Work Holiday

By Stu Y

Published on Jan 16, 2023


We arrived at the airport around 6am, much earlier than we needed to be there. Toby told me he got nervous about missing flights, and we had no idea what could go wrong with getting there and everything. Even with those things in mind, we were way too early, but I wasn't going to argue with Toby about it. Looking around there was almost nobody else about. There was only one flight out this morning and it wasn't a big plane, so it wasn't going to get much busier than this either.

As we took our bags out the taxi and watched it drive off, Toby told me he had one last instruction for me from CJ. And that we had plenty of time for it too.

Toby looked around and his gaze stopped on a green outbuilding, maybe 200 metres away from where we were. It was just like the size of a large garden shed, and was a good distance away from the entrance to terminal. He pointed it to me and told me I needed to head over there. He gave me a code for opening the padlock on the door and told me that when I had opened it I was to go in, walk through to the second room, strip to my underwear and place on the blindfold that would be lying on the floor, then kneel down and wait.

I looked at him to check he was being serious.

"I'll look after your bag. Now go homo"

Just hearing him call me that so comfortably made my cock stir a little. After the events of yesterday I had made my peace with not seeing CJ again, but I wondered if I was going to get one last chance to taste him and take his seed. That thought was drawing me there, even despite my feeling of anxiety about this.

Toby gave me a gently push. "Go, now".

I put my bag down, and turned to head there.

"What's the code boy?"

"Two, seven, six, nine Sir" I said, instinctively calling him that.

He grinned. "Good boy".

It felt like I was walking a mile, taking step by step through this deserted open space, in the chill of the morning, but I was soon bearing down on the shed, finding the door, turning the number code on the padlock and shaking it open. I took the padlock off, and took it inside with me, closing the door behind. The room was dark, but lit by a small light in the corner. Another door at the far side had a sign saying this way, and I passed through it into a second room, also lit by a small light, and closed the door. There were no windows on any wall, and hardly any furniture. A cloth blindfold had been left on the floor in this second room and I bent down and picked it up. Putting the padlock down on a sideboard, I took off my clothes, down to just my pants, then knelt there and placed the blindfold over my eyes, tying a double knot behind my head.

The floor wasn't kind on my knees, and a few minutes passed with nothing happening. Then a few minutes more. I guessed 15 minutes must have passed and I started to wonder if this was some kind of test, or practical joke. I was glad I'd brought the padlock in here so I couldn't get locked in, as some kind of cruel final prank.

I started to think again about what Toby had said to me yesterday, after the trash run. Blue pill or red pill. The blue pill was attractive. I liked my job, I was happy with my life, I didn't need this whole thing upending it completely. But the red pill was drawing me in too. Over the last few days Toby had become more and more like CJ in the way he treated me. This fantasy adventure I'd had over here might not have to be just a fantasy. It could become my day to day life, serving an alpha guy and doing whatever he wanted.

Lost in these thoughts, I was shocked at the sudden sound of the door opening and footsteps entering, closing the door behind them. I heard the sound of some equipment being dropped to the ground and then what sounded like shoes being taken off and trousers dropped. I heard footsteps walk towards me, then the unmistakeable sound of a guy jerking his cock. I could hear his breath quicken, then his left hand grab the hair on the back of my head.

"I am Private Leon Kearney. Me and my mates took turns fucking your pussy hole in the fantasy room while we watched some fuckin hot stuff on the big screen. I am in no way homo, but actually bitch, it felt pretty hot sharing a hole with my mates. Here is my salute".

And with those words I felt a cumload shoot from his dick and land on my face. The blindfold saved any from going in my eyes, but it was liquid enough that it started to run down my face immediately. I heard him step back, get dressed again and walk back out the door.

Almost straight away I heard another set of footsteps enter the inner doorway, and I though I heard more movement in the first room.

Again the sound of a guy undoing his fly, and starting to jerk himself off. As the footsteps came closer, he started to speak.

