Wrestler on the Ropes


Published on Jan 20, 2022


Wrestler On The Ropes


I led Frank by the leash down into my cellar. The one that I had converted half of into a dungeon.

[Well, that's not quite true ... a very capable sub (who was also a very capable builder) did all the conversion work for me, fitting everything out just as I wanted. Of course, he was the first to make good hard use of it; eager and very willing to do whatever I wanted.

I kept him there for two weeks... as a `reward'.]

As I opened the thick sturdy door into the dungeon and turned on the light at the switch, I heard a gasp as the room was subtly illuminated, and Frank realised what was in there:

  • The leather-covered fuck bench.

  • The rubber mattress with built-in restraints at each corner.

  • The manacles hanging from the ceiling.

  • The walls decorated with ropes, gags, belts and tools all hanging tidily from hooks.

  • The two long tables with various sex toys laid out all neatly on them.

  • The jail cell at the far end; a simple bed built into the wall on one side, and on the other a private area with a toilet and a large shower using the same fittings as I had upstairs. The builder had spent most of those two weeks in here, locked safely away, allowed out just to provide me with pleasure. It had a TV so that any prisoners wouldn't be bored shitless, and it was fitted with a safety timer device so that if I somehow couldn't feed or free my `guest', it would auto-unlock after a couple of days.

"Oh fuck..." said Frank as his jaw fell open, gazing at the open cell door.

I laughed at him. "Fuck me about today, Boy, and you get to spend the night in here instead of in my nice comfy big bed."


I raised my eyebrows as I stared at him.

"Is that how you should be addressing me, Boy?"

Frank raised a hand to his head and scratched his temple.

"I mean, sorry, Sir."

"Good Boy. Now, see the rubber mat on the floor?" I pointed to a spot about 15 feet away.

"Yes Sir?" Frank replied.

"Go get on it, on all fours."

He looked at me, was about to say something, then cleared his throat and walked towards the mat. When he reached it he knelt down on one knee then got onto his hands and knees as I had instructed him to.

"Like this, Sir?" he asked.

I walked up to him and he raised his head towards me.

"Just like that. You are an obedient fucker aren't you?" I joked.

He reluctantly nodded his head then I heard him take a deep breath.

The mat itself was about 6 foot long by 3 foot wide, black and rubberised; just the thing for someone to comfortably sit, kneel or lie on for long periods - and of course it was very easy to wipe down should it get messy. All around the perimeter, bolted to the concrete floor of the dungeon, were cast-iron rings for securing them as I saw fit.

I told Frank to move towards the top part of the mat, so he shifted himself forward just slightly. I used two small lengths of white rope to tie the rings on his wrist cuffs to the rings at the top corners of the mat, then took the leash attached to his collar and pulled it through a ring at the very centre top of the mat. I pulled hard on the leash, forcing him to bend his arms until his forearms and elbows rested on the mat, then tugged even further, pulling his neck down until it was no more than six inches from the floor.

He grunted as I tied the leash securely in place.

"Good Boy, nearly ready..."

"Um... are you going to... fuck me, Sir? Again?" he asked.

I walked around behind him, gazing once more at his beautiful big rump.

"Oh, I am very tempted Boy, very..." I picked up some more short lengths of rope and knelt down behind him. "But not just yet..."

I looked straight ahead at his ass, framed in the straps of the jock.

"Fuck me, though, Frank... I want to... but I will control myself."

"Um... Sir, what are you going to do, Sir?" He asked, trying to crane his head over his shoulder and look up from his position.

"Wait and see, Boy, wait and see."

"Yes, Sir." He responded with a cautious sigh.

I threaded the ropes through the rings at the bottom corners of the mat and then pulled them through the rings on the cuffs around his ankles.

"Spread your legs, Boy." I ordered.

Frank spread his legs.


He coughed and moved his legs further apart.

"Wider..." I repeated.

He shifted his legs even further apart.

"Keep going, Boy, wider..."

He grunted and mumbled something under his breath, but did as he was told. His legs were now about 2 feet apart, probably as far as he could stretch.

