Wrestler on the Ropes


Published on Dec 17, 2021


Wrestler On The Ropes PART TWO

Ten minutes later, Frank was lying on his back on my big Super-King-sized bed in the bedroom. I had tied his wrists with cord to the bedposts and had done the same with his ankles, so he was totally helpless. Of course, he hadn't wanted to be tied down, but when I told him it would be the only way he would get to cum tonight, he relented, somewhat reluctantly.

And of course, saying he would get 10 grand off the bill helped his decision making too... he did think about negotiating a higher price, but he knew it would get him nowhere.

His hardon was stretching the material of his trunks so much I thought they would rip...

I laid down next to his right side, admiring his big burly body from head to foot. I moved up close, my left arm snaking underneath his neck and resting on his left shoulder, the other I placed on his right thigh, just gently feeling the muscles beneath my fingers.

I moved even closer, wrapping my right leg over his as I my hard cock, still trapped in my jeans, rubbed against his hip.

I wanted to fuck him so much, but I would wait, I would torture myself, just for that moment when he begged me to take him...

I moved my right hand up his thigh towards his crotch.

"Ready, Boy?" I asked, looking into his dark brown eyes.

"Please, please Sir..." came the reply. I could see the damp patch on his trunks was getting larger.

"Good Boy... tell you what, how long do you think you could last before shooting your load, Frankie?"

My hand now hovered over his crotch, so close I could feel the heat from it. He slightly bucked his body, desperate for my fingers to make contact with his hardness.

"Eh...? Sir?"

"If you can last a good long time before you shoot, I'll change that 10 grand to 60..."

"Sir? How long?" I loved the fact he was considering it. He had no idea what I had planned.

"An hour, Boy..."

"Oh God..."

"60 minutes of me stroking your cock, making it leak, making it throb, 60 minutes of edging you towards an orgasm... 60 minutes at a grand a minute..."

I lowered my hand onto his cock for emphasis.

He moaned.

"You'll love it, Boy, I'll make you shoot like a fucking cannon going off..." I rubbed my thumb over his cockhead, and Frank groaned loudly, then blushed.

"Please, please Sir, do it... please..."

"Good Boy!" I exclaimed, "60 minutes it is... if you cum before that though, you get another spanking..."

He looked shocked.


"A hard spanking on your ass and my riding crop on your balls for disobedience..."

"Oh God, no... no... oooohhhhh" came the response as I rubbed at his cock through the material of the trunks.

"Just lie back Frankie Boy and enjoy it... I will..."

So, I edged him. A teasing, merciless edging, my captive daddybear wrestler struggling to get free as I taunted his cock, rubbing, tickling, stroking his engorged dick through the trunks before I carefully pulled them slightly down to release it. As I did so, it popped upright, a large drop of precum falling out his piss-slit.

Poor bastard didn't have much to work with, maybe 4 inches maximum, but quite thick... plenty to get my fingers round and get a good grip...

And wank him hard and fast, him pleading with me to stop as the pleasure in his dick grew and grew till it threatened to burst...

So I just slowed my strokes down, loosening my grip just enough to not bring him off, but not give him relief as my fingers gently tormented him...

Moans of pleasure, groans of pleasure, mixed with cursing as I played with him...

On and on it went, alternating slow teasing strokes with barely any contact to full-on tightly gripped fast wanking...

Repeating that he was forbidden from cumming until the hour had passed...

Watching the looks on his face as he bit into his lower lip to try as he fought so hard to prevent himself from cumming...

On and on...

Begging me to stroke him properly as I very lightly grazed his cock with my fingers, then begging me to stop when I wanked him hard...

On and on...

The cursing becoming lesser as he simply mumbled incoherently as the torment continued...

On and on...

Each single minute an orgy of pleasure and exquisite suffering...

On and on...

His cock becoming stiffer and stiffer, redder and redder...

His speech now becoming unintelligible as the sensory overload scrambled his brain...

Moaning and groaning...

Sweating and struggling...

On and on I edge him...

At one point near the end I grabbed the Hitachi out of the drawer near the bed and fitted it with the special soft rubber cap. I pulled it firmly over Frank's erection and switched it on, standing back to see the effect it would have.

