
By A. B.

Published on Aug 30, 2004


So far: Jack, an ordinary 13 yr old boy wakes up one morning to find that he's now Jackie, and apparently always has been in this other world. He finds out that the girl next door named Karen who never gave him the time of day, is his best friend and that Karen caught him - or rather her - making out with her brother David. At school Jackie gets thrown into the boy's locker room. Once alone with David later in the day she has her first sexual experience and is surprised to find that she likes it. Karen joins them and Jackie feels like she's never been happier. However, the next day she wakes up back in her original world and finds that she's again Jack. She also finds out that the other day while she was in the other world as Jackie, the Karen of this world was tossed into the boy's locker room and David got into a fight over it. Karen (in the Jack world) was hurt and is in the hospital and David is expelled. Jack is suspended and grounded by his parents but decides he has to go to the hospital to see Karen.

As I rode my bike to the hospital I kept trying to imagine what I'd say to Karen. I had to keep reminding myself that as far as she knew I was still "King Dweeb," the obnoxious little jerk who called her "The Stepford Bitch" and who she probably blamed for landing her in the hospital in the first place. She'd never believe the truth but I couldn't help it. I had to try and do something to get back some of the friendship that she and I had in that "other world". The other thing I kept trying to wrap my brain around was how I'd wound up as Jackie in the first place, but there simply was no explanation that made sense. I knew...absolutely knew...that it wasn't a dream. I'd spent a whole day as a girl. I could remember every detail vividly. It wasn't like a dream that fades like smoke after you wake up. And even if it had been a dream, what happened to Wednesday? I couldn't believe that I'd simply had some kind of black-out and gone through all of Wednesday acting normal while in my mind I was going through the day as a girl. Something would have manifested itself to people who knew me. I thought long and hard about this theory because, other than having shifted into another world where I'd been born a girl, the only other explanation was that I'd blacked out and only spent the day as a girl in my head.

That explanation was simply impossible though. How could I have carried on normal conversations with my friends while in my head I was speaking and acting like a girl and thinking I was talking to Karen? I remember walking into the girl's locker room. I replayed every step I took. The girl's locker room was on the opposite side of the cafeteria from the boy's locker room and there was no way I could have imagined turning left when I really turned right. It just wasn't possible. What had I "really" been doing when I was sucking on David's cock and getting my pussy licked by Karen? So, I must have somehow shifted into that other world. But how? The answer would have to wait. I got to the hospital and got Karen's room number from the information desk and took the elevator to her floor. My hand shook as I opened the door to her room. I steped inside. The room was quiet. Karen lay on the bed with one side of her face covered in bandages. She was reading a magazine and looked up as I entered. Beneath the bandages I could see that her face was swollen and bruised. When she saw it was me, her face looked like someone had just thrown a load of particularly lothesome garbage into her room. "What are YOU doing here?" she asked.

"Umm...Karen...I...I wanted to come and see how you were doing," I said. "How am I doing? I've got a broken cheekbone. That's how I'm doing," she said talking out of the corner of her mouth. "The doctor said they'll have to operate to fix it and I'll probably have a scar, thanks to you and your fucking asshole friends." "Karen...I...I'm sorry. I ..." "SORRY! You're sorry?! You fucking dweeb. I don't want your apology. Get the fuck out." "Karen...I ...I know you probably won't understand but...I'm not the same person I was yesterday. I know I've said and done some pretty awful things but I was hoping we could start over. I want to make it up to you. I was hoping that maybe we could know...friends.." "FRIENDS?! Are you out of your fucking mind," she said. "You want to be friends?! After all the times you've called me a bitch?" "Karen...I'm sorry...I'm so so sorry. Like I said, I'm a different person now. I...I know now that you're a really decent and nice girl and I really want to get to know that side of you." "You don't know anything about me... and I already have plenty of friends," she said with venom in her voice. I thought about it for a moment. What did I know about her and her friends in this world. Nothing really. We'd barely spoken to each other since, like, fourth grade except to trade insults. All her friends were... "...stuck up cheerleaders," I said out loud. "WHAT did you say?!" "I said, all your friends are stuck-up cheerleaders. They're all self-centered and stuck-up." "Fuck you! You don't know anything aobut my friends you turd." I thought about it some more. I looked around the room and saw that the only decoration was some flowers on the nightstand. I could see from where I stood that the card said "Love, Mom and Dad" on it. "Have any of them come to see you yet?" I asked. She looked at me with a strange expression in her eyes. I could see a tear well up and felt my own eyes begin to water as I felt her pain and knew I was right. "They haven't, have they. They couldn't bear to tear themselves away from their own oh-so-very-important lives to come and see their dear friend who's in the hospital could they. What do you think they'll say or do when they see that scar on your cheek? Do you think they will still be your friends when you're not perfect anymore?" "Fuck you," she said horsely. "Did you just come here to harrass me?" "No. Like I said, I was hoping we could start fresh..." "Get out! Just get the fuck out." I stood there for a moment. Tears began to run down my cheeks. I was crying!? I never cried as Jack. But I had cried very easily as Jackie. What was wrong with me. "You're crying?! YOU? I'm the one laying here in the hospital and YOU'RE crying? Get out you little sissy. I said GET OUT...Owwww" Karen yelled. The pain of shouting hurting her broken face. I turned and practically ran from the room, knowing that there was no chance of my ever getting back even the smallest taste of the friendship that she and "Jackie" had shared.

