Work Related Stress

By John Doe

Published on Apr 30, 2003


As Erik started fumbling with the seat belt, I tried to as nonchalantly as possible raise my hips to increase the friction between his forearm and my hardening dick. As I did this, I drunkenly turned my head to look if he had noticed, but his expression did not change. Wanting to get my point across, but not ruin things, I raised my hips once more, but this time it was much more blatant and obviously deliberate. Erik suddenly looked at me strangely, as if he was trying to figure out if I was really drunk or just enjoying seeing him struggle with this seat belt.

"Jason" Erik whispered as if I was sleep instead of drunk, .... "Jason" I opened my eyes slightly, "yeah" "I can't get the stupid seat belt unhooked" "Move... Jason, how hard could it be" I lashed out, frustrated that I know had to be coherent enough to unlatch the damn seat belt, and stop my assault on his forearm "Fuck, Jason, I was only trying to help... if this is how you act when your wasted, this will definitely be the last time we hang out" By this time Erik was standing up in the opening of the car door, staring at me like he wanted to kick my ass. "if this is how you act when your wasted" I teased in a high pitched girly voice "stop bitching and help me out the car" "Fuck you, get out yourself" Erik said as he started heading to the front door with my keys. "Erik, wait, I can't make in the house on my own" " Erik wait, I can't make..." Erik mocked back at me as he continued up the steps and found the right key to my front door on the first try.

How the fuck am I going to get in the house on my own, I thought as I stood up holding onto the door and the roof of my car. I took in a deep breath of fresh air to clear my head, shut the car door and started what seemed to be a mile to my front door. I was able to make it past everything until I got to steps. I got up the first two, but that was as far as I had gotten before I collapsed hitting my chin on the railing. That shit is going to leave a bruise. I sat there for what seemed to be hours, but had to be 2 or 3 minutes thinking that, Erik had have heard something and would come out to help me, but nothing happened. I got myself together and made it up the rest of the step and into the front door.

"The address is 25761 Griswold Street, just honk and I will be out" It was at this point that I sobered up and realized that Erik was really pissed and had called a cab or friend to pick him up. I had to think of something quick or my night with my wet dream would be over before it started. "Hey, who are you calling" "A ride, so I can go get my car, and go home" "I am sorry for that shit back there, I just got a little frustrated, and lashed out" "Yeah, well hopefully you can sleep it off, and go back to the old Jason, by the time you wake up"

His words had started to burn deep, since I wasn't use to rejection and I cared for him so much. Not to mention, the voice of how my mother scolded my drunken father so many times in the past, came creeping in my mind like slow rumbling of a treacherous thunderstorm. I really wanted him to stay but couldn't let him know that, I refused to be exposed and vulnerable;

"Erik, I am sorry, I am not sure what else I can do, you are welcome to stay if you want, but if you feel you need to leave then I am not trying to stop you" I said while walking back to my bedroom. When I got back there, I collapsed face down on my bed. "Why are you treating me like I did something wrong, when I've done nothing but be nice to you. You said you had shit on your mind, so I try and help you relax, I try and help you out of the car, you snap about the seat belt, what the fuck is your problem" "YOU ERIK, My problem is YOU. Do you want me to beg you to stay here? You are the one that called the cab to leave, and now you think I am going to kiss yo ass because we had a few beers. If you felt like you were doing me a favor, you should not have. I can .... EEEAARRLL!!!" In the midst of all this emotions I stood up to quickly and threw up all over Erik and my clothes. Erik looked down at his pants and shoes, with his mouth wide open.

By the time he was able to look up at me, I had the silliest looking grin on my face.

"You drunk fuck. Look at my clothes, how the fuck am I going to get this out" I couldn't say anything, but started to feel dizzy and sat back on the bed. "I am sorry Erik, I usually can hold my liquor, maybe I shouldn't have mixed liquor with beer" "I can believe this shit, do you realize how much this shit costs" "Hey Erick, I am really sorry, of course I will pay for everything, I promise. Please stay, I feel really bad about this, the least I can do is let you stay and get your clothes dry cleaned" "Actually Jason, you've done enough. I think I should just go home" Honk!!! Honk!!! The car horn sounded from my drive way "Have a good night Jason, I hope you feel better than I look in the morning"

What the fuck am I going to do??? He is leaving... you have really fucked it up this time.... Should I go for it??? .... But what if he is straight???? But what if he is not??? Why would he not wear any underwear at the gym??? Why would he always take shots so that his ass was pointed my way??? Fuck! WHAT should I do????

