Work Holiday

By Stu Y

Published on Feb 2, 2020


My mind was still all over the place as I watched Toby, a guy I sat across a desk at work with every day of my normal life, and CJ, the squaddie who had turned me into his cocksucking bitch, walking away together across the beach and planning out my future.

I scrambled to my feet and moved as quickly as I could towards them, my legs not properly operating as the blood rushed back into them. As I got near they were nearly back to CJs car -- the only vehicle in sight, parked on the sandy verge of the small road that led down here.

Toby turned to me. "Let's go back and hang out with CJ for a bit man. That ok?"

His tone was totally different to before. He just sounded like normal Toby. Just asking me if I wanted to go hang out with a friend. I felt really uncomfortable, but he'd made it sound so normal, so I just nodded weakly.

I travelled in the back seat and Toby and CJ made small talk. CJ was asking him about the girls back in Manchester and Toby was being more laddish than he usually is. They didn't really speak to me, but the car was noisy along the road, so it would have been hard for me to be heard anyway. After a while, CJ pulled the car over to the side of the road.

"Just a minute" he said to Toby, then got out and went round to the boot of the car and opened it up, then came round and opened the side door where I was sitting.

"Sorry homo, but I'm only meant to sign in one friend at a time, so I'm afraid you're going to have to be baggage"

I looked at him confused, and his face showed a little annoyance.

"Get out the car homo" he said, a little louder than before I fumbled my way out, then he grabbed me by the neck and marched me round to the boot, where a couple of blankets lay. He pulled the blankets out.

"Ok, get in"

I felt worried. "Please, can't we just..."

But he didn't have time for this. He grabbed my neck again and pushed me towards the boot opening so my body was bent over, the top half inside, then he put an arm round my waist and easily lifted it and forced me inside. By this stage I knew my resistance was over and I gave in to it. I ended up curled up in the boot and he threw the blankets over me.

"Not a fucking peep homo until I get you out. In fact...". His voice disappeared for 30 seconds then returned and pulled back the blanket. "Open your mouth homo" he said, and then placed a ball gag into my mouth, forcing my jaw and lips to spread around it, and fastened it round the back of my head. He smiled. "I kind of like that look on you, my pathetic little homo bitch"

Then he threw the blanket back over me, I heard the boot close and everything went black.

From then, it didn't take long before we slowed down and then stopped, presumably at the entrance gate. I waited there for maybe five or ten minutes, then we started moving again and after a few more minutes it stopped again. By now I had relaxed into position, my mouth and jaw relaxed and accepting the gag that was reshaping my face, and my body limp, accepting its place just thrown into CJ's boot as his luggage.

I heard the boot open, and the blanket thrown back. It was fairly dark outside now. I got out and we walked a short distance into a building, up one flight of stairs then into CJs room. I still had the gag on, but there was nobody around at all to see it.

CJ and Toby sat down on the two person sofa in front of the TV, and seeing there was no space for me I looked across at CJ, who just snapped his fingers and pointed to the floor near his feet. I sat down cross-legged, the gag still obviously standing out on my face, in full view now of Toby, who had clearly seen it but didn't say anything. He was barely noticing me.

"So what's with the gag?" Toby asked CJ.

"It was mainly for the car, so the guards wouldn't hear him, but I kind of like the look of it on him"

"Won't it be hurting for him?"

CJ laughed. "Ok Toby, remember when I was saying to you before, he's different to us. Most guys, like us, are driven by our dicks, wanting power, to be in control, to fuck. But that's not what he is. Like, if I'd told you to get in the boot of my car, or have your mouth gagged, or sit on the floor while two guys look down and talk about you, could you ever imagine doing that, at least without a huge fight?"

Toby looked down at me.

"No. definitely not"

"Homo" CJ said to me, "Go fetch us two drinks from the fridge."

I jumped to my feet and went through to the kitchen area to fetch the drinks.

"You see, he's focused on dick too, just not his own. Whenever there's a guy like me, or maybe you, who has so much testosterone and so much desire to control, homo here is drawn to that guy and that guy's dick. He becomes obsessed with it and wants to please it, wants it inside him and will do anything to serve and please it. So you don't have to worry if something is uncomfortable for him, he wants whatever we want."

I returned with their beers then sat back down on the floor. Toby thanked me as I handed him his, but CJ took it without any acknowledgement.

