Wrestler on the Ropes


Published on Dec 8, 2021


Wrestler On The Ropes


Frank Douglas had a problem with the horses... Well, not so much of a problem, more like he had a vicious losing streak. His wife had nearly left him when she found out how much he was in debt, so after helping clear his debts, she told him it had to stop or she was going and taking the kids.

But he didn't stop.

He was still betting wildly on the horses, but now he was taking bets on wrestling matches too -- not just his but others. And although some of the matches were, how can I put it... fixed... he was more in debt than ever.

So he had come to me to help him out. I was a big fan of his wrestling style having seen him in his younger days, which was proper old-school wrestling - none of this flying about like a fucking acrobat or play-slapping; he was a proper heavyweight grappler, pinning his foe to the mat in all sorts of holds.

So I was a fan of him too - especially now he had come back to wrestling after his retirement. At 53, he was looking very good indeed -- a proper beefy daddybear, muscles and chunkiness just where he needed it. He resembled Guard Falzon from the film Con Air, but with a heavier build.

He looked magnificent when he was wrestling -- I often hit pause whilst watching on TV and then had a good hard wank looking at him.

So I helped him out. I'm not a loan shark - none of that shit - but I do like to help those out who need it. You could call me a bit of a philanthropist I suppose...

So I lent him the money - £250,000 in total -- so he could clear his debts with the bookies. They would have probably broken his fingers or beaten up his wife if he hadn't repaid them, that sort of thing.

Not my style. Not with Frank anyway. I wanted to be kind to him. I wanted him to owe me. And not be able to pay it back.

So he could pay it back in kind.

Of course, I kind-of manoeuvred him - via a few friends in the bookmaking business - into taking a few more bets out, just so he would lose and then have to come to me to bail him out.

And I did.

A further £50,000 later, I thought it was just about the right time for him to pay me back.

I sent a couple of associates, two big hefty lads, round to see him after a match (which he had won). They had a polite word with him, telling him that I really had waited long enough and that he should be thinking about paying me back.

I waited a week. Then, after he failed to call me, I sent them round to his house. Not to do anything, just to make themselves visible so that he could see I was meaning business.

I waited yet another week and still no call or money. Yes, I was getting pissed off, but this was all feeding into my general plan.

So, I sent them again to his house one afternoon with a message to come and see me urgently..

I heard nothing for a couple of days, and then I rang him. I was very surprised when he answered!

"Uh, Hi..." he started, "I've been meaning to come and see you, but-"

"No buts, Frank," I replied. "I've been more than patient with you, but you owe me a lot of money and I've not seen anything coming my way. I haven't charged you interest and I think it's only fair you pay me back. You're taking the piss."

I heard a sigh. "I ain't got it mate, I can't pay you back... I'm sorry."

"Not good enough, Frank... I want my money back. Sell your house, your car, just get me my fucking cash... alright?"


"Perhaps I shall tell your good lady about all the money you owe... perhaps she'll bail you out like the first time..." I threatened.

"No, no, don't do that, she'll fucking kill me... she'll go and leave me and take the kids. Please, is there anything I can do... please?"

I waited a moment.

"Oh yes, Frank, there's something you can do for me. Maybe..."

"Yeah, yeah, I'll do it, what is it?" he replied, excited now.

I was smiling as I replied "You can come and spend the weekend at my place."

I heard him gulp.


"You heard. I'll write off your debt... hell, I may even give you some spending cash after, but you've gotta come to my place for the weekend. Work off your debt."

Now, Frank knew I was gay, he even may have knew I had a thing for him, but he wasn't expecting that.

"Look, mate..." he started.

"Don't call me mate, Frank, you owe me 300 grand. You either give me the money and fuck up your marriage and kids, or you spend a weekend with me... working off your debt. Your choice."

"But... but... I'm not that way inclined..."

"I know, Frank... I know. But that's the deal. Work the debt off at my place. Maybe I'll just settle for a few hand jobs from you, who knows? Maybe I take some private pictures of you in your wrestling gear...? But you owe me big time."

Silence again.

