Work Holiday

By Stu Y

Published on May 21, 2020


I lay on the floor for a few minutes before realising I had to get the room clean before CJ arrived. I didn't want to think how mad he'd be with me if he arrived to find the room wasn't ready for the next men to use, whoever they were and whatever they were doing.

Standing up was difficult after being strapped down for that long and my body was aching from the use. Deep inside, part of me was feeling incredible. I'd taken everything CJ had lined up for me, made all those different men happy in different ways, and made CJ a tonne of money which would make him happy. I shook away the thought though, there wasn't time for me to revel.

I used the bench to pull myself up onto my feet and started looking through the lower cupboards, thinking that might be where the cleaning stuff was. Sure enough, I found a cupboard full of every kind of mop, cloth and cleaning product you could think of and I quickly got to work scrubbing and mopping up the mess, until the only dirty thing left in the room was me. I'd taken it from my instructions before that I shouldn't be cleaning myself. Reeking of sweat, piss and cum was the way they wanted me.

Once I was done cleaning and had put everything away I slumped naked on the floor, back against the wall opposite the door. I closed my eyes and slowly tuned in to the buzzing of some generator in the background, while my nose took in the raw smells coming from my body. It smelled a bit like the way a room smells after an orgy the night before, only it was all concentrated in me. All that male aggression, testosterone, lust and power had been hammered out onto and into me, and you could smell it.

The door opened loudly, waking me from my thoughts, and I looked up at the incredible figure of CJ in his combat trousers and a white vest, his biceps and pecs bulging out and his face looking serious.

"Ok homo, we got 10 minutes to prep this room for the big guys"

He marched over to me, grabbed my hair and pulled upwards as I scrambled to my feet.

"Fuck, you stink worse than a 20 guy dorm room after a night on the town." He grinned at me and slapped my face. "Good little bitch".

I felt so pathetic, but was driven by how much I wanted him to fuck me.

CJ spent the next ten minutes shouting instruction at me, like a proper army master. We cleared the bench out the way, set up a table and five chairs around it, cleared away any sex toys, lube and towels, and closed up the TV system.

CJ then opened a locked floor-to-ceiling cupboard at the back of the room and started to slide out a wall with a hole in it, about groin height from the floor, summoning me over and pointing to the floor for me to kneel while he carried on working, making adjustments to fix it more firmly in place. I knelt there by the edge of the wall, probably just two metres away from where the table and chairs had been set up.

"So homo, this is the other reason we set this room up. The original reason in fact. The room is totally sound proofed, so it means anything going on in here can be kept secret. And any kind of gambling is forbidden on the base. Only, a lot of the higher ranking officers are into their poker, so they needed a space where they could indulge, away from spying eyes". I looked up at CJ and nodded, his biceps bulging as he tightened bolts and moved parts around, fixing up the temporary structure.

"Only obviously, its tricky to get a whole bunch of high ranking guys in here without raising any suspicion, and even harder if they need to keep leaving the room throughout the evening. So its important we keep them in here"

CJ pulled some kind of tube out of the cupboard, and went round to the other side of the temporary wall to fit it on, then returned back round. "Obviously, the guys want to have some beers with the game, and this room has no plumbing for a toilet"

He reached into the cupboard and pulled out a ceramic urinal, which he then started attaching onto fittings on the wall.

"And this is where an obedient homo comes in"

He grabbed my hair and stooped to pull me along on my hands and knees, round to the other side of the temporary wall structure, to where the tube was coming out.

"Put your mouth around the tube"

I did as CJ ordered, and he pushed me further down onto it, so it stuck a few inches into my mouth.

"You're going to spend the next few hours right here, enabling this poker game, by saving the men from having to leave the room to piss"

CJ moved behind me so I could feel the outline of his dick through his trousers pressed against the back of my head pressing me further onto the tube from the wall. He attached a piece of material to the wall to my left, then wrapped it round the back of my head and attached it again onto the wall on my right. As he stepped back, I could no longer feel the outline of his dick against me, but I felt the material holding me in place. I was now pinned there, with the tube deep in my mouth. There was no room for manoeuvre.