"That's what you saw on the beach, and that's what you're seeing in front of you now. He can't stop himself obeying and serving. It's like he's programmed to just do whatever guys like us want him to".

CJ's words were flooding my head as much as they must have been flooding Toby's. I didn't know if it was all true, but I struggled to find anything in what he said that wasn't right. And the way he said it, with total confidence and control, made me just want to give up all control to him.

They kept on chatting a while, and Toby was starting to look more relaxed and comfortable with just ignoring me. They were interacting like there was only the two of them in the room, never even looking across at me to involve me. After they finished the first beer, CJ told me to go and fetch them another, and this time when I brought them back, neither of them acknowledged me when I handed their beers.

"So anyway, you want to know more about the fantasy room?" CJ asked Toby.

Toby grinned. "Sure, man. Sounds pretty weird". He sounded like the beer had relaxed him more.

"It is, I guess. But there are a whole lot of guys locked away in this base, who are missing getting laid, and engaging with the local girls on the island is kind of frowned upon. So there's a lot of pent up sexual tension"

"I can imagine" Toby said grinning.

"These guys are expected to go like three months sometimes before getting time off back home to let off some steam".

"Three months without any action?" Toby said, looking horrified. He was obviously used to it a lot more than that back home then.

"Yeah, exactly. And having a wank is fine for a bit, but it's not really the same"


"So we set up this room, which allows guys to immerse themselves a bit more and get as close to their regular action as possible"

"Ok..." Toby said

"You want to know how we do that?"

"I'm curious".

"It's pretty simple. We have some top of the range AV equipment in there and access to some awesome porn, and then we find ourselves a piece of meat that is willing to be literally nothing more than a warm tight hole for men to play out their fantasies on".

"Fuck" Toby said. I could see the pieces of the jigsaw fitting together in his mind. He was clearly not horrified by it though. He wasn't getting up to walk out the door.

"You ever watched other people fucking?" CJ asked

"Yeah, couple of times at Uni. One girl we knew liked having a few guys take turns on her. Got to say, it was pretty fucking hot seeing that live."

"Nice man. Ok, so cool, lets do it. I want to show you the fantasy room in action."

"Seriously? I'm not really into watching guys man"

CJ laughed. "It's cool. It might not turn you on, but it'll be pretty interesting to watch"

Toby shrugged. He was almost done with the second beer. "Why not?"

CJ came and knelt down next to me. He hocked up and spit hard on the side of my face. "You ready to be our meat again and make all those men happy with your pretty hole homo?"

I could feel his breath on my cheek as he spoke and his scent was intoxicating for me. I nodded. My body didn't know how to do anything else.

"Ste man" Toby said. "You sure you want to do it?" Toby asked, maybe having a sudden rush of conscience.

I looked up at him. It was humiliating him see me becoming this, but then I turned to CJ who was looking at me expectantly, cockily awaiting my answer.

I turned back to Toby and nodded.

"Fair enough man. It's your life"

CJ went into the kitchen and made a couple of quick calls in a low voice, while Toby went to the bathroom, then they returned and we followed CJ through the building, to a corridor that was familiar to me, and through a locked door, back into that room.

"Ok man, I've lined up a couple of guys who like to be watched, so we can get a proper view and you can see what this thing is all about"

"Sure man" Toby said.

"Ok, take a seat over there, and I'll get the equipment set up"

I quickly realised that by `equipment' he partly meant me, as he grabbed me and bent me again over the bench, legs spread wide and locked to the two legs of the bench, arms locked to the front legs of the bench, and head locked upwards for the first guy, putting my mouth at just the right if he wanted to fuck my throat.

CJ disappeared out of the room, then returned, and I heard another voice coming in with him.

"Ok man, the room is yours. Is it ok if we just sit over here and watch?" CJ asked the new guy.

"Sure man. Although it feels like an inspection. Can you guys take your tops off or something?"

"Oh, yeah, course" CJ said, and pulled the top over his head. "Toby, is that cool?"

"Sure man, I guess" Toby said, and did likewise.

As they adjusted, the guy switched some gay porn on the big screen.