I knotted the ropes between the floor rings and the ankle cuffs, securing him in position, then finally took two final pieces of rope and wrapped each around his knees, tying them to the nearest floor ring.

He was now immobile, tied down on the mat, his head forced down towards the floor and his ass up in the air, his mighty muscular thighs spread wide, exposing his asscrack and his asshole.

Just as I wanted him.

I slapped him on the ass and the sound echoed around the room.

"Perfect, Boy. I just need to get a few things set up and then..." I tailed off.

"What Sir?" He asked. "What are you going to do to me?"

"Just be patient, Boy, you'll find out soon enough."

Another grumble.

I went to the corner of the room and brought in a digital video camera, which I positioned behind him facing his exposed rear end. I connected this up to a laptop on the table, then picked up an iPad tablet which I connected via Wifi to the laptop. I placed this on the floor in front of his head, directly in his view, then returned to the laptop.

I logged on to a website and set things up. The iPad screen in front of Frank's face flickered as the screen display showed a chatbar on one side with a red box at the bottom. And his rear end displayed in HD on the other.

"Fuck! Sir!" he exclaimed, trying to get free. He still had no idea what I had planned, but I was about to enlighten him.

I knelt down next to his head and he looked up at me. "Sir, what the fuck? What's going on?"

He looked really worried.

"The show starts in 3 minutes, Boy. I hope you are ready..."

I pressed a button on the iPad and a clock started ticking.

"Sir... please, what's going on?"

"In 3 minutes you will be connected to a very select group of men, who have all subscribed to my website. They will be able to look at your big beefy ass, look at your furry asscrack and your tight puckered asshole, and enjoy the view whilst they imagine fucking it."

"Oh my God.."

"Now, they will never get to fuck it, it's mine to enjoy and mine alone, but they can certainly imagine it whilst they wank themselves off..."

"Sir, please... I..."

"Shut up, Boy, you need to know the rules. They don't know it's you, and they won't know it's you, they just get to enjoy seeing your ass. Now, see the red box on the iPad screen?"

Frank looked down and then back up at me, nodding his head.

"The men will make requests to you which will appear in the chatbar... maybe they ask you to wiggle your ass, maybe they ask you to clench your asshole, maybe they ask you to speak and tell them how much you enjoy cock... oh yeah, the microphone is on so they will hear you... they might want to hear you beg to be fucked..."

"Sir, please, have mercy... please..."

"Not long now, Boy, 2 minutes left and then it's showtime... you are used to being the centre of attention in your wrestling matches, so it's nothing new to you, is it...?" I teased.

"You fucker, Sir!"

I laughed at him as I patted him on the head like a new puppy.

"Each request they have to pay for... the monies will show in the red box on the screen... you've got 60 minutes to raise 100 grand, cos if you haven't by then, the camera on the iPad will switch on and they get to see your face..."

"FUCKER!" He spat at me.

I laughed at him again.

"If you fail to do what they ask, they can press a button and it will reduce the total each time... so it's in your best interests to put on a good show..."

"Wanker!" He shouted. "You fuckin' bastard"! If I get free I'll break your neck!" He threatened.

"You won't get free Boy, and if you don't cooperate then the iPad camera goes on right now. Got it?"

He looked blankly at me. I reached down towards the iPad and held my finger above a small button on screen.

"Want to fuck with me, Frankie Boy? Or obey me?"

He grunted and mumbled under his breath.

Then nodded his head slowly.

"I'll obey you, Sir."

"Good Boy." I stood up and walked towards the dungeon exit. "Nearly time for the show, so enjoy yourself, faggot..."

And with that I closed the door behind me and went upstairs.

After about 40 minutes I picked up my iPad that I had upstairs, connecting it to the laptop running downstairs. Frank's rear end appeared on screen, his big strong thighs gleaming in the lights of the dungeon. He was clenching his buttocks and wiggling his ass suggestively from side to side as best he could, and I could hear him saying `please fuck me... fuck my big fat ass... please...'.