"OHHHHHHHHH, GOD.... PLEASE, SIR... PLEEEEEAAASSSEEEE..." came the anguished cry as the device vibrated and massaged his dick.

"Nope, you've still got 10 minutes, Boy, you lie back and enjoy it and I'll be back in 9 minutes... don't you dare fucking cum or you'll pay for it..."


I walked out of the room, closing the door behind me, then went downstairs to fix myself a drink.

I returned 9 minutes later after hearing what could only be described as a mixture of shouting and pleading from the restrained wrestler upstairs.


I walked into the room.

"Calm the fuck down, Frankie Boy, or I won't let you cum at all... by my reckoning you've got 45 seconds left..."

I reached down and turned the Hitachi off, pulling it off his cock and replacing the grip with my fingers, which he thrust into.

"Good Boy, 30 seconds to go..."


"25 seconds, Frankie Boy..."


"20 seconds..."


I let go of his cock as his eyes widened in anticipation.

"Permission has been rescinded, Boy, don't you fucking dare shoot!" I ordered.

"NOOOO!" came the shouted response as he bucked and thrashed, trying to overcome his orgasm that he had fought so hard to avoid for 60 minutes.

"You fucking dare spill a drop of your spunk and I'll put 100 grand on your bill... and apply crocodile clamps to your balls..."

"NO! You FUCKER!" came the reply. Frank's face was bright red, contorted in a mixture of pain and pleasure and shame and frustration.

He closed his eyes and bit his lip as he battled to stop himself from cumming.

I enjoyed watching him, his chest and belly rising and falling as he gulped in large lungfuls of air.

"Sir! Please... I was so close... please....SIR!"

"Nope, my decision is final... besides... I have another way to make you cum now you are all nice and horny..."


"Now, is that the correct way to thank me for giving you 60 minutes of pure pleasure, Boy? Is that the correct way to thank me for knocking 10 grand off your debt?"

"SIR... Sir... please... Sir, I'm... um... I'm sorry Sir... thank you Sir..." he replied, resigned to the fact I was in control of him.

"Want 50 grand off the bill, Frank?"

No response. I think he knew what I wanted in return.

"50 grand and I'll let you cum... I promise I'll make you cum and it'll be the best orgasm you've ever had..."

"Sir... please..."

"Tell me, Frankie Boy, tell me that you want my cock up your arse..."

"Sir... please... Sir...!"

"Tell me or the Hitachi goes back on and I'll put the clamps on your balls so you can't cum... and leave you here to suffer..."

"SIR! Please...Sir... please..."

And then a mumbled:

"please sir, I want your cock up my arse..."

"What was that Boy?"

A grunt from the man tied to my bed.

"FUCK! FUCK ME SIR! I WANT YOUR FUCKING COCK UP MY ARSE!" I saw him blush, and his cock twitch. And a large drop of precum drip out.

"Good Boy!" I cried. I had him just where I wanted him.

Before I had released him from the cords tying his wrists and ankles to the bedposts, I had applied a desensitising cream to his cock and balls, a decent covering to ensure that any stimulation to his genitals would have little effect and prevent him from getting the release he wanted.

Of course, I didn't tell him what the cream did. No sense in spoiling the surprise.

I then told him to get up off the bed and stretch his arms and legs to avoid any cramp, having been bound for so long.

After a while, I ordered him to strip, which he did so -- reluctantly - then get back onto the bed, but this time on his belly, and resecured his wrists and ankles to the bedposts.

His big plump ass shone in the soft lighting of my bedroom, the light covering of hairs catching the light. Both buttocks were a deep shade of pink from the earlier spanking I had given him.

"Comfy?" I teased as I leant down and rubbed my hand over his bald head.

"... No Sir..." he responded.

"I bet your arse is cold, Boy, might need to warm that up before I mount and stuff you..."

"Oh God, Sir... No... please..." he pleaded.

I walked towards the open drawer I had pulled the Hitachi out of earlier and lifted out a ballgag.

Returning back to his head, I held it up so it swayed in the air.

