Work Holiday

By Stu Y

Published on Mar 29, 2020


The 20-year old muscle boy pushed me against the bathrooms sinks, looking into the mirror and stood behind me. He was bigger in every direction than me. Even though he was obviously a few years younger than me, he was so much more masculine. So much more of a man than me. Taller, broader, bigger feet, bigger muscles. He was the whole package, a total stud. And I looked kind of pathetic next to him. In fairness, most guys would.

He saw the tattoo on me and grabbed my neck around it.

"Nice little fag tag for a cockwhore creature like you. Now, strip"

"But, anyone could come in sir" I said quietly.

I received a slap across the right side of my face. As we were looking in the mirror, I saw it coming in advance, but I didn't want to move out of the way and upset him.

"Its only squaddies in and they're used to this. Strip bitch, now".

I did it and was completely naked in seconds, while he stayed fully clothed in his army gear.

"Bend over and hands on your ankles slut"

It turned me on even more that he was so much younger. Like I was in a full time job while he was still 16 at school. Would I have obeyed him like this back then? To be fair, if he looked like this back then, then probably still yeah.

I did as he ordered, and he kicked my legs further apart, spat on his hand and started rubbing my ass.

"Ok, up. I want you to watch every second of this and treasure it homo".

He lifted me by my hair and pushed me forward so my stomach and chest were flat on the sink worktop and I was looking into the mirror, seeing my arched back and his full frame standing tall right up behind me. I watched as he unzipped himself, pulled out his fully hard 7" dick and pushed in. His spit got the cockhead in and then pushing slowly in and out loosened me up and in no time he was fully in.

Holding my head up by the hair, he pulled out his phone and started filming. I watched him as his groin ground his dick fully into me and fluidly pulled out. It was a hypnotic motion. I saw as his eyes were all on himself too. He knew exactly how hot he was, and he was into his own body as much as I was into it. He pulled the front of his t-shirt up over his head, so it clung to his shoulders and back but fully revealed his huge blond hairy pecs and solid defined six pack. The rush of seeing his own incredible physique obviously turned him on, and he stuck his tongue out for the camera, moved his hand so his palm was on my forehead and fingers covered my face, fingertips gripping the top of my mouth, and slammed his dick deep inside me, still in that fluid hypnotic motion.

You could understand why he was in love with himself, he was a god.

"Ladies and gentlemen, this is how King Mikey uses his bitches. Bent over, legs spread, pussy up for their king. Hit me up if you want using by the King and you might just get lucky".

He moved his hand back into my hair, holding it up so the camera could see me in the mirror.

"Tell them who your king is pussy bitch"

He was grinding deep inside me and I was properly opening up for this stud.

"King Mikey is my boss" I said, breathing hard.

He pulled his dick fully out, and I watched my face drop in the mirror.

"And how much do you want King Mikey back in your pussy now faggot?"

"Please Sir, I want it so much. Please fuck me Sir". It was really true. I wanted his dick and cum inside me. I wanted his dick in my throat, in my ass, slapping my face. I just wanted to be his slut, anytime anywhere he wanted. I wanted his seed to impregnate me.

He moved the camera to my ass. "Wow, you really are deperate for the King ain't you bitch? Look at how that hole is winking open at me. You're desperate for a real man aren't you faggot?"

He sounded so comfortable saying the word faggot. On some guys it sounded forced, but he was on a different level to most guys. Maybe not to CJ, but to most guys. Compared to this god, of course I was a faggot.

He slammed in hard again and again.

"Ok whore, next time I pull out means I'm gonna cum, so you're going to quickly turn round, drop to your knees and look up at me with your mouth open and tongue out like the dumb pathetic dog you are. Understood faggot?"

I nodded, and then heard as his grunts grew louder and thrust getting harder, every second still being captured on film.

"Ok bitch, get ready"

The massive tool that had been ploughing me withdrew suddenly, leaving me feeling empty, but knowing this was my cue, I quickly stood up enough to turn round, felt my legs buckle as the blood rushed back in, and then half fell / half lowered myself to me knees.

