Wozeck and Max

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Apr 18, 2021


"C'MON WOZHEE! PICK UP YOUR FEET. YOU GONNA LET YOUR OLD MAN BEAT YA AGAIN? " Max was smiling and laughing as he and wozeck did cardio at the physical culture gym. wozeck couldn't call gyms one of his favorite places, period, and cardio was his least favorite part. It was always the last part of their workouts, and it was never a short sprint. The first day Max had said "ok, woje. We'll try a short one to get used to the equipment. 3 miles? We should be done in 20 minutes at most." wozeck WAS almost finished at 20 minutes. For good. Max teased him. "WOJE. You're such a good guy. Pretending you can't keep up with me. Give the old man some support! " wozeck, in the meanwhile, was gasping for breath like a carp out of water. "Can I stop Sir Max? " He huffed and puffed. PLEASE." "HA HA. What a wimp! Sure. Take a break, Stretch or something. I'll be done in two more miles." Max was doing five.

Working out together at the Physical Culture gym had been a good idea. First, it forced wozeck to use a gym, because Max would pick him up after work every day and they'd go off together. Trusting wozeck to use the gym at the translation facility on his own hadn't worked. And, for wozeck, the rules of the "PC" gym as Max called it, suited him just fine: it was a nude gym, "the way it should be," according to the advertising. With the exception of soft slippers for the users' feet, clothes were not allowed, period. So, not only did wozeck get a look at the amazing body of the man he slept with every night, so did anyone else who was at the gym. And they looked. One had looked so hard, he had fallen off the treadmill down from Max. "I'll help him up Sir. You go on," wozeck had said that time, not wanting his Claimant to get near this horny prole. When he got there, the prole whispered

"Is that your man?" "It is," wozeck answered and smiled. "BOY did YOU luck out." wozeck smiled. "I did. More ways than you know." The other prole smiled. "My name is Georg. My claimant Ivan doesn't come to the gym, but he thinks it good that I do." "Sir Max feels the same way. He comes, I think, to make sure that I do." Georg smiled. "Oh. He has SUBTLE ways of keeping you in line." wozeck blushed. "Some are subtle, some aren't."

Georg was almost always there when Max and wozeck came. He was there tonight. wozeck was thinking that tonight, his cage would probably come off: it had been five days, and he needed it. Sleeping with Max every night was hard enough: working out with him, seeing that wonderful tool bounce back and forth, or hearing him whisper, at the end of a session "I wish other people didn't see how hot your ass is," was making him crazy. He wanted to get fucked, badly. That morning, he had , as Masha had taught him "dressed with a purpose." White oxford button down shirt, jeans that fit snugly but not too snugly. The shoes Max called "penny loafters." "Morning Master Max," he had smiled when he sat down for their breakfast. He saw Max take in a deep breath. For the first time in days, that third line on Max's forehead , the one that showed up when he was stressed, was gone. "WOZZZH. God you look good this morning." wozeck smiled, reached up and unbuttoned a second button. "Thank you Sir Max. I know you like this outfit. " "So you wore it for me?" "I wear everything for you." "Hmmm. I wonder if I can take the day off," Max mused. "Sir, with all due respect, if I can wait a week , you can wait a day." Max laughed. "Fair point, my pierogi, fair point. Tonight.. For sure."

wozeck was glad that the third line wasn't there that morning. In his time with Max, he had learned to tell when Max was upset. He didn't really express it at home, except maybe eating less or going to bed early, but physically, the third brow line was the giveaway. Max had two lines on his forehead that were always there. If they were from stress, or a birthmark, etc, that wozeck didn't know. The third line DID show up when he knew Max was working hard, or had a difficult issue at work, but it always disappeared after a couple of days. This time, it had been there for two weeks. Wozeck had tried. After he had seen it for three days in a row, and Max was sitting back on the sofa, alone (normally he invited wozeck to come and cuddle with him), his eyes closed, the vodka in front of him, he dared. "Master Max.... can I give you a shoulder massage?" It had been something he learned from Uri. Max opened his eyes and smiled. "WOZZZH. Oh, I'm sorry. I must have dozed off. Yeah, a massage sounds good, young man. Let me move to a chair so you can get those beautiful thumbs in. " wozeck smiled at the thought that he took the initiative to give Max pleasure. And Max responded to the massage. "OH . OH WOW. How did I not know about this talent?" MMMMMMMMMMMMM"

