Work Holiday

By Stu Y

Published on May 1, 2020


The next guy entered the room, and the first thing he did was run a hand over my burning ass cheeks and give them a light slap. I heard the sounds of him undressing and switching something on the screen to get him in the mood.

He quickly got down to rubbing some lube round my ass and gently pushing at it until one finger slipped in, then after a little while pulling in and out, another pushed in, again swirling round, loosening me up.

He pulled them out then I felt a finger from each of his hands push inside, and he used them to stretch my ass open, again gently pushing in and out, making me feel amazing. Soon he had two in from each hand and was invading, stretching and exploring me. I totally relaxed into it.

I felt him pull back and then felt his cock head at my ass. I was so ready now, even with my burning ass, I wanted to feel him inside me. He put on a bit of pressure so my mind was exploding with anticipation, but then he pulled back.

I heard him open his bag and then a sound I couldn't quite place. I felt a cool, semi hard object pushng against my ass hole, and as it increased in pressure I focused on opening my ass up to take it inside. After a few seconds I felt it start to enter me and it kept going for a few inches. Inside of me it felt softer, and the guy kept pushing until my ass closed around the end so it was fully inside.

I felt something cool and slimy placed on my lower back, and then seconds later the same feeling as another of the same object was pushing against my ass. This time it slipped in more easily. He pushed again until it was fully inside. By the end he was pushing hard and I could feel it mushing up inside me, as my ass felt full up.

"I've done this once before cunt and it felt fucking awesome. Just so you know I've packed your hole with two bananas, and now I'm gonna add some cream"

I felt his hands grab my hips and his cock head line up with my hole. He pushed slowly in and I could feel the mushed banana in my ass giving him some resistance.

"Oh, fuck yeah. You're gonna be able to drink this like a milkshake by the time I'm done churning it up"

The more he ploughed in and pulled out, the mushier I could feel it getting. Then the softer and softer the contents got, the harder he started hammering me. My ass was squelching every time he pushed in, and my ass and legs were getting caked in pieces of mushed banana every time he pulled out.

"Fuck, you are one messy little bitch" he said, hammering me faster and harder. "You ready for my cream bitch? You ready to make banana milkshake in your ass faggot?"

I still couldn't talk because of the ball gag firmly held in my mouth, but even if I could, I knew he didn't want to hear me. It was all about him, controlling, dominating, fucking. As gross as it was, and as degrading as he was being, I loved the thought of how powerful he felt right now, and how the jizz he was about to fill me with came from that feeling of his total superiority over me.

He came hard and held his dick deep inside me for a long time, enjoying every second of it. Once he was done, I hard him wipe himself up, put his clothes back on and head out.

Again, it took a few minutes, but when the door reopened, I heard the same voices that had been in before.

"Fucking hell"

"What the fuck happened here?"

I felt them pick off my back what I now realised was a banana skin and heard them toss it into a bin bag.


I felt a gloved finger enter my ass.

"His cunt is fuckin full of it"

"Well we're gonna have to clean it up, otherwise the next guy's not going to be happy is he"

"I can't be arsed untying the faggot though and showering him"

"Nah. We can do it in here"

I felt a hard slap on my right ass cheek.

"Alright you nasty little fuck, time to empty that hole out. Push hard."

It was a relief to obey them and release the pressure inside my ass. I felt the first mushy lumps drop out and heard them land on the bag below. It felt completely humiliating emptying lumps of banana from my ass in front of ther men, but I had no choice.

"Why the fuck would you stick a banana in there?"

"Dunno mate. Why the fuck would you let yourself be tied down and have total strangers stick bananas in you in th first place?"

"World's a screwed up place I guess"

They filled me with a douche and cleaned my insides before I felt a cold spray hose my legs down, then some rough towelling to dry me off. Again I felt the gloved finger in my ass, and then it was removed again.

"Ok, clean as a whistle. The meat is ready for its next dicking"

And with that they were gone again.

