Work Holiday

By Stu Y

Published on Oct 22, 2017


Chapter 2.

The plane flight went pretty smoothly in the end. I wasn't sure what to expect from the plane itself on a military flight but it turned out to be just a regular passenger aircraft, maybe a bit less fancy than regular commercial flights, but otherwise pretty standard. I was sitting next to a slightly older squaddie on the flight, not especially attractive, but clearly with the power to knock me out with a single punch. A couple of times on the flight he obviously caught a whiff from me, and sniffed the air suspiciously, but he never said anything. In fact he didn't say a word to me the whole of the ten hour flight.

It took an age to get through the tiny airport security. I spotted the blond squaddie some way ahead of me in the queue, his military trousers clinging firmly to his ass. He didn't spot me though. He'd probably forgotten all about me.

I eventually made it out and got picked up and dropped off at the hotel I was staying at. It was mid-morning now, and I had nothing to do for the day. I lay on the bed for a while, thinking I might catch up on some sleep, before venturing out to take a walk around my home for the next two weeks.

I took a shower and came back to see a light blinking on my phone, indicating a new message. My phone didn't recognise the number. I opened it up and saw the photo from the cubicle at the airport. My placid looking faggot face, with homo written across my forehead in big red letters, and the thick alpha dick of a guy whose name I didn't even know lying right across it. There was a message below.

Give me your hotel and room number homo? Send a photo of you by the door so I can see the number

Jesus, I was hard already. It was less than 24 hours since he'd told me he doesn't get sucked by guys, then unloaded deep down my throat. Now he wanted more. He could definitely have it.

I took my phone and opened the door, put my camera in front of me and took the selfie. A middle aged couple turned into the corridor just as I was taking it and looked at me confused, but carried on walking past.

I returned to my room and attached the photo to a message, as well as the hotel name.

I'm free all day Sir. Just say when. There's a back entrance from the car park so you don't even have to pass reception.

I pressed send and sat excitedly on the bed, waiting for his instruction. My day had taken a new twist. I still wanted to go explore the town, but I could definitely fit that in around him.

Half an hour passed of me constantly touching myself, re-reading his message and hoping a reply would come.

Eventually it did, and it was short.

Good boy. Stay there, not sure when I'll be over.

My dick got hard to bursting point. My brain was telling me I should be annoyed by this. I shouldn't give up my whole day's plan just to wait around for him.

Through one short text he was asking me to sit around alone in a small hotel room for a whole day of my life, waiting for him to come along for ten minutes to aggressively use me, degrade me, laugh at me, then leave.

He had read me completely.

Yes Sir. Your cumdump will be here and ready all day, any time for you.

I had two weeks to do sightseeing anyway.

The next few hours went slowly. There genuinely was nothing to do. I figured he wouldn't come straight away, so got some lunch to the room by room service.

At about 2pm I heard a knock at the door and my heart started jumping all over the place. I had already showered and brushed my teeth twice, put on my hottest underwear and tidied the room. I was definitely ready. But I was still mega nervous.

I went across and pulled the door open.

In front of me stood a man I'd never seen before.

"Hey homo" he said with a smile, pushed passed me and into the room, and I closed the door behind me. He was also tall, well built, but with scruffy brown hair. Even if I'd tried to stop him coming in, he would have got past me with enormous ease.

"What...?" I began.

"Hey, I'm Jason" he said, politely. "I texted you earlier. You're the homo who'd going to worship my fat dick right?"

He said it with such confidence. This was what was going to happen.

He took the seat by the desk, turned it to face the middle of the room and sat down, his legs spread wide open.

"Ok homo, get down here". He pointed to the spot between his legs. He leaned back and pulled the tight t-shirt over his head to reveal a broad hairy chest. This was a real alpha male. I figured the other guy must have passed on my number, but now was clearly not the time to ask questions. Just obey.

I moved towards him and started to kneel, but he stopped me before I went down. "Strip first. Don't think it looks right for a bitch to be wearing clothes when it's worshipping a stud, right?"

I nodded subtly.

Sudddenly a look of anger came over his face and he stood up, grabbed me by the chin and spat right in my face.

"I'm the man in this room homo, and when I ask a question like that, you answer it with yes Sir. Understood?"

"Yes Sir" I said quickly.

He sat back down, looked calm again and smiled. "Good boy. Now get your kit off, except for your pants. I don't need to see your pathetic dick. And get between my legs now."

In twenty seconds I was naked except my white CKs, and on my knees between his muscled legs. His hands had already taken my arms and placed them behind my back, and were now grabbing a handful of my hair. He pulled my face into his crotch, and I could feel the boner in his trousers as he rubbed my cheek across it. I heard him spit and felt it splatter onto my other cheek. With his free hand he rubbed the saliva over my face and slapped me hard twice.

"CJ was right. You're a proper docile little cocksucker. Look at you kneeling there, giving everything up to me. Total acceptance that I'm your superior in every way. Right bitch?"

"Yes Sir" I said quickly.

"Fucking awesome finding little bitches like you to use".

