Work Holiday

By Stu Y

Published on Nov 11, 2017


I awoke the next morning to see the sunlight streaming through the foreign window. It took me a few seconds to remember where I was again, and then a few seconds more to remember what had happened to me yesterday.

I hadn't left the room that evening. I had ordered dinner in and spent the evening thinking about what had happened. When I played it all back I had gotten hard again, but after I came my mind had returned to the emptiness and loneliness of it.

I really thought I had had a connection with the blond guy, CJ. I only realised, when his friend said his name yesterday that I'd never found it out at the airport. Either way, I couldn't believe he'd done this to me. And how many more guys would be streaming through this room over the next week. I resolved that I couldn't go on like this, and went down to the reception to try and change rooms, making up some excuse about the bed having a loose spring. Thankfully they had a load of spare rooms and I was able to quickly change. I wouldn't make the mistake of sharing my room number with CJ again.

By the time I'd emptied my things in the new room, taken a shower and got breakfast I was feeling a lot better. It also struck me that I actually had CJ's number. He had called my phone when we were in the airport toilet cubicle, to check the number I'd given him was real. That meant I could let him know I wasn't happy, and tell him to leave me alone. I quickly resolved this was the best course of action, took out my phone and sent him that message, without mincing my words.

He got back to me surprisingly quickly.

You didn't enjoy? I sent you two hot squaddies and I know from the rumours that they definitely like getting dom. Sorry man, I was trying to help you out.

This took me aback. I sat down on the bed and reread it.

I mean the first guy, Jason, really had been stunning, total alpha male build. And it had been incredibly hot serving him. I had cum so hard from it straight afterwards. That wasn't the problem. Then the second guy, with the acne. I didn't get his name, but he had been in good shape, and definitely dominant. But I don't know. I hadn't been ready for it. I didn't know who he was. It had all happened so quickly. When I thought about it, I asked myself if the guy with acne had arrived first, when I was mega horny, would I have felt different. Maybe I'd have shot that massive load after he'd left, instead of after Jason. I definitely didn't like when he called for room service though. I didn't know what to think. But I knew I felt used.

I picked my phone back up.

I wasn't ready for it. It was too much for me. Can you just leave me alone I fired back.

He replied again in no time.

So if I had been there doing that stuff to you would you have liked it? Just the thought of it sent a bolt of electricity through my groin.

That's different. I know you. A bit, at least.

Thought so. Ok, no worries. I'll only share you with other guys when I'm around from now on. What you doing now?

Fuck. He brushed off my worries so quickly. It seemed so dismissive. It was no good though. I was achingly hard now.

Not much. Why?

I'm at a mates house in town. He's out for the next two hours. Need a blowjob now.

My brain no longer had control. He sent me the address and in 15 minutes I was there.

I knocked at the door and just heard him yell it was open and to come on in. Security was much less of an issue out here.

I went into the prefab house and walked through to the lounge where he was stretching out on the sofa, fully naked. His huge chest filled half of the sofa back, and his big timber legs were spread wide with one hand on his huge dick. A porno was playing on the TV, and his eyes were on it. He didn't even look up.

"What's up homo. Strip to your pants and get down here." With his free hand he pointed.

I slowly pulled the top over my head and dropped my trousers to the floor pulling off my shoes. Since I was already virtually on the floor, I crawled across to him.

He laughed. "Looks like you're remembering Harry's training. Crawling like a bitch."

Before I had time to reply, he'd grabbed my hair and inserted his cock head into my mouth. He finally looked down at me and I saw again those piercing blue eyes. He held my head firmly and lifting himself gradually off the sofa slid his dick further into me, before dropping his body back onto the sofa and bringing my head down with him.

It was only when his dick was straining at the entrance to my throat that he decided he wanted to start talking with me.

"So tell me homo, after you got used yesterday, did you cum?"

I looked up into his eyes. I couldn't lie. I nodded my head.

"Ok" he nodded his head thoughtfully. "How many times? Just once?".

I didn't move.


I nodded again.