The door to the bathroom flew open and two other guys walked in just as Mikey put his hand firmly on my forehead pushing my face flat beneath his thick rock hard dick, then grabbed his dick and started jerking it hard. The other hand was still holding the camera straight at my face.

"And this is how it ends, with the bitch painted in my beautiful seed, marked and used up". He shot volleys of his see d across my face, landing on my tongue, nose, cheeks.

"Thankyou Sir" I said instinctively, and he got the biggest grin on his face. He turned the camera up to the mirror again.

"Bitches always grateful to be serving their god"

I saw a drop of cum forming on the end of his dick and instinctively moved forward to catch it on my tongue.

"And look, they're always desperate for more. Mikey turns you bitches into cock crazed animals, right?"

He moved the camera again to my face.

"Yes Sir" I answered, looking straight down the barrel of the camera, no idea who was going to see my full, jizz marked face, openly admitting I was this man's cock crazed bitch.

He switched the film off and put the phone back in his pocket.

"Damn, that felt good. He's pretty good boys. Total slut -- desperate fucking cock hound".

I finally glanced up and saw that both guys had done the same thing with their tops as Mikey, revealing another pair of solid chests. One broad like a rugby player , the other medium build, but also with big pecs and seriously hairy.

"I think I've warmed him up enough for you guys to get straight into fucking him up in your own special way".

"Don't worry mate, after the week i've had, I'm more than ready to take it out on some fresh meat", he said grabbing what looked like a massive package.

"By the way bitch" Mikey said to me, "that little film was for my personal site. I've got about 5000 followers. Don't worry though, they're mostly desperate little fags like you, so they probably won't even be looking at your face as they jack off to this video. They're going to be looking at me, listening to their King's voice and wishing they were lying exactly where you are, getting pumped full of my King juice as they pay their 20 quid to see this film".

"Right, go to town boys, I want to see this bitch stumbling around in a dick daze, with seed dripping out his loose pussy when he walks back out into the bar".

The bigger guy high fived him and King Mikey headed out, leaving me with the next two.

The guys got straight to work. The really hairy guy grabbed me by the back of the neck and pulled me up off the floor. I stumbled to my feet, but his hold on my neck meant I couldn't stand straight. Instead he just pulled my head in and held it firmly against his crotch where I could feel his hardening cock through the material.

The other guys grabbed my hips, spread my cheeks apart and spat hard twice, then rubbed it round and pushed two fingers straight in, deep. After the fucking I'd just taken, they went in easily.

"Wow, this bitch really has been prepared nicely for us. Man, I'm tearing this hole right up tonight"

They weren't registering me as a person at all. They were handling me like a butcher with a slab of meat to cleave up.

I heard him unzip and pull out his dick, then felt it straight on my hole and right away it was pushing hard into me. The head popped inside, but he was seriously thick, like beer bottle thick.

I pushed out hard to try to make it easier on myself and he got further and further in, until finally I could feel his hips pressed against mine and I knew he was fully inside me.

"Fuck man -- did you just slide that monster in straight off?" the guy in front of me asked.

"Yeah man, this is one sloppy little bitch. Made for dick", he said slapping my right ass cheek hard, then grabbing both my hips and moving them round in a circle on his dick. I was totally impaled and my hole was desperately trying to accommodate his girth.

"Ok, time to do the same at this end".

Until then my face had been held firmly against the second guys now fully hard dick. All the time I had the firm grip of his hand around the back of my neck holding me there. Now he pulled my neck away, and with his other hand undid the top button and zip and pulled out another meaty dick, I'd guess 7-8 inches.

With the grip on my neck he pulled my head back, so my face was looking up to him, then used two fingers on his other hand to open my mouth wide, and spat hard twice in there, then manoeuvred me to push my mouth straight onto his dick. He pushed it in until it wouldn't go any further and I was gagging around the thick meat. He held it down hard for maybe five seconds as I struggled to breathe, and saliva was coming out of my mouth, then pulled me by my neck off a little, and with his other hand slapped me hard on the cheek.