CJ grabbed my arms and pulled them behind my back, cuffing them tightly together, and then attached another strap from the wall around my waist, tying and locking that in place. He stepped back to admire his work.

"Good. Now, I need you to remember three things. Firstly, you're making me a tonne of money tonight, and I know how much you like pleasing me, so don't fuck this up -- no noise, no spilling, just swallow. Second, the five men in this room are high ranking, proper alpha guys blowing off steam. They don't want to think about the fact that there's some sick fucker on the other side of this wall swallowing down their piss. To them, it's just a regular urinal -- so stay silent and make the piss disappear, like a proper urinal does. And thirdly, just for the future, if you ever for a second start thinking of yourself as a regular guy and an equal to guys like me and Toby, I always want you to remember how you willingly let yourself get plumbed into a public urinal so that complete strangers could empty their piss down your throat. Every drop of their nasty piss that drops in your throat I want you to think about how pathetic you are, how inferior you are to me and other real men, and how you exist to serve".

I couldn't say anything back because of the tube, but even if I could, I don't know what I'd have said My mind was kind of a mess. CJ's words were sinking in. He had stepped back out into the main room and was now fixing on an end panel, that would shut me into this confined space and block out most of the light from the room.

His words started to take hold. I realised this whole situation had started with sex and I'd responded to everything he'd done with me because I loved sucking him and how he fucked me, how much it turned me on. Then I was loving being fucked and used by his friends and people he shared me with. All the time I was being fucked though and it was feeling great. But this was different. I wasn't being fucked. The guys in this room probably had no interest at all in fucking me. They weren't even going to be aware of my existence. To them I was literally a part of a toilet stall. And no-one else was watching, not CJ or Toby or anyone. So why was I doing this?

"Ok homo" CJ's voice came through from the other side of the wall. I'm going now, the men will be here soon. They'll be straight on the beers, but you've probably got half an hour before your first drink. After that it'll probably be a regular stream for a couple of hours. Don't worry though, I've done this with a faggot before, you'll be able to hold the liquids in. See you after, and enjoying being what you are homo".

With that he was gone and for a few minutes I was left with my thoughts. I'd read online about guys who were into total slavery and becoming an object or piece of property for their owner, and I knew that wasn't for me. I liked being dominated because it turned me on, nothing else. I wasn't an object.

I also didn't mind drinking piss for a hot guy as part of a session, but it hit me then, that this wasn't a small part of a bigger session. This was it. I was just going to be drinking piss. I wouldn't see the men, I'd have no idea if they were hot, I wouldn't see their dicks, they weren't dominating me. I was going to get nothing from this. And yet my dick was rock solid.

The door opened, a single set of footsteps came in and the door quickly closed again. The figure paced a bit, then it sounded like he got something from one of the cupboards and took a seat.

Pretty quickly the next guy arrived and then the next. They started to make small talk and started early with trading jibes about the poker game. The voices weren't young -- maybe guys in their forties or fifties, but there was obviously a lot of testosterone out there.

Soon after the last two filed in, closing the door behind them and one of them gave the instruction to lock up the door. I heard a bolt lock in place and I knew it had begun.

It was strange hearing the five of them talk, chatting about petty politics on the base and preparing the game. I didn't know if they were aware of a sixth person in the room. I was part worried they'd start discussing something confidential and I would be in a really tricky situation, but thankfully they didn't seem to go in that direction.

The constraints were uncomfortable, as was the pipe in my mouth, and it bent my face into a strange shape, so I felt I must look less human like. Hearing the men chat and their laddish banter made me feel very remote from them. The contrast between their status and mine could not have been wider.

The game started up and I heard the caps of beer bottles being removed and the drinking start. The rounds kept coming, and the banter was building, as they started to sink their first beers. It felt like more than half an hour had passed by the time the first of them raised the issue of the urinal in the room.

"So what's the deal? We can't leave the room to pee, so I've got to piss this out in front of all you guys?"

"Kind of prefer it if you face the wall and use the urinal mate" one of the others replied.

"Fine, whatever. If you gotta go, you gotta go" the initial guy replied, and for the first time I heard footsteps approach the urinal. I knew by now he would be standing about two feet away from me, pointing his dick at me, but I couldn't see him and he seemed to have no idea I was there.

