Wrestler on the Ropes


Published on Jan 7, 2022


Wrestler On The Ropes


Frank took a deep breath, glaring at my cock standing upright in front of him. A bead of precum formed at my piss-slit and dripped down over my cockhead.

"Don't just stare at it Boy - suck my dick, or you get another 12 strokes of my riding crop on your arse."

He moved forward just slightly, obviously disgusted by what I was asking him do.

His cock was still hard in his trunks, jutting out embarrassingly.

"As it's your first time, Frankie Boy, I won't expect a first-class suck... but remember what the penalty is if you don't make me cum..."

He moved closer, looking up at me. I could see the shame, anger and disgust in his eyes as he opened his mouth and stuck his tongue out. I could have almost shot over his face just then at the sight.

He moved closer still, his hot breath now on the skin of my cock. It felt incredible.

"Do you want another 12 Boy?" I asked, smacking the crop against the chair for emphasis.

"No SIR!" he shouted, still hesitant at what I was demanding of him.

He closed his eyes and stuck his tongue out again.

"Look at me, Boy, I want to see the look in your eyes as you take my dick down your throat!"

He opened his eyes and glared at me. He looked pissed off.

But his mouth remained open and his tongue was stuck out. He hadn't even noticed that the drop of precum had fallen from my cock onto it.

"Lick the head, Frank, lick my cockhead like a good Boy..."

I saw him swallow hard.

"5... 4..." I picked up the crop and swished it through the air so he would hear the noise.

"...3... 2..."

He moved forward and his tongue made contact with the underside of my dick. Almost immediately he pulled away.

"Get back on there, faggot!" I demanded.

He sat back for a second. I could see the look of pleading in his eyes.

"Yes Sir..." he replied, so quietly that I almost didn't register it.

He reached forward and ran his tongue over my cockhead, which twitched in response. His tongue felt amazing.

I swished the crop once more for emphasis.

He licked it again, as if he was tasting an ice-cream.

"Oh yeah, Frankie Boy, keep that up and maybe I'll do the same to you..." I teased.

That made him lick it from lower down, all the way up my throbbing shaft and up over my piss-slit, which dripped precum onto his tongue in reply.

"Fuck..." I gasped, as he suddenly placed his hot mouth over the head of my cock.

"Holy fuck!" I shouted as he leant forward and took a good 4 inches in all at once, spluttering and choking as he continued to try and get as much of my dick in his mouth as possible.

Normally I would have said `easy Boy, take your time, make love to it with your tongue,' something like that -- but this felt so good that I couldn't give a fuck if he was choking. My sex-slave wrestler was gorging on my cock like he was trying to hoover it off my groin!

"GOOD BOY!" I said, placing my hands on his head and forcing him further down onto my fucktube.

That made him choke and cough around my dick, but I suddenly realised that my selfishness could mean he might bite down on it if he felt uncomfortable, so I let go and he pulled his head back, spittle dribbling from his mouth and trailing from my cock, as he coughed his head off, trying to get some air.

"Fuck Boy, take your time, no need to kill yourself..."

"Yes... yes...uhhh. SIR!" He looked up at me. "Was that... was that OK, Sir?" he asked, embarrassed.

"Very good, Boy, but I don't want to feel your teeth so go gentle... I'm not going anywhere and neither are you. Learn to enjoy sucking your Master's cock, and think of what it will feel like if I do the same to you as a reward..."

He paused a second as that sunk in -- the thought of me sucking him off. The damp patch on the front of his trunks was getting larger.

He leant forward again and licked at my engorged prick, which bounced up and down as his tongue explored it's outer surface.

Damn, I thought, maybe the big fucker would get his cock sucked as a reward if he carried on like this!

I stroked his bald head with my left hand, gently pushing him onto my cock, as I reached forward and rubbed the tip of the riding crop over the top of his buttocks. He clenched his hands into fists.

