Work Holiday

By Stu Y

Published on Apr 24, 2020


That morning Toby didn't come down at our normal time for breakfast. As I sat and ate I kept looking up as the next person walked into the hotel breakfast room, but time after time I was disappointed as it wasn't him. I figured he must have overslept, so resolved to go and give him a knock after I'd finished eating. Whatever had happened yesterday, we still had a tonne of work to do today, and I guessed like last time, now he was sober again, things would be pretty normal again between us.

I stood outside his door and double checked I'd got the right room number, then gave two sharp knocks. His voice called out to ask who it was and I told him.

"Ok, come on in" he shouted back, and I obliged.

The room was pretty messy, and smelt a lot. He had clothes from the last few days strewn over chairs, the desk and the floor. Toby was sitting up in bed, still under the covers, certainly topless, and maybe fully naked, reading a lads mag with an almost naked blond woman on the front.

"You missed breakfast" I said, stating the fact, but implicitly asking why.

"Yeah, I'm not feeling good" he said matter of factly, glancing up to flash me a smile before returning to reading his mag.

He didn't sound unwell at all.

"I don't think I can work today. You ok to cover my stuff?" he asked, without looking up, just assuming my answer.

I wasn't quite sure what was happening, but I figured we needed to talk about things, so I moved to the chair by the desk and started to move the clothes draped over it, so I could sit down.

"Oh, thanks for tidying those -- can you just hang them in the wardrobe?" Toby asked.

As I was standing there holding them, it would have seemed petulant not to do it, so I walked across to the wardrobe and grabbed hangers out and inserted them into the clothes to hang up.

I returned to the seat to sit down and pick up this conversation, but Toby interrupted me again.

"While you're tidying man, can you just do the other clothes too? That'd be a big help" he said, and forced a small cough, as if to indicate these sorts of chores were beyond him in his current state. He looked totally fine though.

Still, as I was up and tidying, I carried on, actually getting a small pleasure from seeing the room gradually become that much tidier.

"Dirty underwear goes in that bag" Toby said, pointing vaguely to a drawstring bag in the corner, and again not even looking up at me.

I reluctantly picked up a pair of his CK underwear and deposited it in the bag.

"We've actually got a lot we really need to get through today" I said. "We only have today and tomorrow to work before we head back. Are you sure you couldn't help out?"

Toby looked up at me. "Bring me those socks" he said pointing to a scrunched up pair of black sweat socks lying in the middle of the floor.

Again, reluctantly, I bent down and picked up the two socks and walked across to Toby's bedside, holding them out to him.

"Kneel" he said, simply.

I felt my heartbeat quicken. Toby had never behaved like this with me one-on-one before. The various scenes from the last few days flashed through my head though and I knew Toby had earned the right now to talk to me like this if he wanted. He knew what it was to be an alpha now. I dropped down to my knees.

Toby put down the magazine and reached over to me, then pushed one of the socks slowly into my mouth, using the ends of his fingers to push it in fully, then direct it into the inside of my right cheek, so my cheek swelled out from its usual position. Then he took the other sock and did the same, pushing it into my left check. My mouth was so full, the second sock didn't easily go, but he kept pushing it deeper until my mouth was able to fully close around the well used socks of my co-worker.

"When I say I'm not working, you need to listen. Now you're going to do my work for today as well as all of your own. It's the least I deserve don't you think?"

The scent from the used socks was spreading through my mouth and nose and hitting my brain. Hearing him talk down to me like this put me completely under the spell.

I nodded dumbly.

"You like the taste of those socks?" he asked.

I continued nodding.

"Good. Fetch the underwear bag" he ordered me, and I instinctively crawled over towards the bag.

Toby started laughing. "Fuck, I didn't even tell you to crawl for it. You are such a little bitch"

I looked back, not sure how to respond.

"Keep going animal. Crawl back to me with the bag".

I returned to the side of the bed with the bag, which must have had four days' worth of used underwear and socks in.

"Put your head in it" he ordered me.

I looked up at him, not really registering what he'd said.

"Head. In the bag. Now. It's pretty simple homo."

Nervously, I opened the drawstring, and immediately the smell of sweat and ass hit me. I moved the opening of the bag up towards my head and looked down into it.

"Get your fucking head deep inside bitch" Toby said impatiently and slapped my face.

I pushed my head in through the gap and pulled the drawstring around my neck so I was fully inside. I could hear Toby laughing. Toby pulled the drawstring tighter and tied a knot so it was fixed in place. He started moving his hands round the outside of the bag, shifting the contents so they rubbed across my face and over my head. Then he pulled me down, so my head and chest were lying on the bed, knees still on the floor, and he rested his heavy thighs onto my head, trapping me underneath them.

"Your reward for doing my work today homo" he said, "you get some time inhaling the scent of a real man" and I heard him pick up the magazine again.

My mouth was still stretched wide by his used socks stuffed in there, and I was pretty sure my nose and face were buried in a pair of his used underwear. Other socks and pants that had absorbed his sweat and any other bodily fluids were pressed around every part of my face and head. As it got warmer in there, under the weight of his thighs, I could increasingly smell the scent of dried cum and I guessed he'd been using worn socks and underwear to jack off into these last few days. Every so often he would lift his thighs up and I'd feel his feet take their place on my face, him using them to rub the underwear all over me, marking me with his scent. I started relaxing into the rich smells of an alpha that were filling my head.

Eventually, maybe ten minutes later, the thighs lifted off me and he undid the knot and took the bag off my head. I looked at him in a bit of a daze.

"Fuck, you're so docile after getting put in your place. Good boy. Now, fuck off and report back to me when you've finished my work".