I heard the piss hit the ceramic less than a second before it hit my tongue. Thankfully the tube was quite thin which allowed a slow steady flow that I could manage to swallow down quietly and efficiently. The last drips came through onto my tongue and I heard him walk back away, leaving the taste of his piss lingering in my mouth.

Another round was played before the next guy came along, and after that it was pretty much one guy pissing after every round.

I couldn't tell that much difference in how they each tasted, all were salty, some stronger or weaker than others, but all basically the same. None were a sweet nectar, they all tasted like you'd expect, kind of bitter and salty, and not something a self respecting guy would be on his knees swallowing down.

After what must have been maybe two hours, my knees were killing me, and my stomach was starting to feel bloated. I'd just taken one guy's latest piss, and another one stepped up straight after. For some reason I struggled to ready myself for it and let out a small piss burp. For a second there was no response and I thought I'd got away without it being heard, but then the guy pissing spoke.

"What the fuck was that?"

Another guy at the table laughed.

"What's funny? What was it?"

"Where do you think that urinal leads to mate? There's no plumbing in here"

The piss flow stopped.

"What? Where is it going?"

"All part of the service CJ offers. Human waste disposal."

"What?" I heard a few of them ask together.

"What, you mean there's some chick behind there?"

"I dunno. Faggot I think. Whatever it is, CJ's trained it to chug down piss, to save us having to order some expensive waste disposal equipment for in here".

"Fuck me"

"The nasty fuck"

"Back to the game anyway".

The guys returned to it, and played a few more rounds before calling it a night, as it sounded like one of them has amassed a bit of a fortune. None of them returned again to the urinal.

I could hear them packing away when a special knock came at the door, and they unbolted it, letting CJ back into the room. Gradually one by one the others left, until I could only hear CJ's voice and what sounded like the voice of the guy who was pissing when I was discovered.

"Hey, lad, you mind if I see the creature behind there?"

CJ laughed. "Sure thing boss", and I heard him start to unscrew the end panel, to get into where I was.

"How the hell do you find someone on this island that's fucked up enough to do this? Nothing illegal is it?"

CJ laughed again. "Nothing illegal boss, honestly. He's just a little bitch who loves being fucked up, and has a big thing for army men, so there's not much he wouldn't do for me.

The panel came off and I shut my eyes in response to the bright light coming in after I'd spent so long in the dark.

CJ came up behind me again and unstrapped my waist, uncuffed my wrists and finally took the material from around my head, so I could slide my mouth off the pipe.

I slumped to the floor, my whole body hurting.

CJ gave me a kick. "Kneel up to attention in front of superior officer faggot"

I did as he commanded, struggling again to lift myself, but obeying.

The man behind CJ was like I thought, maybe around 50, clean shaven and actually in pretty good shape. CJ had me crawl out into the main room and kneel before the senior officer.

He spat down onto my face.

"You're a pathetic excuse for a man faggot."

I didn't immediately respond and so CJ slapped me round the back of the head.

"Yes Sir" I quickly answered in response.

"Is there anything you want to say to me after this evening's activities?"

I was quicker this time. "Thank you Sir for letting this worthless faggot drink and swallow down yours and your colleagues' precious piss Sir"

I saw a smirk pass across his face. He turned to CJ.

"Well lad, I'd say you've exceeded yourself today. This whole set up is one impressive endeavour".

He looked down at me and pointed to the ground, which I took to mean placing my head on the ground before him in worship position, which I did.

I felt his boot press onto the side of my face turning my head until he was pressing the side of my head into the floor and wiping his muddy boot across my cheek. I could feel the mark he left and his foot ended up on my neck.

"And I don't know how you find these pathetic wretches, but keep it up. It's a lot of fun."

He gave CJ a tap on the back and then turned and left the room, closing the door.

After we cleaned up the room, CJ took me back to his room again where Toby was already asleep on the couch. He vaguely turned hearing us enter, but then rolled back and slept again.

"Ok, homo, time to sleep" CJ whispered.

"Can I get a shower?" I asked quietly.

