Working Overtime

By Sam M

Published on Aug 25, 2005


My cock ached and my nipples burned. Suspended there, I never felt so vulnerable. Perhaps, it was like this when I was a child, completely under the control of an adult, but I couldn't remember that far back. I knew, though, I was under his complete control.

He stepped out of my view. I could feel his presence, but as the floor was carpeted, I could hear him. The light in the basement seemed to be focused on me. It was like being one of those butterflies, pinned to a collector's board.

I heard the click of the television. I looked up and I could see, ME! There I was suspended n a circle of light, like I described. I could see my elongated member, my red nipples, and ripped underwear. It didn't seem real at all.

I could also see him behind me.

"You like what you see?"

"Yes, sir," I managed to say.

"You're nicely trussed up. But, I know what you want. You know what you want. But you've lived your life in such a way as to never imagine asking for it. But, by the time I'm done here today, you will tell me. Do you know what it is?"

I couldn't for the life of me think of whatto say. "No, sir."

"Yes, you do. If you think on it hard enough, you'll see that you always knew. But, it'll come to you in time. In the meantime, I have other plans."

I could see in his hand what appeared to be a cricket wicket. Of course, it wasn't. It was way too short. And I could see it had holes in it.

"Now, let's see how you take some punishment. You're ready for that now, aren't you?"

"Yes, sir."

I trembled slightly, despite myself. He raised the paddle, and it came down quickly on my exposed ass. The pain was instantaneous and more than I expected. I winced and shuddered. Before I could completely grasp the pain, another smack rang out in the basement. This time I moaned. Yet, I was completely aroused, with precum dripping from my cock.

He raised the paddle for a third time and the stinging pain shot through my exposed ass and trhough my entire body. I could feel sweat forming on my skin. A fourth, fifth and sixth smack came and I cried out, tears forming in my eyes. I counted seven, eight, and nine, and found myself crying, moaning, and shivering from the pain. The tenth smack was the most painful and I saw stars swimming in my field of vision.

Time passed slowly as my body slowly recovered. My head was slumped forward, my erection had since diminished. I don't know how much time passed, but I could feel something cold, slick and relieving being massaged into my ass. Looking up, I could see him in the monitor, massaging my ass and pouring some sort of lotion. The relief was glorious.

"You did well, for your first time. I generally don't like it when men scream out and require them not to make a sound, but the basement is soundproofed and this was your first time. Next time, though, I will require strict silence. Understand?"

I was able to muster a "Yes, sir."

"Good. You seem to learn quickly."

He continued to knead my sore butt. But has he worked it, his fingers moved closer and closer to my exposed hole. I dared not move, but I felt excited each time he made a pass, and then disappointed as he retreated. He moved closer and closer, with more frequency and I could feel myself breathing quicker, becoming flushed. It was exquisite torture desiring him to feel my rosebud, but not getting the relief I wanted so badly. Eventually, his slick finger grazed my hole and I involuntarily pushed back.

"Hold still, or there will be more of the paddle."

"Yes, sir."

I stayed as still as I could. He continued to graze my hole from time to time. I was going nearly crazy with desire, as my cock throbbed and dripped. He slipped on finger in for a brief moment and waves of pleasure cascaded over my body. It came again, then again, more frequently and deeper. Before too long, one digit was exploring my hole, pulling at it, expanding it, grazing my insides. It was the first time I had ever been penetrated.

He started fucking me with his finger. Slowly, methodically, he probed, adding another finger as I became more stretched out. He pushed in and out, sometimes grazing my prostrate. That feeling shook me, and I could feel myself trembling again. Sweat formed and it almost felt like I could cum without being touched. If he had even grazed the head of my cock for a tenth of a second, I knew I would shoot across the room.

I guess he sensed how close he was, because he stopped probing. He pulled his fingers out of me. This left me suspended and frustrated beyond belief.

"That's enough of that, now," he said as he stepped away.

Looking up at the television screen, I saw him move into the shadows. Now, it seemed that all that remained in the room was me, strapped in light, uspended, dripping precum from my swollen dick.

He returned to the circle of light. This time he was carrying what looked like a thick string. Later, I found out that it was loop of leather. He reached behind me and circled the loop around my balls. He tightened it and then drew it back. It was uncomfortable, but not overly painfull.

He bent down and held up a barbell. I gulped. He looped the other end of the string to the barbell and lowered it. Of course, it did not quite reach the floor and my balls were pulled taut. The pain became more intense, but paled in comparison to the spanking I received earlier.

I could see in the television my dick straining and my balls being pulled to the ground. He lifted his foot and gently kicked the barbell, which started it swaying. It almost felt as though my balls would be torn from my body. I gasped with the pain.

Remembering his admonishment about remaining silent, I resolved not to cry out. Again, I could feel myself tremble and sweat with the pain. I focused on a spot on the wall across the room to compose myself.

He appeared in front of me, distracting me. He reached up and pulled my face towards his and kissed me hard on the lips. I greedily devoured his lips and tongue. The taste and feeling was so intense and sensual. He reached down and began slowly stroking my cock with his hand, still coated with the slick lotion. He pulled and twisted with force, which only made me want to lavish attention to his mouth with the only thing I could control at the present, my mouth.

He pulled away, and again I was disappointed and frustrated. My saliva dripped from my open mouth. My tongue still working as if to coax his mouth back onto mine.

He pulled at my right nipple, extending it as far as he could. He then clipped the teased nipple with a clothes pin. He did the same with the other nipple. The pain soon meshed with the pain caused by my stretched balls. He pulled away as if to look at his handiwork.

"I've got some things to take care of. I'll be back in a bit."

With that he left the basement. And I was left alone to contemplate myself in the television monitor.

Yahoo Messenger ID: swimmer_1958

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