"I'm waiting..." I threatened.

A sigh this time.

"OK, I'll come. But no funny stuff, alright?" Perhaps he hadn't heard me talking about hand jobs...

"You'll fucking do what I tell you, Frank. No ifs and no buts. Work your debt off and we'll call it quits. Simple."

"Oh... OK... I suppose so..."

"Good. Tell your wife that you need to work away this weekend, leaving on Friday night. Then you can drive up to my place and you can reply your debt to me. In full."

"Erm... yeah..." his reply was mild. He knew he was beaten. Perhaps he thought he would be giving me a few hand jobs and that would be it. Perhaps he thought he would be OK with that, if it was our little secret.

"Oh yeah, Frank," I finished the call by saying, "No need for any normal clothing, just you in all your wrestling gear... come to my place at 7pm sharp."

I terminated the call, shaking, excited. I had him just where I wanted him.

At 7:18pm on the Friday I heard his car pull onto my drive and make it's way up towards my house, the gravel crunching under the tyres as he slowly pulled to a halt.

The door opened and Frank climbed out, looking around sheepishly. He was wearing a light grey hoodie and trackie bottoms. I could see his dark blue wrestling boots poking out from underneath them.

Good boy, I thought. He could obey orders.

I opened the door, light flooding out from the entrance onto the driveway and illuminating him.

"Well?" I asked. "You were supposed to be here for 7pm, Frank. And why aren't you in your gear as I asked?"

He looked over at me. "Look, I'm sorry, but I could hardly walk out just in my gear, could I?"

"So?" I replied.

"I had to put a bag full of stuff in the car so she wouldn't guess, and so I put these on over the top of my gear." He tugged at his hoodie.

"OK, Frank, well leave them in your car -- take them off."

Frank looked around again. He didn't need to, I lived off a country lane and it was secluded where I was. There was nobody to see him but me.

"Can I do this indoors, mate? I mean..."

"Shut the fuck up and do what I say. Or the deal's off."

He unzipped the hoodie and pulled it off, exposing his solid upper torso, then undid the bow on the top of his trackie bottoms, pulling them down to expose his lower body. He then stepped out of the legs.

My cock twitched at the sight.

He opened the car door and the interior light reflected off his chest.

My cock twitched again.

He threw the two pieces of clothing into the car and closed the door, flicking a switch on the keys to lock it. He then wondered where he could put the keys.

I sniggered.

"Come inside, Frank, you can leave them by the door and collect them when you leave on Sunday night."

With a resigned sigh, he walked towards me. As he walked further into the light I admired the sight of him;

The greying moustache and bald head.

His beefy round belly and huge barrel chest topped with two big muscular arms, dark blue bands on each wrist.

The blue boots that laced up to the top of each calf with kneepads strapped above them -- all in matching dark blue -- the kneepads would come in handy later, I thought.

His massive muscular tree-trunk thighs.

His dark blue trunks.

Oh God, those blue trunks. They covered up his privates but you could see the general shape of his cock and balls underneath. I knew what his ass looked like in them, having seen many matches, but now I would see it up close.

Fuck yeah.

He stood in front of me now. Even though he was just shorter than me by maybe an inch, he looked bigger and more dominant because of his size. He must weigh about 270lbs, easily.

A nice big slab of fuckmeat.

"Into the lounge, Frankie." I ordered.

"I don't like being called Frankie," he replied.

"Whilst you are here you will do what I want, and you will be called whatever I want to call you... Frankie Boy. Now get your arse into the lounge."

I heard him mutter something under his breath as he walked past me down the hallway towards the lounge at the far end, dropping his keys on the dresser on the side. I turned and locked the door behind me, making sure I caught a glimpse of his big beefy round arse in those trunks.

My cock wanted to burst.

He walked into the lounge, with me following him in soon after. When I entered he was stood there looking around aimlessly.

"Stand in front of the armchair, Frank." I said, pointing towards an empty spot on the floor. I moved and sat down in front of him and made myself comfortable.

"Um... what's gonna happen now?" he asked.

