Wrestler on the Ropes


Published on Jan 27, 2022


Wrestler On The Ropes


I hurriedly pulled on my clothes and went upstairs briefly, leaving Frank there huffing and puffing and trying to get some relief from the restraint position he had been standing in as I had fucked him so hard.

Going into the kitchen, I opened the fridge door and pulled out two bottles of beer -- Frank's favourite brand (being a big fan of his, I had done my research) -- and then placed them on the kitchen counter so I could find a bottle opener.

Sticking that in my pocket, I picked the bottles back up and returned downstairs. The room smelt of sex and sweat. It was powerful and stimulating.

I placed one bottle on the floor in front of Frank. The coldness of the bottle and it's contents collided with the warmth of the room, and condensation began to form on it's outer surface, bubbles of water appearing on the glass, collecting together and dripping slowly down towards the floor.

Much like the way the sweat was dripping slowly down Frank's chest and belly and dripping down towards the waistband of his jockstrap.

And the drool was dripping slowly from his lips, over the bitgag and onto his chin.

I retrieved the bottle opener from my pocket and pulled the cap from the other bottle with a loud `pop'. The cap fell to the floor, landing not far from where the other bottle was placed.

I held the bottle to my lips and took a good swig, the cold liquid providing a welcome relief from the thirst I had gained fucking Frank's ass.

"Mmm, this is fucking good beer, Boy... it really quenches your thirst. I can see why you drink it."

"MMMSSSSMMMRRR?" he responded, shaking his head to stop sweat going into his eyes.

"You thirsty, Boy?" I asked.

Frank nodded his head vigorously. "MMYYYYSSSS SMMMMRRRR!"

I took another swig from the bottle and nodded towards the bottle on the floor.

"That one's yours, Boy, and I have more upstairs if you want it."

He looked at me quizzingly, and I could tell he wanted to say `how the fuck can I drink that when I am chained up and gagged?'.

I put my bottle down on the floor next to his and moved closer towards him. He recoiled back slightly as I lifted my arms, obviously he was expecting me to do something horrible and perverted...

I reached around his head and unfastened the straps on the bitgag. I pulled it forwards towards me, and Frank opened his mouth wider so that the rubber mouthpiece freed itself. A large string of spit fell from the bitgag onto the floor at my feet.

Frank wiggled his jaw to get some feeling back into it.

"Thank you, Sir." he said, somewhat sarcastically. "Can I have some beer now?"

I shook my head at him.

"First of all, you should be saying `please' Boy -- where are your fucking manners?"

I slapped him on the chest to emphasise my point.

"Sorry, Sir, please can I have some beer now?" he grunted, unwillingly.

"And second, you can have that beer once I have quenched your thirst..."

I returned to my bottle, which I picked up from the floor and took another swig from.

I could tell that Frank was desperate for a drink. The earlier exertions and the bitgag being strapped firmly in his mouth had dried his mouth out, and he kept licking at his lips in order to moisten then, but with little effect.


"I had a few cups of coffee upstairs when you were showing off your arse earlier on."

"Sir?" he repeated.

"Coffee's a diuretic, Boy... it makes you want to take a piss..."

I saw the penny drop as he realised what I expected him to do. he shook his head violently.

"Oh God, fuck, no, please... I mean, please Sir, not that... no, I'm not doing that, no fucking way... you can fuck right off, YOU CUNT!" he spat out the last two words at a louder volume, to emphasise them.

I loved his disobedient streak. It gave me an excuse to punish him later, which of course I enjoyed.

I smiled at him, thinking about paddling his ass later on, just for the hell of it.

"Frank, you drink from this bottle..." I pointed at my cock in my jogging bottoms. "... and then you can drink from this one..." I pointed at the unopened bottle on the floor.

He shook his head again.


"Drink from my piss Boy, or you'll remain there chained up till you change your mind... and you won't get anything else to drink. I'll go and turn the thermostat up full blast and you'll be begging to drink my piss later..." I threatened.

"You... you fucker!" came the reply, and then: "BASTARD!"

"So, if you want a nice drink, you'll drink my piss first."

