Worshipping Jake

By jeff Hamby

Published on Dec 28, 2020


This story is an original work. It should not be reposted or reproduced in whole or in part without the author's consent.

Copyright 2020 by Jeff Hamby. All rights reserved.

Warning: This story contains descriptions of sexual acts between adult males and/or females. If you do not enjoy this type of material, or if it is illegal in your country or place of residence, please stop reading immediately. This story is not in any way an accurate depiction of reality, and any relations to real persons or acts are unintentional. This story is fiction.

Worshipping Jake

Chapter 8

As hard as I tried, I couldn't get the taste of Connor's piss out of my mouth. I was disgusted with myself. Why had I done something that nasty? I couldn't even stand to think about it. Plus, I'd licked the boy's bathroom floor, which was even more disgusting. What was I turning into?

I tried washing my mouth out with water, and that helped a little. Somehow, though, I kept smelling it. I sniffed my shirt, but there was nothing on it, so I guess the smell just got in my nose somehow. Every now and then I'd burp, and the taste of Connor's piss would come back into my mouth. The smell and taste stayed with me all day.

I got lucky. Somehow, I managed to avoid Connor for the rest of the day. When school let out, Jake said he was done with me, so I headed home. I had a ton of homework to do, plus Jake's homework as well, so a free evening gave me a chance to get all that out of the way and relax some, which was great.

Just as I finishing up dinner, I got a text on my phone from a number I didn't know. When I looked at it, it was a picture of me licking Connor's blue Nike high tops in the boy's bathroom. Obviously, Connor took it, since the picture was looking straight down at me. Mostly it was the back and side of my head, but my face and tongue were plenty clear as I licked dirt from his basketball shoes. My heart sank. Just what I needed: another demanding jock with incriminating pictures of me.

The picture was quickly followed another text: "3642 Willowbrook Ave. Now, fag."

I didn't recognize the address, but since I definitely recognized the shoes, I knew it had to be Connor. Fortunately, Willowbrook Avenue wasn't far away. I made some excuse to my mom about going to study with a friend, then went over to Connor's house.

When I rang the bell, Connor answered the door. He was shirtless, but still wearing his jeans and high-top Nikes.

"Bout time you got here," he said. "Follow me."

Connor turned and walked up the stairs. I followed him upstairs to his bedroom. As soon as the door was closed, he turned and gave me a nasty look.

"Next time I tell you to get over here, bitch, you better high tail it. Don't keep me waiting, understand me? Not if you know what's good for you. You want me to keep your nasty secrets, you better keep me happy. Got it?"

"Yeah, Connor, I got it. Please, just don't tell anyone, OK?" I pleaded.

"We'll see," he replied, a smirk on his face. "My parents are out for a couple of hours, so I figured you could show me just how desperate you are for me not to tell anyone what a fag you are." He laughed. "Get down on your knees, bitch. Kiss my feet like you do Curry's every morning."

I dropped to my knees, and began planting kisses on his scuffed Nike basketball shoes. I could smell his sweat coming from the shoes.

"Beg me to keep your secret, fucker," Connor demanded. I started begging and pleading with him. I certainly didn't have to fake it. There wasn't anything I wanted more than for him to keep his big mouth shut. As much as he liked to brag, I knew he could completely ruin my life if he talked. Sure, Jake had photos of me, and had already posted one of them, making me the subject of ridicule throughout the school. But Jake made his terms pretty clear at least: as long as I obeyed him, he wouldn't share the photos. Weirdly, I trusted Jake. I knew that he only posted that picture of me naked because I'd disobeyed him. In a sense, I kind of did that to myself.

Connor, though...Connor would talk just to show off. The fact that he had pics of me licking his shoes made my guts turn to water. There was no telling what he would do. Plus, he'd already shown what a nasty little bastard he was, making me drink his piss. Even Jake never made me do something that disgusting!

Connor started backing away from me, so I stopped kissing his shoes. "No, faggot, keep those lips on my shoes. You like jock feet so much, show me," he said. He was standing about a foot away from me, so I crawled over and began kissing his shoes again. Once again, he began backing away from me, making me crawl in order to keep kissing his feet. Each time he would move, I'd have to crawl more. He was making me really grovel in order to kiss his shoes. I could tell he was enjoying my predicament, since he started to giggle as I struggled to keep my lips on his Nikes. He was clearly getting off on his power to make me crawl.

