Wozeck and Max

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Apr 11, 2021


Max moved his arm down from wozeck's shoulders, and found the spot on his hip, right above where his belt met his body and kneaded it gently. It was their "secret": Max could get his boy to do anything he wanted if he just worked that spot enough. It was working. Wozeck cuddled closer to Max, and felt his cock bang up against his cage . "We can go home Sir?" Max smiled . "Sure can." They were switching in between English and Polish. Max was fluent in English, Russian and German, but his Polish was not so good. He practiced it when he spoke to Wozeck, and in turn, Wozeck would speak in English to practice his. "We can go home, Sir?" was a little non colloquial, but it was expressions like that which made "wojee" even more adorable to Max. Wozeck wished the rest of the office good night, and grabbed his jacket.

Max had started studying Polish when he first met Wozeck at Uri's house. He knew Uri's history with claiming proles, and he had a feeling this was a "one term" thing, which turned out to be correct. Max also knew that Wozeck's English and Russian were perfect, but he wanted to show that he wanted to make an extra effort, when he had a chance to claim this boy. With his job, finding time to get another language under his belt was challenging, but he was getting better. And the first time he had used Polish on Wozeck, telling him, in Polish , to "get on his back and spread his legs," he saw the smile on the young man's face.

As they got into the car, Max patted Wozeck's thigh. "Good day, cutie?" "Ok, Sir. I was assigned a textbook on kidney surgery - translate it into Croatian. Don't ask me why I feel like I'm getting up every ten minutes to ask Magda (she was the head of the medical section) for vocabulary." Max teased him. "You sure you're not getting up just to show people what a hot ass you've got wojee?" Max laughed. So did Wozeck. "They don't dare cross you Sir. They know better." "Ha ha. Good. More for me." Indeed, Max was already thinking about the really great sex they would have later that night... if everything worked the way he wanted it to.

"Sir, did you just take a wrong turn? This isn't the way home." "Nope, woge, it's not. We're not going home right away." "Oh. Can I ask where we're going Sir?" Max smiled. "You can ask, but I won't tell you." Wozeck looked around He knew it wasn't the route to the theater, and it wasn't a route to anyone's house where they would visit for dinner - Uri's house for example (wozeck tried not to think about Uri. They'd go to his house, and the housekeeper would serve them a wonderful dinner: Max, Uri, wozeck, and Uri's new boy - a skinny blond German guy who was named Michael, and was 18 years old - Uri would occasionally get drunk and tell the story of how he took Michael's virginity. Max would smile politely, and Wozeck would be angry). No, they weren't going to Uri's that was clear. They drove for about another fifteen minutes, before they stopped in front of a very clean looking, metallic structure. There were cars parked, but not too many. "Remember this place, woge? " "Uh, is it the ice cream parlor Sir?" Max smiled. "THAT'S RIGHT. I thought we'd cheat and have ice cream before dinner and then maybe have some late night pierogis. " Wozeck smiled. He liked ice cream, he loved pierogis. As they settled in, Wozeck looked at the menu and saw that lingonberries had come into season. They were a favorite. Could he have a lingonberry sundae with lingonberry sauce? Indeed he could. Max, who was a bit more abstemious, asked for a scoop of caramel crunch. Before the waitress left, he spoke to her in Russian. "Magda, confetti for him please." "Confetti Sir?" Max smiled. "I think it's really just very American. We call it sprinkles, but I know how you like color. " When the sundae came, Max was like a young boy when he saw the colors. "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH. Sir Max. Can we get these for home?" Max smiled. "Maybe. We have to discuss something about home." A shadow went over Wozeck's face. He didn't know what this was about, but it didn't sound good. "You know how long we've been together, woge?" "HMMMM. It is about six months Sir?" "Yes, yes it is. And do you remember what I had promised you?" "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH. Now it came back to Wozeck. Max had told him that if he were unhappy after six months, he would do what he could to make him a freed man. Wozeck had thought a little about that, but not a lot. He was happy with Max - very happy. He realized that the other day when he was working on a particularly dense passage for translation. The work as a translator had made Wozeck very sensitive to language. He realized that day that when he was with Uri, Uri would always introduce him with something like "This is Wozeck. He belongs to me." On the other hand, in public, Max always said something like "this is my partner wozeck." During sex, Max might growl "YOU BELONG TO ME PRETTY BOY" or something like that, but it was always private. Max did the best he could to let people know how much he valued Wozeck. And Wozeck appreciated that. Max was fierce in bed, and the sex was great. Sex with Uri had been better. He had never said that to Max, and he never would, but he thought Max knew it, or felt it. wozeck was embarrassed but he asked the question. "Sir, if I'm a freed man, can you and I still be a couple? " Max made a sad smile and shook his head no. "Now, you see, that's one of the things woge. The law has got so many moving parts it isn't funny, and while I'm sure it's broken all the time, it's against the law for two freed men, or two freed women, to have sex with each other. " He paused and took Wozeck's hand. "You know how much I hate this word, woge, but the law says freed men must take their sexual partners from the proles." "So... I couldn't be a couple with Uri either?" He saw the painful look on Max's face and regretted asking it. Max gave out a big sigh. "I'm sure Uri violates the law more than he honors it, but the strict answer is no, you can't. " A pause. "And of course, you'd have to share him with Michael. Do you want to do that? " Wozeck's voice was low. "No Sir. I don't." "woge, this is about you, but I want to add something. The last six months have been the happiest of my life. The plays, the sex, but just having you around. You have such a joyous spirit. I smile when I think about you and DAMN IT. If you stay, at the end of two years, I'm gonna ask you to couple with me." That was something Wozeck hadn't thought about. He had been released twice, he thought he would be a third time, too. "You like me that much Sir?" "No, I like you much more. " He grinned. "When I lock up that kielbasa of yours, or I put mine in your buns, or when we just get on stage, I feel like I'm the luckiest man in the world. And I regret I just wasn't around when you were available for claiming the first time. I lost 4 years woge. Four years of your big smile, your sweet personality. " There was another pause and Max put down his spoon. "Please stay." Wozeck lowered his eyes. "I want to stay Sir." When he looked up, Max was beaming. "Finish eating your lingonberries, my little dingleberry. I'm looking forward to getting home." "Dingleberry? What is that Sir?" Max laughed. "Oh, it's another American expression. Sort of a silly person, but also, we use it to talk about testicles. " "I don't have little dingleberries Sir" "HA HA. No, you don't. And I wanna see those passion fruits tonight."