"I am Private Stephen Beeferton. I spanked your ass with a paddle until your pussy opened up nicely for my dick, then I pounded your tied down pussy until I filled you up". His jerking was getting faster and he approached me like the last guy. "Man, I wish you were bent over that table again right now whore. Here is my salute".

I felt the heat of his dick really close to my face then the slap of his seed hit my right cheek and stick there.

He zipped up and was gone, almost immediately replaced by another. Same routine again.

"I am Corporal Tom Faraday. I saw your neck marking in the pub, face fucked you in the toilet cubicle, filled up your pint with my piss, and made you down it in front of your friend". He was breathing hard as he said the words, obviously jerking his dick hard. "You are one pathetic son-of-a bitch and it was fucking hot using you like that. Here is my salute".

Another load of cum landed on my face.

"Thank you Sir", I said, finally finding my tongue.

He just laughed and I heard him leave.

A few minutes passed and I returned to thinking about Toby. He obviously knew what was happening. That I was going to be kneeling here and getting my face covered in the seed of god knows how many men. He knew everything about me now. There was no going back from that. Whatever happened, he was never going to see me as a regular colleague now. So did it matter whether I chose red or blue pill?

The door opened again, and the familiar sound of a man readying himself and his dick.

"I am Private Terry Goad and your pussy and that porn in the fantasy room made me feel so good the first time I fucked it, I came back an hour later for a half-price second go. Here is my salute".

Another load of cum landed on my chin and I could feel it dangling down from there. Less than a minute later, another.

"I am Sergeant Don Lubeck. I helped you relax and take both the thick butt plug and my big dick in your pussy at the same time, then I loaded you up with my seed and for good measure, filled your pussy up with my piss. Man I wish I could take you home and keep you locked up."

He put his hand tenderly on the back of my head and rubbed his rock hard dick on my face, pushing the several loads of cum already planted there all over, coating all of my cheeks, ears and nose with the accumulating seed. I could feel my cheeks burning under the coating of cum. "Here is my salute sexy girl", and a bucket load of cum shot out from him, spurts landing on each cheek and one right across my left ear.

Like the others, he was silent afterwards and disappeared.

A succession of others came through. "I am Sergeant Grant Hart...I am Private Elliot Holding...I am Private Elijah Rose... here is my salute".

I had never felt more cum over my face. The most I'd ever taken was maybe two or three loads at once before. I had loved it then, being marked by a group of guys as the inferior one, the loser, the one that the others could take advantage of and dominate. But now, that experience was so much more intense. This parade of squaddies taking turns to remind me how I'd been used and whored this last week, then putting their mark on me. I was rock hard, but I knew I was expected not to touch myself.

The door opened again, and more footsteps and a belt being unbuckled, and a man getting himself worked up.

"I am Private Andy Ford. I licked, slapped and spat on you, pounded your throat and then your ass in the fantasy room. And the best thing was your workmate watched every moment of you taking it, and I reckon he fucking loved it. Here is my salute slut".

This one shot up into my hair as well as on my nose and forehead, and stuck in place And they kept coming. And cumming.

"I am Corporal Jason Pearson. I came to your hotel room, face fucked you, made you rub my hot seed all over your faggot face and leave it there to dry. You're going to let this load dry on there too bitch. Here is my salute".

"I am Corporal Robbie Smith. I saw your neck mark in the pub, and decided to take out my frustrations on your throat in the toilet cubicle, after a shit week. I shot a big load deep down your throat then rubbed my spit all over your face til it was dripping. Get ready whore cos this is my salute".

"I am Private Michael Wharton, or King Mikey to you bitch. I filmed myself deep dicking your pussy in the pub toilets, and you begged for my dick on camera like a proper whore. That video is on my onlyfans site now and so far has been watched about 200 times so far by other desperate paying fags, and you wouldn't believe the messages I've got from fags like you who want me to do the same thing to them. Thanks for having no shame fag. Here is my salute"

I got a break for a few minutes to think about all of those moments, and the fact that 200 hundred guys had seen me at my weakest and most pathetic, and paid to see me get used and degraded.

