppy can we?" I joked at him, teasing him about his inability to get hard for his wife.

"No, no Sir." Frank blushed. He reached out his hand and picked the tablet up between his thumb and forefinger, and dropped it into his mouth. I handed him a bottle of water to wash it down, which he gratefully took and emptied, no doubt eager to get the taste of my piss out of his mouth.

"Excellent, now, regrettably, I want you to take those shorts off Boy, and go get on the rubber mattress, face up."

Frank undid the drawstrings at the top of his shorts and then pulled them down. The fell to the floor and he stepped out of them, now fully naked.

"Goddamn you're turning me on, Frankie Boy. Sure you don't want me to take you up the arse?" I jested, my cock desperate to fill his tight fuckhole once again.

"No Sir." he responded. Either he had lost his sense of humour or he didn't get the joke.

I reached down and picked up the shorts, then held them up and smelled the crotch whilst looking over at Frank.

Frank screwed up his nose his disgust.

"Fucking hell Boy, these have your musk on them. Shame I cut open your trunks, when you next have a match you can send me a replacement pair, nice and sweaty and musty with Frank's musk...?"

"Fuck off."

I waited a second and took another sniff. The scent was intoxicating.

"That's an order, Boy, I want a replacement pair of your worn trunks. If you don't send me any, the videos of you go onto the web."

"Fucking hell... oh for fuck's sake..." he rubbed his face with his left hand. "Yes Sir, I'll send you some. Whatever gets you off."

I laughed. "Excellent. Now get onto the mattress please."

Frank lowered himself onto the mattress, which was about a foot high. The rubber squeaked slightly as he got into a comfortable position.

I walked over to the table in the corner, putting the shorts onto a very large zip-lock bag to retain as much of Frank's scent as possible, and then returned back to the mattress, kneeling down next to Frank.

Frank looked up at me, wondering what I would do next.

"C'mon, Boy, you should know by now I like to have you suitably restrained..." to which I then added "... and so do you."

Frank sighed and stretched his arms and legs out in a spreadeagle fashion. I used the built-in restraints to secure him tightly down to the mattress, helpless and powerless.

"Please Sir, you are going to remove the cage?" he begged. I almost wanted to refuse his request now, just to see his reaction. "My balls are aching and my dick is sore..."

"Easy, Frankie Boy." I reached down and gently tickled his balls with my fingers. "If you rush me I might just forget where I put the key..."

"Oh for fuck's sake!"

Letting go of his balls, I leant over him and held up my fist. Opening up my fingers slowly the key came into view.

"Now, let's get that cage off, Boy...!"

"Yes Sir, please Sir, please..."

I carefully unlocked the cage using the special key. The component parts of the cage came apart and I placed them on the mattress between Frank's outstretched legs. I left the ring that went around his cock and balls in place, as I knew it would make this more fun for both of us.

I looked down at Frank's dick, which had red marks on its surface from where it had swelled and rubbed against the ribs on the inside of the cage. It seemed even smaller than it had before - whether that was from its confinement or from embarrassment, I didn't know. And I didn't care.

I took a damp washcloth and wiped Frank's groin, cleaning up the precum that had built up during the day since I had locked him in the cage earlier that morning.

"There, that's better, all nice and clean." I reached back and took his dick in my right hand, wrapping my fingers around the shaft. I could feel it throb beneath my fingers. I stroked it gently and I heard a murmur from the restrained wrestler as the Viagra began to show its presence. "Get that sub dick hard for me, Boy, I can't play with a soft nub..."

I looked up and Frank was biting his lip and closing his eyes.

But I felt his dick began to swell in my hand.

"That's more like it, Boy." I gripped firmer onto his dick as I stroked it slightly faster. "Show Sir how much you love taking it up the ass."

Frank opened his eyes as he registered what I had said to him.

And his cock became fully hard.

"You fucking slag, look at that!" I continued to stroke up and down, on his now fully-engorged cock.

"Sir... please...ohhh...."

"Just relax, Boy, just think about all the pleasure you are going to get as I make you cum..."

I moved downwards and breathed very gently onto the head of his cock.

"Oh shit...oh shit... Sir..."

"Don't cum yet, Boy, hold off for as long as you can, I want you to enjoy this... reward..."

"Ooohhhhh...." his cock jumped in my grasp at that very last word.

I continued to slowly and sensually pump his dick, sensing when he was close to shooting and subtly denying him that chance. I wanted him to enjoy this, to enjoy being pleasured by another man.