"Wow. Twice. That does kind of sound like you got turned on then, right?"

I paused. I couldn't deny it. It had made me very horny.

I nodded. My mouth being stretched wide open by his dick, and the tight grip of his hand in my hair made it difficult to express myself. My eyes I realised had become like a puppy dog staring up to its master.

"It was just kind of scary though right. You felt a bit unprotected?"

He seemed to understand me exactly. That was exactly it. I nodded more enthusiastically.

"Ok, homo, I get that. So don't worry, I'll look after you. You just keep looking after me, and I'll look after you"

I gave him the puppy eyes again and tried to go deeper on his dick to show my appreciation. Going too quickly though I started to choke and he pulled me away a little but still kept his cockhead in my mouth as I recovered.

"Steady now homo. I'll decide when you go deep ok? You just relax and focus on doing exactly what I want".

"So one other thing, before I seed you. I picked up you looked pretty scared when the hotel boy came in and saw you serving. You don't like public humiliation right?" I shook my head.

"Ok boy. Don't worry about it, I'll speak to him. Now on, we won't let anyone find out about you, unless you want them to, right?"

I nodded. I was so grateful to him. He really felt like my hero. I just didn't feel worried about anything any more.

He put his arms behind his head, revealing his awesome hairy armpits, and giving me free reign on his cock.

"Ok homo, you can say thankyou the way you know best".

I wasted no time wrapping my lips around and getting a quick rhythm going. I could see his eyes had returned to the porn and he was getting into it. After a few minutes his hands came down onto the back of my head, clamping me down on his dick and he erupted deep in my throat with a loud groan.

When I was done he pushed me off, switched off the TV and started to pull his clothes back on. I could have happily stayed in that blissful state for hours, but he clearly had no time for that.

"I want you to come down the beach tonight" he said, without looking over at me. It sounded like an instruction, not an invitation. I had survey work to prepare for today, but I had nothing at all planned later.

"Ok" I said, dumbly.

"There's a group of us going to be down there. Jason and Harry who you already met and a couple of other guys. The other guys don't know about you though, so play it cool, ok. Should be fun"

I felt nervous about seeing those guys again, but I really wanted to spend more time with CJ.

"Sure. Sounds good. So this is as mates, right?" I asked, uncertainly.

He smiled. "Yes. I just told you, the other guys don't know about you."

He gave me a time and place and I headed off.

The day passed slowly. I couldn't concentrate at all on the survey prep. All my mind could think about was the beach. It was a warm day and at lunchtime I had a walk along to the beach area I'd been told to head to, just to scope it out. It was a 15 minute walk out of town, past a couple of other beaches, and as the town was already tiny, it meant there weren't that many people down there. I could only see two or three guys surfing in the sea, then a couple of groups of people on the beach. It did look like a great place for a bunch of guys to mess around, play some football or volleyball and just blow off some steam on an evening.

Several hours later then I made my way down there again. It was still warm so everyone was in shorts and tshirts or vest tops. I saw the group of guys lounging on the beach, a bunch of cases of beer nearby and some shouts going up now and then. There was one other couple on the beach, further down, but they looked to be packing their things up to leave.

"Hey" CJ shouted on seeing me, and beckoned me over.

"Guys, this is Ste" he said. "We got chatting on the plane and he asked if he could come hang out". The other guys nodded at this untruth, and welcomed me.

"Grab yourself a beer" he said to me, pointing over at the open crate, 20 metres away by the rocks, where it was a bit shadier.

I thanked him and went across to get one, unscrewing the top on my way back.

"You gonna ask if anyone else wants one" he said, just before I sat down. He said it as a joke, but I had to respond.

"Oh. Sorry". I looked around. "Anyone else want one?"

About five of them said yes, and I scurried back across to the crate and struggled but just about managed to bring five beers back across. I passed the first to CJ.

"Come on man, you got to unscrew it for me".

I gave him a look to see if he was joking, but he held my gaze. I relented and opened it and passed it to him. Then I started opening the others before passing them. A couple of them protested there was no need, or offered to help, but I'd started now so might as well finish the job. When I was done, I finally sat down and joined them.

