Work Holiday

By Stu Y

Published on Jan 18, 2020


The next day I woke up worried. We had another four days here until the flight home, there was a lot of work to be done, and I had no idea how I could contain everything that had happened and make sure Toby flew home knowing nothing about it.

At breakfast Toby and me sat and chatted about stuff we'd seen in the news from back home, some of the bosses at the office and their stupid quirks and other small talk. I kept nervously looking around whenever Toby was occupied with something, constantly scared some guy was going to come up to me and make it clear he recognised the marking on my neck and he needed service. But it didn't happen.

Through the day, when we were out doing land surveys and then speaking to a few local professionals as part of our work, I wondered if any of them were in that group that recognised the symbol. But again, nothing.

At lunch time I got a text through from CJ. "I've got some more guys ready for the fantasy room homo. You up for taking some more dick?"

I responded quickly that I wasn't interested and I didn't want to hear from him again. I switched my phone to silent.

Over the next couple of hours I checked my phone every 10 minutes. I was sure he'd text again and be more demanding, or try to blackmail me or something. I was on edge the whole time. But he didn't reply. Just radio silence.

When Toby and me finished up for the day and went back to our rooms, I tried switching off my phone and turning it back on again, just to see if there were maybe some messages it hadn't picked up, but there was nothing more. I was almost feeling disappointed. I almost wanted CJ to pursue me and try to force me, even despite the consequences that I knew came with it. Toby texted me to say he'd already headed to a bar further along the main street and so I said I'd head down there in half an hour, after I'd got myself ready.

As I walked along the main street toward the bar Toby was at, the light was just starting to fade from the day. My heart suddenly skipped a beat as I saw CJ walking down the street with another guy. I was sure he was coming out to get me. Or that he'd give me an instruction, or even just say something that put me in my place. As I got closer and closer though, he made no move towards me. He just gave me that confident smile, looking straight in my eyes, and then disappeared past. The guy he was with wouldn't even have noticed the look that passed between us.

I arrived a minute later at the bar and Toby was one of only about five guys in there. I went and joined him at the bar and we had a drink, then later ordered food and again spent a good couple of hours talking about all kinds of random stuff. This bar was way less busy than the one the other night, and again, not a single guy looked twice at me, or at the mark on my neck. I started to relax finally, and realise this was a pretty niche thing. Hardly any guys knew about it. Chances were, nothing more was going to happen.

We headed back pretty early and that night I slept really soundly.

The next day we had a really good day doing the environmental analysis we needed to get done and got through a lot more than I expected. Toby especially was blitzing it today. It meant that we finished up a bit earlier than we'd originally planned and as there were still another couple of hours of daylight we agreed to take a walk along the beach and just relax and enjoy the warm weather and the beautiful coast line.

"So are you seeing any guys at the moment, back home?" Toby asked me as we strolled along.

I shook my head. "No, not even been on any dates in about the last three months" I said.

He gave me a quizzical sort of look. "What not even any hook-ups?"

Toby was single, but I knew he was always out dating and I'd bumped into him a few times in town, each time with a different girl. He was obviously not struggling for action.

My mind wandered back to the whole lot of action I'd seen on the island already. Most of it while I was tied up over a table and consenting to random men using me any way they wanted.

"Nah, not for a while" I replied.

We carried on walking in silence along the calm beach.

"What kind of guy do you go for then?" Toby asked. "I can imagine all these guys in military outfits must be a bit of a distraction for you aren't they?" he said with a grin.

I rolled my eyes. "Some of them are not too shabby" I replied, and he held my gaze a second longer than seemed normal, before looking down at the ground again as we walked on.

We sat down on a rock and looked out to sea. Having been quizzed a bit, I felt like I wanted to open up to Toby a bit.

"To be honest, the military guy thing is definitely my kind of thing" I ventured.

"Yeah?" Toby asked.

"Definitely. The uniforms, all those muscles, all the guys together in the barracks. All a fantasy though obviously!"

Toby nodded. "That's cool".

He glanced at his watch and looked out at the sea again, and we sat just watching the waves coming in for a couple of minutes.

"You know, this is all too beautiful" Toby said, without taking his eyes off the sea. "I think I'm going to head back and grab my camera so I can get some nice shots, especially when the sun's setting. You ok to stick around here for 30 minutes -- I'll be quick."

"Sure" I said, happy to have some peace and the beach to myself for a bit. Toby disappeared off back up to the path and in a minute was behind a dune and out of sight.

I sat and thought again about the text from CJ. Had I been too hasty telling him no? The idea of being on my knees with his dick in my throat right now seemed very appealing. His big hands holding onto my head, switching between caressing my hair as I bobbed up and down on his dick, then grabbing it to hold me in place while he forcefully pushed into my throat.

I was lost in that dreamworld and seemed like I could almost hear his voice saying to me Hey homo.

"Hey. Homo. Up here"

I looked up to see him walking across the beach towards me. For a second I wasn't sure if I'd fallen asleep. But no, it was actually him. And his bottle green shirt was fully unbuttoned revealing his incredible body.

"What's up homo?" he said, now having pretty much reached me.

"Hi...Sir" I said, not quite sure whether I should still address him like that.

"That's my homo"

"Why are you here?" I asked, a little bluntly.

"Was just out for a beach run, and saw that hungry mouth I recognise so well, sitting on its own on a rock. Thought I'd come say hi to my cocksucker."

I could feel myself tenting, just being in his presence. There was just something so natural about the way he casually called me his cocksucker. It wasn't an insult. Its just what I was. It turned me on so much.