I reached down the side of the cushion on the chair and pulled out a pair of handcuffs. Holding them up, they twisted and clinked as the light caught them.

Frank raised his hand to his face.

"What are they for?" he asked.

"Well, Frankie Boy, you are going to put these on for me..." I replied, smirking.

"I ain't doing that!" he responded.

"You'll do what I ask, Frankie, or I'll claw my money back from you and you will lose your house, your wife, your kids... every fucking thing..." I threatened.

He put a hand to his mouth, not knowing where to look.

"You can put the cuffs on, Frank, then show me those muscles whilst I watch... if you do I'll knock 5 grand off the amount you owe... if you can break free I'll knock 25 grand off..." I smirked again.

I could see he was thinking this through. Of course, the handcuffs were high-tensile steel, so there would be no way he would break out of them once he put them on...

"So...?" I asked, jangling the cuffs.

He turned to face me and sighed.

"OK, I'll do it, but nothing funny, OK?" He looked pissed off at being told what to do -- at being told what he needed to do for my amusement.

I jingled the cuffs once more. "Come and get them, Boy."

He walked towards me and snatched them out of my grasp, then returned back to the spot where he had been standing. He looked over at me, scowled, and then snapped one cuff on his left wrist over the top of the blue wristband. He was about to lock the other one on his right wrist, when I stopped him.



"Behind your back, Frankie Boy, cuff your wrists behind your back... it'll show off your physique better... I might be tempted to knock another 10 grand off if you do..."

He sighed once more, then moved both arms behind his back. He fumbled a bit and then I heard a click.

"OK?" he said sarcastically.

"Yes Frankie, that's a good boy." I stood up and walked towards him. "Those cuffs better be on nice and secure, no cheating... if you can break them I will really take 25 grand off your bill..."

I walked around behind him slightly and checked on the cuffs. He had actually fitted them on properly, which was quite surprising.

I returned back to my chair and sat down once more, spreading my legs. I am sure Frank could see my cock was hard in my jeans.

"Get to work then, Boy!" I ordered. "Give me a good show..."

Frank blushed and flexed his arms slightly as he tried to free himself of the handcuffs.

"Do it properly, Frankie Boy, I ain't paying for a poor show..." I mocked.

"Cunt." came the muffled response under his breath. He'd pay for that later.

However, this time he did things properly, straining against the handcuffs to try and break them -- I'm not sure if this was to get an extra 25 grand off his debt, or to give me a show.

As he fought to get free of the handcuffs, his big daddybear body swayed left and right, the soft lighting in the room highlighting his hefty chest with it's light fur covering and his big sturdy belly. He crouched slightly, showing off his massive muscular thighs.

"Very good, Boy..." I encouraged. I could see sweat starting to appear on his body as he struggled to get free. "God, you are fucking sexy..."

He stopped moving and looked over at me, blushing.

"Did I say you could stop?"


"Carry on, then, Frankie..."

He sighed and started again with his futile attempt to get free.

"I think you need to address me as Sir, Frankie... show me the respect I deserve for helping you out... fail to do so and I won't take any money off what you owe."

He muttered something under his breath.

"I do like this disobedient streak, Frankie, I find it a turn on, but if you keep doing it I'll have to punish you..."

I heard a dissatisfied grunt from this big captive sexy wrestler in front of me.

He looked magnificent as he struggled in front of me.

"Do you want me to punish you, Boy?"

No answer.

"Want me to spank your big daddy ass, Frankie?"

Still no answer.

"Answer me, Frankie, or I'll add 50 grand to your debt..."

He stopped again.

"Did I say stop, Boy?" I drew out the last word for emphasis.


"Well, move that big wrestler body for me..."

He started again, blushing as I perved over him.

"And answer the fucking question. Do you want me to spank your big beefy ass, Boy?"

"...No." came the meek response from my prey.

"No what Boy?" I asked.

"No... Sir..." came the response. He blushed again.

I could have sworn I saw a twitch from his crotch.

"Good Boy, very good. Now make sure you call me Sir every time you speak to me and maybe I won't need to spank that ass. Talking of which, turn around, I want to watch that butt move..."