Once in the hall I stopped and leaned against the white, antispectic wall and let the tears flow. I was crying for me, for Karen, for "Jackie." I cried for what I'd had and lost or perhaps for what I never had to begin with. Suddenly I heard a voice shout, "YOU!" and looked up to see Karen's brother David walking down the hall towards me. " little fucking shit!" I reached up to wipe the tears from my cheek. David, however, must have thought I was putting up my hands to defend myself because he quickly grabbed my wrists and held them agains the wall at my side."I bet you wish I'd take a swing at you so you could get me in more trouble huh!?" He was so angry, flecks of spit flew from his mouth as he pressed his face close to mine so he wouldn't have to shout and attract attention. "What the fuck are you doing here asshole?" My heart was beating fast. I was expecting him to hit me. Less the twenty -four hours ago I was kissing this boy passionately on those same lips that were now spewing venom at me. The hands that were holding my wrists had been caressing my small breasts and rubbing my pussy where now my little dick was shrivelling up and trying to hide inside me. "I.... I just came to apologize to Karen," I said meekly. Hoping this would calm him down. "If we weren't in a hospital right now," he said quietly, his lips only a few inches from my ear, "I'd beat the living shit out of you. Its your fault she's here. Its your fault I got expelled. You make me sick." I couldn't help it. The tears began to flow again. I couldn't believe I was crying again but it was like I had no control over my emotions. Like a girl. I looked into David's eyes and all I could remember was how good he smelled. How his dick felt in my mouth. How yesterday I had felt like I'd never love two people more than I loved Karen and him, and how bad I felt that "I" had caused them both so much pain. "You little faggot," he said with a sneer. "Look at you, crying like a little girl. What's the matter? Afraid? You should be you little pussy, 'cause when I catch you outside alone next time...."

Suddenly I began to feel strange. The hallway seemed to tip. I thought maybe I was going to faint but my vision didn't cloud. It felt like the whole world was going through a loop on a roller-coaster and it felt like my skin was being peeled off like a shirt. There was no pain involved. Just a strange sense of vertigo and then, as quickly as it had come, it stopped and David was saying,

" your little pussy when we're alone next time." His voice was different though, softer, more gentle, and then...he leaned closer and...and KISSED me! I stood frozen for a moment. I was too shocked to do or say anything. I felt his tongue push its way into my mouth and still I didn't move a muscle. I realized the pressure on my wrists was gone and my hands were free. Finally the paralysis broke and I pushed him away from me as hard as I could. He looked at me, bewildered. "I...I'm sorry Jackie...I...I didn't me to..." Jackie? He called me Jackie...I looked around and noticed that the white antispetic looking walls of the hospital were gone, replaced by the gray colored lockers of my school. Instead of Karen's hospital room door across from me I now saw the door to the seventh grade biology classroom. I looked down at myself and saw small breasts pushing out the front of a white crop top belly shirt and my midriff was bare to the top of a denim miniskirt that was about three or four inches above mid-thigh. I staggered a little as I realized I was wearing platform sandals too. Then it hit me. I was back! I was Jackie again! I looked at David finally and he said, "Are you ok?" I felt myself smile and practically jumped into his arms and kissed him. I never wanted to let go of him. Finally, he broke the kiss and said, "What was that all about? I don't get you. One minute you act like you want me to kiss you and the next you look at me like I was going to kill you or something and then you jump into my arms and start frenching me again. Are you sure you're ok?" "Yes," I practically shouted, "Yes, I'm fine. I'm better than fine. I'm great. But wait...what were we talking about before you kissed me?" He replied, "You were telling me how much you liked giving me a bj and I was telling you I want to lick your pussy again when we're alone, and the next thing I know...." I silenced him with another kiss. "I'm sorry if I scared you," I said. "You just startled me. Kissing me in the hall like that. I ...I guess I just didn't expect it. " I giggled. Oh yes, I thought to myself. I can giggle again. Oh god it feels good to laugh. I haven't laughed since I woke up this morning. I hugged David to me and kissed him again. "Break it up you two," a stern voice said as it passed us. I glanced up and saw Mr. Lockland, the gym teacher walk past us and give me a wink. I looked at him quizzically but he looked ahead and kept walking. I heard the bell ring and looked at my watch and saw it was time for lunch. David's class had lunch after ours so I told him I had to go and gave him a peck on the cheek. I told him I'd see him later and headed for the lunch room.