"No fuckin' way. NEVER!"

"My piss in your belly, Frank, then you get a beer as a reward."


"The only drink you'll get today Frank will be the piss from my dick, Boy, if you refuse me now. Make your fucking choice or stay thirsty."

I took another swig from the bottle, taunting him as I swallowed the cooling light golden liquid.

"Fuck, it is lovely, Frank, this beer... maybe I'll have yours after I finish this one, and you can watch."

"You... you fucking bastard." The anger was diminishing from earlier on as he realised yet again that he had no real choice in what was going to happen.

"Yeah, that's me, Boy, I am a fucking bastard, but I am your Master whilst you are here and you do as I say or you pay the price... perhaps I'll increase the amount you owe me to... say... how about half a million quid?" I warned him.

"You wouldn't? Please, after all I've... after what you made me do..."

"You agreed to all of it, Boy... and you enjoyed it, didn't you? You enjoyed being fucked in the ass, taking my big cock in your rump..." I enquired, taking another swig of beer. "You shot your load when you were sucking my cock. That shows me you are turned on and loving everything I do to you."

I took a final swig and emptied the contents of the bottle down my throat. I placed the empty bottle on the floor next to his, then wrapped my fingers around it, feeling the cold damp glass against my fingers.

"So, do you want this, Boy, or not?" I looked up at him looking back down at me.


I pulled out the bottle opener and unfastened the cap, which went flying across the room, skidding to a halt near the mat where I had tied Frank down earlier.

"Answer me now Boy -- I won't ask again."

I stood back up, Frank following my gaze.

He nodded his head slightly.

"What's that, Boy?" I asked, lifting the bottle up so it was in his view.


"What Boy?" I teased.

"Yes Sir." he mumbled, embarrassed at what he was agreeing to.

"Tell me properly, Boy."

"Yes Sir." he repeated, raising his voice.

"Tell me, Boy, ask me if you can drink my piss straight from my dick, that you want a belly full of my piss."

Silence, then Frank cleared his throat and shifted his weight. The chains rattled gently.

"Sir, can I drink your piss, please?" he asked meekly, blushing. "I want your piss in my belly." His face was nearly as pink as his ass was after that first experience of the paddle the night before, flushed with shame, disgust and embarrassment.

"Hmmm..." I lifted the bottle higher, almost to my lips. Frank licked his lips, desperate to quench his thirst.

"Yes Boy, you can drink my piss, then when you have swallowed it all you can have this beer as a reward."

"Thank you Sir." he responded submissively and sarcastically. I loved the fact he was still resisting me.

"Good Boy!" I taunted him as I reached up and unlocked the two padlocks connecting his wrist cuffs to the chain hanging from the ceiling.

He moved his arms down gently, allowing the blood to flow back into them, rubbing at the point where the cuffs met his wrists.

"On your knees, Boy." I ordered. "On all fours."

Frank cleared his throat again, looked around the room - I'm not sure what for -- and then slowly crouched down, moving onto his knees and then onto all fours as I had instructed. His ankles were still secured to the rings on the floor.

"Now, do I have to restrain you, Boy, or are you going to be obedient? I would hate to have to paddle your ass again for disobedience." I lied.

Frank shook his head. "No Sir, I'll obey."

"Good Boy." I replied, putting the bottle behind me on the floor, out of his reach, and returning to my original position.

I lowered the waistband of my jogging bottoms and pulled out my dick. It started to get hard at the sight of the heavyweight daddybear wrestler submitting to me, but I concentrated on the task in hand. After all, it was going to be bloody difficult to piss with an erection.

"Open your mouth, Frankie Boy." I instructed him, aiming my dick at his face.

Frank paused a moment, and then he opened his mouth slightly, hoping that if he only opened it a bit that he wouldn't have to drink my piss.

"Wider, faggot, get that mouth open wide!" I commanded.

Frank closed his mouth and gulped hard.

I let loose of my bladder and a jet of hot straw-coloured urine shot straight onto Frank's moustache. He scrunched his eyes up tight as I stopped the flow. Some of the piss dripped down over his lips and down his chin. He lifted his right arm up as if to wipe his face, but I kicked it away with my foot.

