Work Mates

By Jerry Coole

Published on Nov 8, 2008


I felt totally fucked. Too much fucking overtime. As I stepped into the hall I slumped onto the seat. My cig was hanging from my mouth, my face covered in grit and muck. It took all my fucking strength to yank my dirty, sweaty boots off. My socks were fucking well plastered to my feet and smelt like rank bits of mouldy cheese. My work pants were fucking tight. I could hardly make out the blue colour they'd been. I yanked them off together with my T and chucked them in a pile. Last but not least my white briefs. I pulled them off. It felt good being naked, all the fresh air around my body. I stared into my briefs that I was now holding. Fuck! They were disgusting. A few yellow piss stains around the front pouched part. I always dribble a bit when I stuff my cock back in after a piss. Actually quite like the feel of the wetness. Then the crotch! Fuck, what a good long skid! A thick brown line five inches long! My cock moved from a twinge to hoizontal semi erectness, then almost vertical full hard-on as I held the shit stain to my nose and breathed in the aroma. My ass had been itchy most of the afternoon so I knew I was in for a good one! I scratched it right in my crack and up my fucking dirty hole. I sniffed my fingers. I licked them. Then, as I started wanking, I ran my tongue along the length of the skid, enjoying it's flavours. My dick was warm, sweaty and my dirty foreskin slid easily up and down my shaft.

As I pumped myself I enjoyed the sights and smells. My skid, cock smell, finger smell, and I imagined Jamie, my work mate's butt, in his tight pants. Bet he had some fucking ripe, aromatic skid marks! That was it! Fuck! A rush of pleasure, then an explosion. As my cum spurted out, I held my undies and caught it right on the brown crotch, blending with the shit, a creamy brown. Fuck . . . ! That was good, that was incredible! I was breathing faster, but soon felt relaxed. I wondered into the living and sat my naked body on the soft carpet, and rested my back against a chair. I dozed . . .

Not sure how long then . . fuck, my phone! Where is it? Then I remembered my pile of filthy, fucked up work clothes. I staggered to fetch it. Who the fuck . . ? Then I remembered.

"You fuckin woke me! . . . . Yeah whenever. . . .OK mate. . . better be fuckin soon . . . Soon!

My dick was hard. My heart thumping. I could smell my ass. I stuck my finger inside. It excited me more. I held it to my nose. More exciting, more wanking as I tasted it. Put my finger inside again. As far as it would go! Withdrew it, smelt it, sucked it, gave myself pleasure.

Jamie's coming over soon so I'm hanging on. Want to shit badly, but want to shit on Jamie. I keep farting. Strong, stinking ones. I wish Jamie was here to enjoy them! To press his manly nose against my butt crack, then inhale.

I started getting tense, impatient. I wanted him here, now. I needed him. I needed to cover him with my shite. Loads of it!

If Jamie wasn't coming I'd be shitting right now. Maybe in the hall or, like the other day, in my pants. Fuckin love shitting my pants! Fat turds . . . squeezing, squelching against my skin. Wanking with a cock load of crap. Jamie's bum came into my mind again. His lovely white bum, smooth, hairless, chubby for a skinny guy. Then I imagined it: covered in crap, me covering it in crap, smoothing it in, but feeling the smooth skin, the deep crack, the warm passage way.

The door. Jamie! The anticipation, just so fucking excited me. My heart thumping, that feeling in my stomach. Trembling.

So we stand facing each other. He's grinning, jeans bulging front and back; white vest, biceps bulging; blonde, short, spiked hair. Me, naked, looking warm, yearning maybe, wanking maybe, just slowly. He's so fucking sexy. So hot! I want him. I press against him, my cock against his bulge, I hold him. I press my lips on his. The kiss lasts. Our tongues dive in . . .

And then I felt it. Wet on his jeans. A dark spot appeared on his bulge. Jamie was pissing himself. Yes! Jamie was fucking pissing his hot jeans. So I cupped my hand around the bulge and led him to the bathroom and sat him on a stool. Drips, then more drips. Jamie loved being soaked! So I helped. First I took aim, then waited, pushed, farted, pushed and a yellow jet curved then hit him, his white vest soaked, yellow, then his face, his tongue, lapping it in. This guy fucking loved it, and I fucking loved watching, giving him this gift. He grabbed hold and worked out the final drops onto his lap. With his piss and my piss mingled, I sat on his lap feeling the wet on my bare butt. Our piss!

I wanted to wank but I wanted to save it. I wanted to fuck him! But most of all just then I wanted to fuckin shit on him! Shit on his skin. His smooth warm, piss damp skin. His jeans were soaked and stiff. Hard to slide down his smooth legs. His vest, like a wet cloth, thrown to the corner. Pulled off his boxers - his cock pinged upwards as I freed it. Only a small skid, but he'd got changed - impressive then after only a short time. Showed Jamie. He sniffed, I sniffed. Bet he'd enjoy mine! I left him, briefly and fetched them. He rubbed them on his cock, dribbled on the skid, then licked and licked making it moist. Not easy finding a guy as fuckin filthy as me. Glad I'd found Jamie! He fuckin loved being dirty!

