Published on Jan 15, 2016



"Working late?"

Kevin looked up from the keyboard. Sullivan was dressed in his usual very obviously expensive suit. It was the end of another long day but he looked as fresh as he did during the morning staff meeting.

Kevin self-consciously straightened his wrinkled shirt and tightened his tie.

"Uh yes sir, I'm late on this report" He said

"I know but you'll get it done, I have faith in you" The Vice President said putting his hand on Kevin's shoulder.

Kevin smiled appreciatively realizing the man's hand remained on his shoulder.

"What's the main hurdle?" Sullivan asked.

His fingers began to move.

"I uh just can't get past the figures, they don't agree with these?." Kevin pointed to the computer screen.

Sullivan's fingers pressed into him, not enough to hurt or even massage but to remind Kevin he was there to help.

The man bent over.

Kevin smelled the cologne and it was strong.

The face was next to his now. Kevin could feel the heat.

"I see, print them out and bring them to the office, maybe we can both work on it" Sullivan suggested "That is if you want my help, I know you can do it yourself but maybe if you will accept my suggestions we can get it done tonight."

"Oh thanks, I don't want you keep you, I know you're busy" Kevin said hearing his own stumbling words and feeling like a kid in front of the high school Principal.

"I see you have a problem there" The man said. The words still were fresh in his head from that day.

Kevin had stood there wanting to put his books in front of his erection, but knew that would be obvious.

"Use my bathroom and uh take care of it..Then you can go back to class" the man smiled and winked.

Kevin moved to the closet sized bathroom. His erection popped out as soon as he unbuttoned his fly. His hand slide on it fast and soon he was gasping and bracing himself on the nearby wall. His orgasm drained him as it had many times before.

"Uh thank you Sir" He said as he left the room and then the Principals office. He dared not look at the man.

The Principal was fired. News of his camera view in his office bathroom was mentioned as the cause. What he saw, the news article never stated. But Kevin knew. And other students who never said anything knew as well.

"It's ok. I have no place to go and I want you to succeed in this company, very much. Do you want to succeed?"

Kevin knew the only answer was "Yes Sir" and he did. His college roommate had gone through the Junior Management Training Program already and recruited him. The job could launch his future and as former roommate said "just do what you do and when someone notices make friends".

"Great, then go ahead and print the stuff out and come on" Sullivan pressed his fingers once again to punctuate his instructions and stood upright and removed his expensive suit jacket.

Kevin wondered if he could ever afford to dress like the man.

Kevin watched the Vice President walk away. His butt was firm and flexed as the man walked away. His tailored shirt fit his torso nicely. Kevin wondered what the man looked like naked or at least shirtless. The company picnic was next month. Perhaps he'd see the man in less clothing then, playing volleyball or in the pool. Kevin adjusted his crotch to allow for his expanding penis comfort.

He returned his eyes and mind to the task at hand talking to his computer as he typed.

"Control P, yes print damnit, print"

"Ready?" Sullivan was sitting at his desk when Kevin walked in with the papers. The man signaled and Kevin moved behind the desk fanning the papers across his desk.

"Look here" Sullivan used an expensive looking pen to point to the lines of figures Kevin had printed and began to describe what he saw.

Kevin tried to absorb the fast talking man's comments and instructions but his mind was distracted by the hand on his back which seemed to move lower and lower as he talked.

"Shit it's hot in here; they turn off the damn ac at night." Sullivan removed his hand from Kevin's lower back took his tie off and unbuttoned his shirt.

Kevin could see the tanned flesh, chest hair and gold pendant the man wore.

Sullivan's hand returned to Kevin resting on the back of his waist just above his buttocks.

"So if we move this to there" Sullivan resumed his instruction and Kevin concentrated ignoring the hand, the aroma of the older man's cologne and the view of his bare chest.

"And put this there, you can hit Print Report and you're done. Of course you need to write a summary. I can help you with that get it?"