The total was up to 78 grand. Not bad for 40 minutes' work, I thought.

I waited the full hour before I went back into the dungeon.

"You fucker, you wanking fucking cunt!" Shouted Frank across the room.

"Did they see you, Boy?" I asked, kneeling down next to him and glancing down at the iPad. The screen showed he had made 123 grand.

"Well done! I'm proud of you, Boy."

"You fucking..."

"You did a grand job, Boy, all that money is yours, you earned it. I'll make a transfer into your account later on today. You'll be pleased to know that I gave the viewers a target too to reach, but theirs was higher than yours and I didn't tell them what it was... so your secret is safe, they have all enjoyed seeing your ass but have no idea who it belongs to."

"... Are you sure they didn't see me, Sir?" Frank asked, lowering his voice. "I... I don't know what I would do if they knew it was me..."

"I promise, Boy."

Of course, I had recorded the show for my own personal use... but he didn't need to know that.


"Time for lunch, Boy." I got up and walked in front of him, and he craned his neck up to see what I was doing.

I picked up a chair and placed it on the floor in front of him, then walked back to the open doorway of the dungeon, picking up a large plate with two ham sandwiches on. I returned back to the chair, sitting down and making myself comfortable, then threw one onto the floor.

I had put on a new set of Caterpillar boots just for this moment.

I stood on the sandwich on the floor, grinding it into mush under the rubber treads, then placed that boot in front of Frank's face.

"Eat up, Boy."

"What? What the fuck?" he responded.

"Eat your lunch, Boy."

"I'm not doing that, you fucking bastard."

"Again with the disrespect, Boy. I am disappointed. I may have to discipline you again."

"Fucking asshole..."

"You either eat your food off the sole of my boot, Boy, or you get nothing to eat for the rest of the day." I waggled my foot in front of him. "And we can spend the afternoon with my fist buried in your ass and the camera on so the whole world can see you squirm...!"

"You fucker! You... you fucking wouldn't... please..."

I held up one arm with my fist clenched.

"Gonna be a Good Boy and eat your food?"

"Bastard." he grumbled.

"Sir..." he remembered, sticking out his tongue and making contact with he mashed up sandwich stuck on the sole of my boot.

"Good Boy..." I teased, tucking into my lunch as he enjoyed eating his.

After we had finished eating - and he had licked every last morsel of food from my boot sole - I untied Frank and helped him unsteadily to his feet. All the anger from his earlier outburst seemed to have gone. He knew better than to disobey, if he was going to get out of this situation without being back at square one. I reckon he also guessed I may use the video of his ass as some sort of blackmail material.

He rubbed at his neck where the collar had been causing some discomfort.

I pointed to a spot on the floor underneath a thick chain hanging from the ceiling.

"Stand there, boy."

Frank grumbled under his breath but walked towards the location as I had directed.

"Reach up Boy." I said, directing his gaze up to the chain whilst I picked up two padlocks from one of the tables.

Frank did as he was told, resigned to whatever I had planned for him now.

I locked the two wrist cuffs together using one of the padlocks, and then connected the chain onto the cuffs using the second padlock; I then stood back and admired my handiwork.

"Spread your legs, Frank."

Again, Frank did as he was told.

I picked up two short lengths of chain and four padlocks; I used one on each ankle cuff, securing them to two more rings bolted into the floor.

"Magnificent, Frank, you truly are a sexy fucking bastard." I said, placing a hand onto his furry chest. He tried to move backwards, but the chains held him in place, clanking as he shifted.

Frank mumbled something.

"What was that, Boy?" I asked. "Tell me."


I slapped his chest, leaving a slightly pink mark where my hand had made contact. I relished how solid it felt.

"Tell me."

"You're a fucking pervert. SIR!" came the response. It was deliciously sarcastic. I loved the rebelliousness of my captive wrestler. I saw him grimace just as he finished the sentence.

"I take it your cock is trying to get hard, isn't it, Boy?" I reached down and cupped his balls in the jockstrap, rolling them ever so gently between my fingers.

He grimaced again.