I nodded, but made a noise to remind Toby of the socks in my mouth.

Toby smiled and reached out a hand to grab my sock filled cheeks, which had now become a fixed feature of my face. "That's cool. You can hold onto them. Keep them in until you're back in your room though, understood?"

I nodded.

He leaned over and spat in my face, then slapped me hard where the spit landed, making it spread further over my face.

"Good bitch. Now go. Report back to me when you've finished my work."

I stood and walked out and back down the corridor to my room, feeling very different from that time, less than half an hour ago, when I'd just walked in to that room. Nobody saw me with the red face, spit on me, or socks stuffed in my mouth, but in my head right now, I wouldn't even have cared if they did.

The rest of the day I worked my ass off to get through the work of two people. I skipped lunch and breaks and worked at speed just to get out and take all the measures I needed around the island. The work was intense although I enjoyed doing it, and by 6pm I was exhausted but feeling impressed by how much I'd achieved.

I was heading through the hotel back to my room, when I passed by Toby's door and suddenly remembered his instruction to report back once I was finished. Suddenly that feeling of pride slipped away and I turned back and stood outside his door, before sheepishly knocking twice.

"Yeah?" he shouted to the door

"It's me"

"Ok, come" he called through, and I entered.

He was sitting at the desk on his laptop. He looked me up and down. I was sweating and had marks on my knees and legs from kneeling on the ground to take some of the measurements I'd needed through the day.

"Ok, good" he said, having appraised me. "Now, we're going up to the base in half an hour. CJ is coming to get us. No time for you to eat, but you can get changed or whatever. Prep yourself or whatever shit you do".

I looked at my watch. I hadn't eaten since breakfast and was starving. I looked up again at Toby who had a stern look on his face. I realised there was no negotiation here.

"Yes Sir" I replied.

"Good. Now go, and be back here in 25 minutes".

I quickly returned to my room, stripped and showered, douched and put on some fresh clothes. I grabbed a snack bar to keep me going, brushed my teeth and was back to Toby's room on time.

He led us out to the back of the hotel where CJ was already waiting in the small empty car park. CJ had the window down and smiled at us as we approached. I saw him reach down to press a button and the boot opened.

Toby led us to the boot. "Come on homo, you know the drill".

I looked round to see if anyone was watching, but there was nobody around. Reluctantly I lifted a leg and leaned into the boot and as I started to lift the other one in, Toby gave me a shove.

"Come on, we don't have all day bitch"

I landed hard and looked up at him as I lay on my back. He smiled. "Enjoy the ride homo" he said and slammed the boot door down, leaving me in darkness.

The journey was like before, dark, hot, bumpy and very uncomfortable. When I got dragged out of the boot at the other end, I felt like a piece of meat that had been tenderised. We sat for a little while in CJ's room, CJ and Toby having a cold bottle of beer each and me sitting on the floor near Toby's feet, as CJ instructed.

"So homo, we've got quite a night lined up for you. You're mainly here for the big event later, which I'm gonna be making some serious money out of. But before that, I thought we should get you warmed up. And I know how desperate you are for dick, and that you've been dreaming about being tied down over the bench in the fantasy room again, right?"

I looked up at CJ, who couldn't have been any more perfect a man. Stood there in his military trousers and tight vest top that showed off his incredible arms and huge pecs underneath it.

"Yes Sir" I answered.

"Cool. Let's get it started then."

As soon as I was in the room, I was pushed over the table and a guy I didn't know helped CJ tie me down. This time they didn't even engage with me. They were pulling my clothes off, grabbing my arms and legs to tie them down, in the same hog tied position as before over the bench, fixing the gag in my mouth, and fixing the cover over my face, treating me purely as a piece of meat. It was just a routine they went through as part of their business.

CJ didn't even tell me anything about what would happen. He didn't engage me at all. Instead I heard him speak to the other guy, before heading off.

"So, four clients, some are gonna be messier than others. Clean up good in between. No need to check in with the bitch, he'll take anything, he's well trained."

The first guy that came in put some porn straight on the screen and I could hear it involved a dominant guy and a slave girl. Pretty soon I felt his hand on my ass, feeling it all over, then a first slap, then harder and harder slaps on both ass cheeks. He started to slide his dick inside me, then complained I wasn't loose enough yet, and pulled out, then started slapping me hard again on both cheeks. After another five minutes he started to push in again and I tried hard to open up for him, but he still wasn't happy and pulled out again. I heard him open a cupboard, and moments later felt a paddle stroke my ass, then slap it hard. I yelped into the gag this time. He hit my ass again and again until I knew it must be red as beet, then this time pulled my cheeks apart, spat hard on my hole and pushed all the way in. By now I was wide open and he fucked me easily, thrusting hard, grabbing my hips and stretching me open. At that pace, he was quickly done, exploding inside me, and leaving the paddle resting on my back.

He took a few seconds to clean up and dress himself again, before I heard the door open and close, and the silence return.

A few minutes later a couple of guys came in, and I could hear them starting to tidy up.

"Fuck man, Beefer has definitely got his kicks tonight. Have you seen how red that ass is?"

"Could fry eggs on it mate. Makes you wonder what kind of guy is under there letting himself get used like that?"

"Don't even think about it man. It's too fucked up to even get our heads around."

"Least Beefer leaves the place neat after he's done fucking up a slut though, eh"

"Yeah, considerate guy".

I felt a cream being rubbed round my red hot ass, presumably to soothe it off a bit before the next guy. I hoped to god, it wasn't another guy into spanking. I wasn't sure I could take any more of that tonight...

Next: Chapter 15

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