Working for Darren

By Josh Armstrong

Published on Mar 11, 2007


NOTES>> This is the second chapter in the Working For Darren series. Safe sex won't appear in this story all that often, but I trust it appears a lot in your own lives. Sex will appear quite often though, sometimes quite graphically, and invariably of the gay and BDSM nature, so only read on if the law of your chosen land allows. The copyright is all mine, subject to Nifty's rules on the matter.

I'm glad so many of you liked part one of this new story - I hope you like part two also! Feedback is really appreciated, positive or critical. So let me know what you think - I'm also writing another story here on Nifty - 'Contracted To Justin' - I'll do a new chapter of that later this week. Do check that out too!


"Ah, it's the filthy gay boy, come in, come in. Stick your jacket and shirt on the hooks by the door, then drop your pants and come stand by my desk, I'll be with your shortly".

For the briefest of moments I'd been ready to challenge my boss about the current state of affairs, I really had.

I'd spent most of the afternoon accepting my fate - after all, I'd been an idiot to download all that porn to my work PC, and Darren was doing me a favour by keeping my crime a secret from the board, because I believed him when he said they'd almost certainly fire me if they found out. This was a really conservative company.

And if Darren felt that a paddling or two was suitable punishment, well, I might not like it, but if it meant I kept my job, well that was fine. I hadn't liked the intense pain my ass had experienced that morning, nor the irritating soreness and aching I'd had to persevere with all day, and I hated the idea of that happening again. And I hated having to strip in my boss' office, and the idea of Darren - a year younger than me, don't forget - getting to see and touch by ass, cock and balls. But I hated the thought of getting fired even more - so I'd rectified myself with taking Darren's punishment in my stride, pledged to never look at a porn website ever again, and to ride this out and put it all behind me.

But then, as I walked from my desk to Darren's office, and through his PA Lynn's office, which separated him from the main office floor, I'd had a change of heart. It occurred to me that Darren could protect me from the wrath of the board without treating me in such a degrading way. And I thought there was a strong argument for why he should do. He was a friend of a friend after all. And he'd not given me a chance to explain earlier that day, about how my predecessor must have been accessing the porn too, because I was using his subscriptions to get into those sites, which I'd never have looked at had they not been in the shortcuts on that workstation's web browser.

By the time I entered Darren's office I was really ready to say all that. But then his opening remark completely threw me off guard. It was the way he referred to me as a 'filthy gay boy' in such a matter of fact almost cheerful way, and at a volume which meant Lynn outside could almost certainly hear, because I'd not shut the door at that point. And the casual way he'd told me strip, and reveal by dick, balls and still sore ass to him again (I wasn't wearing any boxers, remember), as if it was the most normal thing in the world, I really didn't expect that. So I said nothing, and did nothing, except shut his office door, in a bid to stop anyone else hearing him talk to me this way. But then he went from casual and cheerful, to formal and angry, in the matter of seconds.

"Look, fuck boy, I've got a meeting with my dad in one hour, and I still haven't decided whether or not to tell him that we've got a perverted fag on the pay roll, so now is not the time to be getting me pissed off. So I suggest you lose the jacket and shirt, drop those trousers, and get your sorry ass over here now, before I make a snap decision about your future with this company".

All thoughts of challenging Darren were gone. I quickly took off my jacket and hooked it onto one of the hooks by his office door. I took off my tie and put it on the same hook, then removed my shirt and put it on the next hook to the right. Then I undid my belt and flies, let my pants drop to my ankles, and then stumbled across to his desk. My cock, which had been at least semi-hard ever since my first run in with Darren and his paddle earlier, was almost fully erect now, and wobbled in front of me as I waddled over to my boss' desk.

This was indescribably embarrassing as it was, but even more so because of my erection. Not that I really had anything to be embarrassed about in that department, at six and half inches my cock was longer than average, and pretty thick too. But to let my boss see my dick at all was horrifying, but for him to actually see this whole scenario was getting me hard, even more so. Still, I knew better than to try and cover myself this time. I stood before him, fully erect dick and all, with my hands firmly clasped behind my back.

