Working Saturdays

By Lust Stories

Published on Oct 19, 2020


I decided to finish high school, the online course and working full time was getting a bit too tough. I didn't want to leave the job I was in, as I love working with the guys that I worked with and it meant I wouldn't see jeremy every day like I would if I was working. Mum didn't push me to go back, but she kept encouraging me to go back saying I would regret not finishing high school in high school. She was right as its a big year full of big events for us seniors, I didn't have too long to get myself sorted and I found a school that would be greta for me. It had all I needed and the students seemed to be a a good bunch that wouldn't bully me into trying to kill myself. I am worried how my uncle will take the news of me deciding to finish high school and ditching full time work, but I think he will be happy to see me go back and finish as he was disappointed I let those bullies win

We had a student free day on the first week back of high school and it let me go and have a full day of work with jeremy. Our job was to put some flooring in and it was a tough job, the whole time jeremy didn't say anything other than just to let me know where to go with the floor boards. He is usually talkative and wanting to make jokes, I knew something was up and I had to address it when we had smoko or at lunch. When smoko came around I grabbed jeremy and I wanted to address his his silence. I looked at him and asked "why aren't you talking to me babe" he ran his index finger up an down my arm and smiled "do you love me" that question dumbfounded me as I love him more than anything in the world "I don't even have to answer that as you know I do" he sighed and said "why didn't you tell me you were going back to school" I shrugged my shoulders and said "I just want to finish it and make sure I have a sat score before wanting to go to college" he hugged me and kissed my lips and said "but we won't see each other every day" the big down side of going back to school "move in with me please" I wanted to but mum wouldn't like it "if mum lets me I will" he hugged men and we went back to work

After work jeremy dropped me off at my house and mum was home and it would give me a chance to tell her about jeremy as I haven't told her about him yet. She knows I am gay and knows I am very sexually active. I walked in and mum looked like she was getting ready to go to work again, me moving in with Jeremy really wouldn't change things as mum is a busy schedule and of late we haven't seen much of each other. Mum came and gave men a kiss and said "I am needed at the hospital again tonight honey. Good luck at school tomorrow" as she went to the car I said "mum we need to chat" she looked back and said "look can we talk tomorrow I have to go" I nodded my head and she gave me another kiss and said "I love you and be good" she left after that. I understand mum is in a job that requires he to be on call 24/7. But I miss our chats we have. I went to my room and packed some clothes and my school books in an overnight bag and got in a cab and went to Jeremy's place

I went to his apartment and buzzed on his apartment number and he let me in. I went and knocked on his door and he opened it, her was so happy to see me. "Can I stay the night and see how we can live together while I'm still at school" he took my hand and brought me into his apartment. He was still wearing his work gear and smelt a bit, he brought me into the bathroom and showed me the toothbrush he bought me and said "it's a start babe, I hope you make it permanent". He stripped down to nothing and jumped in the shower, he is a hunk and has the perfect body, I stood and watched him go in "you coming in he said" I stripped to nothing and joined him. We stood under the shower head and kissed and soaped each other up, he loved playing with my cock and it was so nice having his big hands around my cock jerking it. He has the thickest rug of hair on his chest and I love running my hands through it

After dinner and watching a bit of tv we went to bed, I did a bit of study while jeremy watched tv. I love that he sleeps with his jocks on and he is so sexy in them. I climbed in and snuggled next to him and he started kissing my neck and I just love the way he arouses my senses. "So do you want to make this a permanent thing" I could feel his cock pressing against my arse and he was horny "I really do jeremy, but I am not sure what or how I will tell mum about it. She is still my legal guardian" jeremy stopped kissing me and said "have you even told her about me yet" I hadn't and I didn't know what to say, I thought about lying and just saying yes and she was happy about my love life I just told the truth "I was going to tell her tonight before I came here, but she rushed off to hospital. I am telling her tomorrow after school" he turned over and sighed and I looked back and put my head on his chest and he said "don't you want people to know about me" I hit his chest and said "no way, mum is a surgeon and I haven't seen her much" he laughed and rubbed his chest and said "go away mozzie look my last boyfriend didn't want anyone to know about me. He was ashamed of me and my career. I don't want you to feel the same". I kissed him and said "well my last boyfriend used me as his personal slut and I hated it, you are someone I love and want to spend the rest of my life with" he ran his hand through my hair and said "you can be my personal slut as well" I smiled and grabbed his cock and purred