Frank slowly turned until he was facing away from me. I saw the big muscles of his neck and powerful back, his solid beefy waist, and his huge arms flex as he tried in vain to free himself from the handcuffs, but I was fixated on his ass.

The two big round muscular beefy melons clothed in the dark blue material, stretched over his asscrack.

I was so tempted to reach forward and grab at his ass that I had to bite my left hand. I rubbed my cock with the other through the material of my jeans.

"Fucking lovely, Frankie Boy, such a nice big beefy arse for me to enjoy..."

I knew this was degrading for him.

"Yes... Sir..."

"When was the last time you had sex, Boy?" I asked.

"Wha... what?"

Frank turned slightly to face me.

"Turn the fuck back around and let me enjoy the view."

There was a resigned sigh as he turned away from me.

"...And answer my fucking question!"

"I... um.. Sir, I ain't had a fuck for a couple of weeks... Sir..."

"Poor Frankie Boy, wife gone off you...?" I teased.

Another grunt.

"No... Sir."

"Have you gone off her, then?"

A mumbled "No Sir."

"Money troubles preventing you getting hard, eh?"

He grunted again.


"I'm waiting, Boy..."

More silence.

"Are you having trouble getting hard, Frankie Boy?"

Frank replied really quietly. "Yeah. I mean, yes, Sir."

"Poor old Frankie Boy, I bet your balls must be aching..."

No response.

"I bet I can make you hard, Frankie Boy..."

Still no response.

"Maybe if you are a very good Boy... I'll get you nice and hard... make you cum like you have never cum before, Frankie Boy..."

He stopped.

"Turn around, Boy." I ordered.

He slowly turned towards me, blushing.

I could see a definite stretch in the material around his crotch.

"Would you like to be sucked off, Frankie? I'm much better than any woman at sucking cock..."

I smiled at him and winked. I had no intention of sucking his cock... well, maybe a bit, but I was hoping he would be sucking on mine.


No response.

"Maybe later then, Frank... maybe later."

He blushed, embarrassed by what I was suggesting.

"So, you didn't break free of the cuffs, Frank, so I can't take 25 grand off your debt, but I will knock the 5 grand off as promised. See how this works? I tell you to do something for me, you do it, and I reduce your debt -- at this rate you might clear your debt to me up nice and early..."

No response.

"What do you say, Boy?"

Still no response.

"I've just dropped 5 grand off what you owe me, Boy... thank me or it goes back on."

He shrugged.

"And I'll add on the interest to the 300 grand too... 50 grand I reckon..."

His mouth dropped open.

"...Um... thank you, Sir."

"That's a Good Boy. Now, I think the cuffs should stay on for a bit, they do suit you, and besides..."

"What... what, Sir?" he asked.

"I might need to have you restrained for my own safety... I'm sure you understand, Frankie Boy, don't you?"

He shrugged at me. "Look, I said no funny stuff..."

"Just do as I say, Frank, and you'll be fine."

I got up from the chair and walked towards him. He stepped back slightly.

"I fancy a snog Frank."

He recoiled.

"I ain't fucking doing that, mate...!" He huffed, moving back even further away from me.

"I'm not your mate, Frank... remember who you are talking to. 5 grand for a good deep kiss with Sir, Boy..."

He blushed once more. I was loving this.

"Come on, close your eyes and think of England, Frank... how hard can it be?" I taunted.

"Look, I mean... I'm not that way inclined, I'm flattered and all, but... no..." he replied.

"Oh, don't be a spoilsport, Frank, you know you want to... give me a good snog and I'll drop 10 grand off your bill..."

A pause.

"25 grand." came the reply.

"10 grand, take it or leave it, Boy."

"20 grand."

"10 grand, and make your fucking mind up or I'll add 50 to the bill."

He exhaled loudly. I had him just where I wanted him.

"Fuck... go on then, 10 grand."

"10 grand what?" I asked, raising my eyebrows.

"10 grand. Sir."

"Good Boy. Now, come here and stand nice and still, let me feel that big sexy chest as I kiss you."

