Work Holiday

By Stu Y

Published on Mar 21, 2020


I woke up early the next morning with CJ giving me a kick, his leg reaching out from under his warm looking duvet, as I lay curled up on a mat on the floor, under a throw. I looked up and I could see the tenting in his duvet and the wicked grin on his face and knew what I needed to do.

I slipped my head under the duvet and his hands grabbed my hair in the dark and manly smelling space beneath the covers, he stuck two fingers in my mouth, just to find the hole, then quickly slid my mouth down onto his rock hard monster.

I put my tongue to work sliding up and down, but he quickly took control and started using my head like a fleshlight, pulling it up and down on his dick, and holding me down deep so he opened up my throat, making me gag, loud enough to waken Toby up.

"Sup man" I heard CJ say.

I realised it must be a strange sight for Toby looking across from his place on the sofa bed, to see the bottom half of me on my knees by the bed and the top half disappeared under the duvet.

"Man this throat feels good on my morning wood" he said and I felt the sting as he slapped my face a couple of times, loud enough for Toby to hear.

I heard Toby's sleepy voice. "Go to town man"

CJ laughed. "You want some after I'm done?"

"Nah, I'm good" Toby replied. I figured he was probably feeling weird now he was sober again. I was glad he couldn't see my face right now. I must have been burning red.

CJ picked up speed and before I knew it, I felt his body tense then he held me down hard as he shot spurt after spurt of thick cum, coating the back of my throat. His body went limp as he relaxed deeply, but he held my head in place on his dick while the blood ran out of it and his heart rate returned to normal.

After a couple of minutes, he decided he was done, pulled me off him by my hair, and threw back the duvet, swinging his legs round and over me, to stand up and head through to the bathroom. I continued to lay on the bed, breathing in the scent that he left behind. I was also scared to turn round and look Toby in the eye.

We heard the shower start and I knew I had to say something.

"Listen. Can we just forget what happened in the last 12 hours?" I asked, hopefully, turning around so I was sitting on the floor by the bed, my knees tucked up.

Toby rolled over and half propped himself up.

"Dude, even if I wanted to, I don't think we can go back. I can't unsee that stuff. But listen, I wanna apologise. When I called you pathetic and stuff, that was just a reaction and it was harsh. I was just shocked. I guess I've never known a grown man that's willing to be treated like that before"

I bowed my head.

"Nah, I'm not shaming you man, you're just different to regular guys like me I guess. A different species or something"

"When we were in the room yesterday..." I began, opening the topic, but having no idea what I wanted to say.

"I don't know" he replied. "All I know is I was fucking horny and there was an open hole for me to use. It had nothing to do with you".

He almost sounded angry. I think he didn't want to think about the idea that he'd fucked a guy.

"Yes sir, sorry" I said instinctively.

He looked up and grinned. "I could get used to that kind of deference".

"Shut up" I shot back. "We've still got work to do out here".

He nodded. "Sure".

Once we'd all got up, CJ dropped us back to the hotel in town.

Toby sat in the front and as we pulled up and CJ suggested to Toby to go out for drinks that night.

"Sure man, sounds good" Toby replied,

"Always good to have a bitch with us to fetch the drinks too, right?" CJ added, turning to me with a grin.

"Sure" I replied, taking that as my invitation.

The rest of the day returned to a strange kind of normality as we both returned to the job we came out here to do, and it was a relief to apply my mind to something else and forget about the other stuff that had happened.

Toby didn't seem to have any problems following my plan for the day either, which was a relief. We even joked about like normal, and I started to feel like nothing had really changed between us. So, he knew a bit about the other side of me, but it seemed like he was ok respecting that and keeping it separate. I figured he'd probably be able to forget about it in time and we'd return to normal.

The evening came round and after we got some food at the hotel, we agreed to meet CJ at a new bar on the road towards the army base at 8pm. Maybe not surprisingly it was largely a squaddie bar -- not much more than a round bar on one wall, a bunch of seats and a whole lot of mostly army guys in there winding down. There were obviously a bunch of women in too, from the town, and some of the other younger guys from the town who obviously liked the atmosphere in here. We managed to get a seat in a small booth, but it was the last one free. The place was filling up quickly.

All the guys in tight tops and dog tags hanging out turned me on so much. Even if they weren't that good looking facially, the unmistakeable air of army guy did something badly to me.