CJ shook his head. "The officers get suspicious if we're showering this late -- makes them think we've got women in our rooms"

"But I stink" I whispered back. As well as my mouth stinking, some of the piss had run out of my mouth and down my body, and then there was dried piss down my legs still there from earlier in the evening.

CJ went to a cupboard and pulled out some plastic sheet. "Here, wrap that around you and you can use your clothes for a pillow, so you don't get your nasty piss smell on my stuff.

It wasn't the most comfortable night's sleep, but given how tired my whole body was, I still managed to drift off that night.

The next morning I woke up to CJ moving around the flat, his hair already wet from showering, getting stuff ready, and I saw that Toby was in the bathroom now.

"Ok homo, we're shipping out in ten minutes" CJ said.

I started to get up just as Toby came out of the bathroom all showered. He was drying his hair, so the rest of his body was on show. He looked in really good shape -- not CJ level, but a lot fitter than me, for sure.

He looked across at me, looking me up and down. "Turn around while I get ready" he commanded, staring right at me for my reply.

"Yes, sorry" I said, and did what he said.

"Ok, so we've got a bit of an issue" CJ said.

"What?" Toby asked quickly.

"Well...the officers are cracking down harder than usual on visitors to the base -- no-one is supposed to have more than one person here, and they're checking car boots and everything" "Fuck. What do we do?" Toby asked.

"I've got an idea. We can do a trash run. I've done it a few times, fill the back of the car with trash bags and take it down to the dump which is off base. does mean one of you guys is going to need to get in a bag of rubbish so I can carry you to the car"

"You can turn round now" Toby said, and I did as he suggested. I was just wearing my boxers, I stank and my hair was all over the place, while the other two were now washed and fully dressed, looking like incredible hot alpha guys.

"Which of us you think you should sit in with the rubbish then?" Toby asked me.

I dipped my head. We both knew there was only one possible answer to that question.

"Obviously it should be me"

"Good boy" Toby said grinning.

CJ hauled out a thick black bin bag, part full with waste from the kitchen area of his flat.

"Ok homo, get in here"

I walked cautiously across and looked in at the pizza boxes, discarded food and other general waste in there.

"Don't worry homo, it's heavy duty, it'll hold you"

"What about my clothes and stuff?"

Toby walked across and grabbed them, brought them back and threw them in. "Probably best to keep all traces of you in one place".

Reluctantly, I climbed into the bag, one foot first. An egg shell cracked beneath me, but I found solid ground and then stepped my other foot inside. CJ was obviously impatient and pushed me down by my shoulders until I was sitting down inside the rubbish bag. CJ pulled the sides up and tied a small knot at the top.

It was dark again in there, with the thick bag lining blocking out the light, and the smell in there was even worse than the smell of me. The tops of the bag opened again and I looked up to see CJ empty a smaller bin of stuff over my head. I felt nail clippings and used cotton buds drop over my body.

"Might as well empty the other bins and get rid of all the rubbish right?"

"Hey, CJ, you done with this bolognese from last night?" Toby asked from the kitchen area.

"Yeah, all done" CJ replied and I watched Toby walk across towards the bag and use a knife to fling the remains of a Bolognese sauce into the bag, a whole load landing on my face and hair.

"Sorry man. CJ wanted all the rubbish taking out though".

I closed my eyes as I wiped the sauce off them and one of the guys closed up the bag again, this time with a double knot.

One of them, I'd guess CJ, then lifted the bag with me in it, surprisingly easily, and I was carried out the flat, down some corridors, out into the open air, and then pretty quickly into the boot of a car. He pushed me right to the back and I figured he'd pushed the back seats down to extend the boot.

The boot closed and we travelled for just a minute or two to another part of the base, where the boot was opened again, and I heard CJ tell someone that he was doing a run to the dump and they could fill the boot up with bags. The guy seemed really happy about that and before long a whole bunch of bags of waste were getting thrown around me, then on top of me, so my whole body was being squashed down into the rubbish I was sharing a bag with.

Eventually they stopped and I heard the boot close, then we were soon on our way. We didn't even seem to get stopped at all at the barriers as we left the base.