CJ looked down obviously at the tenting, then down at his own package. "So, is there something you want to ask me homo?"

I wanted it so much. I checked my watch. Only five minutes had past since Toby left, so I had plenty time. He wouldn't even be halfway back to the hotel yet.

I looked up in CJ's eyes and I knew my own eyes were now giving him a perfect puppy dog stare. "Please Sir, can homo suck your dick for you Sir?"

CJ clicked his fingers and pointed to the ground in front of him. I quickly dropped from the rock and my knees hit the soft sand at his feet. He took a step closer so that my face was just an inch away from his package, and he flicked open the buttons on his fly. Underneath he wasn't even wearing pants, and he lifted his growing dick and rested it on my face. My heart was beating so fast. I wanted it so much, but I knew I had to wait for his instruction.

CJ looked around. "Ok homo. There's no-one on this beach for a mile around. So I want to hear you shout as loud as you can, that you're master CJ's bitch cocksucker"

I looked up at him uncertainly.

"Homo, think about it. How many places can you go to and be completely yourself, completely honest. Enjoy it. Go to town. Shout out loud and proud what you are."

I looked up at him again. He looked so confident, so sure of what he was telling me. I knew he was right. I wanted to do it for him.

I nodded my head and leaned back a little so I could get enough air in my lungs, then leaned my head back in the air and shouted it out "I AM MASTER CJ's BITCH COCKSUCKER"

He grinned down at me, and I felt a rush of freedom.


"I told you homo. I knew you'd love it".

By now CJ was fully hard, and he stepped over me again and grabbed my head, pulling my mouth deep down on his dick.

I felt a hard slap on my left cheek.


I nodded and tried to say yes, but was largely prevented from it by the big dick pounding into my throat.

After a minute or two of heavy pounding, harder than the way he'd used me previously, he pulled my head off and pushed me backwards a little.

"You feeling thirsty homo?" he asked.

I glanced nervously at my watch. About fifteen minutes had passed now. Toby should still only just be back at the hotel, so there was still plenty time.

I felt a hard slap across my right cheek this time.

"ANSWER ME STRAIGHT AWAY BITCH. REMEMBER, I AM YOUR SUPERIOR". He was shouting it again, obviously also enjoying the freedom of being completely himself on the solitary beach.

"Sorry sir, yes sir" I answered quickly.

He grinned. Let the whole beach hear it then piss-breath. Tell the sky how much you want to be my urinal.

I leaned back again, this time with less hesitation.


CJ was grinning from ear to ear. Ok, one more, then you get the piss. Tell me that you're going to serve and obey any man who gives you an order, like a good little worthless bitch.

I was staring at CJ's dick, my head rapidly emptying of any thoughts except taking his dick in me and serving him. I knew what he meant though. He wanted me in the fantasy room again. Fuck it though, I'd do it. I'd do anything he wanted.

I leaned back and got a lungful of air.


CJ stepped forward again, pulled my head back, and I opened my mouth wide. I received a wad of his spit first, then, keeping his dick a few inches above my face, he started to piss in my open mouth, filling it up. He stopped when my mouth was full and ordered me to swallow, which I obeyed. He then pulled my mouth towards him, so his flaccid cock was resting on my tongue, and he shot out surges of piss so I could gradually swallow every drop. At the same time he pulled my head in deep to his groin, so my nose was pressed into his pubes and his balls were resting on my chin. All I could see, smell, feel and taste was CJ.

"YOU SEE WHAT I MEAN" he shouted out.

I wasn't sure what he meant or why he was shouting still, but the piss was still coming, and his grip meant I couldn't move at all to try and make eye contact with him and try to understand what he was saying, so I just stayed still and focused on swallowing everything he was feeding me.

"Exactly like I told you man" CJ said in a more normal voice, and it was then that I heard the sound of footsteps approaching. CJ was still holding me tight though, and I was still swallowing his piss.

"Did you see and hear everything, like we planned?" CJ asked.

"Yeah man. What the fuck?"

Oh my god. I knew that voice. This wasn't some random guy checking out the latest piece of meat for the fantasy room.

CJ pulled his dick out, splashed a last burst of piss all over my face and hair and pushed me back hard so I landed on my back on the sand.

Two feet stepped towards me, and after I wiped away the piss from my eyes, I looked up to see the face of Toby looking down at me. He didn't make eye contact, just cast his eyes over the mix of throat slime and piss covering my face from CJ using me.

I heard CJ's laugh. "I can't believe he fell for your camera story and then me just happening to show up two minutes later. Those binoculars I left for you behind the dune are pretty good though right? You see everything?"

Toby nodded, then looked down at me.

"Ste, what the fuck man? Look how fucking pathetic you are". He got out his phone and clicked a few photos of me as I lay there. "I literally never thought I'd see a dude sink so low as to beg to drink another guy's piss. Especially not a regular guy who I work with, who I even respected. And you just said you'd literally do shit like that for any guy who gives you an order". He shook his head. "You're a fucking animal Ste, you little fucking bitch". He hoicked up a wad of phlegm and I closed my eyes and felt it land on my forehead and begin to run down my face.

CJ laughed and put his arm round Toby. "There's so much more for you to hear and learn about my man" he said as they turned and started to walk. "You see your work colleague back there is not a normal guy I'm afraid" I heard as their voices faded in the wind, "he's a bitch and his brain is programmed to serve real men like us...", and I watched the two of them walk close together back along the beach, as I lay on the sand, a million thoughts suddenly rushing through my worried brain.

Next: Chapter 9

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