Work Holiday

By Stu Y

Published on Mar 13, 2020


CJ and Toby left to get another beer, leaving me strapped down and on my own. A couple of minutes later another guy came in, one I didn't recognise, and started to make adjustments. He started setting up something on the TV, then adjusted my head so it was lower down, and secured a blanket over my head and the top part of my body, so the only parts uncovered were my lower back and my spread open legs and opened up ass.

I heard the guy leave, and then the voices of CJ and Toby returning.

"So this next guy is also cool with people watching" CJ was saying, "but this one is straight, hence we cover up the homo's head. All the guy sees is an eager hole, which is exactly what he wants".

I felt CJ ease two fingers straight into my ass. As weird as this felt, with my colleague right there, I couldn't help my ass wanting to open up for CJ.

"Wow, he really opened this hole up good. You wanna feel it?"

"No" Toby replied quickly, to my relief.

There was a knock at the door and I heard the man come in who would be the next guy to fuck my hole. I'd probably never see him, but he was going to use me hard, fill me up and have me carry his seed inside me for the next few hours at least. I was feeling more and more like a piece of property for these men.

"Everything ready?" the guy asked.

"Yeah man. Equipment's all set up." CJ said laughing. "Go to town, whenever you're ready man".

I heard the sound of the TV switch on and after a few seconds I started to hear the voice of a woman coming from the TV, saying stuff about how much she wanted his dick and how her pussy desperately needed a real man to fill her up. With how slutty she was being, it was obviously porn rather than one of the skype calls.

I heard clothes dropping to the floor, then felt the heat of a body getting close to my legs and ass, before I felt the hard cockhead press at my hole.

Oh yeah, please, fill me up with your big dick, make me feel like a woman the voice from the TV was saying, and with that he pushed his dick fully inside me. My mouth was still gagged, otherwise I would have screamed out. I felt him starting to pull out and push back in again. His dick was rock solid.

"Fuck, that is awesome" Toby said.

The guy slowly fucking my hole laughed. "Isn't it. This fuckin hole feels amazing too."

"That girl is smoking" Toby continued. "Can't believe how realistic this POV stuff is".

The guy's hands were on my back now holding me down as he pushed slow deep rhythms of his dick inside me.

"Looks like you're enjoying the video a lot" I heard CJ say, presumably to Toby.

"Fuck yeah man. I need to get me access to some of this shit".

"Fuck, it's so much better when you've got some tight pussy taking your dick man" the man fucking me replied.

"I bet it is man" Toby said, suddenly sounding very relaxed after all that beer.

Time ticked on just a few seconds, with only the sound of the girl on the video and the dick slapping into my ass, before the inevitable next question.

"You want to see how that feels?" CJ asked.

My heart sank. Being tied down, gagged and covered over, there was literally nothing I could do. I was completely at the mercy of these three men, but I really didn't want this to happen.

"I don't know" Toby replied, but not sounding like he had fully ruled it out.

"Hey Rudy, what say you share the pussy with my man here and I'll give you 50% off this session?"

"On top of the discount you gave me already?"

CJ laughed. "Sure man, what the hell".

"Yeah course, cool man. Just tell me when you're ready."

"Seriously guys, I dunno if this is too weird for me" Toby said, wavering.

"Dude, shut up." Rudy replied. He obviously had a big incentive now to share my hole round. "It's not weird at all. This girl up there loves dick and she wants as much as she can get. You're just helping give that horny girl what she wants. You will feel fucking amazing and literally everyone here wins.

Toby was quiet for a second and Rudy never stopped the deep motion inside my ass.

"What the fuck man" Toby said, standing up. I couldn't believe Toby was going to do this, but then for the last 20 minutes, as he'd drunk more beer and got increasingly horny at the girl on the screen, all he'd seen of me was a hole being used by a straight guy to feel like pussy. If I hadn't been covered by the blanket he'd never have contemplated it, but out of sight, out of mind.

He got to his feet. I knew that right now all he could see was my pussy hole that was going to make his dick feel good.

In just a couple of seconds, Rudy pulled out, and another dick pushed in, all the way.

"Oh fuck. Wow" he laughed and CJ and Rudy laughed with him.

"Feels good, right?" Rudy asked.

"Feels fucking amazing". Toby said and slammed his dick deep into me. "Oh man, I am nailing that hot pussy and I'm burying my face in her fucking awesome tits". He picked up his rhythm. "Fuck, I am making her pregnant tonight". He was slamming his dick into me so fucking hard and deep, although I know he wasn't thinking anything about me. A few more deep thrusts and I felt him swelling up. His hands were on my hips and he was jackhammering my ass, then after the intense build up I felt him explode inside me.

"Take every drop of that hot jizz up your pussy. You're gonna be getting this big dick in you every night baby" he said to the girl on screen.

He leaned forward resting his hands on my back as he caught his breath, then pulled his dick out. I heard CJ throw him a towel.

I got no respite though as Rudy came back up behind me and slid straight back in.

"Slut, you have hit the jackpot tonight. Two loads deep in your pussy". He was obviously heavily turned on from watching Toby fuck me. He grabbed my hips firmly and slammed into me relentlessly until he fucked into me one more time and exploded deep inside.

"Fuck, that video is so awesome man" Toby said, having regained his composure. "I can see why this place is so popular". I could tell that in his mind there were only two other guys in the room right now.

Rudy pulled out from my hole and again I heard CJ chuck him a towel.