I was left alone with my thoughts a few minutes. The stinging in my ass had eased up a bit now, and my hole was still feeling tender from the two rounds of hard fucking and use it had received. It felt strange being here. Because my head and upper body were covered up and tied down so I couldn't move, and because my mouth was gagged hard so I couldn't make any noise, I didn't seem like a person to anyone who came in here. The men all operated around me, using my hole, cleaning me up, talking about me, but none of them were seeing me as a real person in the room. I was just an object. Jut a hole. The thoughts in my head and the feeling I felt made me still think of myself as a person under there, but with no external validation of it, I almost started to question it. Was I still a person right now, or was I just a thing, an object for the sexual pleasure of real men?

The door burst open and I heard a number of voices. Maybe two I thought, but as I listened more, and as they moved round the room, I could definitely hear three.

"Fuck man, I have never done shit like this before"

"I got a hooker once. Literally fucked her in every direction. Three loads in an hour man"

"Fuck, well this one's not moving in any directions" one said grabbing the bench I was bent over and shaking it to show how firmly it was placed.

"CJ said you definitely don't wanna move the cover anyway. He said it's not like a hooker, there's no actual girl to get you horny, its just this wild porn and a clean hole that's gonna make your dick feel amazing"

While he was talking, one of the others had switched the screen on, and from the noises had clearly gone straight to an orgy scene.

"Man, we're such cheapskates sharing a session"

"Shut up. I'm not forking out £150 a go just to try it out"

"True man. Fuck, look at the tits on her". I could hear him standing near my head and could hear the sound of his hand rubbing over jogging bottoms.

"So how's this working? We taking turns or what?"

"Yeah man", one said as he grabbed my hips and pulled himself in right up to my ass, so his trouser covered cock pressed into me. "Me first"

"Take the video forward to the good stuff" the third guy said, and I heard the scene change and a lot more grunting noises.

"That's what I'm talking about" said the one behind my ass, and I felt him pull down his trousers and his dick head pressed against me. He pulled back, opened my cheeks and I heard then felt the spit land on me. His cock was straight back there, rubbing the spit around then pushing straight in. He didn't hesitate but pushed straight away all the way in.

"Fuck yeah, just how I fucken like it. A hole made to take good dick"

He proceeded to deep dick me, in time to the film.

"Fuck me this is an awesome feeling"

"Here let me try it" one of the others said, moving around, and I heard him drop his trousers and step out of them.

The guy inside slammed me hard a couple of times then pulled straight out, and almost immediately afterwards a new dick lined up with my hole and pushed all the way in until his abs were pressed on my lower back.

"Oh fuck, that feels good. Shit I feel like I'm inside that bitch right now, banging her brains out" he said as he slammed inside me.

"Yeah man, except you don't have to think about how she's feeling or any of that shit"

"mm mm" the guy fucking me replied. "Good point man. I'm gonna tear this bitch up" he said and slammed deep and hard into me, over and over.

"Load her up man"

"Yeah get your nut man, then I'm in next"

"Fuck, fuck, fuck" the man inside me uttered over and over as he shot ropes of cum deep inside me.

He rested a few seconds before getting pushed aside and the third dick pushed inside me and again took straight away to jack hammering me. He lifted one knee up on the bench so he could fuck deep into me from a new direction.

"Fuck yes, rub those tits in my face" he growled, pistoning his dick deep inside me, before bucking hard and erupting and filling me up again.

The first guy took his place again behind me and pushed two fingers easily in.

"Fuck, that is one sloppy cunt now. Just the way I like it"

He pulled his fingers out and his dick took their place again. I heard the film change and he spent maybe 5 or 10 minutes enjoying using my ass to make him feel good, before building up and blasting the third load of the hour deep inside me.

I heard the three of them clean up and start to get their clothes back on.

"Kudos to CJ in fairness" one said. "Totally compliant piece of meat he's got there. That's got to take some training"

"True, yeah. Not exactly something a normal guy would do for fun."

"CJ must have an eye for the kind of loser guys that he can break down for this kind of shit"

"Yeah man, and that open hole, with that POV porn is a fucking winner. That was better than a lot of the real life shags I've had"

I heard the door open and they carried on talking as they headed off.

Again the same guys came in and cleaned out inside my ass with the douche, as well as my hosing and towelling down my legs and the outside of my ass.

