Working the Pumps

By Will Writer

Published on Apr 22, 2008



New author but same rules:

This work is made entirely of fiction and may contain consensual and non-consensual sexual acts between two males. If this subject matter offends you, or it is illegal in your area please do not read any further. This work is an original piece and is intended for the audiences and contributors of Nifty; any other duplication is done so without the authors consent.

Would you believe that ass just driving off without paying for his gas I thought to myself as I wrote down the last digits of his speeding away license plate; your damn right I am calling it in, this comes straight out of my pocket when I don't catch the jerks. I picked up the phone and dialed up the local police department - I gave the license plate number and quick a description of the vehicle; white Dodge Dakota truck with a club cab, tinted windows in the back and a red "Foxtrot racing" emblem across the back window. She asked me if I had a description of the driver; lucky for me this guy was definitely worth taking a description of - about 19 - 20 years old, around 5'10" to 6'0", brown hair and eyes, wearing a grey hooded sweatshirt and blue jeans, oh yeah and he was a hotty! Ok I didn't tell her that he was a hotty - honestly I was pretty pissed at the so called hotty; so at that moment he was not particularly "hot" in my book. After I gave all the information I had and answered all the questions needed the operator said thank-you and that they had dispatched the local authorities, and promptly ended the call. A rush of satisfaction

About 35minutes down the line along comes a police cruiser pulling up to the first parking spot in the gas station, and sure enough, in the back seat was my brown-eyed offender. Apparently he was carrying some `illegal' substance in his vehicle, which prompted the arrest. The officer took the my statement and he drove off. In the back seat those brown eyes were just gazing at me; I could not tell if he had a gaze of anger and revenge or a gaze of regret, but I was kind of feeling bad for the guy now.

As the next hour progressed and the evening traffic calmed down I pretty much forgot about the incident entirely. Sadly, working in a gas station dealing with gas-and-goes is a regular occurrence, and there is a lot of other things that keep my mind busy - like gazing at all the hotties that come my way.

My name is Jerrod, and as it is pretty easy to guess at this point, I am gay - not highly active, in fact I have not been active with another guy since I was 16; this was about 3 years ago when I was still in high school. It was more or less a "fooling-around" thing, and it meant more to me than it did my partner, Andy, but all good things must come to an end. I am not sure why I don't get more involved with guys; I suppose I am pretty shy, and I do have a pretty busy schedule between college and work. Maybe I am wasting my good-youthful years away. I am about 5'7", 135lbs, short light-brown hair, and green eyes. I am small so I do have some definition, but that is completely a result of my petite size; in reality, I am neither tough nor athletic, but about average.

The night continued without a hitch - I was the only closer and was left completely by myself from 8o'clock, but it was no big deal. For the most part I am working in a pretty safe place with security cameras inside and out, and a busy street that would deter most would-be robbers.

It was now about 11pm; the gas station closes at 12 and I am pretty used to the closing routine. Everything was so quiet that I started to get my closing work taken care of and had just gotten the mop and water out of the back when the brown-eyed boy came strolling in. "what the hell man!" He cursed at me. He looked stressed out but even more so he looked like I had hurt him emotionally.

"Dude -" I started with him clenching the mop in my left hand and holding up my right "hey if I don't call in the drive-offs I have to pay for the loss out of my own pocket" I explained. He tossed his hands up in and rolled his eyes at me. "Sorry, but I can't afford to be paying for other peoples gas" I said, trying to console him. "You have no idea how SCREWED I am" clenching his teeth and balling the fist of his left hand then pointing me with the right "You really are getting it". With that he stormed out of the gas station and I let out a sigh of relief. Truth be told, if he wanted to hurt me it wouldn't have taken him much.

I cleaned everything up staying pretty much right on schedule despite the extra stress. I only had two more customers after he left and in the gas station world I could be on fire and a customer wouldn't take notice of me unless I shorted them a penny. I cleaned up the bathrooms, gathered up the trash and put it by the door; last thing I do is walk it out to the enclosed dumpster area before I head home. The clock struck 12 and I zapped off the interior lights, shut down the pumps, and printed the nights paper work. After a few minutes of this work I placed everything into the safe, set the alarm grabbed the trash and I was out the door.

Would you believe that once again I had forgotten about my little friend; I set the bags down as I locked the door and I made my way over to the dumpster enclosure. I opened the door which was promptly closed behind by the spring hinges as I walked up to the dumpster and tossed the nights refuse in to the cans.

