Work Holiday

By Stu Y

Published on Oct 8, 2017


Working Holiday

It had been three years since the trip to Berlin with Charlie and the other boys ( The days after the trip had been difficult, withdrawing from that life of waking up each morning and in that first minute after opening my eyes, remembering I was their fag, remembering my place in the hierarchy in that room, and starting to accept that maybe I actually wanted my life to revolve around serving and pleasing these alpha males.

That week of my life he took over my mind and rewired it; I became a total slave to him. He pushed me lower and lower and I kept doing whatever he told me. I did things I never thought another man would ever make me do. Even worse he made me want to do them. Beg to do them. Within one week I was totally under his spell, and I never wanted to lose him. He had made me come to terms with being a total inferior to an alpha male, him. All my inhibitions about being his inferior evaporated. I had been ready to give myself completely to him, be his servant, his pet, his footrest, his urinal, literally whatever he wanted. Somehow he had made me ready to give up all of my life dreams and ambitions, everything I'd ever thought I'd do in my life, just so I could be his property. Instead of all those ambitions, I would spend my life serving him and worshipping him, being broken down further and further so there's nothing I wouldn't do for him. I was scared of it, but completely in awe of him. Being around him and doing whatever he told me had made me feel more deeply alive than anything in my life before.

I vividly remember the moment of looking in his eyes, after he asked me if that was the life I wanted. I had taken a second, but only a second to think about it, before telling him yes master.

He had grinned that incredible alpha grin and looked straight in my eyes. Then he'd told me he didn't need me. He'd just wanted to know he could take me, own me, if he wanted. He lay back and slept like a baby, while I was on the floor at his feet, my heart broken. My life was over.

Since that time, I'd readjusted my mind to normal mode and realised I needed to get on with my life.

I moved to Manchester, got myself a shared flat and a decent job. Within a couple of years I had got myself promoted twice, and I quickly remembered all the things I wanted to achieve in my life again. I'd been dating regularly over the last few years too. I used to describe myself as vers, but since Berlin I was now 100% bottom. There was no point being ashamed of it. I told myself I didn't want to find another Charlie. I wanted a healthy relationship. He had to be a top, for sure, but ideally someone I could get the right balance with.

The problem was that they were just never quite enough of a top. Never quite dominant enough. None of them gave me that feeling of being in awe. That's what I was looking for, and I remained convinced I could find it.

So now, three years on I was sitting in an airport, ready to take another flight. This time I was on my own though, and it was no ordinary airport. Somehow I had managed to blag my way onto a work trip out to Ascension Island, one of the British Overseas Territories, which had a population of like a few hundred people, but a big military base too. We were doing some work investigating local wildlife as part of a new ecological strategy for the island. I was flying out today, and one of my colleagues, was following a few days later. He was a couple of years younger, officially my junior, and straight, with a girlfriend. He was a nice guy though and we got on pretty well, so I was looking forward to a few drinks with him while we were away. It was a really interesting study too. I couldn't wait to get out there.

Right now though I was a little distracted. The only way to get out to the island from the UK was via a military flight, leaving from an RAF base on Oxfordshire. So I was sitting in a makeshift waiting room with a handful of other civilians and about 100 squaddies, in full military gear. The plane was delayed so I was stuck in this room for five hours with nothing to do and all these macho guys telling stories to their mates that I couldn't quite hear, fooling around, punching each other's arms, and basically doing all the kind of stuff alpha guys do that makes me horny as hell watching them.

After a couple of hours waiting around, I went across to use the toilets, leaving my bags by the seat. There was no-one at the urinals so I just headed to the middle of the three. A few seconds later another guy came in and walked across to the urinals, unzipped and started using the one to the right of me. From the corner of my eye I could see this was a big beefy guy, taller than me, and considerably broader. His arms were the size of my legs. Not bulging muscles exactly, but thick beefy arms all the same.

I couldn't help myself glancing across to see if he was equally beefy down below, and I wasn't disappointed. It looked twice as thick as mine. Part of me really wanted him to catch me looking, force me into one of the cubicles and unload that meat into my desperate throat. My dick had started to get semi, thinking about it.