"Sir.. please, no... please don't..." he pleaded.

"Tell me, Boy, tell me..." I teased.

"Yes! Yes Sir, my cock is trying to get hard. Please SIR, please STOP!" His voice was getting higher with frustration, humiliation and discomfort.

"Did your cock try to get hard as you showed off your ass to those perverts Boy?"

I tickled his scrotum.

"... Ummm... yes...yes Sir... ahhh..."

I let go of his balls and placed both hands onto his belly, feeling the round solid mass contract and expand with each breath.

"You fucking pervert, Boy..." I jested.

Moving my hands upwards, I felt up his beefy barrel chest, moving each hand in a circular motion until they came to cover his nipples.

I moved my hands away and he gasped, until I then placed each nipple between my thumb and forefinger, very gently rubbing and squeezing at them.

Frank gasped again, biting at his lower lip as I excited them, the two teats becoming engorged and sensitive as I tormented my man. By now, I had moved closer to him, my legs straddling one of his meaty solid thighs, rubbing my crotch against them.

He tried everything to avoid my gaze, ashamed at the way I was making him feel, turned on by another man, helpless as I taunted him.

"Oh Frank, these titties are just beautiful... might need to clamp them later, but first..."

"No!" he cried out, as I dropped my left hand down and proceeded to torment his balls again using the same treatment as before.

"Yes, Boy, you just enjoy what I do to you..."

"NO... please Sir..."

I could see his eyes watering as he tried -- and failed -- to prevent his cock from stiffening, or at least trying to stiffen in it's metal cage.

"Pleasure and pain, all in one go, Boy..."

I moved my head down and stuck my tongue out, licking the sweat off his left breast as I ran my tongue over his stiff nipple as I tweaked the other one.

"Oh God, oh no... please... please... please Sir... oh Godohgodohgodohgod...owwww..."

The chains rattled as he tried to get free of my fingers and tongue. I lapped at the swollen teat like a cat licking up milk from a saucer.

Frank's moans and groans echoed throughout the room as I continued to taunt him. Occasionally I would pinch his nipple between my teeth, which at first caused a gasp of pain and shock, but on subsequent attempts I got low grunts.

The nipple got harder in response.

So I swapped hands and nipples, and worked the other one until that was rock hard.

By now, Frank was moaning almost unintelligibly, the sensory overload frying his brain as he tried to comprehend the sensations of pleasure and pain and reconcile them with the emotions of disgust, shame and embarrassment.

"Enjoying that, faggot?" I asked, flicking my tongue over his nipple.

"Oooohh... oh God, please... Sir... ohhhh..."

I withdrew my hands and placed a kiss on the middle of his chest, feeling his fur lightly scratch against my face.

"Gonna kiss me, Frankie Boy?" I asked.

"No Sir!" he pleaded, shaking his head. I knew he didn't want to, but I would taunt and tease him until he surrendered to me.

"How's your cock, Boy?" I said, pointing to his caged manhood. "Must be getting all nice and stiff... or at least trying to..."

"God... yes, yes... Sir, it's aching Sir, I can't stop it trying to get hard... ohhh..."

I laughed at him.

"Must be the fact I was turning you on. And the Viagra pill I dissolved in your tea this morning, making you so sensitive to all this stimulation..."

I rubbed my fingers ever so gently over one of his swollen nipples, barely touching the fleshy teat.

Frank gasped in response.

"Oh God, Sir... please, this is... torture..."

"Yeah, it is, Boy, if you want me to stop..." I rubbed my fingers again, this time over both nipples in unison. "I'll have to put clamps on them instead..."

He shook his head violently, his eyes widening at the thought. "No Sir, please don't stop...!

He stuck out his chest, desperately trying to get his now hyper-sensitive tits played with -- and avoid any clamps that I may have.

I pulled my fingers away from him and slapped his big belly with one hand. The sound echoed throughout the dungeon and I heard Frank sigh in desperation.

"How's about that kiss, Boy?" I asked.

He looked at me and shook his head.

"No, Sir, please..."