CJ arrived soon after, and with the chatter in the bar, it wasn't easy for us to talk between the three of us, so we had to lean in close. CJ leaned in to talk into my ear. "Some of the guys in here are going to recognise your neck tattoo tonight homo, and it's been a stressful week at the base. Best get ready for a lot more dick in you tonight. In fact, go to the bathroom now, take off your underwear. I want to see you walk outside and put them in the bin out there. Let's make it easy for the boys to get what they want tonight".

I gulped, but knew I wasn't going to argue. I got up and started to head to the gents. I could see CJ leaning in to talk in Toby's ear, and they both watched me walk across the room.

Luckily I got straight into one of the two cubicles and quickly slipped them off. Fortunately they were an old pair and I didn't mind losing them. I did up my trousers and shoes again and catching CJ's eye when I came back into the room, I headed straight to the door and outside, and dropped them into the bin in front of the pub. An unshaven middle aged guy out front smoking watched me as I dropped them and just grinned and winked at me.

While I was gone, one of them had got us all drinks and CJ got me to sit in the middle of the two of them. CJ was already talking to Toby, and with me in the middle he had to talk a bit louder to be heard.

"So the thing with his type is they need boundaries, rules, punishment..."

Was he talking about me?

"They can be fucking awesome, because they can make your life easier, but you have to give them rules, and make sure they follow `em"

"So, like, what have you done with guys like this before?" Toby asked. They were completely ignoring the fact I was right there.

"Loads of stuff man. Done my duties at work for me, been my personal cocksucker on call, cleaned my apartment, made me food. If I've got guys around for the football or something, I'd maybe use one to serve all of us throughout the match, so we don't even have to get up"

Toby laughed. "Wow. Don't any of the other guys find it weird"

"Sometimes, at first, but they pretty quickly get used to it. Guys generally adapt quickly to someone who wants to serve them. They learn to accept service, and then they start expecting the guy will continue serving them and doing what they say. It's surprisingly natural".

"I dunno, it feels pretty weird to me"

"Boy, go fetch us two more beers".

It took me a second to realise CJ was talking to me. He slapped me round the back of the head. "What you waiting for homo?".

Neither of them moved, so I had to slip myself under the table to get out. When I was under the table I felt CJ's hands grab my hair and pull my face into his crotch, and he wrapped a leg over me, holding me down. With his free hand he slapped the side of my face hard. "Don't hesitate next time homo" he said, then released me with his leg and pushed me out from the table. I landed on the floor next to the table unceremoniously and a couple of the guys nearby gave me a funny look.

I went straight to the bar, unruffling my hair, and waited to place the order.

As I was waiting to be served, a guy came up to me and slid his hands inside the back of my jeans. "I thought that's what I saw you put in the bin before you little slut". I turned and saw the face and smelt the cigarette breath of the man who had seen me out front. "Nice picture on your neck too. Very nice. Bathroom now bitch."

He walked off in the direction of the gents.

I looked across to CJ, not knowing what I should do, but realised I didn't have much choice, so turned and followed him.

He was unshaven, with a beard, and not a guy I'd usually go for, but I never thought about saying no to him, after the guidance I'd be given from CJ. He slid me into a cubicle, the same one I'd been in before, and then straight down on my knees. Pulling out his hardening 6" dick, he pushed my head to the wall, inserted and just started fucking.

"Take. My dick. You dirty. Little. Whore" he said, breathily as he rammed repeatedly into my throat. "I've had. A fucking. Shitty week. And you. Are my reward. For getting through it".

He spat down and it landed on my forehead and ran down my face to meet the cock he was still forcing inside me.

Smiling at the pattern his spit had made on my face, he took the palm of his hand and spit twice in it, then rubbed his spit all over my face, so I could feel the whole face was wet with his saliva. I kept taking his dick deep inside me.

"Fuck you really are a pathetic little cunt aren't you?" he said.

He was pinning me back hard against the wall, pushing into my throat as much as his 6" dick could, and he looked like he didn't give any kind of shit whether I could breathe or not. I had one purpose and that was to take the dick of this man who needed release.

He came hard with a deep exhale that he kept quiet, then withdrew, grabbed my hair and wiped his dick with my hair, and then down the side of my face.

"Thank me bitch"

I looked up at him, my face still wet and sticky with his saliva and cum.

"Thankyou Sir" I said.