After my glance lingered too long, he did catch me, just as he was shaking the last drops of piss off the monster between his legs. Instead of the fantasy though, he gave me a disgusted look.

"Oi, you fucking homo". He moved his head close in to mine. "You keep your queer fucking eyes to yourself or I'll beat your fucking face in til you can't look no more". I could feel the spit from his disgusted word land on my neck.

"Sorry Sir" I said quietly. I was genuinely scared, but I also wanted to show him respect and please him.

He just laughed. "Fucking pansy".

By this point another guy had already opened the door to the toilets and had heard the last exchanges. He held the door for the other guy to leave.

The new guy grinned at me. He had golden blond hair and was not as big as the previous guy, but his arms were all muscle, bulging out from his rolled up army shirt sleeves. I started to walk to the sink to wash my hands, and as he headed to the urinal I saw him move towards me. I stopped in my tracks, willing to let him do whatever he was going to. He lifted his right hand up and slapped my left cheek twice.

I didn't know what to do. In another situation it would have seemed affectionate, but he actually hit pretty hard. I was in no doubt the guys around here could do me damage. He didn't say a thing though and passed me by to go use the urinal. I washed my hands and left.

As I sat back out in the waiting room, I wondered why he'd done that. Was it consoling me for running into one of his more aggressive colleagues? Was he just adding to my humiliation? Or was it like, better luck next time fag?

Another hour passed and I didn't see either of the guys from the toilet, they must have been sitting in some other area. Instead I read a book about the island. About its unique geology, environment and wildlife – pictures of baby turtles running up the beach and stuff. The island had more military personnel than native residents it said. Despite being a small place the town had a couple of pubs, a supermarket and all the basics for 21st century living, and the army base was even better equipped with mega fast broadband speeds, cinema, bowling and everything.

An announcement came over the speakers telling everybody to proceed through passport control into the departure lounge. I spent the next 30 minutes queueing up to go through the check in process and eventually got through to another room, larger this time, as it had to accommodate everybody getting on the flight. There was even less to do in this room, with nothing more than seats, a few vending machines, and a small shop. I got a seat in a far corner on my own. There was still about an hour to go before we even got to board the plane.

I watched as guy after guy passed through passport control and into the room. The aggressive beefy guy passed through and got a seat with his mates, thankfully over the other side of the room. A few minutes later I saw the other face I recognised, the guy who slapped me. I watched him adjust his crotch for a couple of seconds while he was waiting at the check in desk. He was getting a proper handful down there.

I started to read my book again, but glanced up after the first line to see where he was heading. I drew my eyes back to the page but then up again. He was heading towards the back corner where I was. There were loads of free seats up this end still. I returned to the book again, but I wasn't taking anything in, I was just looking at the words like they were a magic eye puzzle. He was still walking towards me. My heart started to beat a little bit faster. Within a few seconds he was grinning and placing his tight muscled ass down on the seat next to mine.

"How you doing homo?"

Shit. I needed to nip this in the bud. He made me nervous and I didn't want all these people who i would be sharing a 10 hour plane ride with me to hear him talking to me like this.

"Look, I'm sorry. I wasn't trying anything on your friend. I think he just got the wrong idea..."

The guy laughed and sat back, relaxing. He lowered his voice, so only I could hear him.

"I'm only messing mate. I don't give a fuck either way. Its just funny you chose like the most homophobic guy in the base to try it on with"

"Seriously, I wasn't trying anything..."

He laughed again. "You are a homo though?" He looked me over for a second. "Yeah, course you are. I can always tell. Guys like you always blush a little bit and look nervous around me". He looked at me waiting for confirmation. I nodded subtly.

He grinned. "Don't be shy man, I don't care. Look me in the eyes and tell me you're a homo"

I looked across at him. That strong jaw, the striking blond hair and piercing eyes. He was looking at me expectantly. He looked in no doubt that I was going to do exactly what he'd told me.

It didn't take long for me to give in. "Ok. I am a homo".

He grinned. "Good boy". He maintained that fixed eye contact, so I didn't dare look away.