Having had three men use me in quick succession in the last hour, I was relieved when the door opened the next time and a single set of footsteps walked in. This was my fourth client out of four. Although client made it sound like I had some control here. In reality it was CJ's client, and his clients were paying to use a piece of his property.

This guy didn't even turn the screen on, but got straight to feeling my ass, slipping two fingers in and feeling round inside me. He pulled out and returned with a dildo, pushing it in with a little lube, and keeping going all the way to the point he could push the end of it inside with his fingertips and see my ass close around it so it was fully inside me. It was pressing up against the end of my ass but it did go fully inside me.

He slapped my ass cheek and I opened up my ass to push it out. He grabbed the end of it and pulled it out so just the dildo head was inside me. Then he lined his dick up next to the dildo and started to apply pressure against my hole. He stroked my ass cheeks gently.

"Come on baby. This hole needs to learn to take two dicks at once. Open up for me"

After all the dick I'd taken this evening, this didn't even see much of a step up. I relaxed my ass and very, very gradually I felt the cock head slide gently further into my hole. He was the only man this evening who had really recognised there was a person under here and I wanted badly to please him and show I could do what he wanted from me.

My mind went a bit blank, but I suddenly found myself with his cock head inside me, next to the dildo head.

"Good girl" he said, rubbing my ass cheeks. "Keep relaxing. Keep opening up for your man"

My head was lost in a cloud, but through it I could feel the real and the silicone dicks both pushing deeper into me, the thickness of both increasing and stretching my hole wider as they got further in. I wasn't thinking about that though. I was just thinking how good it felt to surrender. Right now this man owned me completely, and I was happy.

His dick was so hard and he was manoeuvring the dildo so it rubbed against his own, and I could tell how horny and close he was. After a while of gentle fucking, and without any sudden thrust, I heard a deep gasp from him and felt his cock head pulsing as he filled me up.

Still hard, he started to pull the dildo out of me, but left his dick inside. Once the dildo plopped out, he rested his chest on my back, keeping his hips right up to mine and his dick buried in. My ass suddenly felt so loose with only his, now softening, dick inside.

"After I fuck, I like to mark my bitch" he said, and I felt a strange feeling in my ass, then a little bit of liquid started seeping out my ass and ran down my leg. I realised he was filling me with his piss.

"mmm, that always feels so good" he said, finishing up, then gradually pulling out. "Wow, shame your ass got so wrecked just now. You might not be able to hold that all in" he said laughing.

In a couple of minutes he was gone. I tried to tighten my ass, but it was hard without being able to move position at all. I knew some of the piss was leaking out and dribbling down both of my legs, probably making a pool on the floor.

My two minders left me there about ten minutes before returning this time.

"Oh my god, has he pissed himself?"

"The dirty fuck"

"And look at his ass. It looks permanently blown open. Fucking fags."

"Wait, dude, the piss is coming out of his ass. Look."

"Jesus man. We should get paid a lot more for the shit we have to deal with. I'm gonna get trauma from looking at all this kind of shit"

"Fuck it mate, that's the last client for now. Let's leave him to tidy his nasty shit up"

"Good plan man"

I felt the cover untied and lifted off my head, and my eyes took a few seconds to adjust to the lighting in the room.

It felt strange to remember being in a room with people again. I felt like I didn't know how to act around other people, and just looked at them. Both men were in combat trousers and tshirts, both in their early twenties, bodily in good shape, but not the most naturally handsome. One had acne, the other a bit of a ratty look.

"Stop looking at me cunt" one of them said, slapping the back of his hand across my face. "You're a nasty fucking animal. I don't want you looking at me.

I switched my eyes to the ground and felt very low. These men had seen exactly how low I could go.

They released all of the ties and I let my limbs hang free and feel the strange sensation of small movements again.

The other one spoke next. "Ok gremlin, get this room tidied up, washed down and ready for the next men to use. And these are fucking important guys, so make sure its a good job. You got fifteen minutes". He gave my ass a firm kick, and suddenly loose from my ties, it caused me to move on the bench, and without having my full senses, I rolled and fell from the bench onto the floor, causing both guys to laugh.

"CJ will be back for you after that, and you'd better get used to the smell of that piss, cos there's a lot more of that coming for you tonight".

Next: Chapter 16

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