"Aren't you a lucky Boy, having such a nice cock to suck?" I asked.

"Yeth... mmmSir..." came the response, as he licked all the way from the base to the tip, then took my cockhead in his mouth, closing his lips around it.

And then, he did something amazing; whilst forming a tight grip with his lips, his tongue darted over the sensitive glans.

"HOLY FUCK!" I shouted, "for someone who's... oh...fuck... who's never sucked a dick before, you're a... a fucking natural!"

He continued doing that for a moment or so, then slowly leant forward and took more of my dick into his mouth.

I kicked off my trainer and stuck my left foot into his crotch, rubbing my toes over his hardness to reward his efforts.

He moaned around my cock as he blushed.

I moaned in response and pushed him further onto my dick, enjoying the warm, wet sensation and his soft tongue as he pleasure me with his mouth.

I continued to tease his dick with my foot as I rubbed my hand over his bald head, feeling the sweat building up as he worked hard.

And then, suddenly, I felt his nose bury itself in my pubes as he took all of my cock down his throat.

"FUCKING FUCK!" I cried. I owned this fucker.

He began to splutter and choke once more, going bright red as he tried to make me cum, then pulled back and off my cock, gasping as he gulped in a big mouthful of air.

"Enjoying yourself, Boy?" I asked.

Frank coughed a few times, trying to get his breath.

"...Ummm... Sir, yes SIR!" he exclaimed.

I whipped the crop down on his back a few times, the crop leaving red marks as he cried out, yet he stayed in position.

"Suck me dry, daddybear, I want to cum in that subby mouth of yours so bad..."

"SIR!" he repeated. I couldn't tell if this was for my benefit, or if he was actually enjoying it.

But he once again went down on my dick, not as far this time, but using a combination of his tongue and his lips to please me. I rubbed my foot over his crotch again and he moaned.

I could feel the pleasure building in my balls. I was close, very close... I considered giving him another 12 strokes of the crop on his ass as an incentive -- for him... but mainly for me...

And then he stopped sucking as he emitted a massive groan.

I felt dampness through my socks -- as he shot his load in his trunks. He shook as the pleasure overwhelmed him.

I rubbed at his head as he closed his eyes and blushed, then pulled him off my dick. He shuddered as the cum began to seep through the Lycra material and his orgasm began to subside.

"Well Boy, I wasn't expecting that response, and neither were you!"

"... ummm... uhhh. Sir, Sir, I... I don't... Sir, thank you..." he replied.

"I had plans to make you cum by my own hand Boy, so you will have to be punished for cumming without asking..."

"Ummm... yes, yes Sir..." he looked down at the floor, embarrassed by what had happened and resigned to his fate.

"Well? You'll get even more if you don't get back working on my cock and sucking me dry, bitch..." I warned.

He looked up at me and then realised what he should be doing.

"Sorry Sir!"

He bent forward and took my cock back in his mouth, slurping on it like an ice-pole.

I leant back in the chair, waves of pleasure spreading from my groin throughout my body as my sex-slave wrestler sucked on my dick. He alternated the mouthwork with his tongue with deep, slow, sensual sucks and occasional deepthroat sucks that blew my mind and made him choke.

I noticed that his cock was getting stiff again in his trunks as he pleasured me...

The sounds of slurping, sucking and moaning filled the room as my captive licked and sucked on my fuckmeat, my balls tightening up as my own orgasm now drew near.

I placed both my hands on Frank's head, pushing him up and down on my dick as I stared down at his beefy heavyweight body, the muscles in his neck, shoulders and arms, his wrists bound behind his back, the red welts from the crop contrasting against his skin...

...and his two big round buttocks in his tight wrestling trunks, out of my reach but enticing me with their sexiness... that was all it took to send me over the edge.