"So tell me homo, just how desperate for dick were you earlier on, that you approached a straight guy in the toilets of an army base?"

There was a half smirk on his face. He was enjoying this position of power over me.

"Yeah, ok I was pretty horny to suck"

The smirk got wider. "You always suck then? Yeah. You look that type."

"Yes Sir"

Suddenly his smirk opened into a full mouth open grin. I realised what I'd just said.

"Sorry, I meant, you know, yeah"

"Too late motherfucker" he said still grinning widely. "You said it now. I figured you were probably one of those kind of fags anyway".

I was already tenting in my jeans. He was so hot.

"So, do you..." I started saying, but wasn't sure how to phrase it.

"Fuck no. When I'm getting worshipped I want a proper lady between my legs, not some skinny homo"

I looked down at those thick muscled legs and imagined being on my knees between them, arms behind my back and his firm hand holding a fistful of my hair so my face was just close enough to his crotch to get the masculine scent, but not quite reach it with my lips.

"Man, you'd do anything to get your homo lips on it wouldn't you"

I looked down. "Yes Sir". This time I said it consciously.

"Beg me then"

I looked up at him. I couldn't tell if he was just teasing me, or if he might let me do it. I was getting harder. It had to be worth a shot.

I spoke quietly so nobody else would overhear, but quickly in my rush to get out the words.

"Please Sir, I'll suck and worship your dick so much better than a girl, I'll get proper suction on it, I'll go deep, I'll let you take total control if you want, you can be as rough and fast and deep as you want and I'll take it all"

He was smiling at me.

"Fuck, you really are desperate bitch. That's pretty funny."

He seemed to be considering something. The smirk stayed on his face.

"Go buy some lipstick" he said, finally.


"You wanna suck my dick homo, you've got to be my girl"

My heart sank. I was not into this at all. If he made me put lipstick on, I had no idea if it would come off. Maybe I'd have to spend the whole flight wearing it? And how could I go and buy lipstick?

"They sell it in the shop over there. Just behind the counter."

His grin widened a little as he said it. He knew I'd have to actually ask the person behind the counter for lipstick, and other people in the shop would hear me.

"Please, do I have to do this?" I whispered.

He slid a hand to his crotch and gave it a rummage. There was definitely a lot down there.

"Only if you want some of this homo".

I was too horny. My dignity didn't matter. I put my bag down next to him and went across to the small shop. I immediately saw the lipsticks on a row behind the sales person. I was relieved at least it was a woman. There were a couple of people in the queue so I fake browsed the shop until nobody was waiting and quickly walked across.

She made me repeat the request before it registered with her. "I need to pick some up for my girlfriend" I lied.

"What colour does she wear?" the girl asked.

"The one on the left there" I replied quickly. It was so obviously a lie. I couldn't even see the colours.

I was blushing by now, but I bought and pocketed it and returned to my soldier.

"Show me" he said, and I pulled it out from my pocket. He took it and held the stick against my mouth. "Yeah, nice shade" he said, laughing. "Man, you really are a desperate faggot".

I dropped my gaze again. "Yes Sir".

"Ok, follow me to the toilets in two minutes. Come to the far end cubicle"

My heart was beating fast as he walked away. I whipped out my phone and put two minutes on the timer. When it wound down, I tucked my bag under the seat and followed him, trying to look casual.

I got to the toilets, and a guy was washing his hands at the sink, while the other cubicles all looked empty. I pretended to use the urinal. As soon as the guy left I went across and pushed at the end cubicle. It wasn't locked, but he had a foot against it. I pushed again, and this time he gave way.

He was sitting back on the toilet, but with the lid down, still fully clothed.

I heard the sound of somebody else come in to the toilers, and my heart started double beating. I quickly stepped into the cubicle and turned to close and lock the door. I turned back in the small space to see the soldier. He started undoing his belt and unbuttoning his trousers. At the same time he gestured to me to drop to my knees, which I quickly did.

We could still hear the guy at the urinal, so had to make no unusual noises.

His trousers were open now, but his pants still on. It looked like he was getting hard.

