Working My Way Through College

By Vincent Salerno

Published on Oct 27, 2012


Virgil Beauregard

The following year while at school in Louisiana, I took a furnished room in a big old southern house owned by an old widow who was taking in boarders to supplement her income. The widow had a bachelor son, Virgil Beauregard, who was always referred to by both his first and middle names. He was a very tall guy, at least 6'4" or 6'5", kinda gawky with a hangdog plain face and enormous hands and feet. He appeared to be about 40 years old, and spoke in a heavy drawl, much more pronounced than most people in the area. Perhaps the family had moved to Baton Rouge from another part of the south.

I was busy with school and other activities and paid little attention to my new landlady and her son. VB did seem extra friendly toward me, but I just chalked that up to the superficial southern friendliness that I had become accustomed to during the previous two years.

But one Saturday night about two weeks after I had moved in, I was awakened from a sound sleep. As I gradually came to consciousness I realized that someone was in my room. Sitting on my bed! I bolted up, adrenaline pumping. It was Virgil Beauregard, drunk as a skunk. He was whispering in a loud drunken stage whisper and pawing me.

"Tony, Tony, don' be 'fraid, it's jes me, VB. Ah'm drunk, yeah, ah really am. Ah jes thot we could fool around a lil, whattaya say?"

"Get outta here! Get the fuck outta here!" There was fear, and alarm in my voice.

"Shhh, shhh. Quiet, quiet, Tony, not so loud, cummon. Momma is 'bout deaf anyway, but you're really hollerin'."

As he spoke his big hands moved up and down my chest, leg and came to rest on my pajama covered genitals.

Now I had not had any kind of sex in a long time, and it wasn't easy to turn down the ministrations of this big, anxious- to-please oaf, who had by now extracted my dick from my pjs and was expertly manipulating it up to full erection.

I continued to protest, but more weakly, as I realized that this man was very gentle, and really very drunk. Despite his enormous size, I felt confident that I could overpower him easily.

"Aww. cummon Tony. Les play a lil. Ahl take out ma dick and lie here nex to you, and ahl suck on your dick a lil bit and we'll have a good time. Okay, Tony?"

"No, no," I protested quietly, not moving Virgil's hand.

"Cummon, honey, you're hard now, you're really up hard. My lips will feel beautiful around this dick of yours."

Summoning all the strength and will power at my command, I removed Virgil's huge hand from my cock, and pushed the big limp body off the bed. VB landed on the floor with a loud thump.

"Now you better get out of here now!" I ordered.

"Okay, okay, ahm goin'."

Virgil awkwardly pulled himself up and out of the room.

I lay on my bed, wide awake now, heart beating fast and loud, cock pointing to the ceiling. I jerked off furiously, coming all over Mrs. Webster's clean stiff sheets. Then I got up, quietly packed my few belongings into my suitcase, and slipped out of the house. I checked into a hotel for the night and in the morning I called Mrs. Webster and told her that I would be moving out. I had to leave Baton Rouge for a while, I explained, because I was called in the middle of the night by a relative concerning a family emergency.

"Oh my, this is a surprise," said the nice old lady. "I'm gettin' so deaf I never even heard the phone ring."

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