His final statement was punctuated by the pat on Kevin's butt.

"Oh sorry.." Sullivan said but he didn't remove his hand.

"Oh that's ok. I liked it" Kevin admitted "I mean I understand. I really thank you for your help"

Kevin gathered the papers. "I uh really appreciate you Sir, your help I mean. I can go print this out"

"Good." Sullivan stood unbuttoning his shirt.

"You can print it out here" he pointed to the computer on his desk. "Damn it's hot in here" His shirt was open now and dangling out of his waistband.

Kevin saw the flat stomach, defined pectorals. His crotch reacted to what he hoped was an attempt to flirt with him.

"You're in great shape Sir" he said.

"Oh yea, gym every morning, sit-ups at night. Hell when I work late I strip down and do them here. If anyone is over there" he pointed to a neighboring glass office building "They get quite a view".

"Do you go to a gym? You look like it."

Kevin glanced out the window wondering what people had indeed seen. "Uh no, can't afford that. I just stay active, you know park games, sit-ups too" He responded wishing he could strip naked and do whatever Sullivan would want to do to him.

"Don't worry, the glass is tinted, nobody can see in. I was just kidding"

Kevin nodded. He felt the blush on his face.

"If you want I can get you into my gym. They allow members to bring sponsored guests in" Sullivan said as he moved away from his desk.

"Here sit here and print the report" He pointed. Kevin moved to the chair his body brushing past the man who remained standing.

"There" Sullivan stood next to him, instructing and resting his hand on his shoulder.

"If you're hot you can take this off too" His hands were on Kevin's tie. Kevin didn't object as the fingers untied it and let it lay there.

"Good now don't get frustrated" The man moved behind him, he felt the fingers move to his shirt buttons and open them.

Kevin felt like reality had become a porn film. He tried to focus on what he was doing while allowing the plot to proceed. Would he have to suck the man's cock? Would he get fucked on the man's executive desk? Would people in the neighboring office building be able to see him servicing this powerful Vice President?

"It's ok just do what I want and you'll be ok" Sullivan's hands moved across Kevin's smooth chest pausing so his fingers could locate the extended nipples and torture them.

Kevin gasped at the pain. "Shit Sir, I can't concentrate"

"Good" Sullivan said "Come on let's do something to relax, we can get back to that later"

Kevin let the man lift his shirt off. Sullivan's hands kept him in the chair and slid to his belt buckle. Kevin's white jockey shorts were revealed and pushed down so his erection could be in the fresh air.

"Nice dick son" Sullivan said "I bet Roger enjoyed it too"

Roger jacked off repeatedly the first few nights their new friendship. Assigned by the college, they were amazed they had so much in common.

"If you ever get so frustrated, I can jack you off. I did that for my cousins all the time. Not gay stuff just you know helping out." He had said

Kevin didn't answer but Roger moved to his bed and touched his obvious bulge through the gym shorts he wore. Roger didn't rub it for a long time before he lifted the shorts and held the cock in his hand. Bending over he licked and sucked it until Kevin exploded.

"Shit man, I didn't uh know" Kevin said

"Well you know now. Just don't tell anyone and you'll never have to get blue balls again. That is if you don't mind having a queer as your roommate." Roger said

Kevin remembered seeing Roger standing there in the darkness, his naked silhouette revealed by the light from their window.

"I don't mind if you don't" It was the first time Kevin has admitted to anyone that he was gay.

"I thought so" Roger said.

"Roger?" Kevin responded to Sullivan, and then gasped as the man's fingers surrounded his erection.

"Let's get you naked" Sullivan said standing back and lifting Kevin's shoulders. He stood and pushed his dress trousers down his firm youthful thighs.

"Very nice" Sullivan said then he too removed his trousers. The man's penis pointed at Kevin.

"Here, let's get you sorted out" he smiled while opening a drawer. Kevin didn't mind the fact the man had rubbers in his drawer conveniently located. He realized that Roger had been there like this too. Others as well. His mind wondered which of the other co-workers had been standing naked like he was.