At lunch I saw Billy Frazer. He had a black eye and gave me an evil look but kept his distance. I sat with Karen who's face was beautifully unblemished and we giggled and whispered about how great yesterday had been. Her cheerleading friends were cordial and sat near us but kept more to themselves, every once in a while asking Karen about a new cheer they were working on. I thought about it and realized that, although in this world Karen was a cheerleader and still friendly with the other cheerleaders, she and I had a special friendship that existed long before she'd met those other girls. The remainder of the day was pretty much like yesterday and after school Karen and David came over to my house and the three of us picked up where we'd left off the day before. I didn't even have to think twice about whether I wanted to kiss David or feel his dick in my mouth. I realized that I actually wanted to be a girl in this world. I wanted to be Jackie and make love to my boyfriend and I had no thoughts of being gay or a fag or a sissy. I could cry and giggle if I wanted and not worry that someone would think less of me. I practically tore David's shorts off and dropped to my knees and took him into my mouth. I wanted to love him and give myself to him. Karen also quickly peeled off her cami top and skirt and slid between my legs, pushing my panties to one side as she began to kiss and tongue my pussy. I stood up and stripped off my clothes and we went to the family room. We fell to the soft carpet before makinng it to the sofa and rolled around in a tangle of arms and legs, breasts and pussies and dick and soft ass cheeks. After a time I didn't know whose ass I was kissing or who was sucking on my tits or whose fingers were pumping in and out of my cunt. I only knew that I loved these two people and wanted to give them as much pleasure as I possibly could and they, in turn, loved, and wanted to pleasure, me. My favorite moment was when Karen and I were both licking and sucking David's cock and balls in a 69 position while he alternately sucked and licked our pussies while fingering the other. When he came in my mouth I aimed his cock at Karen's and he shot a load of cream past her lips. We then kissed each other's cum stained mouths and faces, licking his salty seed and sharing it as we tongue kissed.

We hadn't fucked and, as we lay basking in the afterglow of multiple orgasms, the three of us talked about whether we would. We realized we didn't have time for that today and decided that none of the three of us were in rush. We cleaned up with plenty of time before my folks got home and sat around talking and watching TV until my parents arrived. Both were oblivious to the fact that there'd been any sexual activity taking place right where they were standing, probably never imagining that anything would go on between David and myself with his sister right in the same room. Mom gave both Karen and David warm hugs and I saw Dad take David aside and whisper something to him which I found out later was, "Just make sure you don't hurt my little girl." Karen and David left shortly afterwards, politely declining Mom's dinner invitation. Later when I was in bed I began to get the shakes. I became utterly convinced that I would wake up the following morning as Jack and I dreaded going to sleep. I began to imagine what had happened in "Jack's world" (as I had begun to think of it) while I'd been "gone". I imagined David beating Jack up and maybe getting arrested for it when Mom and Dad found out. Or being shipped off to a military academy as Mom had threatened when she realized I'd left the house. I began crying as I thought about leaving the David and Karen of this world again and finally I cried myself to sleep.

When I awoke the next morning, Friday, I was still Jackie. I cried again, only this time they were tears of joy and relief, but the nagging feeling persisted that at any point the world might go through that rolloer-coaster loop and I'd find myself back in Jack's skin and as the days passed the worry would come and go like the tide. Always at night especially, I worried that I'd wake up to find my pretty pink walls painted that horrible, depressing, navy blue, but with each passing morning that I awoke with my teddy bear clutched in my arms, like a drowning man clinging to a life preserver, I felt less and less apprehensive. Karen, David and I became even closer over the following weeks, if that was possible, but always there lurked in the back of my head that fear that it would all disappear one day.

So here I am now. Its been three weeks since that Wednesday morning when I first woke up to find my dick gone. Mr. Lockland has called me into his office and I've been wondering if this has something to do with the payback David got on Billy Frazer and the others who'd conspired to throw me into the boy's locker room that day. David got even with Billy and the others by sending them notes that Karen and I wrote anonymously (but clearly written by a girl), asking them to meet us in the girl's locker room for "some fun". He'd also sent an anonymous note to Mr. Lockland telling him that some boys had been sneaking into the girl's locker room to steal bras and panties. As each of the conspirators snuck into the girl's locker room that day expecting to meet some anonymous little slut, they found Mr. Lockland instead, waiting for them with a detension slip. I sit here wondering if somehow the notes have been traced back to Karen and me, but I'm not too worried. If I do get in trouble for writing the notes its still a hell of a lot better than the trouble the three of us would have had in "Jack's world." I don't have long to wait, however, as Mr. Lockland calls me into his office.