On the drive back home, Max brought up the gym. "So, I'm told you don't use the company gym woge. You're still young but you know... at some point, those lingonberry sundaes are going to make you a little bit of a chubby guy." "I know Sir. When I go to the gym at the office, I hear people whispering "that's Master Max's boy," and it makes me uncomfortable. I know you're important, but I'm not." "Yeah you are, woge. You're important to me. I'll tell you what. There's a gym close to home. The 'Institute for Physical Culture'. We can work out together there if you want, but... it's a no clothes gym. Are you ok with that?" Wozeck smiled. "You mean I get to see you naked for an extra hour? Let's sign up now." Wozeck LOVED Max's body. He was older, sure, but he didn't do things to try to fake his age. He worked out and he had lean muscles, not big ones. He had amazing legs, especially his calves. When he wrapped his legs around Wozeck during sex, there was no way the younger man could get free. And that mound of silver fur on his chest.. Wozeck felt his cock bump against his cage again Max laughed. "I'll sign us up tomorrow. Oh, before I forget, I asked the theater if we could take a little sabbatical. We won't be back on stage for two weeks. " Now, the theater: THAT was an interesting situation. Remember how, back when he was in the Complex, Wozeck had always been the boy who they picked to play the hero Stanislaus? Well, there was a folk theater a few towns from where they lived. Max took Wozeck there one afternoon to see a comedy, and the director of the theatre, a lovely woman named Natalia had stopped them. "Excuse me... but you... young man.. You ARE Stanislaus. Is there any way I could get you to play him when we present the play?" Wozeck looked at Max for permission. "OH, I am sorry," Natalia blushed and turned to Max. "Would you allow your prole to work with us?" Max smiled. "It's up to my PARTNER. I say it's fine, but wogee, what do ya think?" "Sir, I played Stanislaus when I was in Complex. I could do it. But...." "But what woge?" "I'll only do it if you'll play Lord Miller" "OH, DA DA DA. " Natalia exclaimed. "PERFECT. LOVERS - I mean a couple - playing lovers. " She looked at Max. "Do you mind dying every night?" Max made an involved joke about how he died every time he was with Wozeck (in the play, Stanislaus stabs Lord Miller, and himself, when they're in bed), and neither of them got it. "Yes, of course. " Then he introduced himself and Natalia's eyes got big. "OH. SO you ARE a gold level. That makes this so much better " The public seemed to agree. If there were an announcement that Max and wozeck were playing the lead roles, the theater sold out in hours. Many people came back every time they performed. When they took their bows at the end, holding hands, and Max bent down to kiss Wozeck, the young man was in heaven.