"Don't you dare, Boy, don't you fucking dare! Fucking open up, Boy!"

He placed his hand back on the floor and opened his eyes.

He looked up at me, waving my cock inches away from his face. Some piss escaped from my piss-slit and dropped onto the floor between my feet.

"I said, open up, Boy, or you're getting the cane on your arse till I draw blood!" I told him.

Frank sighed audibly, then opened his mouth, wider this time.

"Good Boy, that's more like it." I aimed my dick at the orifice he was presenting to me. "I'm blessed with a large bladder, so you can have a good long drink. Try not to spill any, cos if you do you'll be licking it up and getting the cane afterwards."

I saw the look in Frank's eyes as I let loose again and the piss stream shot straight into his open mouth. It was one of pure humiliation.

He gagged as the foul liquid splashed onto the back of his throat and over his tongue, coughing and spluttering but obeying me and trying to prevent any spillage of my piss. I could see his throat moving up and down as he swallowed my piss, closing his eyes tightly as he fought the urge to retch. I filled up the open mouth before me until it was about to spill out, then held back.

"Swallow it all Boy, plenty more where that came from."

Frank closed his mouth and swallowed hard, then opened back up again. I waited until he opened his eyes and then released more piss, filling up his mouth once again, Frank doing his best to swallow the liquid to prevent himself from choking.

We repeated this five times, until my bladder had emptied fully down Frank's gullet. By now, I was standing closer to him, the head of my dick almost inside his open mouth, the stream of piss no longer strong and powerful.

Finally, I shook my cock, the drips splattering over his chin, and then put my dick away in my jogging bottoms.

"All done, Boy, well done." I patted him on the top of his bald head condescendingly.

Silence, as he closed his mouth and then coughed a few times.

"What do you say Boy?" I teasingly asked.

"Thank you, Sir." came the reply, then something muttered under his breath.

"Good Boy, you have earned this." I turned and retrieved the full bottle of beer, then turned back again, facing Frank, who was now looking up at me. I placed the bottle on the ground before him.

"Enjoy it, Frank, you really deserved it. Perhaps later you can have some more piss as you seemed to enjoy it so much." I indicated the damp patch that was visible on the crotch of his jockstrap.

Frank looked down to his crotch.


"Drink up, Boy!" I exclaimed.

Frank lifted himself back from all fours onto his knees, then reached forwards and picked up the bottle. He moved backwards, lifted the bottle to his lips, and tipped his head back as the cold liquid poured out, removing the taste of my piss from his mouth.

He continued to swallow as he had done with my piss, but I knew he was at least enjoying this `refreshment'...

He carried on, not taking a breath, until the bottle had been emptied. With a loud belch, he rubbed any traces of piss and beer off his face onto the back of his right hand, which he then wiped onto his thigh.

"Sir, can I have another please?" he asked cheekily, holding the now empty bottle out towards me.

I laughed out loud, surprised at his request. I knew he wanted to get the taste of my piss out of his mouth.

"Yeah, why not?" I replied.

I took the bottle from him, picking up my own empty bottle from the floor where I had placed it earlier, then left him there on his knees contemplating what he had just done whilst I went upstairs and grabbed another two bottles.

I returned and gave him both bottles. After all, he had been a very good boy so it was only right I rewarded him for his efforts...

After releasing him from the chains securing his ankle cuffs to the rings in the floor, I left Frank with the two bottles in the cell, locking him in. I told him he could have a rest for the afternoon, watch some TV, have a nap, that sort of thing, as I had to sort some things out upstairs.

I closed the dungeon door behind me and went upstairs.

First of all, I transferred the £123,000 he had made from his `show' earlier that morning from the holding account that held all the monies into his bank account -- as I promised.

Then, I checked the emails that had come through about his `show'; he had a lot of fans, with a few getting together and offering me large sums of money to come to my place and gang-rape him. Whilst the idea did appeal to me, the thought of him tied down taking one cock after another, he was mine and mine alone to fuck. The only cock going in his big beefy arse was mine.