Finally, Connor stopped and sat down in a chair in front his computer desk. I continued kissing his Nikes, including up the sides of his high tops. Meanwhile, this demanding little freshman jock kept talking.

"Oh yeah, faggot, I'm gonna have a lot of fun using you! You're gonna be my fucking bitch from now on! All that shit you told me Curry makes you do? You're gonna do all that for me, too. Homework, carrying my books, all that shit! Now lick the bottoms of my shoes, bitch. Let me see how much you like 'em." He laughed, and began rubbing the soles of his shoes against my lips. I could taste the dirt in the treads of his shoes as he wiped them on my tongue.

Suddenly, Connor stood up and unzipped his jeans. He pushed his pants down to the floor, followed by his boxers.

"Get up here and suck my cock, freak," he ordered.

I leaned up into his lap. I was shocked by what I saw. Connor had a big dick, and his balls were huge! When I saw his cock earlier, it was soft, but still bigger than mine. Now, however, he was fully hard, and his cock was really long. Not very thick, but it was about nine inches long, and so hard it was almost purple. His balls were the size of golf balls. No wonder he was such an arrogant little shit!

Connor grabbed my head and shoved it down on his cock. He shoved it into my throat so far, I began to choke on it. He grabbed my ears and began moving me up and down on his pole, fucking my throat, pushing my head down until I could smell the sweat on his massive balls. It didn't take long; he quickly filled my mouth with a huge load of cum, holding my head all the way down on his cock as he shot against the back of my throat. Finally, he released my ears, and I slowly pulled off his cock.

"Open your mouth, fag. I wanna make sure you swallowed all of it," Connor demanded. I dutifully opened my mouth and stuck out my tongue, showing him I'd taken his entire load. He grinned, obviously pleased with himself. I was really glad he came as quickly as he did. I hoped this was over and I could go home, but Connor had other ideas.

He reached up and grabbed me by the front of my shirt and pulled me back down to his crotch, shoving my head on to his big balls. "Lick my nuts, bitch," he ordered, leaning back in the chair and putting his hands behind his head. I starting swabbing his balls with my tongue. I guess maybe he'd last showered that morning before school, because I could taste that his balls were kind of sweaty. I licked each one, amazed at the weight and size of them. If I really stretched my mouth, I was able to get one of them in my mouth and suck on it, but there was no way to get them both in my mouth. They were just too damn big.

Connor relaxed while I sucked his balls, then I heard him clicking away with his mouse. I managed to glance up and noticed he was looking at porn on his computer. Some guy pounding away at some big boobed girl. Connor ordered me to pull off his shoes and pants, which I did. For a freshman, he looked pretty good naked. Skinny, but well-toned, with some muscles beginning to develop, probably from all the sports. He had pretty big feet, about size 11, and big hands, which kinda made him look like a puppy: big paws that he was still growing into. A nasty, demanding puppy, though.

I heard the video change to a different scene. Connor threw one of his legs up on the desk and slid down in the chair. "All right, bitch. You're going to lick my asshole. Just like this bitch on the screen is doing to that guy." I looked at him, stunned. No way was I going to do something that nasty with him! I sat there, my mouth hanging open, until Connor reach down and slapped me. "You hear me faggot? I said lick my asshole. Or do you want me to tell the whole school what a pervert you are? I could tell everyone how much you like licking shoes and shit. Yeah, maybe that's what I should do. Put this picture I have of you up on your locker just like Curry did. Would you like that, fucker?" His blue eyes were boring into mine, and I could see from the look he was dead serious. He'd do it, too.

I had no choice, really. I leaned forward and pressed my lips against Connor's asshole. I could smell his sweat there even stronger than on his balls. His ass was musty and ripe. I couldn't believe he was making me do this; more importantly, I couldn't believe I was actually doing it! I stuck out my tongue and began licking his hole. The taste of Connor's ass sweat soon filled my mouth and nostrils. He began to moan, just like the guy on the video he was playing. Strangely, the fact that I was making him moan began to turn me on, and I starting pushing my tongue deeper into his ass, trying harder and harder to give him pleasure. As nasty as it was, there was something in my brain that seemed to be hardwired towards giving pleasure to jocks, even ones like Connor that I didn't really even like. I buried my face in his ass, sticking my tongue as deep in his hole as it would go, while Connor stroked his cock back to full erection and enjoyed his video.

Connor's moans increased the more I licked out his ass. Suddenly, he swung his leg down off the desk, and grabbed me by the hair, pulling my face out of his ass. He jerked my head up just in time to shoot his load all over my face and in my hair.