He did as instructed, resigned to his fate.

He stood in front of me and planted his legs firmly, sticking out his big barrel chest, which glistened in the light with sweat.

"You really are a fucking hot daddybear, Frank." I said as I grabbed the back of his head and pulled him in towards me. I kissed him on the cheek, the look of disgust in his eyes, as I gave him a peck on the lips, feeling his rough moustache against my face. "Open up!"

He blushed and opened his lips slightly. I forced my tongue in and he opened up more, tasting my tongue as I sucked on his. My free hand I placed on his chest, rubbing my hand over his tits. I could feel his heart beating fast.

I pulled away from him. "You're a lousy kisser, Boy." I told him as I patted his head.

"I... I'm sorry... um... Sir, I've not had to... umm... kiss a man before." came the reply. He looked ashamed at what I had done to him.

"Never mind, you'll get better at it... besides, I have more than one use for that mouth."

I heard him gulp.

He stood there before me, shaking slightly with nerves.

I moved towards him and placed a hand onto this shoulder to calm him.

"My big straight wrestler daddy bear, showing me his beefy body... turning on his Master..."

He looked into my eyes. I could see the shame and disgust in his.

I went in for a second kiss, this time moving my hand down over his big and round yet solid belly. I thought I heard a moan coming from him. I growled under my breath. My cock was threatening to burst out of my jeans with excitement.

I pulled away once more. This kiss was better.

"Good Boy, 10 grand off your bill... that's 15 grand in as many minutes. See how easy this is?"

"Yeah, um, yes Sir."

"Now... I do think we need to address your disobedience, Boy..."

"Err... Sir?"

"You arrived 18 minutes late, you have failed to address me at all times as Sir, and you called me a `cunt' earlier on. I think a punishment is due, don't you?"

"Erm... no... Sir..."

"Wrong answer, Boy... I tell you what, I'll let you choose the punishment. Take a good hard spanking from me on that big daddy ass of yours and I'll drop 30 grand off the bill. Refuse and as a punishment 50 grand goes on."

"What the fuck?" Frank replied. I could see anger and humiliation in his eyes. I don't think somehow he wanted to be spanked...

"What'll it be, Frankie Boy?" I asked.

I heard the clink of the cuffs as he tried to break free.

"30 grand and a spanking, or... 50 grand on your bill..."

He pulled away from me sharply.

"What sort of choice is that?" he asked.

"Come on, Frankie Boy, it's just you and me, nobody needs to know... 30 grand for a few good whacks on your arse... how hard can it be?"

"You fucking..." he began, then realised that I might make the punishment even worse.

"50 grand and you can spank my ass, Sir." he demanded.

I shook my head. "You don't get to negotiate Frank. No way. 30 grand maximum."

"Oh for fuck's sake... OK, Sir."

This was too fucking easy.

"See the desk behind me, Frank? Bend over it and spread your legs and stick your butt out." I ordered.

He looked at me blankly.

"I won't ask you again, Boy. Get over the desk as I ordered or it's 75 grand on your bill!"

"Yes Sir..." he mumbled, walking towards the desk in the corner of the room; I had already cleared a space for him to rest his body on it. He stood at the back of it, then lowered himself down till his belly and chest were flat on the leather and wood surface. He had to bend his legs slightly which forced his big round juicy hefty ass to stick out.


He spread his legs slightly, adjusting himself till he was comfortable.

He lay there on his belly, huffing and puffing. I could smell the musky smell coming off his body. It turned me on.

I walked up to the front of the desk and opened a drawer. I pulled out two lengths of black cord. Frank looked at me from his flat position as I disappeared behind him.

I bend down and looped one cord around his ankle, tying it to the left back leg of the table. I repeated this with the right ankle. He was now secured in position.

I stood up and moved behind him. The dark blue Lycra material stretched tautly over the two big beefy mounds in front of me.

Oh fuck.

I cupped his right buttock with my right hand, squeezing it slightly. He moved but was unable to get free from my hand.