The first cum loads had dried and hardened on my face. The cloth mask must have been basically glued to my face by now.

More footsteps came in, but this time they just came right towards me. I heard the sound of a camera phone taking pictures, then the footsteps retreated again, and I heard the door close.

I wanted this to carry on forever. Have man after man unload over my face and let their seed soak into me. Let every man know what I was. I wanted Toby to help me keep doing this stuff back home. He would never love me, it would never be a relationship; I might have to give up the idea that I could ever be in a real relationship. But he would use me and I'd get to serve him and serve his cock. Wouldn't that be enough?

The sound of the door again, and the sound of another man stroking his dick to get hard and approaching me.

"I am Corporal Dan Taylor. I reckon you might remember me. I opened up your hole wide with my fingers, stuffed two big peeled bananas deep inside your pussy, then spent 10 beautiful minutes grinding my dick inside you, mushing up that nasty shake, before slamming my cream inside you. Here is my salute you nasty little slut".

More footsteps and more jerking, and then another voice.

"Wow bitch, you really are looking destroyed. I've literally never seen someone this drenched in jizz. There must be like millions of potential babies just swimming about there on your face". I knew the voice, but I couldn't place it. There had been too many.

"I am Private Harry Dean. I came to your hotel room, made you lick my boots, crawl on your hands and knees and chew on my sweaty socks. I degraded you in front of the room service boy and made you drink my piss twice - first in the room and later on, on the beach. You are one fucked up bitch, so here is my salute".

Another load of jizz dripped onto my face, this one coating my lips.

As he walked away, I let my tongue creep out and just taste the seed he'd left me, already mingling with the seed of all those other guys. I needed to be getting on a plane in an hour or two, and I was starting to worry that this might never stop, or it might be impossible for me to get this much cum off me. I was going to stink of the alpha male testosterone plastered across my face.

I heard the door again and the next cumshot approached.

"I am Private William Jennings. I wrote a message to my girlfriend in black marker pen on your gagged face, pounded your ass like it was my girls pussy while I video called with her, then rubbed my jizz through your hair to punish you for not obeying me." He grabbed my hair and pulled it down, so I was facing downwards and his dick was hovering over the crown of my head.

"Here is my salute, and its gonna dry all in your hair, just to remind you never to disobey a superior again in future".

"Thankyou Sir" I said again, not knowing exactly why I said that to some of the guys but not the others. This whole thing was feeling very like an out of body experience. I hardly knew what I was doing. I felt like I was in a bit of a daze as my face, neck and hair got increasingly coated in the thick, gooey jizz shooting out of all these incredible dicks that had been inside me and used me in the last week.

"I am Private Gary Hesenthal, I used you in the fantasy room and you gave me the best blowjob I've ever had. Here is my salute cockwhore"

"I am Captain Freddie Gorton. I was impressed that you stayed silent and swallowed an evening's worth of piss from five very important men, to allow us to play our poker game. You are disgusting and beneath any normal kind of man, but I'm nevertheless impressed. Faggot this is my salute"

"I am Sergeant Lance Bolstrum. I fucked your pussy and emptied my seed inside you while I watched two girls making out on the big screen. Here is my salute".

"I am Private Eddie Gentry. I slit open your jeans while you stood at a crowded bar in town and dumped a load inside of you while a bunch of guys were around us and had no idea what was going in. This is my salute".

The words were just flying at me now and floating around my head. Disgusting, faggot, slit open my jeans, fucked my pussy, cockwhore, blowjob, swallowed down piss. It was like I was being hypnotised, all these memories thrown back at me, every time hitting me with the reality over and over and over again that these words were the truth. This is what I was. The door opened again and in came the next.