He laughed. "So pathetic". Then he put his dick away again and walked out.

I returned to the bar, got the two beers as quick as I could and returned to CJ and Toby.

"So that's why some guys put their fags in chastity devices, to focus their minds" CJ was finishing off.

I climbed back into the middle, after the two of them made space for me there again. They had drunk most of the rest of my beer while I was gone, so I was left with just the dregs in front of me, while they had full new pints.

"Homo, why'd that take so long?" CJ asked. It was a simple question, he wasn't angry.

"Sorry Sir, a man wanted to use my throat Sir".

He grabbed my chin and turned it towards him, squeezing my cheeks.

"When we tell you to get us beers, we expect them right away homo, not after you've got your kicks going off sucking some other guy's dick, understood bitch?" He was saying this in a tone like I was a misbehaving child.

I was embarrassed being told off here, partly with Toby listening, but even more so because it was in front of a bunch of other guys in the bar who might overhear. I had no choice though.

"Yes Sir, I'm sorry" I replied meekly.

CJ slapped my cheek again. "You see Toby, that's what I mean about making it very clear when they've done something that displeases you. They need to always remember you're the man and you expect them to do exactly what you tell them"

"Man, you're good at training these guys" Toby said, nodding, impressed.

"Who's the man here homo?" CJ asked me.

"You are Sir" I replied quickly.

"Fucking right bitch. And who's the only other man at the table homo?"

I paused. "Toby Sir".

CJ grinned. "Fucking right. And what are you?"

"I'm a..."

"No homo" CJ interrupted, and grabbed my chin, turning my head to face Toby. He kept his hand around my chin and neck area and spoke in my ear. "Tell my dude here exactly what you are, if you're not a man".

Feeling the warmth of CJ's body against me and his words in my ear, I was totally under his spell.

"I'm an object for alpha men to use and control any way they want to Sir"

"Little subhuman fuckslut slave aren't you homo". His words in my ear made my head spin.

"Yes Sir, completely obedient to alpha men".

"So now he needs some punishment?" Toby asked.

"Exactly. You're totally getting this man. How about he lies under our feet for 10 minutes, so he properly remembers his place beneath the feet of the men?" CJ suggested.

I looked from one to the other.

"Ok, sure" Toby said, shrugging and laughing.

"Homo, lie on the floor under the table, head by my feet" CJ ordered.

"But..." I couldn't work out the words to say how I didn't want to do this in such a public place. CJ grabbed my chin again.

"Open your mouth"

I obeyed, and he quickly spat straight in my mouth.


I obeyed.

"Ok, good homo. If you don't want me publicly humiliating you with every guy in the bar watching, then you're going to do exactly what we just told you. Understood?"

I knew there was no arguing with them. I looked around to see if anyone was looking. Thankfully it was quite dark in the room now. I slid down under the table and lay on my side, curving my body round the shape of the curved seats. I felt CJ's boot press down on the side of my face, then Toby's two feet rest up on my body. Toby was clearly increasingly getting into seeing me submitting like this. CJ's boot was holding my head firmly to the cold stone floor. I could smell the damp smell on them and I could feel it making boot prints on my face with the mud. All I could see were shoes and boots passing my end of the table. Time seemed to go slow.

I saw the latest pair of boots walk towards us, then stop at the table.

"Hey, is this the new meat you were talking about?" the stranger asked. CJ laughed, "no man, this is a buddy, Toby. The homo is under the table, getting some time with my boots"

The stranger laughed. "Well, if you can do without your footrest for a while, I could really do with a hole right now".

"Sure" CJ said, and gave me a kick. "He's had about 20 minutes down there remembering he exists beneath men's boots. Now go doggy, go feed".

I crawled reluctantly out from under the table, and a muscular 20-year old lifted me up by the collar. He looked about twice my size.

"Fuck, he looks a bit rough CJ, what's happening to the quality?"

CJ laughed. "Check his throat though"

The stud grabbed my hair with one hand and pushed two fingers into my mouth, then forced them deep into my throat. I took them without gagging, desperate not to draw any more attention to us.

"See what you mean man. Rough on the outside, but pure slut on the inside. This should be fun."

"Enjoy it man" CJ said, and the stranger started to frogmarch me through the pub to the gents at the back. I was nervous, but I wanted to please this young alpha god so much.

Next: Chapter 12

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