"Want this, Boy?"

He shook his head.

"Don't worry, you can make as much fucking noise as you like, nobody lives near me... but it will look good on you and will give you something... to bite on..."

He nodded his head, defeated, knowing that he would be wearing it anyway.

"Yes please Sir..."

I placed the ball on the bed in front of his mouth and he lifted his head up, opening wide as I pulled the straps around his head, buckling them tight so the ball was firmly seated between his teeth.

Frank began to drool almost immediately.

He looked fucking incredible gagged.

"Good Boy, that looks great."

"Mmmpppphhh..." came the reply.

I lay next to him on the bed -- him face down and me face up.

I once more caressed his ass.

"Does Boy want to take Sir's cock dry?"

He shook his head violently and tried to escape from the bed.

I laughed at him.

"Don't worry, Frankie Boy, I have got some lube..."

I climbed back off the bed and took a small bottle out of the open drawer. Walking back to him, I squirted a small amount on my cock, rubbing it in vigorously. I wanted him to REALLY remember this first time...

I squirted a blob onto his exposed asscrack and rubbed it over his hole.

Then I spanked him with my hand for a few minutes, the sound of skin against skin mixing with the sound of him moaning into the ballgag.

He moaned even more when I lightly dragged my fingers over his now reddened asscheeks.

Part of me wanted to spank him all night, use my paddle and my riding crop and my belt and really make his ass hot...

But now he was ready. And so was I.

I removed my clothing as he watched me from his prone position. My cock stuck straight out as I pulled down my boxers, and his eyes widened as he saw what he was going to be impaled on. 8 inches of thick throbbing gristle.

I climbed on the bed behind him as he began to struggle to free himself.

I rubbed my drooling cock over his tender asscheeks, and then between them over his hole. Extra lubrication...

"Mppph... mppphh... mpppphhh..." I heard from him. I'm guessing that meant `no!'.

It wouldn't make a difference.

I pushed forward with my hips and impaled him on the head of my dick.

"MMMMMMMPPPPPHHHH... MPPPPHHHH!" came the cry as I invaded his precious ass.

"Now then..." I lowered myself down onto my elbows, glimpsing his face as he tried to comprehend what was happening. "Now you're a true faggot..."

I buried all of my cock into him as far as it would go.

Frank bucked underneath me, emitting a simultaneous scream and grunt. I couldn't believe how tight it was.


I stayed still, allowing him to get used to the invading cock stuffed deep inside his bowels. His asshole twitched and spasmed around my dick.

"That's fucking amazing Boy... I bet you love that... you think you're straight, but you fucking love Sir's cock...."

Frank shook his head so much I thought he would do himself an injury.

I pulled back slightly, marvelling at the tight hole, his tight virgin hole I was going to own.

I slammed it back in till I was balls deep.


"Fucking great, Boy, your ass was built to be fucked by me..."

Out. In. Out. In. Each time punctuated by a muffled gagged roar of disgust, shame, pain, and powerlessness from Frank.

I sped up my strokes, ignoring his cries as I plundered his juicy big rump, taking my pleasure from him whilst he lay there helpless, grunting, moaning, his eyes watering and drool and spittle flying from the ballgag.

I lowered myself fully down onto his big strong muscular back and held him at the wrists as I plundered his asshole, which clenched and tightened around my dick as he tried to force it out.

"You slut, Boy... you fucking love this, don't you?"

He shook his head again. "Mpppphhnnnnnrroooo....!"

He tried to wriggle free from underneath me, but it was no use, my weight pinned him down as I pounded away at his ass. I'm sure my cock was getting harder still, tightly gripped in his fuckchute.

The sounds of my body connecting with his pink buttocks, my moaning of pleasure, and his grunting, groaning and muffled squealing filled the room.

Out. In. Out. In... I continued to pump his juicy ass, marvelling at the sensation, as my balls churned.

"MMMMPpppppphh.... mppphhh..." came the noise from my bound and gagged piece of wrestler fuckmeat.

Out. In. Out. In. Out. In. Out. In... I was taking longer strokes now, really enjoying myself, almost withdrawing my dick and then slamming it back in.