"Don't dare let me feel your faggot teeth on me bitch. You worship this dick. This dick owns you. Got it?"

I tried to answer "Yes Sir", but it totally failed with his dick still mostly filling my mouth.

He started sinking his dick deeper again, and I focused on wrapping my lips tight around my teeth. I knew my lips were going to be seriously sore in the morning, but I needed to serve this man well.

As he got into a rhythm with my mouth, the man behind me, who until now had just been carrying on moving my ass round on his dick, now started pulling gradually out, then in again. The pressure on my asshole was intense, but with every movement I could feel his beer bottle dick stretching me wider, making more of a slut of me.

I was relaxing into both dicks though, taking them well. They had obviously done this before because they each responded to what the other was doing. When the rugby guy behind me picked up pace with his thrusts and started slamming into me, the guy at the front just held me about half way down his dick and I tried focusing on sucking harder and softer on his shaft, to keep pleasing him.

My ass was being churned up as the guy behind slammed hard into me. He was also changing angles and pulling out then slamming all the way back in. He started sliding a finger in alongside his dick when he was fully inside, and I could feel myself being stretched even more.

"Fucking little cock slut" he said, and I could hear the smile on his face. "This pussy is never recovering after tonight faggot", and he slapped my ass hard on both cheeks, making me recoil then open wide for him and he slammed in deep again, stretching my hole so wide open.

It was all so intense that I never once heard or saw the bathroom doors open, but I got a glance up at one point and saw two guys leaning against the sink and watching the show, before my eyes returned to looking straight ahead at the hairy pubes of the alpha male using my throat. The reality was that guys were probably coming in and out, sometimes stopping to watch, sometimes just skirting round to use the toilet then heading out again, but I was never properly going to know how many guys saw what was happening.

When the guy behind slowed down to a normal pace again in my ass, the hairy guy in front of me started picking it up. He'd go deeper, and hold me down for five then gradually up to 10 seconds where I couldn't breathe, before releasing me.

A lot of saliva was pouring out from my throat as he used it like a fleshlight, and several times he moved his spare hand underneath my mouth, to scoop up the throat slime his dick was unearthing, then wipe the slop over my face and hair, where it was sticking and drying on me like cum. All the time he called me a nasty, messy faggot bitch, and told me i needed to keep that nasty slime to myself, not mess up this bathroom for real men.

He'd fuck my face hard then use his spare hand to stick fingers inside my nostrils, then slide them in my mouth and feel around his dick onto the inside of my cheeks, top of my mouth and tongue, and spit on me while he did it so I felt the force of the saliva hit my cheek. All of it I knew was to show me just how much control he had over me. How I was nothing.

"Hey man, you wanna hammock him?" the rugby guy behind me asked.

"Sure mate"

I wondered for a second what they meant, but didn't have long to find out. The guy in my throat pulled me deep onto his dick, then with one hand grabbed under my arm near the shoulder and held onto it with a vice like grip, then took the other hand off my neck and got the same grip on my other arm, his hands positioned underneath so he could support the weight.

I felt the guy behind reach down and hook his hands under my thighs, lifting me off the floor, so I was supended in the air and the two dicks in either end of me were still fully in deep, holding me like two ends of a hammock. They swung me a little from side to side, enjoying the sensation on both their dicks, then with the grips they now had on me, they were both able to fuck hard, and they quickly hit a rhythm where the inward thrusts were happening at the same time at both ends. My mouth was a river of saliva and my ass was a wide open mess.

I was feeling the strain of the hold, and I started to worry I couldn't focus on pleasing the men properly. I knew I wasn't taking their dicks as well as before.

"Oh fuck yeah, this hole is tightening nicely now" the guy behind me said. I knew it was my nerves, but he was loving the feeling.

"Oh fuck, oh yes you little cockwhore" his thrusts were getting harder, and because I was tightening it was hurting me so much. I tried to cry out. My whole body was in such pain from being suspended there between them.

I felt a hard slap on my face.