I ran a finger very gently between his nipples, so lightly it was barely touching the skin. I then bent down and blew on his left nipple.

Frank rolled his eyes back into his head and shifted his weight.

"Please... Sir... kiss me, Sir... I can't take this much more..." He was so easy to torment and get what I wanted from him.

"Good Boy." I replied as I moved forward and pressed my lips tightly against his, tasting the subtle hint of my own cum on his tongue from my earlier blowjob, as I forced my tongue into his mouth.

I reached around and behind him, the chains clanking as I pressed my stomach against his belly and my hands grabbed obscenely at his big beefy asscheeks, squeezing and kneading them as I deeply snogged him.

His moans were intoxicating -- and mixed with mine.

My cock was leaking badly, soaking the crotch of my jogging bottoms as I rubbed it against his powerful thigh.

I pulled my tongue out of his mouth to grab a mouthful of air - and that's when I heard him say:

"Please Sir... fuck me Sir... PLEASE!"

I smiled at him looking deep into his eyes.

"You slut..." I cried, relinquishing my hold on him. "You came here a big straight tough guy... and I have shown you your true place serving me..."

I walked around behind him towards the table, reaching over to pick up a rubber bitgag.

I saw him trying to peek over his shoulder to see what I was doing.

"Begging me to fuck you, Boy... you fucking pervert..." I taunted him as I moved in close behind him. The smell of sweat, trepidation, and fear emanated from his big heaving body. I took a deep inhalation of it.

"Sir, please, fuck me, I... I..." he paused a second. "Please fuck me Sir, make me cum... Sir, please... my balls are aching..."

I reached around his shoulders.

"Open your mouth, Boy." I said as I dangled the bitgag in front of him.

Frank did as he was told. He knew that I would keep up the torments if he failed to obey.

Or he might get the clamps on his tits...

I pulled the rubber mouthpiece in between his lips and fastened the two straps tightly behind his neck.

I came back round to look at him, chained, gagged, locked, humiliated, defeated and stimulated.

His mouth tried to close around the bitgag. Drool began to dribble down his chin.

"Pmmmmlllmmmsssseee Smmmmrrrr..." he mumbled.

"I stood there before him and removed my clothes. My cock bounced upwards, a dribble of precum falling from the piss slit.

"My big sexy Daddybear needs his ass fucked, doesn't he? He wants to cum sooo bad..."

Frank blushed, but nodded his head.

"My big sexy Daddybear wants Sir's dick riding his big chunky ass, doesn't he?"

He nodded his head again, trying not to make eye contact with me.

"My big sexy Daddybear wants Sir to spank him first cos he LOVES being spanked, doesn't he...?"


I repeated the question.

Still nothing.

"My big sexy Daddybear is going to be spanked or he gets clamps on his tits. And his balls...!"

His eyes widened again and the chains rattled as he tried to get away from me.

"Cos My Daddybear loves being spanked, doesn't he?" I put extra emphasis on the last two words.

Frank looked at me, nodded his head, and then looked down at the floor, embarrassed.

"Good Boy!" I exclaimed, walking to Frank's left hand side. I grabbed the leash and wrapped it around my left hand until I had a firm hold, pulling him slightly forward.

"Stick that ass out, Boy." I ordered.

Frank grunted yet stuck his ass out as best he could, restrained by the chains.

I reached down and rubbed my hands over his big ass, framed so beautifully in the jockstrap. The marks of earlier had begun to fade slightly, though the welts and some of the bruising remained, and would remain that way for a few days hopefully.

Frank moaned as I felt up his rump.

I moaned as I felt up his rump.

"Count the strokes, Frank... you know how to count, don't you?"

He turned his head towards me as if I had asked the most stupid question.

"Ohhhff cmmmssse I dmmm!" came the reply.

I slapped him on the ass.


I waved my finger at him like a teacher chastising a naughty schoolboy. "That's not how you count, Frank."

I slapped him again.

"Onnmmmme!" he shouted, his words distorted sexily by the bitgag.

"Nope!" I replied, rubbing my hand over his plump juicy backside.

