Work Holiday

By Stu Y

Published on Apr 13, 2020


On CJ's order, I splashed some water on my face and towelled off, before CJ pushed me back through the door ahead of him and we returned to our seats.

I found that while I'd been gone they'd fetched themselves another drink, so I just sat there between the two guys while they drank and probed me on what had happened in the toilets just now.

The truth was, my mind was a blur. Despite everything, I was still missing the feeling of their dicks inside me, but I was aching all over from the assault, and i couldn't even focus on where I was. All I knew was that CJ was my alpha and I wanted to please him. Right then, Toby was a friend of my alpha, I wasn't even thinking of him as a workmate any more. That didn't seem to matter.

I started telling the story back to CJ, about the first guy with the incredible body, holding my hair up in the mirror and about the website he was going to post it on..."

"Fuck, dude, he's going to expose you online?" Toby interrupted. "We can't let him do that, it's fucked up"

"Don't worry man, CJ replied, it's a pay-for only site. A few hundred guys will jack off to it, that's all".

"Still, what about his job and stuff?" Toby carried on, talking about me as if I wasn't there.

"Dude, you saw what he's been doing tonight. This boy is a cock slut, he lives to take as many dicks as he possibly can. Sooner or later, some guy who's a bit in love with himself and likes showing off how powerful he looks is going to use this slut and record that video. It comes with the territory mate. There's no way he's going to lose his job. But even if he did, he'd get another job. No offence to your work or anything, but taking dick is a million times more important to him than the job you guys do".

Toby nodded thoughtfully. "Fair enough man. I guess I kind of didn't realise how deep this stuff went".

"Seriously. Look at him. This runs in his blood. It's what he is".

CJ turned back to me and gently grabbed the front of my neck. "Finish the story homo" he said, and I felt a tingle down my spine as his hand made contact with me.

I told them how brutal the second guys had used me, pushing straight in both ends, pounding me, opening my holes wide, hammocking me, then about the teeth and how violent they got at the end, beating and pissing on me. I wanted to tell CJ everything, I didn't want to have any secrets from him.

As the story went on some of my senses started to return, and it crossed my mind how this was going to change Toby's view of me. But right now, that was less important than being honest to CJ.

By the time I finished CJ was smiling. I was confused because I had been talking all about the beating I'd received, which he eventually saved me from.

"So the problem was you weren't good enough at giving head homo?" he asked.

I looked into his eyes. I felt like that wasn't the story I had told him. I thought it was about these guys over-reacting and treating me in an unacceptable way. But CJ was telling me that really this was my fault. If I had been a better cocksucker, then they wouldn't have had to react like that.

Maybe he was right.

"Yes Sir" I replied. There was no other answer I could give him.

"Ok homo, maybe time for you to go under the table and get a bit more practice in then" CJ said.

The bar had got busier now and it was a dark atmosphere so this was something I could get away with without it being very obvious. I nodded and slid down under the table, and he pulled my fragile head onto his cock.

My lips still hurt from covering my teeth during the last onslaught, but I wanted to please CJ so much, I'd take all the pain I needed to. He unzipped himself and pulled his cock out, then manoeuvred me up and down in a gentle rhythm on it. Having been opened up hard before, I was able to take him deep in my throat without a lot of gagging.

"Wow, he's already got a lot better than he was a few days ago" I heard CJ saying. "Here, try", and this time Toby willingly took a grab of my hair, unzipping himself and moving me onto his now hard dick.

"Fuck, yes, way better. I'm sliding deep in his throat. Fuck it's like being in a pussy".

"Yeah? So fuck it like it's pussy" CJ said, and Toby quickly responded and picked up pace, my lips brushing his pubes with every time he pulled me deep down onto his dick.

Toby leant back in his seat and held both hands on my head, firmly bobbing me up and down.

"Any teeth?" CJ asked.

"Bitch would have had a slap if there had been"

CJ laughed. "Man, I'm so proud of you. In just a few days you've learnt literally so much about this new kind of creature, how to train it, control it and use it for your pleasure. You're so open minded man, I really respect that.

"Dude, save it. I'm about to nut"

CJ laughed again. "Sorry man, sorry. Save the kudos for later. Get used to how good that fuckhole feels on your dick, cos you're going to have that on tap at work, 40 hours a week when you're back home".

His words filtered into my head. I thought of my desk and the boss of my company. I thought of Toby in his white shirt and trousers across the desk from me, asking me something about some calculation. I thought of us in the pub with all our workmates joking about some nightmare client.

He plunged my head down so his pubes were creeping inside my mouth and I felt his big cockhead explore inside me, and the salty slime sliding down the back of my throat. He didn't release me, just held me there as his cock started to soften.

"Any time you're stressed, any time your girlfriend doesn't put out, any time you need extra hours doing to help your promotion push, any time you need your flat cleaning at the weekend and also need to drop a load. This bitch is going to be there for you. You know how to use him now".