wozeck didn't have very big hands, but they were strong, and soon, Max felt himself relaxing all over: except for one place. "Wozhee. You're magnificent. Not only did you relax me, you made me horny. Get me the handcuffs. " wozeck smiled. "Yes sir.." He brought them back and asked "shall I take off my shirt Sir?" He was wearing a very tight sky blue t shirt that favored his eyes. Max got up. "Nope. I'm gonna unwrap my present myself. " He had wozeck raise his arms and then he slowly pulled off the tshirt. He leaned into wozeck, who felt Max's hardness against him, as Max whispered into his ear. "My wozhee. Best decision I ever made. " He ran his fingers over wozeck's nipples, and the young man backed up into Max, whispering "Please take me Master. Please treat me like Stanislaus. " No sooner had he gotten the words out, that his hands were cuffed, behind him and Max was pushing him down to his knees. Max had switched to shorts when he came home, and his muscular legs, one of his best features to wozeck, had been driving him crazy all night. Max slipped the waistband down and his cock popped out. wozeck knew what to do. And he did it well, drawing out the blow job for what felt like 45 minutes. When Max finally came, letting out an aspiration of relief rather than a yell, wozeck looked up: the line was still there. "Something is bothering my Master. Is there something I can do Sir?" Max smiled. "You mean besides being so damn handsome, and so sweet? No, I don't think so. Nothing's wrong wozhee. Nothing at all. But I'm tired. You mind going to bed early tonight? "Not at all Sir." The moment when, after they got in bed and Max threw a leg over him was one wozeck anticipated every night. It meant he was completely in Max's control. And he loved it.

So, Max had picked up wozeck at his job that day. Supervisor Irina was on the floor. "Madame Irina! Has wozhee behaved today? Any need to punish him?" Irina smiled. "I will have to let you decide, Max. He has done nothing to deserve punishment." She smiled. "Which of course doesn't mean he shouldn't get it." Max chuckled a little. Irina was one of the few women in the Alliance who was the same rank as Max. They liked each other, and sometimes, when wozeck wasn't quite finished with a project, they'd go off and have a tea or something and exchange stories. Wozeck remembered that it was after one of those first chats that he had seen Max's third line reappear. He had it again today as they took off.

"SO, Wozhee... you look especially cute today." "You said that this morning Sir." "I did, didn't I? Well, you still do?" "Does it mean...." he had his coquettish smile on. "What do you think?" "I think a member of the Alliance needs to release some.... 'steam' tonight. "Ho ho. You have no idea sweet pierogi. No idea."