As soon as he was finished, Connor started laughing while he looked at me, covered in his second load of cum. I had my eyes closed to prevent cum from getting in them, but saw the flash from his phone as he took pictures of me wearing his load. Great. What would I have to do to keep him from sharing those, I wondered?

"OK, fag, I'm done with you. For now, as least. Get the fuck out," Connor said.

"Can I at least get, like, a towel or something to clean up?" I asked.

"No bitch! You oughta be happy I covered you in my cum. That's what you fags love, ain't it? Wear that shit, queer." He laughed again. I could tell Connor was going to be a monster to deal with. He was already a lot crueler than Jake, and far more demanding.

I got up off my knees and headed back towards my house. As soon as I was outside Connor's house, I used my hand to wipe his cum off my face. I couldn't risk anyone seeing me covered in cum! I got as much of it off my face and hair as I could, and was about to shake it off my hand on to the ground, but something stopped me. Instead, I put my hand up to my mouth and licked it clean, swallowing every drop. I don't know what made me do it. I wasn't even attracted to Connor; plus, he was a real shit, too. But somehow, it just seemed...right that I should swallow it.

The whole way home, I had the taste of Connor's cum and ass sweat in my mouth, not to mention all over my face. I could feel the residue of his cum drying on my face and in my hair. Fortunately, I managed to make it home and get cleaned up without having to face my parents.

The next morning, after I delivered Jake his breakfast and obediently kissed the feet of my perfect football god (Chucks today, definitely my favorites by far), I headed into the school. I hadn't made it ten feet in the door before I was confronted by Connor. I suppose he'd been watching me groveling at Jake's feet in the parking lot. Connor snapped his fingers and ordered me to follow him. He led me back to the small boy's bathroom like the day before, locking the door again.

When he turned around, Connor looked at me for a second, the reached out a slapped me across the face. "Bitch, why aren't you down on your knees? I told you, I want the same respect you give Curry, you got me? When we're alone, you drop to your knees and kiss my feet just like you do his."

I dropped to my knees before he decided to slap me again, and kissed Connor's basketball shoes. I hated doing this on the bathroom floor. Somehow, it made it seem even dirtier.

Digging into his pocket, Connor pulled out a crumpled piece of paper and thrust it at me. "That's my class schedule, fag. You've already got my locker combo, so getting my books shouldn't be any big deal. I expect them delivered before class, same as Jake's. Questions?"

I shook my head. This was going to be a challenge: Jake's classes, Connor's classes, and my classes weren't always in the same part of the building. I would have to seriously hustle to get them both their books and get to my own class before the bell rang. I was going to be running my ass off all over the school. One thing I noticed: Connor had a different lunch than me and Jake, since he was a freshman. At least I wouldn't have to buy him lunch!

As I was studying his schedule, Connor unzipped his jeans and pulled out his cock and balls. "Kiss my nuts, fag. You kiss Curry's feet every day, and you're gonna kiss mine, too. Then you're going to do me one better and kiss my big balls." He laughed, jiggling his testicles at me. I leaned in and planted a kiss on each of his balls. Satisfied, Connor grabbed his cock. "Open wide, fucker. I came in to the bathroom for a reason." Oh, no! Not again! Sure enough, Connor began to piss in my mouth. I quickly leaned forward to avoid getting any of it on me. The only thing worse than having to drink his piss would be having to wear it all day long! I swallowed his disgusting urine as fast as I could. When he was done, he pulled his cock out and wiped it on my lips, rubbing his cock head against them until all the piss was off.

"Well? What do you say, fag?" he demanded.

"Thank you," I mumbled, disgusted at what I'd done yet again.

"No, you can do better, fag. Try again."

"Thank you, sir." I said more loudly.

"Sir? Yeah, I like the sound of that. I think you're gonna call me that from now on anytime you talk to me," Connor said, puffing up like a rooster. I could tell being called "sir" by someone older was pumping his ego just as much as me drinking his piss. "Now, clean up this mess on the floor, then go get my books, bitch."

I sighed, then leaned down and licked a few drops of his piss off the nasty bathroom tile. Finally, I was allowed to get up and went to fetch his and Jake's books for their first classes.

It was a rough day. I spent every free moment between classes running around the school trying to get books to Jake and Connor, then of course had to get Jake his lunch. Between the way Jake and Connor were using me at school, the extra homework, and soon my new job, I was getting less and less time to myself.

