Words Hands Hearts


Published on Mar 9, 2013


Words, Hands, Hearts CH.4

This story is pure fiction and is not intended to imply anything

This story contains sexual Contact between to underage males if this is illegal to read where you live then please hit the back button now!! Everything in this Story is made up, the names and people are fake: they are not Real! Please do not copy or paste this anywhere else, but please feel free to email

---------------------------------------------------------------------- I hope you enjoy this chapter ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Colin Daniel Moore- 15 Marta Moore- Colin's Aunt- age: 28 Declan Connor Bailey-16 Charles Bailey-Declan's Uncle. Keith Heartly-Charles's Partner ----------------------------------------------------------------------

I sit on the couch waiting impatiently as Marta is getting ready, she had another guy over last night, and it really doesn't surprise me at all. I just wished she would get with someone who is actually nice and not looking for a one night stand.

She finally comes down the hall dressed, "Okay you ready to go?" she says looking me over.

I am wearing a pair of my skinny jeans with my black vans and an blue American eagle shirt. "Yeah, do I really have to go?"

"Yes you do, now get up! Let's go." She says losing her patience with me.

I get up and follow her out the door, as she locks the apartment door. "Please Colin be respectful, this is my boss and for whatever reason it is he really thinks you are a good kid. I think this could be a good thing."

I roll my eyes as soon as she turns away from me, "I am always respectful." I tell her.

She doesn't say anything, just gets into the rouge and waits for me to get into the passenger side, I don't know what it is but she is becoming more aggravated with me this week and I haven't even done anything. I do the triple pat except I don't have keys, I check for my wallet, my medicine, and my cell phone.

I get into the SUV and buckle my seatbelt, I watch as Marta puts in the address to the GPS, "He actually lives in the country huh?" I ask.

"Yes, now listen you will be meeting his partner, please don't say anything about him being gay."

"I know he is, he has already told me." I snap back.

She pushes my bangs out of my eyes, "You need a haircut no one can ever see your eyes."

I push her hand back gently, "Im not ready for one yet."

She doesn't say anything just starts to drive, "Are you okay?" I ask.

"I am just a little stressed out lately." She says.

"I can tell."

" The bar let me go, so it's important that I make a great impression today so maybe I can move up maybe even a raise." She says letting out a sigh.

"Well I am sure today will go well." I tell her smiling.

I check my phone expecting a text from someone but who am I kidding my phone hasn't really gone off since the funeral except for my aunt. All my old friends stopped texting after I never replied, how could I? I didn't even want to be alive let alone hear people tell me they understand they couldn't have understood what I was feeling.

We pull into a side road that leads to a gate, down a long dirt road drive way. I start to get a little fidgety. "Colin breathe." Marta say giving me a look of concern.

"Sorry, I'm just nervous..." I tell her.

"It's okay, Keith knows that you have a hard time his partner and nephew will not bombard you with things okay."

I just nod my head, "Im sorry."

She doesn't say anything she parks right behind a pickup truck. I see the house, it looks really nice. I see an above ground pull with a deck built around it, and an old barn just behind the pool. I see Keith step out of the house and wave to us.

We both get out of the SUV and I follow behind Marta, "How are yall doing?" he asks pulling Marta into a hug, and thrusting his hand out to me.

"Doing good thank you for inviting us out." Marta says happily.

"Thank you Mr. Keith." I say shaking his hand.

Another man comes up behind Keith, "Hello Marta."

"Hey Charley how are you?" She asks.

"Doing good, doing real good just busy houses are selling fast. You must be Colin?" He says stepping forward with his hand outstretched.

"Yes sir." I say shyly shaking his hand. He was good looking to be an older guy, I can see why Keith and him were together.

"Let me get my nephew out here he can be a little shit at times." Charley says laughing.

I see him poke his head back inside the door and holler for someone. "I'm not even dressed yet to meet people, I just woke up like a few seconds ago!" I hear a protesting voice.

I see his nephew come to the door, and my jaw drops open, "Sorry he is not a morning person." Keith says laughing.

"No I am not a morning person. Colin, what are you doing here?" Declan says looking at me oddly.

"Declan that is no way to greet our guests!" Charles says sternly.

"It's okay, I know Declan from school. He is actually a friend of mine." I say quickly.

"Okay, well I will let you boys hang out. Marta come on around back we have the pit going and some beer, let the boys be boys." Keith says beckoning her away from me and Declan.

"I didn't know Keith was umm.."

"Well he is." Declan says.

He looks so freaking sexy, he is wearing gym shorts and a tank top, and his dirty blonde hair is all messy.

"Why are you angry at me." I ask.

"I'm not, just didn't expect you to be here." He says.

"Well you act like you don't want me here."