He unbuttoned his jeans and pulled out the giant cock. He leaned forward and lowered a puddle of spit onto his cock head, rubbed it up and down the shaft, then easily lifted my head by the hair and slid my mouth all the way down onto his slicked-up dick.

My mouth was surprisingly accommodating and I took it all the way, even into my throat. When I could feel his pubes against my lips I knew I was all the way, and he held me down. His second hand joined his first on my head and he pushed down hard, ramming it in as far as it would go. His dick was pulsing in my throat so I had no air. It felt amazing, but I needed to breathe.

Eventually he let me off, and I coughed a little, getting back my breath, but quickly returned to enthusiastically sucking and worshipping his dick. He was a total alpha, and I wanted hm to know how amazing it felt to serve a man like him. I hardly stopped, rapidly bobbing up and down, lips tight around his awesome dick, and my hands wandering up to play with his nipples which he seemed to like.

Within five minutes he was getting close, and he reached into his trouser pocket to pull out his phone. I saw the bright recording light shine onto my face, but I kept sucking at the same rate, keeping him so close. He was moaning gently, and more audibly now the video was on.

He grabbed my head and pulled it so the tip of his dick was just centimetres from my mouth.

"Tell me what you want now bitch" he said, like he was training a child to say please.

"Please Sir, I want your cumload so much Sir, please shoot it over my face Sir"

"Your face?" he said, sounding surprised. "Wow, I was hoping just to have you swallow it. You actually wanna have my jizz marking your face though?"

I could tell he was just doing this for the video. I was feeling so submissive for him though.

"Yes Sir. You're my total superior. Homo would be honoured to be marked with the cum of a hero"

He was grinning wide. That was obviously a good answer.

"Well, ok then cumdump, here it comes". He kept the camera trained right on my face while he jerked that dick over it. I put my arms back again behind my back where I guessed he'd want them. Three heavy volleys of jizz shot out from his dick and plastered themselves across my face.

"Mmmmmm. Now use your hand and rub it until my jizz covers every part of your face you little cumwhore." I did as he told me.

"Good. Now let it dry there and no washing til morning, right?"

"Yes Sir".

He laughed and flicked the video off. Great film homo. We'll enjoy watching that back. He did up his trousers and walked across to me, still kneeling.

"Open" he said, and I leaned my head back and opened my mouth.

He spat a big was of saliva straight in.

"You're even more pathetic than the usual bitches we get over here. Good work homo. Bow before me as I leave"

I dropped my head and body to the floor and he put his boot onto my head for a few seconds, laughed and then walked out, leaving the door to the corridor wide open.

As soon as I heard his footsteps disappear, I raced to the door and closed it. Then I dropped to my knees, jerked my rigid dick for about 20 seconds til it exploded across my chest.

I went and lay spread-eagle on the bed. I couldn't believe what had just happened. I felt kind of betrayed by the blond soldier. He'd basically given me to one of his buddies. He never asked me, just assumed I'd be a fag for any guy. Obviously, that guy was mega hot too, and it had felt amazing serving him. But I felt used. But then I also felt turned on. And his jizz was drying like a mask on my face. I didn't know what to think.

Another knock came at the door and my heart jumped. I couldn't think who would come and knock. My workmate wasn't due to arrive for a couple of days. I hadn't ordered room service. The knock came again. I figured I'd have to answer it and just get rid of them.

Thinking quickly I threw my clothes off and grabbed a towel for round my waist as if I was just about to get in the shower, and went and opened the door a crack.


The guy at the door also looked like he was in the forces"

"You gonna let me in then homo or what?"

This guy was shorter with dark blond hair and a lot of acne. He wasn't the best looking, and his accent was rougher.

"Sorry man, I began, I'm not really looking for..." I began to say

"Let me in now you little cunt" he said, suddenly more aggressive.

I felt worried. I wasn't feeling horny at all now. I managed to push the door shut.

"Sorry, but no" I said through the door and went across to the bed, hoping he'd go.

I watched as a minute later he pushed something under the door. I went across to see an A4 print out of the photo from the airport, with a dick across my face and homo written over my forehead.

"I've got a few of these to pin round the hotel and pubs in town if you prefer"

My heart was beating fast.

"Five seconds to decide" said the voice on the other side of the door.

I had no choice. I opened the door, and he calmly walked in and pushed the door shut behind him.

Before I knew what was happening, he grabbed me by the throat and forced me down onto the floor, then stood up again, his booted feet either side of my head. He kicked the side of my head with one boot, then lifted the other so it was resting on my nose.

"Now then you little queer. Say that you're sorry and start licking my boot clean, and I might decide to forgive you and still let you worship my god-like dick. How does that sound faggot?"

I knew there was no choice here.

"I'm truly sorry Sir. I know my place is to serve superior men like you. Thank you for letting me lick your boots".

He pressed down harder until the bottom of the boot was on my tongue. I closed my eyes and licked away as he moved every part of his boot over my mouth. Once he was satisfied he lifted it off and took the seat that the last guy had been on.

Crawl over here you pathetic bitch and take my boots off.