I slapped him again, harder this time.

"Onnme! Smmmirr!"

"VERY GOOD BOY!" I exclaimed excitedly. "Now, you keep that up and I won't have to use the cane on your arse as a punishment for miscounting."

He stared down at the floor once more and huffed and puffed.

"Look at me, Boy." I ordered.

He turned his head once more towards me.

"Good Boy, now you keep looking into my eyes as I spank your butt. I want to see the humiliation in them before I decide to fuck you..."

"Cmmmmt!" came the reply. It made me laugh out loud.

I raised my hand and spanked him hard on the left asscheek.


"Ommmnne Smrr!" came the response. He had already had his first slap but hey, if he miscounted it was more fun for me...

"Good Boy"!


"Twmmm Smmmrr!"


"Tmmmreee Smmir!"


"Fmmorr Smnnrr!"


"Fmmmvvv Smmmr, fmmmv Smmmr!"


"Smmmxxx... smmmmx Smmmir!"

All the while, he was looking into my eyes, and I was looking at his. He looked so fucked off, grimacing every time my hand made contact with his fleshy buttock.

I knew his cock would be straining against the cage, dying to get hard.

I repeated the slaps, this time to his right buttcheek. His attempts at counting were becoming more unintelligible as his rear end became one large pink source of stinging pain.

My hand was also becoming pink through my efforts, so I finally rubbed my fingers gently over his sore rump. The skin had become extra-sensitive through the spanking to my touch, which made him moan and groan and wriggle as the pleasurable feeling swept through his body.

I moved around behind him and spat on my dick, rubbing it over the surface to mix with the precum leaking out of it.

I pulled on his leash as I aimed my dick at the lightly furred asscrack ahead of me. He stuck his ass out even further than before and shifted his weight. The muscles in his beefy thighs tensed up, glistening in the dim lighting of the dungeon.

I pushed forward with my hips until my cock pushed against his crack, which softly separated to allow me full access.

I felt the small hairs along his asscrack against my cockhead as I rubbed it up and down, coating it with my fuckslime.

The chains rattled loudly as Frank prepared himself for what was to come.

I located his hole, his bruised hole that he was displaying earlier on camera, and I aimed my cock straight towards it.

I heard Frank gulp loudly.

I grabbed his hips and impaled his ass on my cock.

"MMMMMMMMFFFFFFFF!" came the cry, like a wounded animal, as I speared his fuckshute on my invading rod.

"Oh fucccckkkkk!" I couldn't believe that it had barely loosened since last night's fuck. It was like fucking his virgin ass again! "Holy shit!"

I had barely pushed the head of my dick into his hole when he began to violently struggle and wriggle. Of course, the lack of lubricant and a sore well-fucked ass from last night was probably causing him some discomfort... but...


"Take it like the tough fucker you are, you bastard!" I shouted, grabbing his hips firmly and forcing my dick all the way in until my balls were almost rubbing against his.


I felt Frank clench his buttocks and his asshole to try and prevent my dick from penetrating him any further, but all that did was make it more exciting for me.

"FUCK YEAH BOY!" I cried out, like a cowboy on top of a bucking bronco, as his tight hole gripped firmly onto my cock and I bottomed out inside his rump.


I wrapped my arms around his waist, just underneath his big round belly, and fucked him with all the energy I could muster. My cock seemed to grow larger inside him, if such a thing was possible. I felt the heat from the spanking against my groin while I pounded away, sweat dripping from both of us, heat radiating from both of our bodies, as I used Frank to relieve my perverted lust.

The sounds coming from Frank were a mixture of moans, groans, grunts, and unintelligible gibberish, mixed in with the sounds of the chains restraining him clanking and the sound of skin slapping against skin.

His grunts grew louder and louder still, growing faster and faster until he bellowed a huge bear-like roar; his asshole pulsed and clenched so tightly around my dick I thought it would snap it off, as his battered prostate made him cum.


I held on to him tightly, pushing my dick deep inside him as far as I could go.