He runs a hand through his messy hair, "I do want you here just I didn't expect you to know Keith already and I don't tell a lot of people about my home life."

"What's wrong with it?" I ask.

"Living with an uncle who is gay, I mean nothing is wrong with it. Just people are pricks at times."

"You let that bother you?" I ask.

"No, I don't."

"You sure act like it." I tell him.

He ignores this comment, "So do you want to come in, or do you want to stand in the door all day?"

"I guess I can come in." I tell him.

He moves aside as I enter the house, there is a pool table as you walk into the door, and to the left is a step down that leads into the living room. "I didn't mean to blow you off at school..."

"Don't worry about it, I didn't know you were already coming over." He says smiling trying to get his untamed hair to lie down.

I don't know what possessed me to reach out and stop him from taming his hair down, but I did. "It looks fine." I say pulling my hand back as if his was on fire.

He gives me a goofy smile, "Well I am glad my wild hair pleases you."

I just blush, "Sorry, so what do you do here all day?"

(Declan's POV)

"Well, I play games, do work around the farm." I tell him.

"Cool, so yeah I don't know what to talk about." He says.

"Well why don't I show you my room?" I ask.

I motion for him to follow me and he actually does, I am a little surprised at this. I lead him down the hall to my room on the right. "Behold me great plain room." I say smiling.

My room isn't too plain, I mean I have a dresser with a stereo, and a twin sized bed in the corner. My room is painted green with wood floors, I have a shelf with my trophies on it, and a little computer desk for my laptop.

"I like it." He says smiling.

"How it's kind of boring to a lot of people." I tell him laughing.

"No it's simple, and that's not a bad thing, I thought you said you played video games?"

"I do just in the living room, I can get Keith or my uncle to play at times, did you want to play?" I ask sitting on my bed.

He laughs, and looks at some of the trophies. "You play football, and no I don't play video games, and I wouldn't want to play with you I would end up looking dumb"

"I did play football I'm not playing this year." I tell him.

"Why not?" he asks looking at me.

I blush a little, "I want to focus on trying to find a relationship, I know it sounds stupid..."

"No it doesn't. It's actually pretty cool that you are willing to give up football, but you better watch out or you gonna get flabby!" he says laughing.

"The hell I am I do plan on doing cross country!" I tell him.

"Oh so you are going to do a sport?"

"Yeah, me and Skylar I believe or Cole, not sure which one is doing it you should too!" I tell him getting a little excited.

"No, I don't do sports." He says flatly.

"Is it because of those scars, I saw on your back?" I ask wishing I hadn't breached this subject so soon but it slipped."

I see his posture stiffen, he doesn't say anything for a long time, I get up and lay a hand on his shoulder and he pushes it off real fast, "Don't touch me please."

"I'm sorry I shouldn't have brought that up, I just...look did your parents give you those? Is that why you live with your aunt?" I ask mentally cursing myself.

"I'm sorry for the questions, it's just I don't know anything about you and you don't make it easy to try and get to know you at all." I blurt out.

"Yes, and no. Please don't ask this stuff."

"Colin, I am trying to get to know you, understand you. Dude I will go first, I live with my uncle because my parents are such severe drug addicts that they were willing to sell my body for drugs when I was young I watched them shoot up, smoke up, dope up everything when I was young. I was hit beat it sucked. Finally I was taken away and my uncle took me in he didn't have to he was young and had a whole life to live but he did. My mom hates me, so no I don't know your story, but we all have one." I tell him sitting back on my bed.

I can tell he is really uncomfortable now, "I'm sorry." He says.

"It's okay, not like you can change it, we just have to make the best out of what life gives us right?"

He laughs, "Yeah if you say so. But it looks like life handed you a solid full deck of cards to play with." He says looking around; I don't know if I see sadness or envy in his eyes.

"So you want to go chill outside or ride the four wheelers?" I ask,

"NO!....no I don't want to ride the four wheelers at all." He says.

"Okay we don't have to that was just a suggestion. Colin I am working with very little to go on, you don't contribute to what you would like to do and its frustrating to me."

"I'm sorry; I don't mean to be so complicated."

"Well lets go see what the "adults" are up too." I say laughing.

He follows me out of the room, I have to admit I am getting frustrated he is so hot, and cold that I don't know what to even do about it anymore. We make our way out the back door to see the adults in a deep conversation about something.

I see they have cracked open some beer, I don't know how far in they are, not like my uncle or Keith gets drunk I have only seen them drunk once and they were funny, and they went to bed that's it.

"Look I don't know what I am doing, hell I am still young. I mean I can't provide for him like his parents could, they were so on point with their whole lives, and I am just messing up around every corner." I here Colin's aunt tell Charley and Keith.