"Fucking great... Boy, fucking... great..." I managed to shout at him through gulps of air. I was getting close. "My... fucking... fuckslave..."

Out. In. Out. In. Out. In. Out. In...

I saw Frank blush and then it happened.

His asshole clamped down on my cock and his skin turned pink all over.


The fucker was coming -- he was having a prostate orgasm! Just as I wanted.


I stopped what I was doing, wiggling my hips to enjoy the sensation of his prostate orgasm.

"GNNNNNNN! GMMMMMPPPPHHH, GMMMMMM.... GNNNNNNnnnnppphhh! Gnnn! Gnnnn! Gnnnmmmpphhh... Mpppphhh!"

"Greedy Boy, I told you that I would make you cum!" I shouted. I reached down and slapped him on the right asscheek.

"GMMMMMPPPPHHH, GMMMMMhhhh.... MMMPPPhhhh. mpppphhhh..." came the response. After a few moments, I was guessing that he had finished cumming.

But I hadn't. I pulled almost all of the way out, then slammed all the way back in.


Out. In. Out. In. Out. In. Out. In... I fucked him harder than I had before, determined to claim my prize.

Out. In. Out. In. Out. In. Out. In... My balls tightening as they got ready for release.

Out. In. Out. In. Out. In. Out. In...


Frank's asshole was clenched tightly around my dick like a vice as I battered his hole, my orgasm building in my balls, higher and higher, until I screamed.

Frank screamed too from behind the ballgag as I pushed as hard and as far as I could into his rump, my cock exploding within him, filling his inside with my thick hot cum. Over and over, volley after volley of jizz spewing into his guts as I bit at his shoulder, waves of sexual pleasure overwhelming me.

I kept my cock buried deep as my balls emptied into him, then held him tight against me.

Our bodies were slick with sweat and the heat coming off them was incredible.

"Fuck yeah, Boy, that was fucking... amazing..."

"Mmmmmppphhssss..." came the response. I could see tears in his eyes but they looked like tears of joy instead of pain -- though I knew he must be very sore after breaking in his tight arse.

"That's a Good Boy... this beautiful daddybear arse is mine to throw good hard fucks into... and you're going to cum every time I fuck you..."

"mmmmppphhh? mmmm?"

"Oh yeah, Frank, how humiliating it will be, to cum from a man fucking you like a woman, a big strong powerful man like you cumming from being fucked..."

"Mmmmmm..." I honestly had no idea of what he was trying to say.

"Bet you haven't had an orgasm like that before, eh?"

Frank blushed. And nodded his head.

"Mmmmppphhh!" he shook his head.

"50 grand off the bill, Boy... I reckon that must be 100, maybe 120 grand in total..." I wiggled my cock inside him and he moaned. I must have been rubbing against his prostate.

"You like that, Boy...?" I asked.

No response... and then:

"MMMpppphhh... mpppphhhh..." as he nodded his head.

"Slag..." I replied.

We lay like that for a while, me on top of him, him lying there huffing and puffing underneath me. various muffled murmurs were coming from him which I couldn't make out, but I'm guessing it was the sensations coming from his battered prostate.

"Give me some time to get my breath back..." I said breathily.

"Mmmmpppphhh?" he asked.

"If you hadn't noticed, Frank... my dick is still hard inside your asshole... shame to waste it, Boy..."

I got a resigned `mppphhh...' from him.

"Clench that hole for me, Boy, wiggle that butt and get me turned on... then it's time for another fuck, Frankie Boy..."


After some more squirming and resistance from Frank, I fucked him again, taking full advantage of him being bound, gagged and powerless underneath me with my cock buried deep in his fuckchute. My first load dumped in his ass was now being used as lube, as my first hard fuck had stretched his tight virgin hole just enough to accommodate me - though I imagined it was still somewhat sore from my efforts.

He wriggled and writhed beneath me, trying to buck me off, yet all this did was make things more enjoyable for me...

After dumping a second, sizeable load inside his guts, I finally withdrew from his ass slowly, ordering him not to spill a drop of my sperm as I pulled my dick out.