I looked across at the two guys watching me about to get used. CJ's body was incredible, broad, muscled, hairy. I wished I could wake up every day to that and get a daily fill of his seed. But Toby was a good surprise too. I knew he had decent gym worked arms, but his body was meatier than I realised. The two of them together watching me, was making my body want to submit to anything. As I was thinking all of this, I felt a hard slap on my left butt cheek.

"Ok bitch. Let's see what you can do."

He walked round to my face and I saw he was fully naked, in decent shape, and with a thick 6 or 7" cock that was hard as a rock.

"So this guy is gay, but loves to dominate and likes being watched" CJ told Toby, in a quiet voice.

"Likes to show off how he can own a little bitch boy" the guy added on to CJ's description, then started rubbing his dick all over my gagged face. He knelt down, and with my head unable to move, he started licking his big wet tongue over my cheek, then all over my face. I closed my eyes, then received a hard face slap. "Keep them open. On me at all times whore". He finished licking then spit several times and used his hand to rub it all over my face.

"And he's so good at it" CJ added, laughing.

The guy reached behind my head and unclipped the ball gag, taking it out.

"Say nothing" he said, looking deep in my eyes, with his face so close to mine that his breath was entering my now open mouth.

He stood up, then pushed his cock fully inside my mouth and started to face fuck me. With my mouth not yet having adjusted to the freedom of being without the gag, I just surrendered to his dick.

"Fuck CJ, you always bring the best whores. Look how he doesn't even try to protest, just takes it, like he's born for it. Pure cocksucker." He started to get in his rhythm, and he was starting to slide into my throat, causing me to choke and phlegm to start flowing up and dribbling out of my mouth, but not so much that he ever needed to stop.

"Wow, jesus, you're really letting him have it" I heard Toby say to the guy. I couldn't see anything except the dick and middle portion of this fit stranger fucking my throat, so I had no idea what Toby was thinking about the sight he was witnessing.

"Fags take it deeper and harder than women mate. They're desperate to serve alpha guys so they take the pain". He grabbed my hair hard and spat on my face, then slapped it hard. "...and the humiliation".

He leant down and started feeling my ass, then asked CJ to pass him the lube, while he carried on throat fucking me. I heard the sound of him squeezing out some lube, then he bent across me, with his dick buried in my throat, and I felt the cold lube hit my exposed ass. The guy slid one finger in, then two, while continuing to use his dick to fuck deep in my throat.

"This feels kind of weird" Toby said. "I mean this is a guy I work with".

Hearing his words made me think of seeing Toby in the office, with all my other colleagues and bosses around. I started to worry, and think about what it all meant. I started coughing more as the guy was in my throat.

He pulled his dick out and placed the gag back in place. Kneeling beside me, he licked my face again then spat on it and rubbed it all over. "Empty your mind bitch boy. Get ready to become my whore".

He moved round and I heard the squeeze of more lube and then felt his dick push at my hole.

"So this is when you'll really see him change" CJ said to Toby.

The dick pushed inside me, and with every inch that slid in, the thoughts dropped from my head and my ass opened up. My mouth relaxed around the gag and as he pushed fully inside me, my body relaxed and eyes became vacant.

"Look how his mind has switched off. This is what a proper homo slave does".

The guy started pulling out and pushing in, and suddenly it didn't matter who was there or watching. I wanted his dick in me, deep.

"Look how he doesn't even see us now. He's completely surrendered to a man and a dick that he sees as his superior and that wants to fuck him".

The guy was slapping my ass and calling me his whore. He was grabbing my hair and pulling it backward as he slammed in hard. He slammed into my ass repeatedly, in between each thrust uttering "You. Are. My. Fuckhole".

"Look how relaxed he is. So happy to be used and abused by an alpha guy"

"I know" Toby replied, sounding curious. "Even a total stranger".

"Yeah, exactly. Because this guy just exerted control, showed that he was in charge, and so homo's brain clicked into slave mode and he has become just an object".

"He doesn't even look like himself" Toby said

"Right. But this is probably the closest to the real him you'll ever see. All barriers broken down. For sure, this isn't your workmate right now, this is just a piece of meat. These are the kind of guys we get for the fantasy room"

"He's like a fucking animal" Toby said. "Man, I can never look at this guy in the same way again"

The guy rammed in one more time and shot his load inside.

"That should have warmed you up nicely pussy boy. Sounds like you got an interesting night ahead of you".

Next: Chapter 10

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