"I am Private Solomon Jones. I stood with my mates on the beach and pissed all over your face until you were drenched. Last time we drenched you in piss, this time you're drenched in cum. Here is my salute" and he added to the thick white paste covering my face and head, half of which must have dried on there now.

And the next.

"I am Corporal Rudy Baroni. I fucked your pussy while I watched a smoking hot girl get nailed on the big screen. Then I let your workmate stick his dick in your pussy and unload in there, so I could get 50% off the price of the fuck. Best thing was, I enjoyed even more watching that happen. Bitch, this is my salute", and the 21st spurt of male seed shot across my drenched face. I stayed silent as he left, and gradually a minute passed, and then another. I was past the point of being able to think of anything at all.

More footsteps at the door, but this time they stopped near the doorway.

"Take the blindfold off homo" I heard Toby say.

I took a second to react, after being conditioned over the last hour to wait for men to approach me and unload.

"Now" he said, louder.

Cautiously I did what he said. The material was completely drenched which made it hard to get any purchase on, but I managed to undo it at the back and tried to scoop away some of the cream on my face, just to stop it all running into my eyes when the mask was removed.

"Hold still" Toby said, and I did as he ordered. He walked towards me, but I saw he was being careful to avoid the puddle of cum on the floor in front of me. As he got close, he held out his camera phone close towards my face.

"Smile for CJ"

The thought of CJ automatically made my face light up. The thought that he had been behind this; done all of this for me. I smiled shyly for the camera and Toby took several pictures.

"CJ wanted to give you a 21 gun salute. It's an army tradition apparently. Like a military honour. Normally they'd just fire regular guns of course. But he decided a different kind of firing would be appropriate. He's proud of everything you did this last week or so. Proud of himself too of course for training you and controlling you to do everything he wanted."

My mind was pretty much blown.

Toby went through to the other room and came back with a small mirror, and held it up so I could see myself. My face looked like a giant white candle, with jizz gently streaming down it like melting wax.

"I'm not in the army so I wasn't eligible to be one of the 21. I gotta say though, I'm pretty turned on by what just happened. I want you to take my jizz right now. I want mine to be the only one you swallow down, ok?"

I nodded. "I want that so much Sir"

"Good boy" Toby said, and pulled out his already hard dick, and started rubbing it.

"Lean your head back and stick your tongue out like the desperate cock whore I know you are".

I did as he commanded, moving myself lower so he could tower over me. He came in closer and was thrusting his dick above me, looking down at me.

"When you swallow your master's cum bitch, you're taking the red pill. Do you understand?"

I paused for just a second, as he kept pumping his incredible dick. There was no point thinking though. I needed this. I didn't have a choice. I looked up into his eyes and nodded.

"As soon as my seed hits your tongue, you become mine. I'll control you, I'll use you, I'll share you and you'll always obey me. Do you understand that?"

I nodded again. I was his dog, anything else was useless.

He grinned, then leaned his head back in pleasure as he shot the biggest load of thick white seed deep into my mouth, hitting the back of my throat and coating my tongue.

"Swallow every drop faggot"

I eagerly licked my lips clean and swallowed the thick load in one, like it was an oyster, feeling the delicious slime slide down my throat and take its place inside me. I'd done it.

As soon as he came, it felt like the intensity in the room lifted. He smiled and relaxed his whole body, putting his dick back in his trousers.

Toby disappeared into the other room again then came back with a large towel, which he threw at me.

"Come on then bitch, wipe all that shit off, we've got a plane to catch. Then you've got a whole new life waiting for you at the other end".

I looked up at him, an obedient puppy looking up at his master.

"Yes Sir".

Thanks for reading this and all the comments on the way through, and sorry its taken so long to finish the story. Hope you enjoyed this, and enjoyed the lads-holiday story before this. I'm sure there will be more to come for Ste in the future, whatever happens next...

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