I checked to see if I had injured him, but no blood, just sticky cum covering my dick. I thought for a second about making him lick it clean, but that would wait for another time. I wiped it over his asscheeks to clean it, leaving them covered in fuckslime.

"Stay there and stay still, Boy." I ordered, moving backwards off the bed. He had no choice really, he couldn't get free. Frank moved his head back to see what I was doing. The sheets under his head were soaked from where he had been drooling behind the ballgag.

It took all of my strength to stop myself jumping on his sexy beefy daddybear arse for a third merciless fuck.

I walked towards the drawer once again, and after a few moments found a medium sized buttplug -- just the thing for my prize to wear and keep my spunk from leaking out.

I climbed back onto the bed and holding the plug in my right hand reached for his buttocks with my left, using my fingers to prize them apart just above his bruised hole. It glistened as my cum leaked slightly from it.

"This will seal you up, Boy, keep my precious juices inside your ass and stop them leaking out..."

I put the tapered end of the plug to his hole.

"Open wide, bitch..." I pushed forward and the tip disappeared into his pucker. The shape of the plug combined with the lubricating effect of my cum meant it slipped in fairly easily, though Frank wriggled his ass to try and stop me.

"Keep still!" I ordered.

"MMmmmPPHHH!" came the reply, then a grunt, then another, and another, as I pushed forward till the widest part of the plug popped inside his hole, his sphincter clenching firmly around the base and holding it tight.

I wondered if I would have trouble getting it back out later...

I let go of his buttocks and they slapped shut around the plug so it was almost unnoticeable. At least it was to anyone looking -- I am sure Frank was noticing it.

I reached forward and unbuckled the strap of the ballgag, pulling it free from his mouth with a trail of spit connected to it. I wiped it on the bedsheet next to him then placed it on the night table.

"What do you say, Boy?" I asked.

"I... I... uhh.. umm..." he mumbled.

"Spit it out, Frank." I raised my voice slightly.

"Sir, I... I..."

"What, Boy? What do you say?" I was now caressing his ass with my right hand.

"I, Sir... I had an orgasm, but I don't know how..." He was trying to look back over his shoulder towards me.

"So what do you say, faggot?"

"Oh, um.... sorry, Sir, thank you, thank you Sir... for making me cum that way... I have never..."

"Never cum that way before?"

"No Sir, it was... wonderful... but humiliating to be forced to cum like that..."

"Good Boy!"

"How does your asshole feel?"

"It's sore Sir, it feels like it's... bruised Sir... the thing you've put in my ass, it feels weird... like I am being stretched..."

"I stretched your hole over my dick, faggot. The buttplug you have in your ass will train your ass muscles to tighten up between fucks, so you better get used to that soreness... cos I am taking your ass this weekend every opportunity I can!" I laughed.

I saw Frank clench his buttocks.

"Oh shit." he muttered under his breath.

I reached up and untied him from the cords restraining him, helping him rise slowly from the bed to a sitting position. As he rolled onto his ass, he grimaced and winced, probably from a combination of his well-fucked hole and the buttplug inside him.

His cock was still hard, covered in precum that was dripping from the end.

He looked up at me standing over him.

"I... I don't think I can take any more, um... Sir..."

"Good thing for you I'm exhausted Boy after those two fucks... and besides you need to get some rest for tomorrow, I have a busy day planned..."

"Sir?" he asked.

"It's a surprise... maybe I'll let you drain your balls... who knows?" I teased.

"Yeah... um... yes Sir..." He looked at the clock on the bedside table. "Fuck it's late..." I'm sure he was trying to subtly imply that he wanted to go to bed... probably just to be left alone.

"It is, Frankie Boy... time for bed."

"Yeah, Sir... um... which room am I sleeping in?" he said, pointing over his shoulder towards the door.

"This one, Boy, this one... with me..." I responded, gesturing towards my bed. "Can't have you roaming around the house all night can I?"


"Bathroom is through that door, Boy, if you want to take a piss... in fact you had better cos if you wake me up during the night you'll pay for it tomorrow." I gestured towards a closed door on the far side of the bedroom, leading to the ensuite.