He smirked at me as I took my position, but then went back to work. I don't know whether he realised how degrading it was to stand before him in this way why he got about his everyday business - he even made a couple of phone calls - but it was really really horrible. And he had me stand there like that for at least twenty minutes. My face must have been bright red by the time he finally spoke to me again, I was blushing so much, though my dick just got harder until it was visibly throbbing.

"I'm not sure I like you walking round our building with a hard on like this, you know gay boy". Finally he'd finished his work and addressed me. He'd stood up, walked behind me, and grabbed my dick from behind as he said 'like this'. I hated him talking about me that way, in fact I kind of wished he'd just never got round to finishing his work. Though having his hand on my dick did feel really good. He squeezed it a couple of times. "Have you been downloading your homosexual filth again?"

"No sir, I wouldn't do that sir".

"Wouldn't you? Why should I believe you?"

"I won't look at any of those websites ever again sir, I should never have looked at them, I know that".

"But if you haven't been spending your afternoon surfing porn sites, why are you so hard?"

It was a question that left me both confused and speechless. Confused because earlier he'd said it wasn't surprising I had an erection in his company, so why was he seemingly surprised now? Speechless because, while Darren was gorgeous, I didn't think that was the reason I was so turned on. The truth was, I had no idea was I was so turned on.

"I don't know sir" I replied. It was a lame response.

"Well, it won't do".

His response puzzled me for a second. What won't do? The fact I have an erection, or the fact we don't know why? And either way, what did he expect me to do about it? Except I quickly found out. Out of the corner of my eye I saw him take something out of his pocket, then he pulled something over my head, blocking off my vision. It was my boxer shorts. The shorts he'd taken from me this morning. He'd put them over my head. Why'd he'd done that. Wasn't this whole thing degrading enough without having my underwear put on my head?

"OK, gay boy, I want you to jerk off".

"What?" This was getting a whole new kind of weird. He wasn't serious was he? I couldn't see him now of course, but his voice didn't sound like he was joking.

"I don't know what filthy games you've been playing to get yourself a hard on, and I don't want to know. But I'm not going to conduct serious discussions about your future with this company while you're standing there with an erection. So, getting jerking and get rid of it, quickly".

"But I can't, not here, I just^Å"

"Look, this really is your final warning. One more act of insolence and I won't need to tell the board about you, I'll sack you myself".

What could I do? And I was feeling very very horny. I grabbed my dick with my left hand and started to jerk myself. I'm not sure I could have done it if I could see Darren, but with the boxers on my head I couldn't really see anything. Which is possibly why he'd put them there. That, coupled with the fact my dick was already very hard, meant I was very quickly fully into my wank and, for a couple of minutes, the horror of my circumstances, the embarrassment of my degradation, left my mind. I'd like to say they were replaced with mental images of the porn I'd been downloading - the porn that had started this whole mess - but the only image in my mind was of Darren, paddling my ass, like he'd done earlier that day. It turned me on even more, and within a minute or two I was about to cum.

"Please sir" I said, out of breath, "please sir, I'm going to cum, what should I do".

I really wanted to know, I couldn't just cum on his office floor, could I?

"Take the boxers off your head and use them as a cum rag".

I did as he said. I took the boxers off with my right hand while me left hand continued to furiously jerk my dick. I positioned the boxers at my cock head, and almost immediately felt that unmistakable sensation as cum shot up my dick, and outwards onto my cum rag boxer shorts. It was an immense orgasm, I must have shot five loads of cum, my boxers were soaked through. It took me a minute or so to catch my breath and refocus where I was. As I did so, and in my post-orgasmic state, I felt even more degraded and embarrassed. Standing here in just a t-shirt, with my pants round my ankles, and my freshly spent dick on show to my boss. And then, as I looked up, the horror returned. Because straight ahead of me was Darren, holding a camcorder.

"Smile for the camera".

He didn't get a smile, just a look of genuine horror. And then of increased horror, as he provided his next order.

"Now, lift up your boxers so we can see the cum, and give them a couple of licks".

"No, sir, I can't, I couldn't".

"Do it".

I wanted to argue. Post-orgasm this whole situation felt even worse. But something in the way Darren said 'Do it' made me instinctively obey. I held up the boxers so the fresh cum on them was clear to see, then I stuck out my tongue and licked the shorts three times. It was horrible. I'd never tasted cum before - I really was completely inexperienced at the whole gay thing - and I really didn't like the texture or taste.