We both woke early the next day and I made some yoghurt and fruit for jeremy to take to work, he loves the food u make for him. As I was making my lunch he stood behind me and pulled my jocks down I looked back at him and smiled "one last fuck before your first day hey babe" I smiled and pulled my jocks up and turned around and said "how about you fuck me tonight to celebrate my first day back at high school" he kissed me and hugged me and started to cry and said "does this mean you are moving in" I thought about what I was going to say next and I knew mum wouldn't be around much at home and I love being with Jeremy all the time "I guess so so jeremy. I'll start moving my stuff in tonight"

School was great and I made friends straight away when I told home room that I was gay, I didn't want to be someone that was hiding something and I told the new world I was in. I got home and mum was just about to leave again for the hospital, I had to tell her I was moving out to live with jeremy. Before she left I sat her down and said "mum I have met a guy that I love. i am moving out to live with him" she hugged me and said "look don't get angry if I don't yell yippee or want to meet him, just remember the last boyfriend you had. He was using you and I don't want to walk in on that ever again" I smiled and remembered when she asked in on glen fucking me hard "yeah that was a real dear diary moment. Jeremy is a good guy and I love him and I want to be with him" mum hugged me and teared up a bit and said "honey you will always have a bed here and I love you. Just don't get hurt". We both started crying she left for work after a long hug

I went to Jeremy's apartment after seeing mum go, I got here as jeremy was walking in. I had quite a few things. "You told your mum didn't you" he opened the door and took my hand and we went to his bedroom straight away. "Do we have company coming over tonight" he smiled and said "no I have been thinking about your arse all day and I want to plough it" I dropped to my knees and pulled his shorts down and pulled his massive cock out. I instinctively devoured his cock in my hungry mouth, the warm thickness of his cock filling my mouth. My hands ran up his hairy strong thighs and gripped his hard muscular arse cheeks as I took his cock deeper in my mouth with each attempt. Listening to his appreciative groans made me realize I was learning well and when I ran my tongue under his shaft I knew I was more than ready for this. My eyes never left his gorgeous blue eyes as I bobbed deeply on his fine cock, exhilarated at hearing the words born cocksucker fill my ears. As he pulled me up his drool wet cock slapped against me till his lips met mine, I'd neve been the kissed before and his rough snogging made my brain spin.

He pulled me up and said "you really give the best blow jobs"

Before I could reply, his hands parted my cheeks, and his tongue dove deep in my virgin hole. The feeling made my legs buckle and my moans slip from me uncontrollably, his bristled face roughly buried in my cheeks. My only moment of respite from his tongue came when I felt the large head of his cock pressed against my hole. Pulling my head back by the hair he asked me the ridiculous question did I want his cock. For years I had fantasied about this moment, since my marriage I had put this away in my memory as a dream never fulfilled. So when he asked I begged yes then louder and louder till I was yelling for his cock. I yelled again when he did finally slide his cock into my tight hole, my cherry popped with a surprising amount of pain. Holding me still on his cock, he let my hole get adjusted to this large invader, very slowly starting to fuck me. My eyes watered from the pain and I couldn't make any words from my mouth as I gave myself up to him. As I relaxed he started to slide deeper into me, each slow thrust drawing the exact audible moan from my lips. My hair was pulled as he sped up his fucking, the pain disappearing as my hole craved more. I was now pushing my arse back deeper on his cock wanting it, needing it, my wait finally over forever. Without warning his cock withdrew and he pulled my head around to receive my first facial. As soon as I faced him I heard his groan echo around the hall and as I was dripping in his thick warm cum. I hungrily licked around my lips for any taste I could before his finger fed me large globs of his load. Sucking his fingers clean as I grinned up contentedly at him.

We went and had dinner at a local cafe after jeremy showered, it was nice to eat out with my boyfriend

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