So now Jamie was about to get so fucking dirty! And so was I.

I farted again - the last one for now. No more air, just thick brown shit. Jamie lay staring up, anticipating. He was wanking as he waited, his helmet shining, and a small trickle of pre cum glistening in the light. He liked to view! Above him, I squatted, my bollocks dangling in the warmth just beyond reach of his tongue. My cock, still erect and wanting the attention it deserved, but not getting it just now. My arse, crack widened, inches from Jamie's face. I sighed as the shit flowed. A turd, fat, brown, nobbly, smelly, at first suspended then dropped and coiled like a snake. It was almost dead centre curling around Jamie's nose and covering his eyes. More shit oozed out. The pile grew, slightly smoother, sloppier. The farting and splatting stage started . Turdlets, shitty splatters, spitting out with farting accompaniment from my near empty fuck hole randomly spatting Jamie and the floor and me.

Fuck! That's good! Jamie's face now almost submerged in brown. Spluttering for air, his nose, shit laden, unable to see - a turd slumped across his lids. Is it Jamie? I can't make him out!

Lifting the turd from his eyes, I moved down him, dropping it on his bush. More crap on his body. Then on his cock, his stiff, fucking hot cock with still a bead of juice. I squashed the turd on. It squelched outwards spreading, then down his skin. It bulged as I pulled his warm skin over the turd mash, then allowed my filthy hands to massage his warm testicles until they were fully coated. Totally fucking dirty. I wanked his dick for a bit - the shit lube felt fucking good. I felt fucking good.

Gathering more shite I turned him over. Oh fuck! That arse of his. Fuck! I went in there! More shit, dirty hands all over, tongue, face. Fuck! I wanted to ride his ass. I wanted to fuck him so much. Then, dirty fingers, deep inside him, up his hot shit hole.

The shape of his bum, a lovely roundness to it, now with a film of crap covering the surface. Nothing was spared as I massaged deep into his crack, then up his back, his neck, his hair.

Then back to his ass crack. In with my tongue, licking, lapping slurping. Then he pushed! His farts filled my mouth and nose. I breathed it in, choking slightly, then licking more. Then the moment! The shit. Jason shit! Fuck! I want his shit! I wait. Panting. His hole widens and the brown mass appears. The small brown point widens and the turd is forced out and into my expectant mouth. There's so much! Too much! I bite and the rest falls. His shit hole keeps delivering. The turd pile rising. As I chew, I grab at more and wank it into my cock. "I'm gonna fucking cum!" I stop and hold off. Not yet. I grab at Jamie and he's ready. Fuck! I need him so much. I want to fuck him. I need to fuck that dirty fucking shit hole of his. I run my dirty dick the the shitty crack of his arse. I pick up a squashed turd and mould it to my dick. I'm ready. He wants me. He fucking wants me so much... Shit laden, my cock slides like cream up his crapped up man hole. That feels good. Like part of him. My energy builds. I start to fuck Jamie, my buddy, my shit buddy, my lover. The desire is strong. I fuck him hard. I press on his filthy body, fucking and fucking. My hands keep moving involuntarily around his slippery torso. His shit, my shit, his piss, my piss. The feeling makes me harder, makes me fuck him deeper and stronger. He pants, moans, whimpers, laughs and so do I! I press harder, move faster, fuck faster! Our bodies bounce together. His gorgeous ass pressed up against me, rippling as I push myself into it. I feel more alive, more awake than ever. I could fuck him forever. I lean over, kiss his warm crapped up back, lick him, sniff him.

I just want this fuck to go on. I take deep breaths. Don't cum yet, I need to fuck him more and more. I fucking love this guy! He's getting louder, more excited. He's filled with pleasure. He's cumming, I feel it. I pump my cock faster, faster. My cock's harder, my bollocks burn. My hips, my stomach, my ass, my head fill with pleasure. I feel my cum surge into him. I exclaim: "Oh fuck . . . fuck . . . fuck!!" I pant uncontrollably and so does Jamie. I want this high to go on. "Fuck, oh fuck." My cock's still bouncing into him. Then I press hard, wrapping my self round him. I grab his erect dick and jack it. Love his cock! First sucked it on a building site. Once, twice, three times, four times, five times, six times, then he cums. Fucking hot cum spews out. And than we collapse on each other. Fucking knackered, but feeling good.

The clean up was good. How much fucking shit came out of our butts? The hot shower together went on and on as we massaged soap into every orriface of our bodies. Jamie's hands felt warm, soft, gentle and sexy.

The rest of the night was good! We ate, we drank and then we fucked!

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Next: Chapter 2

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