All at once I felt a two hands grab me and force me down to the ground, a few kicks to the stomach and the whole incident from earlier came rushing back in me as my air went rushing out. He grabbed me by the hair and dragged me over to a stack of milk crates along the side of the dumpster. I was in fear of my life at this point. I was not sure if he was going to rough me up, or out-right kill me for calling the cops on him. This whole thing had just gotten completely out of hand. He forced me into a sitting position with my back to the crates and my legs straight out in front of me, then he kneeled down to my face grabbed my face and forced me to look into his empty brown eyes. "call the cops on me, huh" he said thru his clenched teeth "you have any idea how much trouble I am in?" his left hand still grasping me from under the chin and his right hand went back to my head where it resumed its duties of pulling my hair. "My parents are going to be freaking OUT because of this!"

He was not yelling, but the way he was talking was having the same effect as spit managed to make its way from his mouth on to my face as he talked. I was still terrified, as busy as this street was, now that the lights were out there was no reason why a passing stranger might take notice of the now dark gas station, none the less the back end of the dark garbage enclosure. Actually, to make things worse, there wasn't even a sidewalk in front of the gas station; no one was going to take ANY notice of the things that would go on.

"c'mon dude," I was trying to mutter from my mouth, I was too afraid to try and wiggle my way from him, I definitely didn't want to make him any more mad, and I knew that I was no match for him. I bet he had an easy 35lbs on me.

"C'mon dude?" he looked at me curiously, "how about you c'mon, dude!" he retorted "listen dude, you screwed me, and now I am going to return the favor".

Say what?! I thought to myself; did he really mean what I think he meant? My blood rushed to my face as the thought entered my mind; terror and an odd excitement had grasped me. It didn't really take much wondering as the next thing that I knew he had put both of his knees on top of my out spread legs and removed both hands from my head. He undid his belt, unbuttoned his pants and pulled the zipper down. My eyes were completely fixated on what he was doing as he fished out a semi-hard dick that was already about 5 inches long and pretty thick.

"I see you like this" he said and then coldly slapped his hand across my face twice. His cock was now hard as a rock and about 7 inches long, my mouth was completely in awe of its size, and as much as I might have wanted to take a cock like this into my mouth, who would want to in this sort of scenario. I was terrified, I was about to be raped, and as he aimed that cock to my face I turned my head away from the incoming force of his angry hips. He forcefully grabbed my poor hair and pulled my face into his hard, dampening cock. He rubbed his tool in front my closed lips and then started to thrust his hips at my face. He started to slap me with his left hand, the pain, the humiliation it was all becoming too much, and I don't know why, or even when but I opened my mouth and gave his cock a warm welcome.

The soft warmness of my mouth was suddenly and forcefully invaded by his hot dick as he thrust it all the way to the back of my mouth and into my unsuspecting throat. I tried to gag but he had his hips pushing hard, and my head was locked between him and the milk crate behind me. He was enjoying himself as he began to brutally fuck my poor face with his throbbing tool. I wasn't even almost sucking, but more fighting for air as his dick filled my throat again and again; thrust after thrust. He was a fucking machine and he wasn't even close to coming, and that all worked well to his plans.

After about 3 minutes of his brutal assault he pulled his cock from my mouth and kneeled back down so that his face was right in mine. "You like that my little cock slut?" he snarled at me in a way that you could actually hear the pride of his accomplishment in his voice; "you want more of that?"

"pa-please" I pleaded, spit falling from my face that was raw not only from the slaps I had endured but now the harsh thrusts of his hips. "Please, I'm so sorry!" I started to beg.

"oh - you are sorry, are you?" he said and gave me another slap to my face. "you have no idea how sorry you are going to be!"

He stood up and pulled me up by my hair. I was again looking him into his eyes; he was a little bit taller than I was, but way bigger. I had no idea what was coming next but was completely taken back as he leaned into me and planted his lips right to mine. I was so shocked by this action I had no idea what to do. His tongue forced its way passed my lips, and I found myself in a deep and powerful kiss with my rival.

It was almost magical, I think I was actually enjoying this. He pulled back from the kiss and smiled at me and all at once those butter flies in my stomach were squashed by a hard right punch into my stomach. I doubled over, but before I could drop to my knees he had forced me back up and turned me over the milk crates. He had placed his weight on top of me, "now im going to screw you" he whispered into my ear. He reached both arms around my body that was now bent over in front of him, and he pulled my belt loose, undid my pants and pulled them and my boxers down in one forceful motion. He was on his knees behind me; I felt him pulling my cheeks apart, I was so scared of him fucking me un-lubed.