"Good, now hang your boxers on the hooks by the door, then go and stand in your corner like you did this morning. Face the wall, hands behind your head. I'm going to have a think about how we can settle this once and for all".

I did as he said. I waddled over to the hooks - my pants were still around my ankles remember - and hung my cum soaked boxers onto one of the hooks, and then waddled to the other corner of the room, faced the wall and put my hands behind my head. He continued filming as I took my position in the corner I noticed, though he seemed to get back to working once I was facing the wall again. Why had he filmed me? I racked my brains for an answer to that question, but genuinely couldn't think of one. You can see I was still very naive, but at that moment I really couldn't think of why my boss would want video footage of me wanking.

Those thoughts distracted me for a few minutes, but then I started to focus on my situation again - the fact I was standing here in the corner of my bosses office, like a naughty school boy, with my cock and balls and ass on show, and my trousers round my ankles. Though I'd already done this once today, it felt much worse this time round. Somehow these things were always more bearable while I was hard. Now my flaccid cock dangled between my legs, and everything about my situation seemed ten times more degrading.

Though after about ten minutes I noticed my dick start to rise again. Then Darren left the room for a few minutes which made me even harder. Possibly because when he opened the door to leave, and again to return, there was a risk - a slight risk, but a real risk - someone out in his PAs office could see me in this degrading position. And possibly also because standing like this seemed even more insane when there was no one there to watch me do it.

By the time Darren addressed me again I was fully erect. Darren didn't seem to notice, or if he did he didn't care, which was odd given he'd made me jerk off because he said he didn't want to discuss things while I was hard.

"Turn round" he said, all of a sudden, having stood just behind him. I turned round and faced him, hands still behind my head. My hard dick once again fully on show. He was really close to me, uncomfortably so. "I think it would be appropriate if you knelt, don't you?"

I didn't know what to think, but assumed that was an order not a question, so I knelt down and looked up at my boss. He looked even more gorgeous from this angle.

"OK, I've decided not to let this porn thing go any higher. We'll keep it away from the board - which means you won't be fired". I could feel a real sense of happiness fill my body. "But, don't think that means you're going to get away with this blatant abuse of company rules scot free. That wouldn't be right. It would be unprofessional of me to let that happen". My heart sank anew, and the happiness made way for a new wave of fear. I knew this wasn't going to be good.

"So this is what's going to happen. Each morning you'll come in for eight. You'll come straight to my office - just let yourself in if I'm not here. You'll put your jacket and shirt on the hooks, drop your pants and boxers, and then come and stand here in the corner, facing the wall, hands behind head. Once I'm here, and once I'm ready, I'll call you over to my desk. You'll lean on the chair like this morning, and I'll give you another 30 swats with the paddle. When I'm done you'll return to this corner to contemplate your punishment. When I think you're done contemplating I'll dismiss you. You'll walk to the door, put on your shirt and jacket and then, and only then, pull back up your boxers and pants. Do you understand?"

I was gutted. I'd anticipated another paddling this afternoon, but I'd really expected Darren's punishment to be done today. I didn't like the idea of this going into next week. And he'd said 'each morning'. What did that mean? Each morning next week? I dreaded to think, but knew better than to argue.

"Yes sir, I understand".

"Good, then you'll come back here at 1pm each day and we'll repeat the whole thing, OK?"

What? Was my job really worth this? With hindsight it almost definitely wasn't - but my mind wasn't functioning properly by this point - especially as my dick throbbed a new - which is why I so quickly responded "Yes sir".

"Good. Now, you've got to realise this is a tremendous risk I'm taking. My dad may well be on the board, but if they ever found out that I was covering up for you this way I'd be in deep shit. And two guys in IT know about this, don't forget. I'm taking a real risk to save your ass. So I think it's only right we find a way for you to repay me. Don't you?"

"Yes sir" I said, I really was on auto-pilot now.

"But fortunately I've thought of something. Each day at five you'll come back here, jacket and shirt on the hook as normal, pants down as normal, position in corner as normal, except you'll face inwards, on your knees, like you're doing now. OK?"

"Yes sir".

"Then, when I'm ready, I'll come take my payment. And I'll take my first instalment now thank you very much".