I did exactly as he told me and he laughed at the sight of me crawling. By now the towel had come off so I was fully exposed. I unlaced both of his boots and pulled the first off.

"Sniff it homo".

I held it towards my nose and took in the cheesy scent. He shook his head.

"Man you're such a pussy. He grabbed my head with one hand and the boot with the other and forced my nose deep inside it.

"Now sniff in as deep as you can. Five big inhalations. Let that masculine aroma fill your faggot lungs".

The smell was intoxicating. For a second I wondered if I might pass out. But then it was like it started consuming me. That smell of real man, taking over inside me. He took it off and I just stared blankly towards him, I felt totally neutralised.

He leaned forward and stuck two fingers deep in my open throat.

"Good bitch. Wow, hardly any gag reflex either"

With his other hand he pulled off one sock and pressed it against my nose. This time I was drawn towards the scent, and I wanted to stay on it. He withdrew the fingers from my mouth though and slid the balled up sock straight in there. Quickly afterwards he pulled off the other, and with a little more effort, managed to stuff that fully inside my mouth too. I could feel my cheeks bursting out.

"Lie on your back, facing upwards, head at my feet bitch" he instructed.

I did as he said, and he rested his giant feet across my whole face, resting a lot of weight on them, so it pressed down hard. Every so often he rubbed one of his soles all the way over my face, or slapped my cheeks with the base of his feet, feeling the reaction as it bounced off, as my cheeks were cushioned by the socks.

I felt him reach over to the sideboard and pick up the phone. A few seconds later he spoke.

"Yeah, can I get a pint of beer up to room 12. Fast as you can. Five minutes? Yeah, that's perfect"

He put down the phone, and lifted his feet off me.

"Put your pants on and nothing else homo. Do it now."

I went and got them and put them on. I was mega nervous. Was he really going to do this. The socks were stretching out my cheeks. I caught myself in a mirror and I looked so stupid, not to mention how much they smelt.

The knock came at the door. That hadn't even been five minutes.

The soldier made no move to stand up.

"Go and open the door fully, you little prick, and get your superiors drink"

I gulped. I really didn't want to do this.

"It's that or those pictures are going to be up everywhere bitch. Don't think homo, just obey. Open the door now"

I walked across to the door, took a deep breath and opened it wide.

The waiter was a young-ish guy, maybe 20. He looked taken aback.

"You can give the drink to my boy. He'll sign for it and fetch your tip."

Jesus. I had hoped this was going to be really quick. He was prolonging my humiliation.

The guy looked at me trying not to laugh as I signed to include the beer on my room account, and then went searching for my wallet to fetch a tip.

"Sorry about the boy" the soldier said to the guy waiting at the door. He's a bit obsessed with the taste of a squaddies sweaty socks. Can't get him to take them out. Can I boy?"

They both looked across at me.

Reluctantly I nodded.

The squaddie laughed. "Such a freak" he said shaking his head, and I saw the waiter grinning, his eyebrows raised.

I paid his tip and he left.

As soon as the door closed, the soldier jumped out of his seat and pinned me against the door.

"Fuck, that got me so hard watching how fucking pathetic you are. Knees, now bitch."

I dropped down to my knees as best I could, trapped between his body and the door. He unzipped himself, grabbed the socks out my mouth and slipped them in his pocket. He pushed his fully stiff dick fully deep inside me. He wasn't huge, which meant even when he pushed deep in, it only just started to get into my throat. That meant he could fuck it as hard and deep as he wanted without me gagging. He pinned my head to the door with his dick and pounded hard. My head couldn't move, so I stayed in exactly that position, letting him thrust into my throat like a fleshlight. Right then I was literally nothing more to him than a warm hole to pleasure his alpha dick.

He pounded deep for several minutes, until his cockhead swelled up a final time and he plunged deep inside me, this time getting deeper in my throat. He kept it right there, shooting his seed deep inside me, and left it there for at least a minute after. It was starting to shrink out of my throat so I could breathe, but I was still pinned in position by his firm body pressing me against the door, my lips spread wide open by his dick.

He let it get almost fully limp but kept it in there, then moved his hands onto my head and got a good grip.

"Ok, drink up fag"

That was all the warning I got. Suddenly my mouth was being filled with liquid. I clamped my lips shut around his dick and just started swallowing as fast as I could.

There wasn't that much but it tasted foul. He pulled out but kept my mouth held wide open with his hand. He reached into his pockets, pulled the socks out and pushed them back all the way in, so my mouth became a cocktail of the tastes of his piss and sweat. Then he rested his soft dick on my face and seemed to push just a little bit so a final small trickle of his piss ran across my face.

"Fuck. You would let me do anything to you, you little queer" he said laughing. "So fucking pathetic".

He walked across and pulled on his boots.

"You keep the socks homo. Little memento of tonight for you, so you always remember it. I don't think it's one you're gonna forget though."

And with that he was gone.

I sat back against the door in the quiet room. I wasn't even hard now. I just felt totally used and empty. I pulled the socks out of my mouth, and wondered how long a day, and week, this was going to be.

Next: Chapter 3

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