"Mmm, fuck" Toby said finally, releasing me. "CJ man, you have changed my life".

I was allowed back up on the seat and for ten minutes we just relaxed as if nothing had happened. CJ and Toby talked about life in the army for a bit. I allowed some time just for my senses to return. I looked around the bar, and three men whose loads were buried deep inside my body were standing at various points around the place. Others were still looking over at the mark on my neck. With CJ here though, I knew I was safe.

Eventually the guys finished their drinks and Toby told me to go and fetch all three of us a fresh beer. I didn't hesitate to obey and Toby swung his legs round to let me out.

The bar was quite a bit more crowded now, but I managed to get through so I had a hand on the bar. There were a few people around me though so I was out of sight of CJ and Toby.

I was trying to catch the eye of the one overworked guy behind the bar serving, when I heard a voice in my ear.

"Nice tatt man". I tried to turn but he grabbed the back of my head and held it facing forward.

"Stay totally still cunt and say nothing".

I felt the material of the back of my jeans being cut open then the warm head of a dick coming through. His hands were on my hips and he pulled me back onto him. It was all done subtly, so the crowd around us hardly seemed to notice. I squeezed my eyes shut as his cockhead entered, knowing I couldn't make a sound or expression to give it away. I could get locked up if anyone caught onto what was happening. He wasn't huge, so given the earlier treatment of my ass, once the head was in, he slid easily inside me. My hole was sore though and I knew this was going to hurt.

The bartender pointed towards me and looked expectantly.

For a second I thought he'd seen what was happening, and I froze, not knowing what to say or how to react, or how this was going to play out. But he just kept looking at me, and I realised, given how loud it was, how dark and how crowded it was, everyone swaying to the music, nobody seemed to register that a stranger was balls deep inside my slutty ass, pounding me with the sixth dick to use my holes since we arrived at the bar.

"Three regular lagers" I shouted across as normally as I could.

I hadn't even tried to stop him. CJ's words were ringing in my ear. Taking dicks is a million times more important to me than my job. It's what I live for. It's what I am.

I started to enjoy the feeling of his dick and the feeling of giving him pleasure. It didn't matter who he was. I was grateful to him for using me, for seeding me.

The bartender put the beers down and I passed him a £20 note. As he returned with the change, the dick in my ass gave a deep thrust and I felt his dick orgasm inside me, making me gasp as the bartender put the coins in my hand. The bartender moved quickly onto the next person though and when I looked round the man who had just ruined my jeans and fucked my ass, had pulled out and disappeared.

I took the pints back, placed them on the table and as I slipped past Toby back to my seat, he saw the hole in my jeans and slipped his finger inside, then pulled quickly back out as he got cum on his hand.

"Fuck that's disgusting homo" he said and wiped it on my face. Toby wasn't even using my name any more.

"What's up?" CJ asked.

"Looks like the bitch just got lucky again" Toby replied.

CJ just laughed and slapped my face. "You just can't help yourself can you? Desperate little whore."

I was shattered and my body felt ruined after that evening. There was no more action after that, and once we'd finished our drinks, the two of them helped me back to the hotel, catching me when I stumbled, which I was grateful for, after the rough treatment my body had taken all night.

We got back to CJ's car, and before he left, he grabbed me on both sides of my face.

"Listen, you could have got seriously hurt tonight homo. I know you can't help chasing every dick -- it's hardwired in your slut brain. But you need to remember to listen to and obey men like Toby and me. When you're off in your own little world of whoring out your holes to every dick you can get, it's a lot of safer if you've got a real man who can think for you, guide you and make sure you don't get too seriously hurt if you underperform for a man who's using you. Understand?"

"Yes Sir" I said, looking deep in his eyes.

He loosened the grip on me and my legs feeling weak, I dropped down onto my knees at his feet, the side of my face resting at his crotch. Through the fabric I could feel his soft cock pressing against my cheek.

CJ beckoned Toby over, then holding me by the hair and stepping back, he let Toby step into where he'd been standing, and I gladly leaned my face into Toby's crotch, feeling the same warmth, and the security as Toby grabbed a fistful of my hair holding me into his crotch, while CJ got into his car.

"You got him man?" CJ asked to Toby.

"Sure, I'll get him safely in".

Although pretty drunk again, Toby was kind, helping me with the room key and getting into bed, even grabbing me a glass of water.

After he left, I lay in bed, playing back everything that happened that evening. I was feeling a totally different person to the one that had entered the bar several hours earlier. I had become a total whore tonight. CJ had shown me that any man who wanted to fuck me was allowed. I existed to take dick. And now Toby knew it too.

I couldn't imagine what this would mean for my life from tomorrow onwards.

Next: Chapter 14

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