Connor texted me during last period with a list of his homework assignments for the night. Great. There went even more of my free time. Fortunately, it was Friday, which meant Jake and Tyler had a football game. I didn't have to worry about them using me after practice, at least.

I was just drifting off to sleep when I got a text from Jake: "9AM my house tomorrow." So much for a relaxing Saturday, I guess.

Saturday morning, I got to Jake's house as ordered. When I rang the bell, Jake came to the door in just a pair of boxers, looking like he just woke up. Even though I'd seen him completely naked, the sight of his perfect body always took my breath away. The way his muscles rippled, the light reflecting off the fine, downy dusting of blond hair on his arms and belly, made him look like a sculpture come to life. Jake threw a set of keys at me. "Wash it, faggot," he said, indicating his truck. Then he shut the door, leaving me there to do his chores once again. I found the cleaning supplies, which he'd apparently left out for me at some point. I spent the next three hours detailing his truck top to bottom. I wanted it to look just as good as he did. For me, it was more than a chore: it was a labor of love, a way to worship Jake even more.

Just as I was finishing up Jake's truck, Tyler pulled into the driveway. He got out holding a bag from Subway, then tossed me his keys. "Mine next," he said as he went into the house. I started in on his car when I finished Jake's truck. Sure, I cleaned it top to bottom, but it wasn't the same as with Jake's. This was just a chore, something I had to do in order to keep Tyler happy so he wouldn't beat my ass. As painful as Jake's whipping had been, I could only imagine what it would be like to have a huge dude of Tyler beat me. I decided to make sure I never pissed him off enough to find out.

When both the vehicles were spotless, I rang the doorbell again. Tyler opened the door and walked outside, ignoring me, and instead inspected his car and Jake's truck. Satisfied, he walked back in the house, snapping his fingers for me to follow him.

Jake was relaxing in the living room, still in his boxers, with the TV on and his bare feet propped up on the coffee table. I knelt down next to him and waited.

"Clean my bathroom and then straighten up my bedroom, fag. Don't be perving over my shoes, either," Jake said, not even taking his eyes off the TV to look at me.

Fortunately, Jake's bathroom was still pretty clean from last time. It was nowhere near as nasty as the first time he made me scrub it. Once it was spotless, I moved to his bedroom. I quickly had his clothes organized and put away, his shoes arranged properly, and made his bed. It looked a lot better. I hated the fact that I wanted nothing more than to smell his shoes and lick them, not to mention his dirty socks. Maybe Connor was right. I really was some sort of a freak.

I reported back to the living room where Tyler and Jake were watching a football game on TV. I knelt quietly by Jake's chair, waiting on him to acknowledge me. They both ignored me, even though they knew I was there. It was like I was just beneath their notice. Finally, Jake snapped his fingers. "Two Cokes," was all he said. I found them in the kitchen and brought them back, the returned to my spot next to his chair. I felt like a cross between a dog and a butler, which was weird.

Tyler snapped his fingers. "Give me a foot massage, faggot." I moved over to where he was sitting across from Jake, and began removing his old, worn out Nikes. As soon as I took them off, the smell from his feet hit me. They were rank!

"Fuck, dude! Your feet reek!" Jake said. "You need to get rid of those shoes or wash your feet or some shit, man."

"It ain't that bad, dude," Tyler replied. "Besides, the faggot's about to clean 'em for me." He laughed, then looked at me. "Well, get to it, bitch." I leaned down and removed his stinking socks, then started licking Tyler's huge feet. I wondered if he'd bothered to shower after the game the night before, that's how bad they were. The smell made me want to gag, but I sucked each one of his long toes and cleaned in between them, doing my best to remove the sweat and stench from his feet. After a while, he ordered me to massage his feet, which I did while both men watched their game.

When halftime came, Jake ordered me to go get a towel from his bathroom. When I brought it back, Jake took it and threw it over the arm of the couch and told me to drop my pants and bend over. I figured he was going to fuck me again. I pulled down my pants and bent over, saying a silent prayer he would use some lube or something. Jake's cock was painful enough, and I didn't want my second-ever fuck to be any worse than it had to be.

What happened next surprised me: Tyler pulled out a coin, and Jake chose tails. Tyler won. I couldn't figure out what they were doing, until Tyler said, "Ass, I think. Time to try this bitch out." Oh fuck! Now I was scared! Jake's big cock was the only one that had ever been inside my ass, and it hurt like hell. But Tyler...his cock was like a beer can. It was thick enough to damn near dislocate my jaw when I sucked on it. I couldn't imagine what it would be like to have something that thick inside me. To my horror, I wasn't going to have to imagine it. It was about to happen!