"Rudy man, can you show Toby down the hall to the showers so you guys can clean up?"

"Sure man" Rudy replied and the two of them headed out.

CJ stayed in the room and first took the blanket off me, then removed the ballgag.

"So homo, three more loads in you, and a first load from your workmate. How does that feel? You think he'll tell all the other guys at the office about it?"

I felt defeated, but I knew I was totally powerless. It was done now. I'd let him have the power to destroy my life, and he had.

"Did you have to let Toby know about me?" I asked. "Couldn't we just have kept it between us?" CJ grinned. "Could've worked out like that I guess. But after he arrived I figured that you were trying to shut up shop on me, like you suddenly had something to lose. And I needed your hole for the fantasy room, so I figured I needed to get you back to a position where you had nothing to lose".


"And here you are. The one guy that knows you back home now also knows how low you go, and has even taken a ride himself. So you can go back to being as whorish and pathetic as you need to be".

"He could tell everyone. You might have ruined my life Sir" CJ laughed. "And you still call me Sir. You're so fucked up homo" he said and slapped me a couple of times on the cheek.

"Listen, don't worry about Toby. I'll encourage him not to tell anyone back home about you. But I might well need to help him out with learning how to make best use of you for himself, yeah?"

I looked up into his eyes. I knew there was no choice here. I nodded my head weakly.

CJ slapped my face again. "Good homo. So now we've got your pussy warmed up and you've remembered that you exist to take dick, I can start making some real money".

He placed the gag back in my mouth.

"I'm going to go chill with Toby. I think at last count we had six more guys lined up for you tonight. They're all guys who want the POV porn and a hungry hole and won't want to see your ugly homo face, so you're going to be covered up. I'm not going to be back but one of my boys will check in after each guy has used you to check you're taking it ok". He knelt down so his face was next to mine. "Understood?"

I nodded.

"Good boy. To give you extra motivation, I want you to know that your pussy is going to make me about a grand tonight, without me having to do a thing". He held my jaw. "Does it make you happy taking dick to make your superior rich?" I nodded again.

"Such a good homo" he said grinning, then stood up, got the blanket and covered me over again, tying the blanket down, so it wouldn't slip off and ruin the illusion for these horny army men who were imagining my hole was a real slut pussy that they could fuck into next week. Once CJ was done preparing me and the room, he slipped two fingers in my ass and wiggled them round, checking I was still nicely open, then left the room.

The next three hours I felt myself increasingly losing my sense of identity and consciousness. Man after man, dick after dick came into the room, saw a hole and used it for their pleasure. Although I felt everything, from the length and girth of their dicks, to the gentle massaging of my g-spot, to the pain of them slamming balls deep inside me and spanking my ass cheeks, for the men fucking me it was like I wasn't there. In their minds they were all alone with the hot girl on the screen who was desperate to take their dick. The whole purpose of this set up was designed so that these men wouldn't have to think for a second that there was another guy in the room.

Being unable to move or speak, all I could do was hear and smell the men using me, and feel the sensations in my ass, as I got pounded. For three hours I was not giving anything, only receiving. My only use, my only purpose in the world for that time was being a warm, submissive hole that felt enough like pussy to give sexual satisfaction to horny straight men. As the time went by, my brain started to quieten down. When CJ's friends came into check on me after each fuck, and asked if I was still good, I started just taking to nodding dumbly. After every couple they brought a bucket to my ass and told me to push out the cum, so the next guys would have a clean hole to fuck. I stopped counting the men coming in. By the end it felt like it had been more than six, but I wasn't sure.

Eventually the queue of men finished and the blanket was taken off me, the gag removed, and I was unstrapped. I stayed slumped over the bench, unsure what had happened and what I had now become.

The guy tidying up grabbed me by my hair and pulled me up to standing. My legs wobbled and I fell down to my hands and knees. The guy laughed. "Wow. They must have worked you pretty hard homo. You did good though. So good that a couple of the guys came back for a second round. That pussy is a moneyspinner."

His words washed over me. All I could think about was the feeling in my ass and the sense of loss now I didn't have dick inside me. My mouth was hanging open, reflecting how little was going on in my brain.

"Come on then fuckhole. CJ asked me to drop you back with him after we were done. It's not far. You can crawl like the dumb animal you are"

All I heard was the instruction and I followed behind him until we reached CJ's door. The guy knocked loudly and then walked off. Nothing happened for a minute and part of my brain started to wake up again and began to think about what would happen if CJ didn't open the door and I was left alone , naked and on all fours in the corridor of an army base.

But then the door opened and CJ grinned widely as he saw me on all fours, looking obviously weak and defeated.

"Crawl in homo. Quiet though, Toby's sleeping"

I obeyed as instructed and followed him across to his bed.

"You did good tonight homo. Very good. You accepted what you are and accepted my ownership of you"

Something about hearing his voice talking to me like this had this awakening effect all over my body. Whatever had happened to me, I was pleasing him and right now that felt like everything.

CJ got a small soft rug and put it on the floor by his bed, then got a small blanket out the wardrobe and threw it on the rug.

"You stink of the sweat and cum of the men that used you homo, so I don't want you too close, but I'm real proud of you, so you can sleep on the floor next to me, like my little poodle. You want that homo?"

I nodded dumbly.

"Good homo. I think we turned a corner tonight. I think you're ready now to go lower and lower".

Next: Chapter 11

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