I forced Frank's head down onto my cock to the base, and he began to choke once more, as my balls overloaded and I came down his throat - volley after volley of thick spunk spewing down into his guts. He coughed and spluttered, spit and spunk dribbling out of his mouth and coating his cheeks, chin and moustache as I allowed him to pull back slightly and taste my fuckjuice as it leaked onto his tongue.

I could see he had his eyes closed as he tried to swallow as much as he could in order to please me. He kept his mouth on my cock, swallowing and coughing as my balls emptied into his mouth.

Finally, I let go of his head and he pulled back, taking advantage to catch his breath. My cock bobbed before him, still hard, leaking cum from the piss-slit down one side.

I could see Frank's eyes were watering.

"Good Boy, very good, that was first-class sucking, Frankie Boy..." I pointed at my dick. "Now clean it up Boy, get it nice and tidy for your Master..."

He coughed once more. "Yes, yes Sir..."

Then he leaned forward and licked the dribbling cum from the side of my cock, making sure he was maintaining eye contact with me. He continued to lick at me until I was satisfied he had done a good job. He had my spunk dribbling down his chin.

"Well done, Good Boy." I patted him on the head as if he was a dog who had performed a trick.

"Thank you Sir." he replied, somewhat sarcastically, the taste of my sperm still on his tongue.

I stood up and walked to the desk where I had a pair of scissors. I came back and knelt down next to Frank, pulling at one side of his trunks.

He looked down to see what I was doing, concerned about what I planned to do with the scissors.

I put the blades underneath the Lycra material.

"Relax, big guy, going to take these off you as you made a mess..." I snipped down one side until they were free, then repeated the motion on the other side.

"Such a shame to cut them off you, Boy, I had planned on keeping them intact as a souvenir... but still...needs must..."

"Sir?" asked Frank, wondering what I had planned as I pulled on the front waistband and the trunks came away from his groin and ass. The crotch was soaked with his cum.

I held them up in front of him.

"Open up, Boy, I want these cleaned too." I ordered.

Frank looked at me.

"I'm sorry Sir, but I'm not doing that..." he replied.

"Final answer?" I asked.

"Yep. I'm not doing that," and then he added "Sir." almost as an afterthought.

I picked up the crop and stepped behind him.

"Punishment for refusal, punishment for cumming without permission... your arse is going to be blistered by the time I'm finished with you, Frank..."

He went to stand up but I pushed him back down onto his knees.

"Fucking stay there and take it like a man!"

"Sir, please...!" he begged.

I looked down at his big beefy ass, those two juicy plump buttocks showing slight bruising from last night and then angry red marks and welts from the riding crop this morning. My cock began to get hard again at the thought of adding more marks to it.

"Final chance, Boy... suck your spunk out of your trunks and I'll go easy on you..."

I dropped the riding crop on the floor, then got close behind him and got him in a headlock. He did struggle (a lot!) to try and get free and had he not been tied up, he would have easily overpowered me. I grabbed the trunks and pushed them onto his lips, cutting off his air supply until he opened his mouth and I pushed the cum-soaked material in, far enough that he wouldn't be able to spit it out or push it out with his tongue.

I let go of his head and stood back as he shook his head, trying to dislodge the material from his mouth, the vast majority of the trunks flying around his face. I grabbed onto the two loose ends and pulled the material behind his head, tying them together in a double knot so he was now gagged with them.

I stood back again, admiring my handiwork, as he coughed and spluttered once again, this time the taste of his own cum on his tongue.

"Like that, Boy? Do you prefer the taste of your own spunk or mine?" I held him by the chin and he looked up at me.


"So you prefer mine then Boy? That's good, cos you won't be allowed to empty those big bollocks for the rest of the time here... only my cum for my sexy heavyweight wrestler to savour..."


I picked up the crop once again and tapped Frank's ass. He jolted in response.

"Bend over, stick out that ass, and take the punishment..."

Frank huffed and puffed... but he bent over and stuck out his ass.