"Erik, wait" I said but this time I grabbed his forearm as he was picking up his keys and jacket to go to the front door. He swung his head around, and looked me right in the eyes. For a few moments I didn't know what to say, if I should say anything. If I could really ask him to stay without, telling him why I wanted and needed him by my side that night. "What is it Jason" "Erik I don't want you to go. I need you to stay here tonight. I am sorry for acting like a dick, it just that I've got a lot.... " "A lot of things on your mind" Erik interrupted "So what Jason, we all do, but people don't treat there friends like shit and expect everything to be okay" Then he walked out the door and slammed it shut.

I ran to the door and flung it open, just as Erik was going down the steps.

"Erik, I am sorry, please ... don't go" I said while standing on the porch.

Erik kept walking down the rest of the steps, but he seemed to slow down a bit as he headed towards my driveway. He turned around and saw how pitiful I was looking, throw up all over my clothes, eyes dazed and watering, and the most distressed expression that I could have mustered. He then turned back around and continued to the car. I couldn't believe that he was still leaving after I opened myself up and practically begged him to stay. I sat on the top step and just watched as Erik approached the cab. Erik didn't walk to the back seat like I expected, he walked over to drivers side and asked the cab driver how much to the upper west side. The cabby told him 45 dollars, and Erik pulled out a 50-dollar bill and gave it to him. He apologized, and said he wouldn't be needing a ride after all. As Erik approached me, I didn't know what to say or think, I was filled with so much emotion, that I knew had I said anything I would burst into a full scale balling session. So I didn't say anything, I just stared at him as he sat next to me.

"Jason, I am sorry, I should not have been that mean to you. I accept your apology, but don't ever fucking treat me like that again" "okay" was all I could say. "I know you are going through some shit, so I forgive you.... Sniff...sniff...; is that you or me smelling like a sewer rat" "Well I got both of us pretty good" I said laughing, thankful that he had lightened the mood enough for me to breathe "Why don't you go take a shower, and I will fix you some coffee, before I go to sleep" "That sounds like a plan" I said while Erik helped me up

I nearly skipped back to my bedroom and tore off my clothes, while the water in the shower heated up. Just as I opened up the closet door to get my robe, Erik walks with nothing but his opened slacks and dress socks. We instantly looked right into each others eyes, and I began to wonder was his desires the same as mine. Did he want me just as I wanted him. He literally took my breath away, my mouth and throat went dry. All I could do was stare. My eyes started from his perfect pink lips to his hard well-defined pecs, to the sexiest treasure trail of dark hair on his chiseled abs, to a white waistband that read Calvin Klein, and then I stopped on the movement in his shorts. He hadn't touched himself but his dick was obviously standing to attention. It started to rise and arch itself upward to his right leg.

This staring must have lasted for about 20 seconds, and was the first time we both blatantly admired each other's bodies. As my eyes flowed up his body, our eyes met again and he smiled the sexiest smile ever. The whites of his teeth seemed to light up the room. As I looked deep into his eyes, I greedily licked my lips. I hadn't noticed, but my dick was at full attention, it was so hard that it was aching to be touched and was almost at the point of leaking pre cum.

"I think I should go take that shower now" I said as I returned his grin "Yeah, I think that would be a good idea" I started walking towards the bathroom but stopped at the door to find Erik intently watching my ass as I walked by. "You know I still feel a little drunk and since I already fell once, I am not sure if I should shower alone" "YOU Fell?" "Yeah, when you left, I slipped on my way up the steps" "I am sorry Erik, I didn't know" he said as he started to walk towards me "No biggie, so would you mind sticking around the bathroom while I take a quick shower" "Sort of" he whispered as he held my face under my chin the way your overweight aunt does when you're a kid and is about to plant a big wet on you. "Sort of????" I quizzically looked as Erik was still holding my face investigating my bruise.