"Yeah, um... thanks Sir." Frank walked towards the door.

"And no playing with yourself whilst you are in there, Boy..."

He muttered something under his breath and opened the door, switching on the light before entering. He began to close the door behind him.

"Keep it open, Boy!" I shouted.

Something else under his breath.

He waddled into the room, rubbing his arms to get some blood back into them. In the meantime, I pulled the damp sweaty sheet off the bed and replaced it with a clean one, tucking it in firmly, and putting the pillows back on. There was no noise from the ensuite, then:

"Come on, for fuck's sake..."

And the sound of the tap running. I smiled, thinking that Frank was having trouble pissing with an erection.

I llifted the duvet from the ottoman at the foot of the bed and placed it onto the bed.

"Ahhh..." I heard the sound of piss hitting the bowl. Frank was emptying his bladder.

I walked to the drawer and lifted out the set of manacles -- two thick steel wrist cuffs lined with soft leather, connected to each other by 12 inches of strong chain -- just the thing to restrain Frank overnight yet it would neither hurt his wrists nor hinder his sleep.

I wrapped the chain around the bedpost and lay the manacles on his pillow, just as he walked back into the room.

"Uhh... what the fuck?" he asked, pointing at them.

"Don't worry, Frank, you should find them quite comfortable." I pulled back the duvet on his side of the bed and patted it.

"Come here and lie down on your side."

No response, just a quizzical look.

"I won't ask again, Frank... come and lie down or all the debt is put back on..."

"You... fucker. SIR." he grunted at me.

Then he walked over to me. I thought he was going to punch me in the face, but he sat down, again grimacing as the buttplug impaled him deeper, then rolling onto his left-hand side. He offered up his wrists to me.

"Good Boy." I said as I locked them shut around each wrist. He was now safely secured to the bedpost, then placed the key on the bed just out of reach, taunting him with the only means of escape. "Won't be long, Boy, just going to brush my teeth and have a piss."

I walked towards the bathroom, hearing the soft rattle of the chain as he tried to stretch to reach the key.

I returned shortly after to find him still moving about, so I picked the key up and dropped it in the drawer. There was no way of freeing himself now.

I pulled the duvet over him and climbed in the other side of the bed, pulling the duvet over me before switching the lights off.

I lay on my side next to him, wriggling forward until we spooned together, my left arm under his neck and reaching onto his furry chest, my right snaking over his body so my fingers could wrap around his cock, as my own cock grinded against his big daddybear ass.

"Sleep tight, Boy." I teased as I kissed him on the shoulder.

"Fucker..." came the response.

I was surprised how soon afterwards he fell asleep. He started snoring, which normally would have pissed me off as it would keep me awake and earn a hard paddling, but I must have been tired too as in a little while I was asleep, hugging the back of my captive heavyweight wrestler.

I awoke when the sun started streaming through a crack in the blinds. I was lying on my back with my left hand on Frank's right hip.

Frank was already awake.

"Please, I gotta take a dump really bad, can you take these off?" he rattled the chains of the manacles for emphasis.

I slapped him on the ass.

"How should you be addressing me, Boy?"

"Sir... please Sir, let me up, I really need to have a crap!"

"Cuddle first, Boy." I said, rolling onto my left till we were spooning again. It felt so good to feel Frank's big hefty body next to mine, fondling his thighs and then wrapping my arms around him to give him a hug.

After a minute or two I relented and pulled the duvet back off both of us, the coolness of the room contrasting against the warmth we had been experiencing under the duvet.

I climbed out of the bed, rubbing my eyes as I walked towards the drawer, peering inside and pulling out the key.

I held it up in front of him.

"Right, Boy, here's what's going to happen. I will unlock these manacles and you will follow me to the bathroom, where I will show you what I want you to do."

"Ummm. yes Sir?" he asked, wondering what I was expecting him to do.

I took him into the bathroom and showed him how the douche attachment of the shower worked, then told him to relieve himself and clean himself up, both inside and out. I told him that he would be severely punished if he wasn't clean when he came back into the bedroom.

"Clean yourself up, Boy, plenty of shower gel for you and a nice hot shower." I slapped him on the arse as I left the room.