"Jackie, do you know why I've called you here?" he asks. "No Mr. Lockland," I reply. I figure playing dumb works out most of the time for girls so why change now. "Jackie...I want to explain about what happened. I've been waiting to see how you'd adjust and I think I've waited long enough. You seem to have adjusted better than I had hoped and I think you deserve an explanation." I'm confused. Why do I need an explanation from him? I assume he's talking about getting thrown into the boy's locker room - he must have seen me in there after all before David hustled me out -but did he think seeing naked boys had so traumatized me that he had to see if I "adjusted" to it? My confusion must be obvious because he continues,"Jack... first of all understand that I can't tell you everything. That would...ummm..complicate things..." Jack? Did he just call me 'Jack'? Oh god...have I switched and not even realized it? I look down at myself and see that I'm still wearing the skirt and blouse I put on this morning. "Yes, Jack...I called you by your original name." He knows!? Oh god he knows I'm a boy! I'm going to get in trouble for pretending to be a girl..."Relax Jack or I guess I should call you Jackie. I can see using your old name is upsetting you. Relax. You're not going to change back to Jack. You're not going back to that other world." "" It suddenly begins to dawn on me that the answers I'd sought for the last three weeks...the answers I'd given up any hope of ever learning....are right here in front of me. Mr. Lockland is somehow responsible for this. "I'll answer your many as I'm allowed to...but you might want to hear what I have to say first." I wisely shut my mouth and sit there quietly like a good girl.

"I represent certain...shall we say...Powers that have observed history for a long time. We have almost never interfered. However, in this instance it was just too hard to pass up. You see Jackie, some day Karen will have a child. That child will play a very significant role in world events. There are not many instances in the history of the world where one person can make such a huge impact on the world either for good or bad. I'm talking about something that will have repercussions for a long, long time. We found, however, that by making one tiny, virtually insignificant change - chaging one chormosome of one individual - the outcome would be drastically different. You see, in the world you were originally born into - as Jack - Karen's only friends were self-centered egotistical young girls. After the ummm...accident...those girls rejected her. With no other close friends, Karen became angry, withdrawn, and resentful. When she had her child, she passed along her anger and resentment to him. We realized that, if Karen had just one friend...a friend who loved her and cared about her and taught her that there was more to the world than shopping or having the right car, that everything changed. You are that friend Jackie. The Powers I represent went back and changed the "Y" chromosome in your mother's just-fetilized egg to an "X" and Jack became Jackie. The Powers decided to make certain that you would willingly accept your new life and so they showed you just a tiny bit of what happens after the day you became Jackie. I was against that since I knew there would be some confusion on your part but I was...shall we say...overruled. In any event it seems to have turned out ok. Now, do you have any questions?"

I think about it for a minute. "So let me get this straight, in the world where I was a boy, Karen becomes a lousy mother and her son ..." "...or daughter..." "...grows up to be some evil person?" "Well, I didn't say that exactly. It might be that he or she doesn't do what someone who grew up with lots of love would do." "But in this world, where I'm a girl, I help Karen to not be a self centered, stuck up bitch so she grows up to be a loving, caring mom and her kid goes on to do wonderful things?" "In essence, yes. Its a little more complicated than that but, as you see, in this world the accident didn't even occur." I think about it some more, trying to wrap my head around the idea and then I ask, "What are you? Are you angels or aliens or what?" "I'm sorry Jackie. I can't tell you that. Nor can I tell you anything about the future." "Oh," I reply. "Can you at least tell me if I'll be happy?" "Are you happy now?" Mr. Lockland asks. "Yes," I say without hesitation and I know I'm smiling so brightly that I could light up the room. "Well then, I think that's your answer. There's always pain and joy in every life Jackie. The idea is to try and forget the pain and use those moments of joy to help you through it. But yes, I think I can safely tell you that overall you will be much happier now." "If I have any problems, can I come to you?" "I'm afraid not. I will be leaving at the end of the school year so as not to cause any problems with a 'sudden' disappearance and you will never see me again," he says with a touch of sadness in his voice. I can't think of anything else to ask so I stand up, smile and hug him. He is somewhat taken aback but finally he hugs me too. "Thank you Mr. Lockland," I whisper. I let him go and pick up my purse. I take one last look back into his office and he smiles at me and I skip down the hall to see my friend.

The End

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