"I bet your missus can't make you feel like this, Boy." I declared.

"No, Sir, please... please, ohhhh, oh God, oh shit... yessss..."

"Only a man can pleasure another man properly."

I leant forward and took his cockhead in my mouth.

I heard a gasp and then-

"Oh fuck, oh fuck yes, yes, yes...."

I ran my tongue around the head of his dick, and it responded by leaking precum. Frank responded by struggling with the restraints, though I knew that he was enjoying it rather than trying to break free.

"Oh God, shit... oh shit... oh yes Sir, please Sir, oh that's so good... ohhhhh..."

I let go of his dick with my hand and took his entire cock in my mouth, sucking on it.

Frank screamed -- in pleasure, not in pain, as the sensations overwhelmed him. I removed my head from his dick.

"Are you OK, Boy?"

"Oh shit, yes, yes Sir, please, oh that's so good... please...."

"Faggot." I replied, and swallowed his cock once more.

"Oh yes, Sir... please... yes I'm Sir's faggot bitch... please Sir... please make me cum... Sir..."

I bobbed my head up and down a few times, feeling him getting closer and closer to his orgasm. Frank moaned and groaned and thrashed about as my efforts brought him closer to the edge, so I withdrew and just licked up and down his shaft, which bobbed about.

"Holy shit... ooohhh... Sir... please Sir... please...." he begged.

I ran my tongue over his swollen cockhead and then once more swallowed his dick. It was easy to get it all in my mouth due to its short length. Up and down I went, alternating between slow and fast sucks as Frank begged me to let him cum. I didn't want to swallow his cum, so I removed my head from his crotch and replaced it with my hand once more. His cock glistened in the dim lighting of the dungeon as I began to pump hard and fast on his throbbing fuckmeat.

"Come on Boy, shoot a load for me... shoot for Sir... you fat faggot..."

"Sir... yes.... yes, yes...oh shit oh shit ohhhh SHHHIIIIIIITTTTT!" cried Frank as his dick erupted in my fist, hot thick spunk spewing out of his nub and shooting up into the air, landing on his big round belly. "FUCK! FUCK! FUCKKKKK...!"

I continued to stroke his dick up and down, milking him until his orgasm subsided. His dick was still hard as I held it firmly with my hand.

"Good Boy, that's a very good Boy!" I cried out smiling. I rubbed some of his cum onto the palm of my other hand, then held it up over his face.

"Clean it up, Faggot." I ordered.

Frank stuck out his tongue and licked the thick sticky goo off my hand.

"Very good, Frankie Boy, you cum eating pig..."

I began to stroke his cock once more, and he gasped at the sensitivity.

"Oh God, oh please, Sir... no, please...no... NO!" he begged.

"Boy's getting his balls emptied, he's got big balls that need a good old milking...!" I rubbed my thumb over his cockhead and he screamed at the overwhelming sensations.

"NOOOOOOooooo!" he shouted as his cock stiffened in my fist.

By the time I had finished with him, Frank had cum four times. Four thick loads of spunk were drying on his belly. His cock was still hard, pointing towards the ceiling, red, sore and hyper-sensitive from the merciless milking I had giving him. His body glistened with sweat and his chest was going up and down as he tried to catch his breath from all the exertions.

I lay next to him, stroking at his dick with my forefinger and making him groan in a mixture of pleasure, pain, and exhaustion.

"Please, Sir... no more, mercy... Sir, please, have mercy..."

"Shall we try for load number five?" I taunted.

Frank shook his head so violently I thought it would come off.


"OK, Boy, but if you want me to stop I want something first..."

"Yes Sir, please, I'll do anything Sir, please..."

"Good, good. Fifteen minutes sat on your face with your tongue up my ass, and then you can suck me off again before we go to bed."


I rubbed his cockhead once more.

"Your tongue up my ass or I'll keep stroking this dick till you go insane..."

I felt the most meagre of orgasms and a drop of cum spurted from his dick over my thumb.

Frank let out a sound somewhere between a grunt and a scream.

"SIIIIIRRR! Please, let me... please sit on my face, anything, just please stop.... pleeeaaassee...!"

I chuckled as I let go of his cock, which still stayed hard due to the Viagra. I rolled off the side of the mattress onto my feet and walked towards the wall where I had a long-handled riding crop hanging up. I pulled that off the wall and returned next to the mattress and it's helpless occupant.