"Much as I like you struggling, Frankie Boy, if you keep moving about I'll make this ten times worse..." I threatened.

"Um... um...sorry Sir." he stopped moving.

I cupped his left buttock in the same way and squeezed.

"Fucking lovely, Boy, this ass was built to be spanked."

No response.

"Tell me Boy, how much you want to be spanked..." I teased. Frank's humiliation was all part of the fun.

He grunted and muttered something under his breath.

"Come on, Boy, please me and earn that 30 grand... say what I want to hear... and say it like you mean it..."

Another grunt. And then...

"Ummm... Sir, I need to be spanked Sir..." came the response. I saw him try and break free of the handcuffs.

"Yes Boy, I will spank your ass till it's nice and warm and stinging..."

"Uhhh... yes, yes Sir..."

"And if Boy gets a nice hard cock as I do it, it will show me how much you love being spanked by me..."

I saw him blush.

"Good Boy, let's begin..."

I moved position until I was on his left side. I used my left hand to press down firmly on his shoulders to keep him in place. I could see him looking up at me, worried about what was about to happen.

I smiled at him, then raised my right arm just slightly, then slapped lightly on his right asscheek.


No response, apart from a slight wiggle off his beautiful rump.


Still nothing. I lifted my arm higher and slapped him hard. The sound echoed around the room.


"Ahhh!" I didn't think I had hurt him, it was more the shock of what was happening.

"Like that, Boy?"

"Sir, no I don't..." he replied.

"Tell me you love it, Boy..."

SLAP! This one was slightly harder.

"SIR... yes Sir, I love it... please..." I knew he was wanting me to stop, just saying that he loved it to placate me. The big tough wrestler, hating getting his ass whupped. I had barely touched him!

So I slapped his other cheek just as hard.


"Sir, thank you, I love it..."







I gave him six slaps, three on each asscheek.

I saw him bite his lip and grunt under his breath.

"Love it Boy?" I asked.

"...yes, uhhh, yes Sir, I ummm. I uhh... love being spanked by you Sir..."

"Good, cos I like spanking this ass, my wrestlerbear's beefy ass, and I've just started."







Six to the right, followed by a gasp and mumbling under his breath.







Six to the left, with an audible `fuck!' coming from my captive wrestler.

I looked over at him, his face was red and his eyes were watering.

I imagined that his ass was now a nice shade of pink underneath his trunks. I could feel a faint hint of heat coming from his asscheeks as I rubbed my hand over them.

"Still enjoying it, Boy? Your arse is nice and warm now... must be stinging a bit..."

"Sir, yes, it stings Sir... please Sir..."

"Please what?"

I pinched his sore left buttock.

"Do you want me to fuck you faggot?" I asked.

"No Sir, I fucking don't!..."













I rained blows on both buttocks, making them glow, as he cursed and tried to wriggle free.

"Do you want me to fuck you, Boy?" I repeated.

He was breathing heavily now. I caressed his ass gently.

"No I don't. Sir!" he shouted.

"Just checking, Frankie Boy... if you want me to stop, then you can guess what I want in return... such a nice arse... very fuckable..."

"Oh fuck, no, please, Sir, I mean..."













He grunted and bucked as I spanked him till my hand was sore.

I walked round to the front of the desk and looked down at him. He looked up at me. I could see a small pool of spit on the desk under his chin.

I winked at him.

"Shall we raise the stakes, Boy?" I asked.

"What now?"

"I'm going to go back round and see if you have an erection. If you do, you get a 20 grand bonus. if you don't, I'll get my spanking paddle out and I'll really work that ass over till you do."

"You fucking pervert!" Frank shouted at me. I could see he was hating this.

I walked back round to his exposed rear end and slid my hand down over his trunks from the centre of his ass down over his heavy balls and then up to... his erection.

"Who's the fucking pervert, Frankie Boy?" I asked as I rubbed my thumb over his engorged cockhead through the material.

He groaned in pleasure.

"I said, who's the fucking pervert, Boy?"

I heard a mumbled "I am Sir..." from my captive wrestler.