The PC gym was more crowded than usual that night. Mostly young men at wozeck's rank, but most of them were exercising alone. Max and wozeck worked out together, spotting weights for each other, timing planks, and counting pull ups. The fact that Max could keep up with what wozeck was doing, even though wozeck was not in terrific shape, amazed the young men. It was during cardio though, that Max always surprised them. wozeck was done after 3.5 miles, and Max just smiled. "Ok, why don't you start getting ready to go home, wogee? I'm gonna get in two more miles, maybe 3. I'll see you in 20 minutes." "yes sir," wogee pursed his lips like a kiss, and went off to shower, then change. Georg was already in the locker room, getting dressed. "HEY WOZECK. Your man looks good today." wozeck smiled. "My man looks good every day. I worry about him though." He finished drying his hair, and began getting his clothes out of his locker. "Why? What's wrong? Is he sick?" "No, he's not sick. He's just... worried. About something. I don't know what. Or concerned. He's stressed." "Is he beating you?" "NO NO NO. Nothing like that. He's been a prince. He's always been a prince. I just worry about him." Georg paused for a minute. "Wozeck, is it getting close to the time when he has to decide to reclaim you?" Wozeck laughed. "I wish. We're 8 months in. Nearly a year and a half more. " "You'd say yes." Wozeck was silent for a minute, and then he looked up. "Georg, if he told me I had to rent one of those jet planes, and write yes across the sky, I'd do it. If he wanted me to plant a garden that said "YES MASTER MAX, " I would. " Another pause. "Sex with my last claimant was amazingly hot. But my whole life with Master Max is... well, I almost never feel like I'm a prole. " Georg looked at him. "That's really wonderful. You hear so many BAD stories of claimants and proles, and then to hear something like this. I'm happy for you Wozeck. Patience." "I know, I know. Poles are supposed to be good at waiting. I'm not." He began pulling up his jeans, and then he made sure the second button on his shirt was opened. wozek and georg didn't know that Max had walked into the locker room just as they were beginning their conversation. He heard it all. He smiled, because, well... he had something to discuss with wozeck that night. "HEY! We got a couple of choices, wozhee. If I stink, I'll go and shower. If I'm not too bad, I'll just throw my clothes back on and we'll leave. What's your thoughts." wozeck exaggerated smelling the air and then pinched his nose. "Reminds me of the time you tried to make Polish stuffed cabbage." "Ha ha. You ate three portions. But I get it. Gimme ten minutes." As he plodded off to the showers, georg turned to wozeck. "You ARE lucky. I could never talk to Ivan that way. " wozeck blushed. "I guess I am. " Max came out, wrapped in a towel. wozeck felt his cock begin to grow. georg felt his grow too. He dropped the towel and... was his cock bigger than when he went in? He began to get dressed. "So, wozhee, I was wondering. I'm in the mood for Italian food tonight. Wanna pick the restaurant?" wozeck smiled. "You never believe it when I say it, but the Italian food I like best is the food you cook." Georg was thinking "His Master offered to take him out, and he wants to eat AT HOME. And wait... did I hear that. Master MAX? GOLD LEVEL Master Max cooks for him?" Max had finished slipping into his clothes. "You sure, pierogi?" wozeck smiled. "Can I have sausage?" "As much as you want. But let's stop and get some ice cream too. The lingonberry may still be around. "Strawberry would be good too." Max smiled, and looked at georg. "georg, can we give you a lift home?" He smiled. "Thanks, but Master Ivan should be here soon. He prefers I wait. " "Ok. See you when we see you." Max ruffled wozeck's hair. "Let's motor wozhee. Grocery store then home.

There was a fancy food market on the way to home, and they stopped to get the ice cream. "LAST WEEK COMRADE MAX. LAST WEEK." "Well, thank you Sonia, we'll enjoy it." He had also picked up the makings of a Norma sauce, which was one of their shared favorites. There were salad greens in the house he knew. Sonia instinctively handed the bags to wozeck, who turned away when Max tried to get one. "NYET. NYET. " "Oh good. I get to see your back muscles strain a little... " He whispered to wozeck. "You wanted sausage. I want peaches. "

When he put down the bags, wozeck felt Max's arm curl around his waist. His tongue grazed wozeck's ear. "GET IN THE BEDROOM. ON YOUR BACK. NOW. " "YES SIR." Wozeck expected Max to tie him down to the bed. He didn't, just yet. Instead, he pinned his arms down with his body, and slowly began running his fingers over each of wozeck's nipples. He pressed his knee into wozeck's locked dick.