"How about I join you? That is if you don't mind"

I was absolutely dumb founded... my most erotic fantasy was coming true, he just said he wanted to join me in the shower!!!

"Ummmm, you don't have to do that, my shower is pretty small so I am sure it will be a little crowded" "I don't mind, tight spaces... in fact... the tighter the better" Erik said as he closed his eyes and leaned in to gently kissed my bruised chin.

Oh My FUCKING GAWD!!!! I thought, as I savored the feel of his moist lips against my chin, and slightly opened my mouth to exhale. I thought to myself this cannot be happening, until he opened his eyes and grabbed the back of my head and pulled my lips to his. He gently pushed his tongue deep in my mouth and kissed me in a way that I have always longed for. As I finally snapped out my complete euphoria, I finally responded by kissing him back. I reached around his waist and pulled him into me, so that our rock hard cocks could wrestle. As he realized that I was finally responding his kissing became a little more aggressive and I stuck my hand down the back of his boxers and felt one of the firmest asses ever. The kissing and groping had gone on for at least 4 or 5 minutes and pre cum was leaking out of our dicks so much that it felt like Erik and I were glued together, I couldn't take it anymore and went to my knees. I pulled Erik's cock out of his boxers and devoured it one gulp. He let out a load moan, and tried to say something that sounded like wait, but was trailed off into some type of mumble. I went down to the base of his cock..... all 8.5 inches ... and stayed there. I wanted to feel him in my stomach I was so hungry for his cock. Finally Erik was able to get enough strength and composure to say something

"Jason... wait ... let's shower first... we smell like throw up and I have waited too long to not make this last"

I hesitated for a few more strokes until I realized that if I kept this up... Erik would blow down my throat that instant. So I reluctantly stood up, licking my way up his stomach and chest while I got to my feet. Once eye-to-eye, Erik grabbed his waistband and quickly pulled his pants and boxers down. While he was bent over I playfully took my dick and slapped his cheek a few times, until he turned his head and engulfed my cock in his mouth. The sheer passion and tension that was between us was animalistic. We couldn't keep our mouths off of each other. Erik was a pro, he swallowed all of my cock, and even had enough room to stick his tongue out and lick my balls. My knee's buckled when I felt the first swipe of his tongue on my balls. I braced myself against the door and let Erik have full access to my cock. I let out a deep moan that must have encouraged Erik to let my 9-inch cock slip deeper into his throat. I was on the brink and could not take it anymore, so I pulled Erik off my cock and grabbed his hand and quickly led him into the shower.

The warm water did nothing but increase the eroticism of the mood. Seeing Erik dip his head under the spout and his jet-black hair lay down over his eyes, was like a sexy dream right out of a romance novel. He turned his back to me, and I wedged my cock between his ass cheeks. The water started running down both of our bodies, making our blood seem like it was boiling. He started to moan as I was grinding my hips into his, with his arms fully extended on the front shower wall... Erik returned the pressure by pinning me between his ass and the wall. I grabbed the shower gel and started to rub some on Erik's back, while the soapsuds ran down his muscular tapered back into the crack of his ass. I couldn't hold off any longer, I battled inside about waiting until after the shower, but I couldn't hold off... I had to be inside him. Between the soap and my precum, I was fully lubed and hard as a rock.

I grabbed my dick and placed it Erik's sphincter. I heard Erik, moan and then he looked over his shoulder and smiled, as he reached around and grabbed his ass to give me better access. In one steady push, I was able to get the head in and paused to let Erik get use to my dick in his ass. Erik let his ass go and braced himself by holding onto the shower wall, and started pushing his ass down on the rest of my dick. I grabbed his hips and steadied myself as my dick glided in his waiting hole. As Erik starting playing with himself, I gently pulled my dick out a few inches and plunged back in with a gentle but steady force. Erik.. yelped slightly but the fact that he said ... "ooohh yeah... like that" made me know that he liked it a little rough. So I happily obliged. I reached forward and grabbed a handful of Eric's hair and stood him up so that his abs was against the shower wall. Erik raised his right leg to allow my cock to easily slip in and out, but my 9 inches was going nowhere. I leaned forward and whispered in Erik's ear;

"Do you know how long I have waited for this" while I gently licked his ear Erik closed his eyes and bit his bottom lips and moaned and groaned like he was in sheer ecstasy. "Almost as long as I have wanted you" he was able to get out through the various moans and gasp that seemed to take all his energy.