I finished responding to the emails and then went and relaxed in my lounge, watching a film on TV whilst I got my strength back and my balls got the chance to fill back up with cum.

The film was a video recording of a local politician - the Minister for Policing - a middle-aged tubby guy who I had helped out of a very embarrassing and compromising position -- with the caveat that he had to come to my place and serve me by way of... `payment'. No negotiation, no mercy, it was my way or he would be in very serious trouble indeed...

So, on the video, he was naked, tied securely to the fuck bench downstairs in the dungeon, begging me for mercy as I paddled his ass for 30 minutes, his plump buttocks first going pink, then redder and redder as I tenderised his meaty ass ready for fucking.

Oh, how he hated being fucked; oh, how he struggled and fought to get free as I buried my dick deep inside his virgin hole; oh, how he begged me to stop as I raped him repeatedly...

Oh, how he hated it... until he shot his load hands-free over the fuck bench as I filled his guts with my fourth load in a row...

Of course, he had no idea I had recorded it all.

Until I played him the footage as insurance, so he wouldn't decide later to call the Police. His face was a picture!

How I laughed as I saw him on the news a few days later, making a point in the Commons, then very carefully sitting down on what I knew was an incredibly sore and well-fucked arse...

Perhaps I would show Frank the video later, if he was good.

Perhaps I might tell him about the CCTV secretly filming him in the dungeon...

After I had finished watching the video -- and getting highly turned on in the process, I went back downstairs to the dungeon. Opening the main door, I could hear Frank snoring his head off. I imagined that the 3 beers combined with what he had gone through had tired him out...

I walked up to the cell door and unlocked it, peeking through the bars at his unconscious frame. He was lying on his left hand side facing towards the wall, fast asleep, his huge back and his beefy arse on display for me to gaze at hungrily. I could just make out the buttplug which he hadn't taken out of his ass, which I took as a good sign.

I slapped his right buttock, which was the one closest to me. The sound echoed through the small cell.

"Wakey, wakey, Frankie Boy, no more sleeping on the job!" I exclaimed loudly.

Frank opened his eyes slowly as he came to, rolling his right shoulder towards the centre of the room. When he spotted me standing there, he jolted awake.

"...Ummm. Sir?" he asked. "Was I asleep?"

"Snoring like a fucking elephant Boy. I may have to lock you in here tonight if you snore like that, instead of being in my nice comfy bed with me hugging you."


"So, I hope you had a nice nap." Frank had now turned over and was getting to a sitting position facing me. He rubbed at his eyes with both fists, and I marvelled at how big his hands were.

"Yes, yes Sir... what are you going to do now, Sir... to me?"

I laughed at him. "Nothing," I lied. "You must be hungry, it is dinnertime after all."

"Yeah, yeah Sir, umm..." I could see him look behind me as if expecting a tray of food, and then down at my boots as if I had trodden his diner into the treads ready for him to lick clean.

"Are you a good cook Boy?" I asked.

He looked up at me, placing both hands on the bed at his hips.

He suppressed a laugh as he shook his head.

"Uhh, no Sir, Sharon... the wife, she does all the cooking... I don't." he replied.

"But are YOU a good cook, Boy, can you cook?"

Frank shook his head again.

"No, I can't even boil an egg!" he laughed again.

"So you let your wife do all the cooking, you lazy sexist bastard..." I jested. "That's earned you six strokes of the paddle on your ass."

The smile left his face.

"And another six for not being able to cook. Good thing I can cook. Steak and chips OK, Boy?"

I saw his eyes light up. I could tell by his big plump solid belly that he loved his food.

He nodded his head. "Yeah, yes please Sir."

"Good Boy, I have some very top quality fillet steak which I know you will enjoy, so we can have that and you can have some more beer cos I can see you enjoyed it."

"Yes, yes Sir, thank you Sir."

"First of all though, do you want a starter?"

"Um, yeah." he rubbed his belly with his left hand in a circular motion. The sight of it made my cock throb.

"Good, good... how about you eat my arse?"

"What? I mean... what the fuck?" He started getting to his feet, and for a second I thought he might take a swing at me.