Tyler walked behind me and I heard him unzip his shorts. Meanwhile, Jake put one knee on the couch in front of me, then pulled his cock and balls out of his boxers. The cock I dreamed about. The one I wanted more than anything in the world. I opened my mouth instantly, my tongue hanging out, whining like a dog for him to feed it to me. He slapped me with his cock a couple of times, smacking it against my face as it began to get hard, letting me feel the weight of it.

I felt Tyler's huge hands on my ass cheeks, pulling them apart, then felt something big and blunt press against my hole. There was no way his cock was going to fit inside me! It was too thick, and my ass was too tight. Suddenly, I felt the heat of him inside me as he penetrated my ass. It hurt, but not as bad as I expected. It was long and thick, but not excruciating. I can do this, I thought.

"There ya go, bitch. That's one finger. Let's go for two," Tyler said behind me. Oh shit! The pole up my ass was just one of his fingers! I had forgotten Tyler had huge hands, too. He pulled completely out of my ass, then reentered me, this time with two fingers. It hurt like hell. One of his fingers was bigger than some cocks, and two really stretched me. He finger-fucked my ass for a bit, making me moan and groan until Jake finally stuck his cock in my mouth. I sucked on him like my life depended on it. I wanted Jake inside me so bad, I stopped paying attention to what Tyler was doing for a moment. That is, until, he pulled his fingers out of me again. Then I felt something pressing against my ass that HAD to be his cock. It felt even bigger against my hole than it had in my mouth. No way. No way would it fit. Couldn't happen.

And then it did. Tyler was a big man in prime shape. My ass, as tight as it was, was no match for that much muscle and determination. He just flexed his hips a bit and shoved his fat cock inside me. It felt like someone had shoved a baseball bat inside me, and this was just the tip! I gasped around Jake's cock, then screamed into it. He grabbed my head and pulled me further down on his dick, burying my nose in his short blond pubes. He held me there while Tyler pushed the rest of the way into my ass. Now I was trying to scream around a cock down my throat. It was all I could do to breathe, which helped take my mind off Tyler's invasion of my ass.

Tyler was relentless. He shoved until his cock was buried inside me, his balls slapping against my ass. On the other end, I was struggling to accommodate Jake's cock down my throat, while his balls were smacking against my chin. I was thoroughly and completely filled with football player cock, skewered like a chicken on a spit.

Then they started fucking me.

Both of them started pounding away at me, grinding their cocks into my holes. Jake was poking the back of my throat, humping my mouth slowly. Tyler set a more rapid pace. After driving his cock home in my ass, he pulled out until just the head was inside me, then rammed me again. He did this over and over. It felt like he was driving a truck up my ass, stretching me so wide I'd never be the same again. The pain was so intense I could barely breathe, which was already hard enough with Jake's big cock sawing in and out of my mouth. I did my best to gasp for some air when Jake gave me the chance, only to have it all forced out of me when Tyler rammed into me from the other end.

They were relentless. They fucked me hard and fast. I had no chance to rest, no chance to try and enjoy any of it. The best I could do was attempt to relax in order to make it hurt less. Just as I was beginning to adapt to the sensations, Tyler grabbed my hips and rammed me harder and faster than ever. Giving out a loud groan, he pounded his cock into me and shot his load deep inside me. That set Jake off, who filled my mouth with his hot semen.

Just as the guys were finished shooting their loads, I heard the game come back on the TV. Both jocks let out a yell as they pulled out of me, then high-fived each other. "Dude! Told ya we could do it during halftime! How that's for fucking timing?" Jake exclaimed. That's when I realized: I was nothing but the halftime entertainment for them, a challenge to see if they could both get off during halftime and be done in time to not miss any of the game. It made me feel awful, really cheap. That's when I realized something else: these guys weren't even having sex with me. They might as well have been jacking off for all I mattered. I was more like an appliance to them, something to dump a load into, like a Fleshlight.

It was totally humiliating. Given everything that had happened, though, I don't know why I was so surprised.

I pulled my shorts up and folded the towel. Tyler ordered me to suck his cock clean, which was disgusting. However, I got on my knees and licked all the lube and cum off of him like he demanded. I still couldn't believe I'd had this entire thing inside me. Even now, while it was going soft, his cock was too fat for me to get my hand around completely. No wonder my asshole felt like the Lincoln Tunnel!