He rubbed his index finger around my hole a few times. The feeling of his finger reduced my tension a little bit. The rubbing stopped but was quickly replaced by a warm wetness; the warm wetness began flicking around my hole. He was starting to rim me! His tongue was driving me wild as it splashed all around my hole. He began to probe my ass, pushing his tongue deep into my hole. The feeling was maddening, AMAZING. A few minutes of this and he pulled his face away and again began rubbing my hole with his fingers, but this time forcing their way into my tight hole. He started by finger fucking me with his index, after a couple minutes of this loosening he added the middle finger and continued to work his magic. Not too long after the middle finger made its way in he forced a third finger in, as he continued his finger fucking assault on my ass.

He pulled his fingers out of my ass and stood up. I could tell he was positioning his dick, and I heard him spit down a few times to lube his engorged member. After a few brutal slaps across my ass he grabbed an ass cheek in each hand, I was not fighting him, this may be a forced encounter, but I was starting to love every moment of it. I felt the tip of his penis press against the tip of my ass hole as it slowly pressed in I eased up as much as I could to except the treasure. I felt the head enter me, and he started to rock himself back and forth pushing in a little bit more each time he thrust forward.

"Oh give it to me" I begged as he started to rock it in "force it in, just fuck me!" I pleaded. That's all it took as I felt him thrust hard and force the rest of his cock deep into my ass. There was sharp rush of pain, but it quickly subsided to a glorious pleasure.

He waited a few moments with his cock all the way in me; we both took in the ecstasy of the moment. After those moments passed he started to rock back and forth again, small rocking's at first then followed by longer, but still slow thrusts. He was in no hurry to end this pleasure, and I was completely taken by his thrusts. His thrusts got longer and longer, his cock was now very lubed in natural juices that my ass was easily accepting his deep thrusts. He pulled his cock back slowly, all the way out, and then all at once he charged it all the way back in-in one deep hard thrust. This was what he needed, his hips started to rock back and forth hard and furious as he fucked my ass, the pleasure was amazing!

He fucked me so hard for what seemed like ages; "oh bitch!" he grunted "oh fuck bitch, you are about to get my load!" His thrusts were just a rapid flurry now as he dug his dick in and clenched my sides fiercely with each hand. I felt him stop suddenly and I felt my hole begin to fill with his warm fluidic goo. He absolutely unloaded in me, what felt like a pint of cum filled my ass. Still deep inside me he leaned forward and rested his chest on my back. After he caught his breath he pulled his now semi hard cock from my ass. I felt a small pull of his cum start making its way down my leg. He may have come, but I hadn't, and I was still so horned up; without any guidance from my new found aggressive lover I flipped around and dropped to my knees in front of him and began cleaning his dirty dick, and giving him a more proper blow job. He didn't climax again, not yet anyways, but he pulled out of my mouth and I stood up and we embraced each other in a deep hug as our two mouths met into a deep magical kiss yet again.

We made out for a few moments before he dropped down to his knees, and pulled my rock hard 6 inch dick into his mouth. He rocked his head back and forth as he worked my tool like a professional cock whore. I know now that this was not the first time he ever sucked a dick, and he sucked my dick so well, so gently, and so warmly that it only took about a minutes for me to unload into his mouth. I must have shot a good 5 to 6 jets into his throat, and he gulped up each one and swallowed them down. He stood up and grabbed my name tag and read off my name; "well Jerrod, I hope you learned a lesson." He said, softly smiling at me.

I leaned in and gave him a peck on the lips; "I am not sure, you might have to give me this lesson again," I laughed, remembering that I still didn't even know his name. I asked him and he laughed, too, at the fact that he had just fucked the hell out of some perfect stranger.

"Dan," he laughed out as he leaned in and gave me another peck on the lips. After our last peck he put his pants back on and started toward the gate; as he pushed the door open he looked back at me and gave me a wink before taking off until our next encounter.

Thanks for reading this first attempt of mine at erotic literature. I am a long time reader of Nifty stories and hope to contribute more stories in the future. Any comments, constructive criticism, or ideas for future stories is welcome.

Please feel free to contact me at

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