"You lay down on the mat, and I sit on your face..." I pointed over my shoulder towards the rubber mat.

"You can FUCK RIGHT OFF!" he spat at me. "That's fucking dirty!"

"It's not Frank -- my ass is nice and clean as a whistle, much like yours after you cleaned it out this morning." I stood back a step as he felt very overpowering stood so close to me, this heavily built daddybear. Perhaps I had overstepped the mark...

"Nope!" he shook his head. "That's fucking... you fucking..."

"Whilst you were snoring I checked out the feedback from your floor show earlier on, Frank... it was very positive indeed..."

"So? I ain't doing anything pervy with your ass, and that's final!" He started to walk towards the cell door but I moved to stand in his way.

"So, there was this bunch of 5 guys who are willing to band together and pay me 60 grand to come here and fuck you one after the other... just imagine, Boy, 5 cocks all fucking your hole, maybe they can spitroast you..." I pointed towards my mouth and my ass at the same time to indicate what I meant, though I am sure he knew.

He looked at me. "Please, please tell me that you didn't..."

"Just imagine Boy, you tied down and helpless as they gangrape you over and over again... what a lovely sight that would be..."

His eyes were pleading with me. He raise his powerful left arm and put it on my shoulder, gripping it tightly. It felt amazing. part of me almost wanted to surrender to him and let him dominate me. Almost...

"You didn't take them up on it did you Sir, please tell me you didn't, I couldn't, I couldn't take that..."

He looked terrified, at odds with his huge physical size.

I stood back and stepped out of the cell, closing the door behind me. The door locked automatically.

"Your tongue on my ass or I'll give them the go-ahead." I taunted.

"Fuck! I mean, FUCK! SIR...!"

"They can be here in an hour, Boy, and they have a taser to subdue you so they can get you all nicely trussed up and that ass exposed... maybe I'll let them do it for free..."

"You wanker! CUNT!" Frank was raising his voice now, moving towards the cell bars and grabbing them and trying to either bend them apart or pull them out of the wall.

I pulled my phone out of my pocket.

"What'll it be, Frankie Boy?"

I got no response at first, and then --

"Yes... Sir."

I smiled at him, enjoying my position of dominance and his of submission, humiliation and surrender.

A few minutes later, he was lying on his back on the rubber mat. I had placed a rimseat above his head and had secured his wrist cuffs to it, and had then tied ropes around his meaty, sexy thighs and had pulled them apart tying them to rings in the floor at each side of the mat. This exposed his crotch - and the ever-growing damp patch on his jockstrap.

I picked up a long-handled riding crop and ran it gently over the inside of each thigh in turn, working my way slowly up until the leather swat rubbed over his balls. I carefully moved it back and forth as he began to struggle to get free.

"Now, Boy, I want a nice rimjob from you, that big furry moustache tickling my ass as you lick my hole with your tongue. If you don't... you'll get this!"

I swatted him on the balls, quite lightly but for effect, and he yelped. His lower legs kicked up and down, unsecured, as he fought to deal with the pain in his groin. I am sure the cock-cage didn't help him either.

"If you do a good job, Boy, then I'll untie you and cook you a nice juicy steak. Fail... and not only will your balls take the punishment, then I'll call that group of men and they can come here and find you all strapped down... they might not have nice clean asses like me Boy, they might even want to shit in your mouth..."

"Sir, please..."

I straddled his chest and then gently, carefully, and slowly, lowered myself down onto the rimseat. The springs creaked as the seat took my weight, and I saw Frank struggle beneath me as my asscrack now exposed itself to him, inches away from his face.

"Oh fuck..." I heard him gasp, as I felt the tip of his nose rub against the flesh of my buttocks.

I lowered myself down further, allowing my weight to force the rimseat down.

And then, I felt the hairs of his moustache against the inner sides of my asscrack.

Still lower, till the seat held me in place above his face.

And his lips on my hole.

"Get stuck in, ass kisser!" I joked, as I raised the crop and tapped at his balls with the leather swat.

I took him a second or two to decide what to do, and then I felt the gentlest of kisses and his hot breath at my rear. I wiggled my ass in appreciation.