I continued my long hard strokes lost in the moment. I started to lick Erik neck and his shoulders, then Erik tighten his ass and that sent electric shocks throughout my body. The pleasure and excitement that I was feeling made me bite Erik's shoulder like a rabid dog. I started to suck and bite on the part of his neck that seemed to drive him mad. He was moaning so loud that I didn't know if it was pain or pleasure. The movement of his ass and him grabbing my head was enough encouragement for me to continue my assault. By the time I came up for air, his hickie was damn near black. The bruising was a very deep purple starting at the center and getting slightly redder as you got to edge. I thought to my self that if he has a women... she won't be that for long once she see's this.

My excitement was beginning to reach the point of no return, and I was almost too far-gone to stop the eruption that was starting to stir in my gut. I was struggling with the feeling of needing to cum and wanting this to last forever. Erik must have felt that my thrust wasn't as deep and my breathing had become a little shallow and a lot faster. So he reached around and tried to slow my pace, but I couldn't. I was lost in the sheer pleasure I was feeling and hadn't noticed, Erik's attempts to slow me down. Erik grabbed the shower gel and lathered his cock, and started to jerk off in a furious motion, each stroke of his cock was met with the thrust of my hips.

"Damn you feel good" I was able to say while digging my fingers into Erik's waist..." I want this to last forever"

Just then Erik must have been reaching his climax, because all I could hear was "AHHHH", "Harder Jason... fuck me harder". I was lost in the frenzy and couldn't hold back anymore. Erik ass clenched around my throbbing cock and tried to hold on for dear life. Erik thrashed his head back and let out a loud moan, while I felt the rhythmic spasm start to massage the full length of my cock buried deep inside. I gave into all the emotions that I had felt that day; the anticipation; fears; lust; anger; animalistic hunger came exploded out of me. I growled like a beast that was on the brink of catching his prey. I could shot after shot of my juice fill every orifice deep inside Erik. His anal muscles massaged my cock in a way that made my orgasm seem like it would never end. Just as I was coming Erik had shot long jets of his cum on the shower wall, he was panting heavily relishing in the passion of two hungry beast.

We stand still while the warm water runs down our bodies, we both seem scared to break our connection, not knowing when we will feel it again. My cock is still hard, but I can feel it start to soften as Erik's breathing returns to normal. I don't know if I am feeling guilty or just cautious, because I don't want Erik to know that our fuck session was more than just lust; but that I really did want more... I thought I loved him, but I start to pull out of him. Then he clinches his ass and says " Not yet, I am not ready to let you go". I am not sure how to take his words, does he feel the same way.. or he just a sex crazed freak... that loves a good fuck. After a few moments my over analytical side takes over... and it makes my dick go soft my cock plops out of Erik's ass. He turns around, and we stand there looking at each other. I am searching for the truth behind what just happened, but I have no idea what it is he's after if anything at all. I put my head under the shower and Erik joins me, we let the water run down our bodies and I reach out and grab Erik's waist and pull him into me. Our hug seems to go on for hours, neither of us saying a word, just feeling the others hear beat and gently rubbing the others back.

"I wish we could stay like this all night" Erik chuckles a little and lifts his head off of my chest "You sound like a love sick school girl"

I am not sure how to take that, but it was enough to set my insecurities into motion, so I immediately put up my guard and prepare myself for the thought that this will not happen again. Just then the water starts to get cold and Erik and I brake our embrace.

Okay, thanks to everyone who let me know they liked Part 1 of my story, and I hope that you have enjoyed Part 2. I plan to continue to develop Erik's and Jason's relationship, but I really like the feedback, so let me know what you think at

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