Worshipping Jake

By jeff Hamby

Published on Sep 19, 2020


This story is an orginal work. It should not be reposted or reproduced in whole or in part without the author's consent.

Warning: This story contains sexual acts between young adult males and/or females. If you do not enjoy this type of material, or if it is illegal in your country or place of residence, please stop reading immediately. This story is not in any way an accurate depiction of reality, and any relations to real persons or acts are unintentional. This story is fiction.

I would love to hear your feedback or ideas for this story! Please contact me at jeffhamby1025@gmail.com

Worshipping Jake Chapter 1

It was just too perfect. I should have known it was too perfect.

But then, I guess I wasn't thinking clearly.

Who could, though? Sitting right next to Jake, in the back of the class, last period each day. For the last two months, this classroom had become a sweet, slow torture for me. My assigned seat was right beside Jake Curry, one of the linebackers for our high school's football team. Jake was a senior, already 6'1 and about 195 pounds of sculpted muscle, from his broad shoulders to his thick calves, which I'd been lucky enough to stare at earlier in the semester when the weather was still warm and he came to class in shorts. God, he was hot. A blue-eyed, blond haired jock god, and I wanted to worship every inch of him.

Not that I'd ever get the chance to, of course. Jake was super popular, and I was a nobody; and a nobody who was deep in the closet, too. No one knew I was gay. My school isn't as...progressive...as a lot of other places, due to being in such a rural area. So, each day at 2:20 pm, I looked forward to my chance to drool over the perfection that was Jake's body out of the corner of my eye when I thought he wasn't looking.

That's how I developed the obsession with his feet. His feet and legs were the parts of Jake I could look at most easily without him catching me. I'd never really paid attention to a guy's feet before, until one day when Jake was wearing loafers and no socks. I guess his feet were tired or something because I glanced down shortly after class started and noticed he'd slipped his shoes off and was sitting there barefoot. Since we were in the last row, nobody noticed...except me. I was mesmerized by the sight of his big, manly feet. They were a lot larger than mine, and I could see just a few blond hairs on his toes. It was the first time I realized how sexy feet could be, and I longed to run my tongue over every inch of them. Every day when I came to school, I'd start looking for Jake in the hallways as soon as I arrived, looking to see which shoes he chose that day, saying a silent prayer it would be the loafers and I'd get to see his bare feet again.

Lately, though, he'd started wearing this pair of Chuck Taylors that looked so hot on him. While he never took them off in class, they quickly became my second favorite pair of his shoes. (Yeah, I know how pathetic that sounds, when you worship a guy so much you have favorite pairs of HIS shoes, but what can I say? I'm a pathetic fag, I guess.) And that's what led to the mess that happened today. As soon as we got into class, Ms. Anglin started droning on like she normally does, working problems on the board. As soon as Jake sat down, he leaned back in his chair and put his feet up on the desk. Fuck! He'd never done that before! There were those huge jock feet that I longed for, right in front of me! And he was wearing the Chucks, too!

My world suddenly got a lot smaller. Ms. Anglin's voice faded away, as I became focused on the subject of my obsession which was now right in front of me. Slyly, I glanced at Jake out of the corner of my eye. His eyes were closed and his head tilted back a bit. Guess he was tired. Tell me this god of a jock wasn't asleep right next to me with his feet up! How could I have gotten so lucky? What did I do to deserve such a treat? I leaned forward towards the desk, and pretended to be making some notes, when really I just wanted to be closer to those feet. I could smell a faint odor, like sweat and soap and leather all mixed together.

I glanced back at Jake. Still asleep. I casually poked his leg a little with my pencil. No reaction. I looked around to make sure no one was watching, but everyone was still focused on the problem Ms. Anglin was completing on the board. I inched my head closer to Jake's feet, and took a big whiff of his shoes. It was too perfect to resist. I knew it was stupid, but my dick was rock hard in my pants, and felt like it was about to rip through my jeans. I just couldn't stop myself. I moved my head slightly closer, and ran my tongue up the side of Jake's shoe very lightly, very gently. The taste was amazing. I could feel particles of dirt on my tongue, and the smell of his shoes and feet filled my nostrils completely as I did it.

He didn't move. Good. And no one saw me. Even better.

I have no idea what happened the rest of the class. Thank God Ms. Anglin didn't call on me, because I have no idea what her lecture was about. I couldn't see anything except Jake's perfect feet and shoes, propped up in front of me, the focus of my world until the final bell rang. I have no idea how I managed to resist licking his shoes more, but somehow I did. As soon as the bell rang, he snapped awake and quickly headed out the door.

I rushed home, the faint taste of Jake's shoes still on my tongue and a boner in my pants that would have cut diamonds.

As soon as I got home, I ran into my bedroom, stripped and jacked off furiously, dreaming about licking Jake's shoes and feet. I'd just blasted all over my chest when I heard my phone beep with a text.

I didn't recognize the number.

"Drew?" it said.

"Ya whos this?

"Jake," came the reply.

My heart stopped. Jake didn't have my number. Even sitting next to him in class, I don't think he'd ever spoken more than about three words to me. I was like nonexistent to him. Why was he texting me? Did he know I'd just beat off thinking about him? No, that wasn't possible. `Be cool,' I thought.

"Sup man," I responded.

"Got a little present for ya buddy. Think you'll like it. Hold on one sec," came his reply.

Now I was really confused. WTF, Jake not only knew my number, but had a present for me, and called me buddy? This can't be real. Someone must be playing a joke on me or something.

Then it appeared. A picture message. Me, in full color clear as day, licking Jake's Chucks right there in the classroom!

I have no idea how he took the pic, but he must've done it. There wasn't anyone behind us, and he was the only one that could have taken it from that angle. And it was a closeup, too. You could clearly see my face, and my tongue pressed to the side of his shoes, but you couldn't see anything of Jake except his feet. Just me, the fag foot licker.


Next: Chapter 2

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