"We'll have a few weeks off Sir?" "Yeah, I think work is gonna get a little busy, and now that you've said yes, I wanna spent a little more time with you wogee. Don't want you to regret your decision." Wozeck looked at him. "There is no regret in my decision Sir. " Max took one hand off the wheel and squeezed wozeck's.

By then, they had reached the house. Wozeck had opened up a second button when they had gotten into the car to go to the ice cream parlor, and Max took advantage of it, slipping his hand inside Wozeck's shirt and teasing the nipple. "My pretty, sexy prince. " As he squeezed Wozeck's nipple, he nibbled his ear. "MMMMMMMMM Sir.. OH SIR. OOOOH. " "You look so handsome woge. I LOVE that shirt. And I love these pants. And I love doing this..." Max's fingers went back to the spot on Wozeck's hip. Wozeck squirmed and laughed, and begged Max to "STOP, " but it wasn't happening. Instead, Max twisted him around and shoved his tongue down wozeck's throat, with wozeck taking every inch of it. "You taste just like lingonberries wogee. Let's get that taste out of your mouth. Replace it with dingleberry." Wozeck smiled. He knew what Max wanted, and got down on his knees. He unbuckled Max's pants, pulled out his cock, and began to suck. Max moved his fingers to Wozeck's nipples. "YES SWEET BOY YES. DO IT. DO IT. OH FUCK YOU'RE SO GOOD AT THAT." wozeck had learned a LOT about sex from Uri: what to do, what not to do, when to go faster, slower, and Max was the beneficiary. In turn, Max moved his hands up to wozeck's ears and pushed his head forward. "ALL OF IT BOY. ALL OF IT. EVERY LAST BIT. GET IT NICE AND WET BECAUSE... SOMEONE'S HOT DOG IS GONNA SPLIT SOME BUNS." When Max felt his cock was nice and wet, he grabbed wozeck by the back of his neck, like a kitten: "On the bed. On the bed NOW, boy. " "Belly or back Sir?" "You pick." wozeck liked being taken from behind, planked on his elbows and knees. He also LOVED being eaten, but he knew his place and never asked. He didn't have to tonight. He felt Max's tongue slipping in. "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOh. OOOOOOOOOOOOOH YES. " Now, this was something that he didn't learn about from Uri. Uri thought it was beneath him to pleasure his prole too much, so he didn't eat wozeck's ass. Max, on the other hand, seemed to love it. He loved it as much as he loved tea bagging wozeck, something else he taught him. "Wogee, I may hurt you tonight and know what? I DON'T CARE. CAUSE I WANT YOU SO BAD AND I'M SO FUCKING HARD..." Max RAMMED into wozeck with even less finesse than he usually used. "AGGGH. OH SIR. OH you're so big." "TAKE IT FUCK BOY. TAKE IT. TAKE IT FROM THE MAN WHO OWNS YOU. " "YES SIR YES SIR YES SIR. YOU OWN ME. I BELONG TO YOU. I LOVE BELONGING TO YOU." wozeck began to cry a little. He had never used the word "love" with Max. This was the first time. Max caught it too. "And I LOVE knowing that you're mine wogee. I LOVE knowing that I can count on the HOTTEST FUCKING BOY IN THE COUNTRY, taking my cock whenever I want." There was a final ram and the jizz began filling wozeck. He screamed, and Max laughed. "Next time we're gonna use a gag. " He smiled. He liked gagging wozeck, especially since wozeck wasn't fond of it. " He looked at wozeck's cock cage. "When did you last cum?" "Two weeks ago Sir?" "YOU ARE LYING... " Max began tickling wozeck. TELL THE TRUTH OR I WILL LEAVE IT ON FOR TWO WEEKS." "HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAH. You milked me three days ago Sir. Three days." HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHHA." "Hmmm. Not long enough yet. Two more days. IF you do well at the gym. "Yes sir. I promise. " wozeck was lying there, spread out, smiling. Max looked down at him , smiling too. When Max was a young boy, he had a puppy - a German shepherd - who used to look at him the way wozeck was looking at him now. "You want those pierogi, sweetcakes?" "Yes sir. Just a few." "Just a few" for wozeck meant two bowls. "Gonna have to speak to the trainer about his program" Max thought, as he got back in the bedroom as wozeck cleaned up. He was under the down comforter when wozeck came in and stripped "C'mere boy. I'm so glad you decided to stay." He kissed wozeck. "But you know what? If you said you wanted to leave, I wasn't gonna let you." wozeck smiled. "I know Sir."

Next: Chapter 3

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