"Get that tongue going, Boy!" I ordered, then swatted his balls, this time a bit harder.

I heard a muffled yelp as his cry of pain was silenced by my asshole now sitting directly onto his face.

I swatted him again, and he made the same sound. His legs kicked up and down as I then felt his tongue very gingerly lapping at my puckered hole. It felt wonderful; not that it was the best rimjob I had ever had, but having this big powerful man surrendering and degrading himself in such a humiliating way, it made this that more powerful and sensual.

His tongue darted back and forth lightly over my hole, then as he realised that it didn't taste that bad, Frank made a bit more of an effort. I ground my ass against his face as I swatted once more.

This time, I heard just a faint murmur, but at least his tongue-work was getting better, no doubt spurred on by the punishment his balls were taking. He probed at my hole with his tongue, going round and round in small circles, until finally it succumbed to the sensations and let his tongue in.

Frank grunted and moaned a couple of times as he tongue-fucked me, and I returned the favour by rubbing the crop over his aching balls to soothe my earlier punishments.

Watching the video earlier on upstairs and then forcing Frank to rim me was making my cock drool in excitement. It bobbed in the air and a large glob of precum dripped off the end slowly, until its weight caused it to fall off and land on his chest.

I lifted myself off the rimseat and looked down at Frank, who looked up at me, his red face covered in his own saliva.

"Sir?" he asked, wondering what was going to happen next.

"You OK Boy? Enjoying it...?" I asked.

"No! It's fucking rank..." then, as an afterthought, "Sir..."

I sniggered at him as I lowered myself back down, feeling again his hot breath flowing over the crack of my arse.

I continued to grind my hips against his face, enjoying the sensation I was receiving as he licked and kissed at my butt, using the riding crop to swat at his balls every time I felt he wasn't putting the effort in. Like I said, it wasn't the best rimjob I had ever received, but the fact of who it was doing it and the fact they didn't want to made it all the more enjoyable for me.

I so wanted to fuck Frank's big old ass again, or maybe have him blow me afterwards, but I was loving this too much. I took a hard swat at his balls and he yelped loudly, and I took the opportunity to really push my ass down onto his face.

"Get that tongue in there, faggot, I'm gonna wank off over your chest whilst you pleasure me..."

I felt his tongue once again softly penetrate my asshole, somewhat reluctantly, and dropped the riding crop to the floor. I bent forward slightly, using my left hand to grope at Frank's hairy barrel chest as I stroked my rock-hard and throbbing cock up and down.

Precum flew from the end, landing on his chest and my left arm, as I looked down at this helpless strong man, my captured wrestler blackmailed into being my weekend fucktoy, struggling underneath me...

That was all it took.

My balls tightened and I screamed as my cock erupted with a thick load, spraying through my fingers and out onto Frank's chest and the top of his belly. I tried to force my ass down as far as I could to impale my hole on his tongue, as the pleasure overwhelmed me.

"FFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCCCKKK!" I shouted as loud as I could. "You fucker! Fuckin' asslicking bear! You... you... my... VERY GOOD BOY!"

I continued to stroke my dick as my balls emptied for the 3rd time that day. Something about this man was putting my balls on overtime to produce as much spunk as they could!

After a minute or two, I lifted myself once more off Frank's face, looking back down at him. He looked much the same as he had before, red and covered in his own spit.

"VERY GOOD BOY!" I repeated, carefully clambering off him and walking towards a locker which contained towels. I took one out and wiped the sweat from my body, then rubbed it against my ass to wipe all the remnants of Frank's spit from it. I then threw this in a washbin and grabbed a second towel, which I placed on Frank's belly.

He tried not to avoid eye contact with me, ashamed of what he had done.

"Bastard." he said, then began to cough as he fought to get the taste of my ass from his tongue.

I undid his restraints, first the ropes around his thighs, then the wrist cuffs from the rimseat, which I picked up and placed on his left side.

"Now, ready for the main course, Boy?"

"Wanker." came the response.

He would pay for his insolence later on... but right now, I was hungry.


Next: Chapter 6

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