"Hey we had no idea how to be parents when Declan came into our lives, but I tell you what I love that kid as if he was my own, hell without him I don't think Charles and I would be so happy." Keith says putting a hand on her shoulder.

"Keith is right, I was scared out of my mind, how the hell do I raise a kid when I am a gay man, but I pulled through....we pulled through and Declan can be a little shit but that boy makes me so damn proud. Give it some time Marta, Colin has been through a lot. It took Declan over a year to stop having nightmares, and be okay again. We are talking about a kid who has been through a severe traumatizing ordeal to see both of his parents die."

Wow I didn't know he saw both his parents die, I give Colin a look, and he is avoiding my eyes, I can see he isn't comfortable, with the conversation at all. What tops it off is the cry I hear from his aunt.

"But yall have yourselves so put together, hell I don't. I don't want the responsibility of a kid at all, I was so embarrassed the other day when Colin told me he met my last fling that was over. I don't know what to do, I don't know how to take care of him, I don't know how to deal with all his issues he has. I can barely take him to an doctor's appointment on time! The boy probably things I hate him!" she says breaking down sobbing.

I see Charley rush over and pull her into a hug, Colin brushes past me, "Marta!"

"Declan get him out of her!" Keith says.

I try to grab Colin's arm, but he yanks it away, "Please don't hate Marta, please she just lost her second job she is overwhelmed with me it's my fault, please, please, please don't fire her please!" he is screaming half begging to Keith. I can hear in his voice he is crying.

Keith leaves Charley to handle Marta, and grabs Colin into a hug, "Stop Colin. Just breathe nothing is going to happen to her okay? She is overwhelmed and it's not your fault, I am not firing her over her having some things to work out. I admire her for being so damn strong." He says into Colin's hair as he hugs him.

I follow Keith and Colin inside the house, "Take some cash go to a friends for a night, the cash is for food for you to boys. I think it will do Marta some good to just vent out everything so we can help her adjust to everything." Keith tells me.

"It's my fault I'm so sorry..."Colin says crying.

"No, it's not your fault!" Keith says to him.

I feel useless in the situation I don't know what to do, but it sucks to see Colin so upset and I don't know how to help him, I just want to hold him.

I see Colin chest start to heave up and down fast, and he clutches his chest, "Colin where is your medicine?" I hear Keith ask.

"My pocket." He whispers out trying to catch his breath.

"Declan reach in his pocket grab his medicine, pull out a capsule and place in under his tongue!"

I move to Colin, who is shaking visibly now, and reach into his pocket and pull out the smallest bottle I have ever seen, and pull out a little pill, "Colin open your mouth." I tell him.

I gently place the pill under his tongue, and I sweat in that moment I felt so many feelings for him, I wanted to pull him close to my chest and hold him and protect him from everything.

But Keith beat me to hugging Colin, "Come on buddy calm down. Breathe like I told you too in the truck the other day."

I shoot Keith a confused look; he gives me the look that he will explain later.

"Colin go with Declan he is a really good driver okay?"

Colin just nods, still trying to catch his breath, I motion for him to follow me, and he does. I open the passenger door on the pickup truck, and make sure he is in.

I run around to the driver side of the truck and hop in, "Are you okay?" I ask.

He just nods his head. I want to reach over and kiss him, but this wouldn't be the best time at all. I pull out of the drive way and down the road, I know where we are going, I look over and Colin has pulled his legs to his chest, and wrapped his arms around them. He looks so cute with his puffy eyes, I still have to fight the urge to hold him.

15 minutes after I stop and grab us some food from Whataburger, having to guess what he likes since he really wouldn't talk. I pull into lake Travis and back the truck up closer to the lake and park it, I grab the sleeping bags from the back seat, and get out of the truck. Letting down the gate of the truck, this draws Colin out of the truck, "What are you doing?"

"Spreading out the sleeping bags on the bed of the truck." I tell him.

"I can see that." He says annoyed.

"Well we have to have someplace to stay so why not camp out for the night, it's beautiful and I do this when I am upset and need somewhere calm."

"But Keith said to go to a friend's house..."

"Skylar is at some concert, and who knows what Cole is doing, but to me it seems like being around more people is something you don't want." I tell him as I finish spreading one of the sleeping bags out.

Okay you are right." He says looking at the ground.

I stretch out my hand for him to grab so I can help him up, and he finally takes it. "So care to explain some of the things, I heard?"

I sit down waiting, but honestly I don't think he will even tell me anything but he sits right across from me and takes off his shirt, I see the massive amount of scars, and I reach out and touch his chest. He jumps a little but doesn't move.

And with a cliff hanger to end the chapter!!!! I hope you have all enjoyed this chapter the next one will have a very specific person in it, so if you have been following my writing for awhile you might recognize this person if not, you might want to catch up!!!

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