At least Jake allowed me to worship his feet during the second half of the game. He was still just in his boxers with his feet on the coffee table. It was amazing. I spent about an hour licking and sucking each of his perfect toes, licking the light blond hair on the tops of each one, using my mouth on the soles of his feet. It felt so wonderful to be worshiping him this way, honoring the perfection of his body. Every time I looked at him, I was dazzled by how awesome and beautiful he was. You'd have thought the horrible ways he treated me would have put me off of him, but for some reason they did just the opposite. They made me more devoted to him, wanting to worship him more, more willing to debase myself to please and serve him.

Jake finally decided they were done with me about the time the game was over. I had just enough time to get home and shower, then get to the theater for my first night at my new job.

When I arrived, Hunter showed me around the theater, explaining my new job duties. Basically, I was cleaning the place: sweeping and collecting trash from the theaters between showings, taking out the garbage, and scrubbing the restrooms. Hunter led me into the storage room where the cleaning supplies were kept and closed the door. He explained what chemicals to use in the bathrooms to sanitize them. Then he snapped his fingers and pointed to the ground. I dropped to my knees instantly. Jake had conditioned me to obey a man snapping his fingers a lot more than I'd realized.

"My shoes are dirty, bitch," Hunter observed. I started licking his dress shoes, making them shine. They tasted like a combination of leather, popcorn, and dirt. Once they were nice and clean, he let me up and told me to get to work.

I spent the next few hours sweeping and sometimes mopping, taking out trash, and basically keeping the place neat. I had to stay until the last show was over to clean up any messes, and ended up being the last employee there with Hunter. Once the place was clean, I reported to Hunter in the office to get cleared to go home. He was working on some closing paperwork.

"Get under the desk, faggot. Suck my cock while I work."

I crawled under the desk and pulled his cock out of his dress pants, then began sucking on it. I did my best to make him feel good, since I didn't want him reporting back to Jake I hadn't performed well. There wasn't much room under the desk, and Hunter was clearly more concerned with his paperwork than my comfort, which meant I had to keep his cock pretty far down my throat or risk banging my head on the desk. I practiced breathing around his cock, trying to massage it with my throat muscles as much as I could.

Hunter mostly ignored me while he worked, allowing me to suck him for a good long time. Finally, I guess he finished, because he pushed back from the desk some, then began to fuck my mouth. He dumped his load in my mouth, then ordered me to stand up.

Once I crawled out from under the desk, Hunter made me turn around and drop my pants. Just like last time, I noticed his cock was still rock hard, even though he'd just cum! He bent me over the desk, and shoved his cock in my ass, using the spit still on his cock as lube to fuck me. My ass was so sore from Tyler's fat cock I didn't know if I'd be able to handle Hunter fucking me, but he didn't bother to ask or give me any choice. He just started pounding away at my ass like it was his to use any way he wanted, which I guess was true. The pain was pretty intense, since I was so sore. One thing I discovered about Hunter that night: after he's cum once, it took him a while to shoot again, but his cock always stayed hard. He must have fucked me for twenty minutes, really pounding my ass, until I was certain I couldn't take it any longer. He liked to hit, too. He would smack my ass a lot while he fucked. Between his cock and his slaps, my ass really hurt! I was thankful when he finally shot his load inside me.

Hunter pulled out of my ass, and then snapped his fingers, pointing to his cock. After I sank to my knees and sucked him clean, he finally told me I could go home.

As I made my way home in the dark, sore inside and out from being fucked twice in one day and spanked, I reflected back on the fact that I did all that work tonight, plus got used by my boss, and didn't even get paid. Jake got all the money I earned. I felt truly used. The more I thought about my situation, the more I realized: I was basically Jake's property. He used me any way he wanted, had given me to Tyler and Hunter to use, and now he was farming me out for money. And there was nothing I could do about any of it, even if I wanted to. Sometimes I did, sometimes not. I loved serving Jake, though I wish it was just him, not Tyler and Hunter as well, and I really didn't want to work just to put money in Jake's pocket.

Then it dawned on me: my situation was even worse than that. Now Connor owned me, too.

*************************************************************************** Thanks to all who have written to me about this story. I love feedback from readers!

Please contact me at jeffhamby1025@gmail.com

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Next: Chapter 9

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