I moved both hands up over his belly and found his nipples with my fingers, then pinched them hard.

His scream was louder than all the other noises put together and he began twisting and struggling to break free.


... Yet still his asshole squeezed down hard on my dick like a vice.

His head was shaking violently from side to side as the combination of pain and pleasure overwhelmed him, so I stopped for a second to allow him to calm down, and for me to catch my breath.

After all, he was still impaled on my cock and going nowhere...

Once the struggling had stopped and his cries and groans of ecstasy had become grumbles and satisfied moans, I slid my cock almost all the way out of his ass.

Frank began to whimper like a puppy who had his favourite toy taken away.

So I grabbed his chest firmly with both my hands, hard enough to leave marks, and slammed my cock deep back inside of him.

The growl that came from Frank was mindblowing - a mixture of a snarl, a grunt, a roar -- either I was severely injuring him or he was in heaven:


It was so loud I thought for a second to stop what I was doing and check on his welfare - until he pushed his ass right back onto me to get as much of my cock inside him as possible.

At this point, my cries almost matched his -- I couldn't believe the sensation as his hole gripped firmly onto my dick and his furry asscheeks rubbed against my groin.

"FMMMMCCCKKK! FKKKKKMMMMMMRRRREEEE SMMMMMRRRR!" came from behind the bitgag in his mouth.

"FUCK! FUCK YEAH!" I responded, sliding my cock in and out and increasing the speed of my strokes. "YEAH BOY, RIDE THAT FUCKER!"

I felt my balls tighten as my orgasm drew near. I wanted to fuck Frank all day, hearing his grunts of pleasure, pain and lust, and feeling his big beefy body against mine as he rode me, desperate for the orgasms that he knew he would only get by being buttfucked.

But the sensations were too good to ignore, so I greedily rammed my dick in and out of his arse as he began to struggle and wriggle again.

His moans got louder and louder, as did mine.

I tried to hold back, selfishly relishing the pleasure I was experiencing, the room filled with the sounds of hot merciless fucking, until my balls could take it no longer.

I violently forced my cock into Frank's fuckchute as far as I could shove it, just at the point that he came again and his asshole squeezed down on my dick.

"MWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWNNNNNNN!" he screamed into the bitgag.

"FFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCCCCCCCCCCKKKKK!" I screamed as I came, volley after volley of thick hot spunk shooting deep into his guts, my dick spasming uncontrollably as my balls emptied. I bit not his shoulder, almost drawing blood, as the pleasure excited and overwhelmed me. I had to hold onto him for fear of collapsing on the floor.


I kept my dick buried inside him until the pulsing had stopped and my skin began to tingle all over.

I couldn't say a word, lost inside the best orgasm I had ever experienced, savouring the moment, my captive Daddybear sex slave unconsciously milking every last drop of fuckjuice from me as he too came down from the massive adrenalin and endorphin high.

We stayed like that for sometime, the room almost quiet now save for the occasional subtle rattle of chains, our heavy breathing, and the soft moans of bliss between us.

Eventually though, I pulled my dick out of his ass and moved backwards. I was expecting to see a destroyed asshole, but nothing could be further from the truth. It had started to leak cum though, so I grabbed a buttplug off the table and shoved it unceremoniously in his ass to hold my precious semen inside him.

"GGRRRRRRRRRRRRMMMM!" he said as the plug invaded his ass.

I slapped him on his butt and told him to take it like a man, shoving it in rudely until it was firmly seated and the leaking had stopped.

I moved around in front of him and stood facing Frank, who was still trying to catch his breath. His body was covered in sweat (as was mine) and it glistened in the subtle lighting of the dungeon. His face was pink and hot, as was his chest.

His nipples looked rock hard.

"Did... did you enjoy that, Frankie Boy?" I said.

He looked up at me and I could have sworn I saw a smile at the corner of his lips from behind the bitgag.

"MMMYYYYSSSS... Mmmmyyyesss Smmrrr... Myyyssss..."

He nodded his head as he blushed.


"You fucking slut!"


Next: Chapter 5

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