"And no playing with your cock!"

Shortly after, Frank returned to the bedroom. He looked fairly relaxed and refreshed. His cock had softened though it started to get hard as he saw me. He blushed.

"Get dressed, Frank. Your wrestling gear is on the chair."

I saw him look at the chair and then over to the door.

"There's nothing to stop you leaving Frank," I said, "But if you do the debt goes back to the original amount. All that hard work, the humiliation, the spanking and the fucking, it will have been all worthless..."

He rubbed at his head and took a deep breath.

I went and took a shower, leaving him to his own devices.

I came back to find him in his full wrestling gear, but inspecting the manacles -- I wasn't sure why.

"Thinking of getting a pair Frank? For the missus?" I jested. "Or perhaps for yourself so the missus can restrain you and play with your cock?"

"Fuck... no..." he threw them back in the drawer.

"I'm glad you decided to stay. We're going to have some fun today and I will let you shoot your load this time, I promise."

"You said that last time... Sir!" he exclaimed.

"Yeah I did, but I think one good turn deserves another. So we're going to have breakfast... I imagine you have protein shakes as part of your diet, to make you so strong?"

He nodded. "Yeah, I take stuff to help me with weight training, builds muscle and bulk."

"I have some stuff I am sure you will enjoy."

"Oh? Thanks Sir." he responded.

He had no idea what sort of protein shake I was planning on giving him...

We had breakfast, him sat at the table in full wrestling gear looking very much out of place but turning me on, and I in casual jogging bottoms and a t-shirt. I made us scrambled eggs on toast with multiple cups of tea; for some reason it all tasted much better than when I cooked for myself. Must have been the after-effects from the night before.

I left him devouring it whilst I went to his car, retrieving his mobile phone. I put it down on the table next to him. He looked up at me.

"Give the wife a call, Frank, be a good hubby... tell her how much you miss her..."

"Sir?" he asked.

"I imagine she wants to know how the journey went, what the hotel is like, that sort of thing... have a nice chat with her, I'll leave you to it. I can trust you not to tell her what we were up to last night?"

"Um... yeah, Sir, you can... thanks for this." he held up the phone and waved it, then placed it on the table, flicking through the menus till he found his home number.

As it rang, I whispered in his ear "If you are a good hubby to her, I will make you cum." I dropped my hand down towards his crotch, rubbing over his now-stiffening member.

"Yes Si--Hi, love, it's me, how you doing?" he said as his wife picked up the phone at the other end.

I went and left him to his call -- and his hardon.

I waited until he had finished his call -- he was speaking for a good 10 minutes (he must really want me to make him cum, I thought) and returned back to him. He turned to face me.

"Thank you, Sir, I really appreciate that..."

"Good Boy. See how easy it is to please me? If you play your cards right, I may even wipe your entire debt by the end of the day."

"You'd do that Sir?" he asked. "Really?" He seemed genuinely excited about being out of debt.

"If you please me Boy... if..."

I pointed towards the lounge and to the sofa.

"Take a seat, Boy, make yourself comfortable."

He got up from the kitchen stool and walked into the lounge, taking a seat on the sofa, spreading his legs wide and placing his arms along the back.

I moved into the lounge and sat next to him. I reached down and placed my hand on his crotch, immediately feeling his dick start to swell beneath the heat from my palm, yet he tried to pull away from me.

I slapped him gently on his balls and he yelped.

"Sit still, Boy, let me get that dick of yours hard... unless of course you don't want me to make you cum...?"

He stopped moving and let me continue.

"Yes Sir, please..."

"Good Boy." I continued rubbing at his cock through the Lycra material of his tight trunks, feeling it getting harder and stretching at the fabric.

I placed my other hand on his big solid round belly, rubbing it, matching the speed to that of my other hand on his crotch, then moved my hand up onto his chest, feeling the soft fur beneath my fingers.

He continued to get harder and began to softly moan. I saw his fingers grip into the top of the sofa and I moved my hand over his left nipple, rubbing and pinching it softly. That too began to stiffen, so I alternated that between both nipples to get them stiff.