I gave him a dozen hard strokes of the crop for cumming without permission; Frank screamed into the gag on each stroke, as I used the angry red marks from earlier as my target - and hitting it every time.

Each time he attempted to get up, he got further punishment strokes on his back. He hated these strokes more as there was less padding on his back to absorb the impact.

I then went and picked up my cane. He saw me coming and began to shake in fear.

"Don't you fucking dare move, Boy, or you'll get this on your back and chest..." I warned. I did wonder what his wife would make of the marks on his back and ass...

He took his strokes like a man, a dozen hard strokes over his buttocks, leaving thick welts of pain, Frank screaming once more as I punished his disobedience. He was sobbing by the end.

Once I had finished, I pulled him back upright and knelt down next to him, putting a hand on his shoulder and the other on his chest. His heart was pounding, he had tears falling down his cheeks, and his face was red.

"Are you going to disobey me again Boy?" I asked.

He shook his head.

"Good Boy."

I undid Frank's gag and pulled it from his mouth. He looked glad to be free of the foul-tasting material.

"Please Sir, my ass, it really hurts..." he pleaded.

"So it should, as a reminder of what happens when you refuse to obey me. Now, you can remain tied up kneeling there till I return..."

"...Um... Sir, are you going somewhere...?" he asked as I walked towards the door.

"None of your fucking business..." I replied. "One more thing, your sub dick had better be hard when I come back or you'll be in trouble!"

And with that I left the room. I didn't have any plans to go anywhere, I just wanted him to realise his situation and that he needed to respect me as his Master. I thought maybe an hour would be enough.

So I went into the kitchen, made myself a cup of tea and watched the TV for a while... until I was ready to play again...

I returned to the room to find Frank still knelt in position, wriggling a bit, presumably as his arms were aching from being tied behind his back for so long.

"Well Boy, did you obey my order... is that sub prick of your standing to attention like I asked?"

I walked towards him and he looked over his shoulder towards me.

"Uhhh. Yes, yes Sir..." said Frank, defeatedly.

He hung his head in shame as I peered over his left shoulder, glancing down to see his cock indeed fully erect; a thick strand of precum had dribbled from the head and hung in a thick clear drip towards the floor, not quite touching the ground. The sunlight was catching it and making it almost sparkle.

"How did you do that, Boy, without touching it? Have you been imagining sucking me off again, or getting fucked in the ass?" I sniggered.

I saw him blush, a deep shade of pink.

"I... I... I don't know Sir, I don't know why I keep getting hard..." he replied.

"You love being tied up, Frankie Boy, you love being on the receiving end of my dick, don't you?" I teased, gripping and kneading his shoulders with my hands.

"I... I really don't know Sir... I don't..."

I knelt down next to him and placed a small pot of cream on the floor beside his crotch. Using the trunks I wiped the precum off his dick, which twitched as I stroked it gently.

I saw Frank's eyes roll back in his head as my fingers teased him.

"I told you Boy that now you had cum without permission, you wouldn't be allowed to empty those balls whilst you are here, so don't you fucking dare shoot your load..."

"Sorted out Sir? What do you mean...?"

"Enough chit chat Boy, let me just do this and then you can get the rest of your gear off. I'll be keeping it for a souvenir, cut trunks and all..."

I took an ice pack and applied it firmly to his groin. Frank cried out as the cold sensation swept through his genitals.

"Don't fucking struggle, Boy, this is your punishment." I stated. "You need to learn that I decide when and how you cum."

Frank gulped as he tried to get used to the numbing sensation of the ice pack.

"I thought Sir, that the caning was my punishment...?"

"Well... this is too I suppose... don't question me or you'll get more of the cane..." I threatened.

"Sorry Sir, please... I really don't like the cane...!"

"Shut up."

After a short period, I removed the ice pack and Frank's erection had disappeared, leaving a soft and almost white short stub of a penis.