He held out his hand, and it took me a second to realise what he wanted. I reached in my pocket and passed him the lipstick.

He held a hand over my eyes and gestured down, which I took to mean I should close my eyes. I heard him take the top of the lipstick and turn it, and the next thing I felt was his left hand grab a clump of my hair, so he had complete control of my head. He tilted it up to make it easier to apply the stick to me.

Instead of feeling it hit my lips though, I felt it on my forehead. He was rubbing it on my forehead. I realised he was writing something.

By the time he was done we heard the other guy leave the bathroom and it was quiet.

"Ok cocksucker, lets see what you can do"

I opened my eyes as he was putting the lipstick back in his pocket and pulling down those pants to reveal a thick cock, with decent length too.

"Tongue my balls bitch"

I was down there in no time, and he sat back, spread his legs open a little wider and looked very relaxed letting me do all the work.

He pulled his mobile out of his pocket and, holding my hair again manoeuvred me into various positions with his cock and balls over my face and in my mouth, taking pictures of each.

He lifted my mouth onto his dick and let me get it wet, while he put his phone away.

As soon as his hands were free, he started to take control, and his dick started to get even harder. It was thick enough that it stretched my mouth open, and he was pretty rough.

I managed to take it though, and he even got pretty deep into my throat. Once he'd broken into the throat, it got him even hornier. He wanted to pound it like he was fucking pussy. My throat was going to kill, but it was so hot being there, giving him that pleasure and taking it for him.

He kept hammering into my throat until I felt that momentary pause before cumming, where it swells up even more, and then just releases. He never took it out my throat, just let it spill all the way inside me. His hot alpha dick filling every part of my throat.

He held my face deep on his dick for a few seconds after, still not letting me get a breath. It felt like I was underwater. Finally he let me go and as the air returned to my lungs, it felt amazing to see how relaxed and satisfied and awesome he looked.

"Good job homo" he said. "You really do take dick like a faggot"

"Thankyou Sir. It felt amazing to serve you". I was so horny, so desperate to cum.

"How long are you on the island for?" he asked.

Shit. Was I going to get a rerun?

"Umm, like two weeks"

He nodded.

"Do you want..." I began to ask.

"What's your number bitch? And don't lie to me"

I recited it to him as he tapped it into his phone.

A second later my phone rang in my pocket.

"Good boy. Needed to check. I know a few guys who'll enjoy those pictures of you. Maybe you'll hear from one or two of them. When I'm gone you can jizz in your pants bitch. Stay on your knees though. Hope the lipstick comes off faggot"

He flashed that amazing grin again and disappeared. I felt in a daze. Those pictures were pretty humiliating. Was he really going to show them to other guys, and offer me up? Part of me liked that idea, but I had to make sure Danny, my work colleague never saw them.

Real life suddenly caught up with me and I remembered where I was. I locked the door after him and came in about five seconds, just rubbing my dick through my jeans, so I shot the load in my pants. Exactly as he ordered.

I heard somebody else come in and go into one of the other cubicles. An announcement came on the speaker system to say they would be beginning boarding in 15 minutes.

I quietly opened the cubicle door and looked across to the mirror. He had written homo in big red lipstick letters on my forehead. My now soft cock was swimming in the cum inside my pants and I was going to smell obviously of sex all flight. And we were boarding in 15 minutes.

I couldn't go into the main bathroom with this writing on so I returned to the cubicle, got a bundle of toilet roll, dipped it in the clean toilet water and started rubbing my forehead, checking every minute or so in the mirrors outside to see if it was gone.

By the five minutes til boarding announcement I had got most of it off and cleaned up my pants. I left the cubicle and went back out into the main bathroom, looking myself over in the mirror. My face was flushed, throat aching, and there were still faint lipstick coloured smears on my forehead and a light smell of cum clinging to me. I felt like such a whore. But I also felt kind of incredible.

This was the closest I'd been to the fag Charlie had made me feel like three years ago in Berlin. I really wanted to see that soldier again.

Thanks for reading this far. If you liked it, or if you have more ideas for what happens next, i'd love to hear. My email address is

Next: Chapter 2

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