For a brief moment I was very confused by what he meant, even as he unbuckled his belt and let his trousers fall to his knees. But as he pulled his dick out of his tight white boxers it clicked. And as it clicked, a mixture of fear and excitement ran through my body. Fear that my boss was obviously suggesting I suck him off, here in his office. And excitement that my boss was obviously suggesting I suck him off, here in his office.

"Well go on then," he said, "You're the cocksucker. Suck some cock".

Actually I wasn't a cocksucker. I'd fantasised about sucking cock, and about being sucked for that matter, but I'd never done it. In fact until this moment I'd never seen another guy's dick so close up. But, despite the fear, and probably because of the excitement, I found myself opening my mouth and placing it over my boss' cock head. I licked it over for a minute or so, and then took a couple of inches of Darren's slowly hardening dick into my mouth. As I did so I glanced up at my boss and saw the most evil looking grin on his face. It soon became obvious why he was grinning.

He reached down, pushed my hands off the back of my head, put his hands on instead, and then started to push his dick into my mouth. I'd no idea how long his dick was, because it hadn't even been semi-hard when I'd taken it into my mouth. But I'd taken as much as I could and yet there seemed to be loads left, and he was still pushing it in. And then it happened. His cock head pushed its way into my throat and kept going until my nose was press against his blonde sweaty pubes.

Actually, with hindsight, the smell of his pubes was very erotic, but the fact I couldn't breathe at that moment was the main thing on my mind. I gagged and spluttered for about thirty seconds with Darren's big fat dick fully inside my throat - while my boss giggled at my hardship. Then he slowly pulled out and for a moment I good breathe again, accept as soon as I did he was pushing back in again, and much faster this time. In fact that first face fuck I took from Darren was pretty full on. I never once properly caught my breath as he pushed is dick in and out in fast succession, and I continued to gag and splutter throughout. But this didn't seem to bother Darren who, with his hands on my head holding me in place, quickly went from giggling to groaning until, actually quicker than I expected, he started saying "oh fuck, yes, take it, take my cum fuck boy". And then I felt his cock expand even more, and then the sensation of warm fresh spunk shooting down my throat. He pulled out as he came, landing two spurts into my throat, and one last spurt over my face. Given I'd hated licking my own cum half an hour earlier, the taste and feel of his actually felt kind of good as it swished round my mouth and slid down my throat.

And then he was done. He paused for a minute or so, while he caught his breath. Then he put his cock back into his boxers and pulled up his pants.

"OK, you're done here for today" he said. "Go and get your jacket and shirt, and go in to Lynn's office to get dressed. I want your shirt buttoned, your tie tied and your jacket on before you even consider pulling up your pants. And take those filthy boxers with you. I want you wearing them every day until further notice, and don't even think about washing them, I'll be checking for those cum stains on Monday morning. That will be all".

Of everything so far his parting remark was in some ways the most gutting. I'd lost track of time and how long I'd been in here, and desperately hoped Lynn would have gone home, but the thought of going out there in this state, with my stiff dick on show, and my face covered in fresh cum, really frightened me - her office opened up straight on to the main work floor, and with no door.

But before his instructions had sunk in, Darren was back at his desk and on the phone. Clearly this wasn't up for discussion. So, I stood up, waddled to the door, gathered up my stuff, and left Darren's office. To my indescribable relief Lynn had gone home. Though I could hear voices through the open entrance to her office. I quickly got about putting on my shirt and tie, though it wasn't easy, given how stressed I was, what with my pants around my ankles, my stiff dick still pocking from my groin, and my bosses cum on my face. But I don't think anyone saw me as I got dressed that Friday afternoon, nor did they see me wipe the cum off my face with my boxer shorts, or notice my attempts to conceal the very obvious bulge in my trousers as I hurried out of the offices (my cummy boxers were in my jacket pocket, I'd not had chance to put them on).

I stayed hard all the way home, and stripped naked and jerked off as soon as I was in my flat. In fact I masturbated a lot that weekend, and without looking at my porn stash once, always with the thought of Darren paddling my ass or fucking my face running through my mind. Though, despite that fact, as Sunday evening came I started to genuinely dread returning to work the next morning. I had a horrid feeling the new routine Darren had described to me would last for more than a few days.

Next: Chapter 3

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