They bantered for a while, swigging beers, and it felt comfortable. I didn't get half of their conversations and in-jokes, but it felt cool. The two guys from yesterday didn't treat me any differently to the others and just seemed like nothing had happened. After a while somebody pulled out some cards and we started playing Cheat. It was agreed the loser would take a forfeit.

We played the first round and one of the squaddies I hadn't met before lost. He was a bit leaner than the others, and had curly brown hair. The guys decided to make him strip naked and walk right into the sea until his head was under. It was a warm day but the sea would still be chilly. Still, the guy took his forfeit, and returned victorious.

As he walked back up, CJ nudged me with his foot and indicated to me to go fetch another beer. I reluctantly stood and started to head.

"Anyone need a refill?" CJ asked loudly, and I turned back to see all but one guy raise a hand. This time I had to fetch the beers in two trips, and I opened up the bottles before passing them to each of the guys. This time none of them protested, or offered to help.

We played more rounds of Cheat. The truth was I hated this game. I was a useless liar, but so far I'd got pretty lucky with cards, so had just about got away with it. The next round Jason lost, and I got to enjoy the view of him laid out on the sand, topless and mouth wide open, while one of the other guys stood over him, took a full bottle of beer and poured it down onto his face, trying to get as much as possible in his open mouth.

The third game CJ lost, and the guys pulled out a snorkel which he had to put in his mouth, kneel on the sand, and then down a bottle of beer through the snorkel, while Jason took great pleasure pouring it in.

The fourth game didn't go so well for me and before I knew it one guy went out and I was left with the most cards in my hand.

"Sorry man, your turn now" one of the squaddies said turning to me and slapping me on the arm.

"How about we give him the desert prisoner treatment?" Harry chirped up, and the others laughed and agreed.

I had no idea what they meant by that, but one guy straight away fished a spade out of his bag and started digging. Soon after another spade appeared from someone else's bag and there were two of them digging.

"Sorry man" CJ said. "This is a rite of passage out here. Don't worry though, I've got your back"

I don't know if it was the beers or what, but I didn't feel too worried. It was just a forfeit like the others. I had to take it like the others did.

Eventually the hole in the sand got pretty deep. I started to see what they were meaning. I was going in the hole, and they'd fill the sand in so only my neck would be showing. It did make me feel a bit nervous, but at least the sand was warm, and it would be over quickly.

I got into the hole as instructed and they filled it back in. I literally couldn't move my arms or legs. I didn't really realise the sheer weight of the sand, but it felt like a cast around me.

The guys stood back admiring their work.

"Ok, so what now?" one of them asked.

"How about some hoopla?" CJ asked, and there was another laugh.

He picked up the snorkel and fished out a mask that went with it and came across to me, putting them onto my trapped head.

"Ok, now its important you keep the funnel facing up and don't move your head" he told me. He then went and fished a bunch of different coloured quoits out of his bag. He surely must have been planning for this. He distributed them out, and the guys took turns trying to toss the quoits to land on the snorkel.

Most of their tosses missed me completely, but some of them thudded into my head. Eventually one of them caught on, and the rubber quoit swung round the snorkel a couple of times, then dropped hard onto my face. With the quoit there I couldn't really see anything any more, so just had to concentrate on keeping still. They kept throwing them for ages and gradually got more on the snorkel, increasing the weight on my face. I could hear them joking with each other about who the expert tosser was, and mocking the guys that couldn't hit it. I just stayed completely still.

Eventually, after what must have been like half an hour, they got bored of it and someone came and lifted the quoits off my head. They'd all had another beer now and seemed a bit louder than before.

"Shit" the guy with the curly hair said suddenly seeing my face. "I'd kind of forgotten that was a guy under there.

One of the other guys laughed. "Yeah, he's been so fucking quiet and docile. He's like the perfect prisoner"

"Man, I got to go piss" the guy with the curly hair said. He wasn't the biggest built guy and he seemed a bit tipsy.