I held the tip out towards his balls and looked up at Frank, who was looking down his body over his belly towards where I was aiming, terrified at what was going to happen next.

I gently tapped his balls with the tip of the crop. Frank gasped in response.

"Easy, faggot, easy... I want your sub dick rock hard as you eat my ass, to show me how much you are enjoying it..."

I tapped his balls again, and got the same gasp from Frank.

"If your cock goes soft, I'll use the crop on your dick until it gets hard... keep it hard all the way and I'll let you off giving me a blowjob. How's that for a deal Boy?"

You... you fucking..."

I swatted at his balls. Hard.


"You just remember who's in charge here, Boy..."

I positioned myself above Frank's head and lowered myself down slowly.

I heard the words `yes Sir' from below me as I knelt down on Frank's barrel chest and my ass smothered his face. I felt Frank's nose push between and then gently part my buttocks, the coarse rough hairs of his moustache tickling against each of my asscheeks, and then his hot breath on my hole, until finally there was the moist warm feeling of his tongue on my pucker.

"Oh yeah, Faggot, I'm liking that... oh yeahhh..."

I heard a mumbled murmur from below me, no idea what Frank was saying or if he indeed was saying anything, just making noises, as I felt him lick over the surface of my assuring.

I waved the riding crop through the air just above his cock, the slight breeze no doubt making itself felt as Frank wriggled in the restraints. I wriggled too, squirming onto his face and then lifting up slightly to allow him to breathe. I had no interest in suffocating him!

I then planted myself firmly back down over his face to ensure that he was performing as he should. This time, I felt his tongue probing at my asshole, gingerly at first, as he got used to my musk and the taste of my ass.

"Fuck yeah Boy, that's just great, keep on doing that... and by the way your dick is still hard...!"

"MggggRrrrrrrfffppphh!" came the sound from below me.

Frank continued to tongue my hole as I enjoyed riding his face. The hairs of his moustache enhanced the sensations I was receiving at my rear end, as my cock stuck up straight towards the ceiling, obscenely leaking precum.

Occasionally I would use the tip of the riding crop to rub along the shaft of his dick, which was still staying hard. A few times, I gave his cockhead a tap -- not too hard, but just enough -- not that his dick was going soft, I just wanted to do it for fun... and to see what Frank would do in response.

Frank groaned beneath me, and I saw his balls tighten as he tried to make his cock go hard. His cock throbbed in response and precum dribble feebly out of his piss-slit.

As time passed, Frank got more adventurous with his rimjob, licking up and down my asscrack as well as probing deeper into my hole. At one point, I let out a loud gasp as his tongue went deep inside me. The sensation and the situation combined made my cock leak precum down my shaft, which throbbed in the lighting. As did Frank's.

"Attaboy, Pig...!"

My moans and groans combined with the grunts coming from the restrained wrestler pinned beneath me. I couldn't waste the opportunity so took my cock in my right hand and furiously pumped away at it, feeling it throb under my fingers and my balls tighten in their sac, as I used my left hand to swat again at his cockhead with the riding crop.

Frank yelped and cried out from beneath me but I didn't care, lost in my own selfish pleasures, as my orgasm drew closer. The combination of Frank's yelps of pain combined with his face rammed against my ass and my hand on my dick, didn't take long for me to shoot my load, thick jets of spunk arcing out of my piss-slit and landing on Frank's chest, belly, and some even landing on the dried loads he had ejaculated earlier.

"FUUUUUCCKKK! FUCK! OH FUCK YES!" I screamed as I gave his cockhead a couple of vicious swats.

Frank's cries of pain were smothered by me as I squashed my ass down onto his face.

Sometime later, after I had cleaned myself up, leaving Frank restrained on the mattress with my loads drying on his big beefy sexy body, I released him, refusing to allow him to wipe the jism off as an extra part of his humiliation, and we went upstairs, both exhausted.

As per the night before, I used the large manacles to secure his wrists to one corner of the bed, and then spooned up against his big sexy arse, my cock once again hardening as it rubbed against him. One arm was around his neck, pulling him towards me, whilst the other was on his cock.

Which was still hard as I teased and played with it.

Frank moaned and groaned and grunted until exhaustion overwhelmed him and he fell asleep.

I joined him in peaceful slumber not long afterwards, not caring that he was snoring loudly.


Next: Chapter 8

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