The journey felt long, maybe half an hour or 45 minutes, and all the while I was being bumped around on the badly maintained roads, feeling the contents of the bag slide round over my body, face and in my hair. I had what felt like a banana skin plastered to the side of my face and couldn't shake it away, and I could feel that Bolognese sauce rubbing all over my legs. Eventually the car juddered to a halt and a couple of minutes later I heard the boot open again, and I could hear and feel some of the bags being lifted out, including the one that had been on top of me.

"Ok homo, you can tear your way out now" I heard CJs voice say.

I tried to manoeuvre myself so that I was facing upwards and used my fingers to press a hole in the bin bag material, then started to tear it open. I reached my arm out and tried to get some purchase on something to pull myself out, then very gradually reached my other arm out and managed to pull my head through.

"That's it, crawl out homo" Toby said.

As my head came out, I looked up to see several more bin bags between me and the boot exit of the car, and then beyond those, the figures of CJ and Toby with their phones out and trained on me, recording and laughing.

"It's like the birth of a fucking trash monster" CJ said.

"Keep crawling towards us homo, lets see exactly how fucking destroyed you look"

I knew there was no choice. I wanted these two men so much. I was going to do whatever they said. I kept crawling, realising I had crap smeared across all parts of my pale white body, fumbling over the bags of waste until I could swing a leg over the last one and climb out onto normal ground. I saw that we were on a small empty bit of land, a little way off the road.

The guys walked all the way around me with their videos, laughing all the way at how disgusting I looked and smelt, before returning in front of me and switching their camera phones off.

"Back on your knees homo" CJ ordered, and I obeyed immediately.

CJ continued. "So, in the last 24 hours, I wanted to show Toby here just how low you will go"

"There was no crackdown at the base" Toby added. "we just thought that up last night while you were filling up on piss. I just wanted to know you'd trash yourself for me"

I dipped my head in shame. It came hurtling back that this was my work colleague. A junior colleague. A guy I had to manage and give instructions to in a normal week back home.

"You want more of my scent bitch?" Toby asked.

I nodded, and he grabbed his bag from the car and dipped his hand into it, pulling out a pair of his used boxers. He dropped the bag and walked up behind me, grabbing my neck with one hand to pull it into his body, then holding the used boxers firmly over my nose and mouth. I inhaled deeply and got a rush from the scent of his sweat and whatever else was ingrained in there.

Toby got his phone out and pressed a few buttons until there was a beep and he held the phone out pointing at me.

"Tell me, who is the alpha male out of the two of us?"

"You are Sir"

"And how are you feeling right now?"

"Like shit Sir, like I'm your total inferior and piece of trash Sir"

"Tell me you love to inhale my sweat"

"I do Sir, I want so much to smell and absorb your incredible alpha musk Sir"

"And tell me I should be your boss at work and why"

"Yes Sir, you are a real man, you're smarter than me, stronger, and better in every way. I am pathetic and weak and am only good for real men to use and control. You deserve so much more than me to be a manager at work Sir".

Toby grinned and stopped the recording.

"Nice. That might come in useful some time. You want more of that crotch aroma homo?".

I nodded again, and I heard CJ laugh. Toby pressed the boxers over my mouth and nose again and I inhaled his scent deeply.

"Ok then. Sounds like we've got a choice to make. We head home tomorrow and you told me before that when we get back, you want me to forget all this. But you gave me good head, you work hard when an alpha gives you an order, and as we've seen, there's basically no limit to how low you'll go just to please a real man like me, right homo?"

I nodded, still high on the scent from his boxers.

"So if you want me to forget it all, I can, and no-one will ever know. But if you ask me to remember, then I'll remember everything. I'll carry on using you and you won't be in control of who knows about you, who uses you or how your life pans out. The only promise I'll make is that I'll make sure you're never seriously harmed".

I could feel the waste from the bag drying on me in the sun, and the smell of stale piss still rising up from my skin. I thought about work and how I love what I do and don't want to jeopardise it, and I thought of how I felt doing things that turn on, and please and amuse CJ, and now the same for Toby. That feeling of serving was like ecstasy, but was addictive like heroine. How had this all happened from just one afternoon feeling horny at the airport?

"Decision time" Toby said firmly. "What's it to be homo. Blue pill to forget, or red pill to remember?"

Next: Chapter 17

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