"Just use the snorkel" Harry said, grinning.

It took me a second to register what he'd said. The other guys all looked around at Harry. Even CJ looked across with a surprised but slightly amused look.

"What are you talking about?" the curly haired guy asked.

"What do you think? There's only one snorkel here. And there's a thirsty prisoner down there, right?"

With the facemask on I couldn't speak. I shook my head as much as I could but none of them seemed to register it. I didn't want to do this. And I didn't want to ruin the atmosphere here. I was enjoying just getting on with these guys.

The other guys still looked confused. All except CJ and Jason.

Harry came across to me. "Its simple". He pulled out his soft dick, squatted down and placed it against the top of the snorkel.

I looked across at CJ, my eyes pleading with him to stop this, but he was just smiling. If he chose to let this happen then there was nothing I was going to be able to do.

"In no time I felt that familiar acrid taste flood my mouth. I needed to swallow as fast as I could to breathe again.

"Fuck man, that guy is not gonna be happy when he gets out of there" one of the guys said laughing.

Harry grinned again. "Its cool. He's one of CJ's bitches. The little faggot drank my piss yesterday too. He gets off on it".

My face glowed red. There were now eight guys looking down on me, and I was trapped there, buried in the sand, their prisoner, and now with a bellyful of piss.

"He is looking pretty hot down there" Jason said. "Maybe we could help him out. Cool him down a bit?"

"Great idea" CJ said and came across to me, pulling off the face mask and snorkel.

He looked down at me. "Don't even say a word homo. Everyone here knows you're a little bitch now, we can't take it back. No-ones judging you, so just enjoy it. Soak it up."

Six of the guys formed a circle around me, pulling their soft dicks out of their shorts. The first splash I felt was from behind me and landed on the crown of my head, starting to wet my hair. In no time six blasts of hot piss were hitting my face and head from six different angles. The smell was overwhelming and every time I opened my mouth to breathe, more got inside me. I could feel my hair was soaking wet and all the sand around me was hardening with the moisture.

"Fuck, that is one drenched little homo"

"I can't believe he didn't even struggle. Just took it like a true bitch"

When they were done, CJ stepped forward. He was the only one who hadn't gone now.

"Ok homo, open your eyes and look at me" he told me.

"Now open up your mouth. I don't want you to swallow. Just let it fill up your mouth, flow down your cheeks and flood your face. Got it homo?"

"Yes Sir" I said. Any other answer would have seemed wrong.

He laughed and so did some of the other guys. They reformed the circle but stood a bit further back to avoid any of his piss splashing up off me.

The piss began and after a second to get his aim right my mouth started to fill up. As the stream started landed on the pool of his piss building up in my mouth, it made a sound like when you piss into small chemical toilet, changing in pitch as my mouth got more full. It started to overflow and ran down my cheeks and across my face, in my nose and up towards my eyes. Instinctively I started to shut them.

"Keep those eyes on your sir, homo" he said firmly, and I obeyed, trying to ignore the piss running into them.

Eventually he was done and a couple of the guys whooped or applauded him.

"Ok, swallow down what's left in your mouth bitch" he told me, and in a couple of gulps his piss joined up with Harry's in my stomach.

The guys collapsed onto the sand, laughing still and high fiving CJ, a little way away from me and the piss soaked sand spot, but close enough for me to hear them all.

"CJ man, how come its always you that picks up on these freaks?" one of the guys asked him.

"Good thing I do though, right?" CJ said grinning.

"Fucking right man. That was A grade funny mate"

I knew if it wasn't for the sand cast around me, I would have a major boner right now.

"So Jason, what do you think?" CJ asked.

Jason nodded. "I think you know how to pick `em mate"

"You think he's ready though?" CJ asked.

"For the fantasy room?" Jason asked. "Fuck yeah. I think that little bitch down there was born for it."

"Good" CJ said smiling. "Lets go then"

Thanks for reading this far. If you liked it, or if you have more ideas for what happens next, i'd love to hear. My email address is

Next: Chapter 4

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