Working Overtime

By Sam M

Published on Aug 23, 2005


I followed him in, my cock slowly deflating from its fully erect state. He paused at the top of a set of stairs that led from the side door landing to the basement.

"Head on downstairs, then strip to your underwear. I'll be down shortly."

I nodded and headed down the stairs. It was dark and I could only make out shapes of what I assumed to be furniture. I stopped at the bootom of the stairs, took off my clothes, and laid them neatly in the corner. I stood right there waiting.

I could here him moving around upstairs. He was talking to someone on the phone, but I couldn't make out the conversation. As he told me not to touch anything unless directed to, I merely stood there, feeling a little foolish and little excited.

Before too long, my patience was rewarded as he came down the stairs. He flicked a light switch and I could see a partially finished basement. There was carpeting, some furniture, a wide screen plasma TV, and some other things. There was really nothing remarkable about it.

Once downstairs, he looked me over. He pulled me to the center of the room and then walked around me, like he was inspecting a steer at an auction. I could feel my cock swelling again, as I stood motionless.

He reached up and then pulled down a leather strap from the open beams. The strap was short, and had holes and a buckle on the end. He lifted my arm and placed the strap around my right wrist and buckled it. Next, he lowered another identical strap and tightened it around my left wrist. I stood there, slightly raised on the balls of my feet, with my arms outstretched.

I was a bit nervous, as no one knew where I was and I was powerless to fight back at this time. He could sense my nervousness.

"Relax, you know the magic word. If this gets too much for you, just say it."

I felt a bit better. He reached up and pulled between the two straps, which caused them to pull tighter. In turn, I had to raise myself to my toes to keep my feet. That soon became unecessary, as he pulled two straps from the wall behind me. He strapped them to each of my ankles and pulled them back.

I was at this time suspended a few inches off the floor, leaning forward and completely at his control.

He moved to the front of me, and pulled my face towards his. He kissed me roughly and I could feel his whiskers on my cheek. Our tongues meshed and I was becoming extremely aroused. He pulled away and then began pullingat my nipples, gently at first, but then tugging and extending them as far as he could. He bent down and rolled each nipple in turn between his teeth. It was painful, but it sent waves of pleasure througout my body.

"I can see you like this," he growled to me.


He pulled back, then slapped me hard on the face.

"You will adress me as 'Sir' and show me the proper respect. Understand?"

"Yes, sir."

"Good. I'm glad we have an understanding."

With that, he moved forward again and grabbed my extended cock through my underwear. He slapped at my balls and cock, then kneaded it hard. I could feel the excitement well up in me and I was afreaid I may explode right there. He must have sensed that, because he stopped, then grabbing the meterial, he pulled hard, tearing my underwear off at the front. He reached back, then tore the remaining portion off my rear end, leaving it hanging as rags.

I was completely naked before this completely clothed man. It was humiliating and exhilerating all at the same time.

Yahoo Messenger ID: swimmer_1958

Next: Chapter 3

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