He lay back on the desk as Sullivan moved him into place.

"Face down or up?" Sullivan asked.

"I want to watch you" Kevin whispered revealing the truth. Sullivan smiled. "I like being watched"

Kevin's legs rested on the admired bare chest. He closed his eyes momentarily to relax as the man's rubber sheathed weapon moved inside him.

"Look at me Kevin" the man hissed and Kevin opened his eyes.

The cock moved inside him.

"I'll pay you" the man had said. Kevin had ignored the law hitchhiking home from the party. His head was still affected by the pot and beers. Nobody saw him vomit on the street thankfully. Kevin had felt like a kid. But standing on the highway, he felt better. The bus never appeared.

"For what?"

"Ten to see it, twenty to watch you jack it, fifty to suck you, 100 to fuck you..No a hot guy like you, 150 or I'll just give you a ride where you need to go" the man wasn't threatening, in fact he was nice.

Kevin showed him the hard dick he had. He felt the man's hands. "Tell you what I'll give you 200 to play for a couple of hours, you got time"

The motel appeared easily. They occupied the room and Kevin stripped as the man watched. The hands moved over him, they cupped his balls, slid on his cock until he nodded he was ready. Kevin knelt on the bed.

"I uh never go slow" he begged. The man played with his butthole, put something on the ass lips and inside.

"Don't worry kid, this will numb things a bit" the man's fingers moved inside and Kevin gasped at first then relaxed.

The fucking happened. Kevin felt his insides react to it, he began to flex his muscles and the man instructed him what to do. His orgasm happened without even touching his cock. Kevin heard the man curse.

"Shit kid you sure you never did this before?" The man withdrew and began to wipe Kevin's butt and then his still dripping half hard cock.

"Yes Sir, it was nice" Kevin stood and pissed as the man watched.

"If you want we can get together again sometime" He held out the stack of twenty dollar bills.

Kevin took them and stood there naked, not sure what to do next. He reacted when the man aimed his cell phone. "Great, thanks, I'll treasure that one"

Kevin dressed and the man drove him near the house.

Kevin flexed against Sullivan's cock. He wanted this to last. The sight of the man's naked tanned body bulging, his face reacting and the cock sliding along his intestines made Kevin's mind concentrate on the animalistic experience.

"Gonna" Sullivan said puling his cock out. He yanked the rubber off it just in time for the streams of cum to shoot over Kevin's nudeness. Sullivan moves his erupting cock like a lawn sprinkler sending streams as high as Kevin's face, across his chest, stomach and crotch.

"Go ahead" the man instructed and Kevin stroked himself, taking his body to the point of no return.

He gasped as the cock that had stretched him open jammed back into him before he came. He wasn't sure if Sullivan ejaculated because he was orgasming or shortly afterwards. He didn't move still jacking his softening dick while it still oozed out.

"Shit kid you're a hot fuck" Sullivan leaned forward over Kevin propped by his hands on the desk. Kevin still felt the cock inside him.

"Nice" Kevin smiled "You're a hot man" he added.

"Maybe we should finish the report and recover, and then we can do more, if you're hard."

"I work hard Sir" Kevin said.

"I noticed before now" Sullivan said reaching to pull Kevin to his feet. "Let's clean up and get to the report"

Kevin wasn't sure, as he told Roger later, that he enjoyed the first time Sullivan fucked him, the mutual cleaning up, the staying naked while they finished his report or the second fuck more.

The light had begun to illuminate them as Kevin looked up watching Sullivan's sperm spilling out over his upturned face and tongue.

A quick glance out the window and he saw people standing at the window of that glass office building. Kevin wondered how many times they had watched Sullivan's sessions.

"I think we better stop" he said. Sullivan laughed, kissed him and reminded him "I like being looked at"

That evening, Kevin told Roger everything "Shit man you're gonna get promoted for sure" He said.

And he was.

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