"You know, wozhee, when I was in the US, teaching, sometimes I'd just take a seat somewhere and watch the young guys go by. I always focused on the blonds: with blue eyes, and eventually, only the preppies that dressed like you're dressing today." He sighed. "GOD. I wanted them all." He leaned in and kissed wozeck. "And now, I only want one." He began unbuttoning wozeck's shirt. His mouth found a nipple, and wozeck began to moan. "OH.. Sir... I am so glad I make you happy... I.."' "SHHHH sweet pea. SHHHHH. Let me try to make you happy." Max's strong hands held wozeck down. wozeck sensed that a little resistance might be in order, and when he pushed back, he got a smile from Max, who whispered. "You're not getting away handsome boy. I worked too hard to get you." His lips met wozeck's and then he pushed his tongue into him. When he was done, he smiled. "If you wanna get unlocked tonight, you better do a damn good job in... eating the sausage." "YES SIR. FEED ME." They switched in between English and Russian. Max began running his finger along wozeck's waistband, which tickled the young man just slightly. "Sir... Sir... you're making me... WANT YOU MORE." Max smiled. "That right? Then maybe I can use my hands to..." He slid them behind wozeck and squeezed his ass cheeks. "GOD I love how these feel." "tie me down sir. PLEASE. Tie your boy down so you can do both. Do my nipples. Do my ass. PLEASE.." Max smiled and pulled out the restraining cords. "I should gag you too, but then.. then I can't get to that beautiful mouth of yours." Max began french kissing wozeck again, and wozeck noticed: the third line was there. But as Max kissed, his fingers found wozeck's jean button and zipper, and started getting the jeans off his boy. wozeck continued to play, and pulled his legs together, holding them tight. It was a scene that was in the Stanislaus play. "Not so easy to open an oyster Sir. " Max smiled. "Much easier to open a boy. He ran his finger over wozeck's balls, and it was working. wozeck's head began to thrash, and then he began moaning. A very soft whisper came out of Max. "Open the gates wozeck." "You mean Stanislaus, Sir?" "No. I mean wozeck. I mean wozeck my little pierogi. There's a reward for compliance." wozeck was hoping. it meant... OH FUCK. It did. Max lifted his legs up and wozeck felt his tongue digging into his ass. "HUUUUUUUUUUUUUHHHHHH. OH SHIT YOU'VE NEVER GONE THAT DEEP SIR. OH SHIT. OH SHIT. UNLOCK ME PLEASE." "Ha ha. Maybe not for another week." wozeck began to moan and whine. "You really ARE gonna get the gag. A BIG one. A really big penis gag. " "I'd rather have a REAL penis Sir." "And you're gonna get one. Right now..." Max began sliding in a thick engorged American cock. One thing wozeck had learned from Max, which he didn't learn from Uri, was how much better foreplay could be than the actual sex. He LOVED sex, but the different ways Max got there were so interesting and so much fun. He was figuring out tonight: he tried to play Stanislaus and Max seemed to suggest: he was rejecting it. (He was). And as Max pounded the ass he had pounded just two nights earlier, Max thought about how he had gotten here. Was Max going to keep him? He hoped so. He had to do what he needed to do, to make sure he did. Meanwhile, Max was pumping harder and harder. "DAMN. My preppie Pole. My preppie Polish pierogi. I'm STUFFING you. Stuffing you with my meet, and my cheese. TAKE IT PRETTY BOY." wozeck felt his claimants juice going up into him. He felt him fall down on top of him, his body warm, his touch so sensuous. He whispered. "You sure you wanna cum boy?" wozeck's voice was high and thin. "YESSSSSSSSSSSSS. YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS. Please let me shoot. PLEASE... " Max pulled out a key. "Wanna see if you can open it yourself?" wozeck pulled at the restraints. "I can't Sir. I'm your prisoner." "You're my boy. My A number one boy..." He unlocked the cage. "I'm thinking of not using it anymore. If I tell you no jerking off for three days, do you think you could do it?" "Can we try it Sir? Is there a reward if I do?" "There is. And there's punishment if you don't." He began untying the restraints. "Go to it sweet boy. Let me see you pleasure yourself." Max began playing with wozeck's hair, something they both loved as he whispered into wozeck's ear. Max usually whispered to wozeck when wozeck was masturbating, but it was dirty, sexy stuff. Tonight, it was different. "God am I glad that Uri gave you up. That way I didn't have to kidnap you. I was gonna have you one way or the other wozhee. I knew you were the one. I saw it in your eyes, and how you looked back at me. You knew I was the one, didn't you?" wozeck thought for a minute and he realized: Max was right. When wozeck saw how Max had looked at him the first time, at first he thought it was just another Alliance member, lusting after him. That was partly true. As he thought back to the parties at Uri's, though, and how Max had come in to help him in the kitchen, would do things like hold his glass if the tray wozeck was carrying was full, just little things, and always the smile: the smile that seemed to say "Everyone knows you're hot. I know more." "AAAAAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" wozeck's hips bucked and he shot, and he kept on shooting. "MASTER MAX. MASTER MAX.. LOOK WHAT YOU DO TO ME. LOOK! " Max smiled. "How's about you get cleaned up, and I'll go see about some pasta. Shouldn't take long.