"Good Boy!" I exclaimed as I stood back up. "20 grand off the bill once the spanking has been completed."

"Eh? You said-"

"I said nothing about having finished, Frank. Now you need a good spanking and I can see you are loving it, so I'll keep going till you tell me to stop... "

"I want you to stop now Sir!"

I walked towards a cupboard on the side. Opening it up, I pulled out a wooden paddle.

"If you want me to stop, Frank, you know what I want in return. You have earned the 20 grand bonus for getting hard from your spanking, but the 30 grand is nowhere near earnt yet..."

I walked back up to him and stood back in my earlier position.

I tapped the paddle against his big round muscular asscheeks.

"I'm not going to hold you down, Boy, but if you dare get up from this position I'll rescind the 20 grand bonus you've just earnt. Stick that ass out and take it like the fucking tough bastard you are."

"Please, Sir...!" he responded. He had no choice. He couldn't get free, so he would be forced to take the spanking.


"AHHHH!" Frank cried. Turns out that the paddle was having more of an effect than my hand did.

"How many strokes, Frankie Boy?" I asked. I tapped his ass again with the paddle.


I smiled and hit his arse between each word as I said:

"How -- many -- strokes -- Frankie - Boy?"






Each THWACK! was followed by a cry from Frankie as his ass got the good hiding it deserved.

I stood back and let him drink in the pain.

"You... you fucker...," he then realised his mistake. "Sir!"

I laughed at him. "How many strokes do you think you can take Frankie before you beg me to fuck your ass?"

No response.

I looked down between his legs. There was a small damp spot near the head of his cock.

"Still enjoying it, I see, pervert..."







"FUCK! PLEASE, NO MORE, PLEASE SIR!" Frank shouted. This time he tried to get up, which was difficult in the stretched out position with his wrists handcuffed behind him.

"Want my dick in your ass, Boy?" I asked.

"No! No fucking way!" he spat the reply at me.

"Get back in position, Frankie Boy..."

"Fuck off!"

I tapped at his ass once more. "Another six, Boy, and you earn the 30 grand."

He was huffing and puffing as he bent back over. "Fucking do it!"

"Are we forgetting something, Boy?" I asked, giving him a harder tap.

"Sir... Sir... please Sir, just do it, get it over with..."

"Good Boy!"







Each stroke punctuated with screams from the big strong man tied to my desk.




"FUCK!, Sir, what the fuck?" he asked, looking backwards towards me.

"Just to reinforce who's in charge, Frank. Now, you have earnt another 30 grand off the bill, so by my reckoning that's... 65 grand. Well done Boy!"

I tapped his ass again and he flinched.

"Thank you, Sir..." came the response.

"Sure you don't want to be fucked, Frank?" I asked.

"No, please..."

"OK, maybe later... let me untie your ankles and get you up, then I will take the handcuffs off. But if you decide you are going to try to hurt me the debt goes back up to 300 grand with 50 of interest added on... you'll be fucked one way or the other!"

"Please, no... no... I'll be obedient, Sir, please..."

I untied Frank and took the cuffs off him. He got unsteadily to his feet and turned to look at me, rubbing his wrists through the wristbands. His hard-on was causing his trunks to tent at the front. the damp spot was noticeably larger.

"I knew you'd enjoyed it, Boy..." I mocked.

He looked at me, then looked down at the stiff cock jutting out. He blushed.

"Um, yeah, yeah Sir."

"Do you want me to stroke that, Frankie Boy?" I asked, pointing at his hardon.

He looked up at me.

"I won't ask again, Boy -- do you want me to make you cum, Frankie...?" I asked.

His cock twitched in his trunks.

"Um... yeah... uh... I'm not sure Sir." he meekly replied.

"Upstairs, Boy, got a nice big bed for you to lie down on, get nice and comfy, so I can show my appreciation for your... efforts so far..."

He stood there aghast at what I was saying to him.

"Come on, Frank, your balls must be aching for release... let me help you out..."

He looked down at his cock and then up at me once again.

I barely heard him say `Yes please, Sir."


Next: Chapter 2

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