"ooohhhh..." he mumbled, then blushed.

"Enjoying it, Boy?" I asked.

"Oh... God... yeah... Sir..." Then he blushed again.

"Good Boy, let's get you all horny and that sub dick all nice and hard for me."

At the word `sub' his dick twitched.

"ohhh... ohhh God, Sir... please..."

I had this big strong heavily-built daddybear just where I wanted him. I continued to stroke his cock and play with his tits whilst his moans turned to groans and his fingers gripped tightly onto the sofa so hard that I thought he would break it.

So then I stopped. It took him a second to come out of the ecstatic sexual trance I had put him in.

"What? Sir, please..." he begged.

"Now I have you nice and hard, I'll let you cum, but first you have to do something for me..."

I heard him gulp. Yet his cock stayed hard, tenting the front of his trunks.

"Time for that protein shake, Frankie Boy..." I began. "25 grand for sucking my dick, and then you can cum afterwards."

I saw him recoil.

"Sir, look, I could just about cope with you fucking me last night, but... I can't..."

"25 grand, Boy -- or perhaps you want another spanking? Maybe this time I'll cane you for displeasing me...?" I threatened. "Perhaps nipple clamps or hot wax on your balls?"

I saw him raise a hand to his mouth as I gave him no choice in the matter.

"Sir... you really are a fucking bastard."

"I know, Boy." I laughed.

He growled at me and got up from the sofa. His cock was leaking in his trunks.

I pointed at my own cock, which was doing the dame in my jogging bottoms.

"Show me how much you want to cum, Frank... I cum first, and then you cum afterwards..."

He rubbed one of his big hands over his bald head whilst the other made a fist.

"25 grand, Sir? For a blowjob? Must be worth 50 at least...!"

I laughed at his suggestion.

"Good fucking try, Boy, but 25 grand it is... maybe I'll consider 50 if you do a good job, but it will have to be first-class."

He stared at me.

"OK, Sir, but you tell NO-ONE. OK?"

I raised my hand. "Why would I tell anyone, Boy? It's between you and me... now, let's get you ready. I can see you want to get started!" I pointed at his crotch, where the damp patch was getting larger.

"Fucker," he mumbled. "Sir!"

Five minutes later, he was on his knees (those kneepads of his did come in handy!). His wrists were bound behind his back, and I had knelt down next to him and was playing with his cock with one hand whilst squeezing his shoulder with the other. He tried to prevent the odd moan of pleasure, but my fingers were too good and he was enjoying it -- oh yeah, though he wanted to deny it, he was enjoying what I was doing to him.

After a further 5 minutes his cock was at full mast, jutting out the front of his trunks.

I got up and picked up my riding crop. Aiming it at his ass, I tapped both asscheeks lightly.

"A dozen strokes on each buttock, Boy, then you can suck me off..." I tapped them again. I heard him sigh at the thought of having more pain inflicted on his ass.

"Failure to suck my dick and you'll get more..."

Another tap.

"If you make little or no effort, you'll get more..."

Another tap.

"Failure to make me cum, you'll get more..."

Another tap.

"And If you don't swallow my load, I'll thrash your behind till it's blistered..."

Another tap.

"And then do the same to your cock and balls..."

"Oh fuck!" came the response.

I smiled at him.

"After you swallow my load I'll wank you off, Frankie Boy for being such a good hubby... you know you want me to..."

Before he could say anything, I lifted the crop high and brought it down on his left buttock. Six fast strokes all hitting roughly the same point on his ass --


Frank spat out "Fuck!" through gritted teeth.

Six more strokes applied to his right buttock in the same way.


"FUCK! Please, that stings, Sir, it really fucking hurts!" he complained.

"Take it like the big tough bastard you are, Frankie Boy!" I cried as I repeated the strokes to his left buttock.


"Ow! OWWW! Fucking hell! Sir!"


Six more to the left.

I moved around and sat down in front of him, spreading my legs as I pulled my now hard dick out from my jogging bottoms.

Frank's face was red as he tried to overcome his stinging buttocks.

"Come on then, daddybear, suck me dry...!"


Next: Chapter 3

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