"Faggot don't you dare let me feel those teeth on me again"

At the other end the rugby guy grunted. "Open up for me bitch, I'm going to seed you so deep, you'll be dreaming of this moment for the rest of your life"

And he slammed the hardest he had all evening deep inside me unloading into me. I yelled with pain around the cock pushing into my throat.

The beer bottle dick pulled straight out of me and he dropped my legs to the floor. Straight afterwards the dick in my throat was pulled out too, and I was on my knees.

For a second I sat shaking on my knees, suddenly empty of two huge dicks that had spent the last thirty minutes destroying me. Before I could even register the thought of missing them though, I saw in the corner of my eye the swing of an arm and an almighty slap landed across the left side of my face, knocking me to the floor.

"You fucking worthless little fuckup."

The guy who'd been using my throat grabbed me pulling me up only by the hair until I was on my knees again, then with the other hand, swung down and landed hard on my right cheek, again, knocking me backwards. It was like walking into a lamppost at speed and hurt like hell. I was sure there'd be bruises.

"I gave you one order you little cunt. One fucking order. Keep your nasty little faggot teeth off my alpha dick. But you couldn't obey and you stopped me from getting my nut off, so now you get punished"

He stepped over my body lying on the floor and spat in my face, then lifted his boot over my face. Fearing fhaving my face crushed, I moved my head to the side and felt the boot press down on my cheek pushing my head hard into the floor. The next thing I felt was warm liquid splash down on my face. It was running over his boot and down across my pinned face, into my eyes, nose and mouth. I scrunched my eyes shut to try to keep it out, but the salty taste was all over my tongue.

The foot came off me and I felt it feeling around at my stomach, then it swung back and I felt it strike me again hard right at the spot on my stomach, winding me.

I looked up desperately for help, but the rugby guy, who's seed was swimming around deep in my guts now, was just leaning against the sink shaking his head and laughing.

"Brought it on yourself bitch. You're even more of a useless faggot than we thought. The man just wanted a nice hole for his dick and that's the one thing a whore like you is meant to be good for. Just remember you deserve this faggot. It's all your fault."

I felt the boot moving lower and this time feeling around my dick and balls.

"Let's make sure he really remembers it, yeah?"

"Yeah, fucking do it. Fag like this doesn't need them anyway"

My stomach was all knotted up. This was going to do serious damage.

"Please, don't..." I managed weakly, and I heard the guys laughing hard. My body was in such pain though, I couldn't move. I scrunched my eyes closed and tried to curl my body up more. How did I get myself into this.Fuck, was I going to die here?

Just as my eyes shut, I saw the rugby guy at the sink turn to look towards the bathroom door.

My body was tensed waiting for the blow that would cause god knows what damage to my genitals.

I waited a second, then another, and then another. Then I opened my eyes and turned my head to follow the gaze of the rugby guy, and the noise in the room. CJ had the hairy guy pinned back against the wall, and I watched as he landed a serious punch onto the guys face.

"Don't you ever fucking come near one of my homo's again, you got that? He is some premium meat, and what fucker is going to want to use him if he's black and blue? I keep him in good condition for a reason you dumb fuck."

"Sorry man, fuck, sorry" the guy said, holding his jaw, but clearly having no desire to fight back against CJ". "I got carried away man, that's all, I'm sorry"

"Just stay away from me for a bit ok?"

The guy just nodded.

"I'm taking the bitch and you guys can clean up your piss and whatever else mess is in here yeah? You don't abuse someone's property like that"

The guys both nodded and CJ looked satisfied.

"Ok, clothes on homo, fun's over" he said and I crawled over and grabbed my things, pulling them back on. As I crawled I saw Toby leaning against the door. It looked like he must have come in with CJ and seen everything.

CJ grabbed me by the chin and I looked up at him.

"You're safe now homo, ok?"

I wanted him to never let go of me right then. I wanted to lie with him and take his dick so much. He might have just saved my life. Definitely my genitals. I wanted so badly right then to be owned by him, stay with him forever. Maybe just become a part of him, his servant, his property.

Next: Chapter 13

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