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While wozeck cleaned up, Max changed to a simple striped oxford shirt and jeans. wozeck, not wanting to spoil the mood, put on the tightest lavender t shirt he could find, with the jeans he was wearing that day. "You know, wozhee, lavender is hard to get right. You look SO good." "Second round Sir?" "Ha ha. You forget I'm an old man. Eat your pasta." When they were done, wozeck got up to start cleaning. Max stopped him.

"Hey, come out to the living room, sit with me woge. I wanna discuss something with you, have you look at something." Wozeck saw the third line get deeper . "Well, sure sir. Is everything ok?" Max formed a tight smile. "Woge, it's NEVER the case that everything is ok, but let's just look at this now. I have copies of the claimant/coupling law. I looked at it in English and in Russian, but could you look at it with me? There's an exception clause and I need to know that my interpretation is right. "Sure Sir. Let me take a look." Wozeck began translating out of Russian: "After a period of two years, the Claimant may reclaim the prole for a second, and final period of two years. The Claimant is expected to couple with the prole no later than the second period of claiming. This period may be accelerated if the following criteria are satisfied." Wozeck looked up. "So, is this saying that if the conditions are met, Claimants and proles don't have to wait to make things final?" "I think that's what it says, woge. All of the criteria relate to conditions under the control of the prole, at least that's how I read it." "Let's see. Hmmm. 1. the prole must declare in an affidavit that the Claimant is not forcing him or her to do so. 2. the prole must further declare that he or she will assume all the duties assumed by a second term prole who is claimed by a claimant. 3. the prole must submit evidence of his or her continuous residence with the named Claimant for a period of not less than six months prior to the petition. 4. the prole must aver that he or she has not engaged in sexual congress with anyone but the subject, claimant, and 5. The Claimant must pay a fee of 2000 units to the state." Wozeck finished, and looked up. Not only was the crease deeper on Max's forehead, he was staring intently at Wozeck.

"Sir... I think I know why you're looking at this. I'm... I'm flattered, I'm stunned, and my answer is yes. Absolutely." He put down the paper and began to cry. He didn't ask permission, he just embraced Max. Hard. "If you were to release me after this period, Sir, I think I'd have to end my life. There's no one better than you." Max was silent. He was crying too. "Let me be clear woge. There are reasons for this. Very, VERY serious reasons. " He lowered his voice. "The Alliance is not in good shape, and it's probably going to dissolve shortly. If that happens, foreigners, like myself, will have to leave. " "And me?" "Well, if we're coupled, I can assert diplomatic privilege, since I'll still be an American diplomat, and you'd be treated as my spouse. You'd have American citizenship. That's why I brought this up, because woge..." He began sobbing. "I don't want to be without you either." They cried together for a few minutes, and then, wozeck took control. "We start this tomorrow. You have a lawyer Sir, yes?" "Yes, I do. An American one. " "Make an appointment. We will write the papers, we'll get this done." He saw the crease in Max's forehead begin to fade. "Now take me to bed Sir. I'll get up early and clean up. Use your fingers. Use your tongue, use whatever you have to, but make me know how much we belong together." There was no crying in bed that night. They each fell asleep happy.

Next: Chapter 4

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