I put the ice pack down on the floor and picked up a small metal chastity cage, which I pushed his cock into, adjusting it till it was on properly. He grunted in discomfort as the blood started to flow back into his dick, but by now it was firmly encased in the metal cage, unable to get hard at all.

I closed the clasp on the side of the cage and locked it shut with the key.

"There, all done, Boy." I said as I leant back to take in the sight.

"Sir, it... I can't get hard, Sir... it... it..."

"I'm guessing that little prick of yours is trying to swell up, and as it does it's rubbing against those little barbs inside the cage."

"Oh, Sir, please... ouch...!" came the response.

"You won't be able to get hard with that on, and if you get too stimulated the barbs will make their presence felt..." I laughed. "As I imagine they are now..."

"Ow... ow... you... you fucker! Sir...!"

The only way you can cum now is if I take that off... which isn't going to happen... or by stimulation of the prostate gland..."

"Oh God..." Frank replied, working out what that meant.

"Yes Boy, I'll make you cum when I fuck you, like a bitch..."

Frank reached up to feel his now useless dick, safely locked out of use.

"Ohhh... owww... you really are a bastard... Sir."

"Yeah, I am aren't I? All the stimulation I'm going to be giving to you will be making you very horny, very desperate to cum, but you won't be able to..."

"Sir... that's... cruel... please, have mercy... please..." he begged.

I reached behind him to untie the cords binding his wrists together.

I helped him to his feet and ordered him to remove the rest of his wrestling gear, which I put together with his trunks, picking them up and taking them out of the room and leaving him there to rub at his aching wrists and stretch himself out.

I returned carrying some new clothing that I wanted him to wear.

He looked at me as I held up a black jockstrap.

"Put this on, Boy." I said.

"Um... yes Sir..." He took the jockstrap from me and pulled in on underneath his belly. His caged dick was slightly visible at the front. At the rear, I marvelled at the collection of welts on his ass, that I knew were probably causing him some discomfort, but turned me on nonetheless.

Once he had done that I showed him the leather wrist and ankles cuffs.

"Put them on, nice and securely -- not too tight but secure enough that they won't come off - and then padlock them once you have finished." I ordered.

He grunted his disapproval but did as he was told.

Finally, I held up the thick leather slave collar.

He reached out for it.

"No, Boy, I put this on you to reinforce what you are and who I am."

I walked behind him and fastened the collar tightly -- but not too tight, I didn't want him to choke -- around his thick muscular neck. I trailed the leash over his shoulder and walked back round to face him, looking him up and down.

"Goddamn, Frank, you look so fucking sexy."

Frank looked down at the floor.

"I feel fucking ridiculous, Sir. You are making me look like some sort of... I don't know what..."

"Just remember Frank, why you are here and why you are doing everything I ask. Don't forget, you are paying off your debt... to which I think you must have about 100 grand still to clear..."

"If I let you fuck me again Sir for 100 grand will you let me go home? Please?"

I laughed at him.

"Firstly, Boy, you aren't `letting me' fuck you, I am taking your ass when I want it. And your cocksucking mouth..."

His jaw fell open.

"Second, if you stay here with me, pleasing me until tomorrow night, the debt will be paid off in full. Leave before then and the debt goes back to 300 grand and you have been used and abused for nothing..."

"But Sir...!" he replied.

"And third, your ass ain't worth 100 grand!" I chuckled.

I was lying -- Frank's beautiful butt was worth way more than that, but I wanted to embarrass him.

He blushed, as if on cue.

"Now, do you understand me Frank? I fuck your ass, you suck my cock, you do whatever I want in the remaining time you have here, and that covers the 100 grand left on your bill. Failure to do anything I demand of you, and you get punished AND the debt goes back to 300 grand."

"Sir... yes Sir, I understand.." said Frank dejectedly. I had broken him and he was forced to submit. "I'll submit to you Sir..."

I smiled and my cock leaked at those last 5 words that he spoke.


Next: Chapter 4

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