Words Hands Hearts


Published on Jan 14, 2013


Words, Hands, Hearts

This story is pure fiction and is not intended to imply anything

This story contains sexual Contact between to underage males if this is illegal to read where You live then please hit the back button now!! Everything in this Story is made up, the names and people are fake: they are not Real! Please do not copy or paste this anywhere else, but please feel free to email

This is a new story be patient, it will most likely be slow for a few chapters, This is not my first time around the block I have wrote Some sense of security, Reckless and Relentless, and just recently Alive in the lights! Now I present Words, Hands, Hearts.

Colin Daniel Moore- 15 Marta Moore- Colin's Aunt- age: 28 Declan Connor Bailey-16

I throw my Vans back pack just inside the door to my room, and I walk to the bed and sit down kicking off my Vans slip-on shoes. The first day of school sucked, I hated living in Austin, Texas. I missed home, I missed my parents.

I didn't even see the school much, I just sat in the office and talked to a counselor about everything that happened and if I was ready to start a new beginning since I was a freshman. I just smiled and told her what she wanted to hear. She didn't want to ask about the accident, but I told her I have re-told the story to many times that it didn't faze me as people think that it does. Sure I have nightmares sometimes or my chest hurts since I can't run or do much strenuous activities.

I remember the day figured I always would, it was a nasty outside the weather couldn't decide if it wanted to sprinkle or straight up pour hardcore. My parents and I were on our way to see my Aunt Marta's new apartment in Austin, when the 18 wheeler jackknifed and our car went hurtling into the back of the 18 wheeler.

The 18 wheeler was carrying thin metal posts and the straps snapped on impact sending the poles shooting at us. My parents were killed instantly on impact with the truck, I was sitting in the middle of the seat in the back and a pole struck me right in the chest not even an inch below my heart.

I couldn't move as the pole impaled me, I was stuck to the seat. Things get really blurry after that, all I get are flashes of blood, glass red and blue lights, and the firefighters cutting the side of the car open. I remember the firefighter lifting me up carefully so the pole didn't do anymore damage, and I remember the ambulance I was holding his hand and crying, I could feel my chest on fire and I asked him not to leave me.

I shake my head coming out of the memory, and rub my chest where the pole punctured my chest and the scar where they had to perform open heart surgery because it clipped my heart and it was causing problems.

I stand up throwing off my American eagle shirt and reaching for a plain white shirt I catch my reflection in the mirror my shaggy brown hair fell into my green eyes, and I traveled my reflection down the scars on my chest and the one down the middle where they had to open my chest up. I had some abs slowly forming from the light jogging and sit ups that I do every morning. I was skinny and it sucks that I am short about 5'4. I hope I will grow I just turned 15 a week ago.

Tearing my eyes away from the ugliness of my body I put on my shirt and go to my desk and start up my laptop, guess if anything good has come out of all this mess it's that I never had to come out to my parents that I was gay.

While my laptop was booting up I decided to change out of my blue jeans, sliding them off I look at myself again, I thought I at least looked good from the waist down even though my legs looked skinny they weren't hairy, and the under-armour boxers made me looked really good.

Honestly what do I really know? I never had a boyfriend or had anyone look at me with desire besides the gay people chat site that I get on. I get on cam some times and jack off for them, but lately some users online kept wanting me to take my shirt off and I can't do that no one has seen the scars but my aunt, only because she had to change the dressing when I got out of the hospital.

I log onto my computer and sit down heading directly to the chat site, I barely log in and I get a message.

Biguy78: Hey cutie I was wondering if you were getting on?

CDM98(Me): Ya, I had school today.

Biguy78: Oh that sucks so you gonna cam for us?

CDM98: I didn't plan on it.

GayDC98: Come on you should!

CDM98: I never seen you in the chat before?

GayDC98: Yeah sorry to just barge in on your chat room first time here.

Biguy78: Well you should be glad this boy is so cute! If only we could all get him to take off his shirt.

Guest124: Yeah he is so hott!

Guest113: Yeah cum on get on cam!

Biguy78: Yeah show us that hot cock of yours!

CDM98: Fine.

I hit the button to activate the camera and it pops on and the camera is pointed at my shirt, I adjust it so it's pointing to my crotch, and I slide one hand into my shorts, I pull them down showing my under-armour boxers and how they show off my bulge.

Biguy78: come on cutie show the newbie your beautiful face.

I focus the camera on my face, I know I should never show my face but I guess I just like how people think I am cute, I don't think I am so much, I have always heard what a handsome boy I was.

GayDC98: Holy shit! I know you I saw you in school today!

I read that and I freak out, I shut down the chat room before he could say anything else. Whatever was growing in my boxers died, I felt a sick to my stomach I breathe in deep like I was taught to do after a nightmare. I don't understand how someone from my new school even saw me!

I try to stop myself from shaking, just breath you idiot! Okay it's not possible that anyone even saw me maybe I just look like someone they know. I was in the office all day, even though it has a large glass that looks out into the hall I never turned my face out to look at the students once.

I put the thoughts behind me; I really don't need to be stressing out like this it's not good for my health apparently. Now that every sexual thought is not longer in my head, I head out of my room into the kitchen. Coming out of the hall I see my Aunt Marta who insists I just call her Marta cause saying Aunt makes her sound so old, even though she is only 28.

"Hey buddy I didn't see you come in?" She says looking up from her book.

"I came in about 30 minuets ago. I think you were in your room." I tell her making my way to the fridge.

"Yeah I was in the shower shaving, we are out of milk if you are wanting some I have to pick some up tomorrow, how was school?"

I close the fridge there wasn't anything I wanted I guess I could just wait till dinner, "All I did was sit in the counselors office talk about my classes and she asked if I needed to she her to talk about the accident and what all do they need to be aware of cause of my injuries and such, pretty lame."

"That does sound lame; do they need anything else from me? Oh I'm not cooking tonight we still have some left over pizza. I have a guy taking me out that I am interested in, and well..." She trails off.

"I know I will stay in my room turn on the music, I know the routine now Marta." I tell her.

"Thanks babe, I am going to go get ready for tonight." She says getting up and heading to her room.

I love Marta, but she can never find a decent guy. Probably cause she puts out so soon and she is just a quick bang for them and then they never call and I am stuck watching the notebook and eating ice cream with her.

Screw it; I doubt I will even get off tonight. I am still a little freaked out about that boy saying he saw me at school. I guess I will just go head to the shower and eat pizza, I am just nervous about tomorrow I will be in classes with other students, and I don't want to be that awkward social outcast. I was pretty popular at my old school with boys, and girls. They all loved how cute I was but this is high school now, and I don't feel like I am cute anymore at all. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

(Declan's POV)

Damnit why did I have to say anything! I should have just kept my mouth shut, but I couldn't help it! He was so cute I just wanted him to know that we went to school together. I didn't mean to scare him off, yes Austin has its choice of gay boys at the school, but I didn't want a feminine one.

I laugh to myself, cause here I am thinking he is gay, maybe that boy likes to get off to others watching, but I know I saw him at school today he was in the office I saw meet with Ms. Shaant the school's counselor. I would recognize that messy brown hair anywhere. He is really cute, skinny, short, and now I saw that he has green eyes he is perfect for me.

I push back from my computer and stand in front of the mirror. I look at my blonde hair, and brown eyes. Down to my shirtless body, I was toned from living on a farm and helping around with bailing the hay, and digging posts but not overly buff I am still skinny though not overly buff that is gross. I am about six feet tall so it would make that boy perfect for me.

I need to stop thinking like that I don't even know his name, and he is new to school, plus how he acted I don't think he is even out, unlike me I am. I live with my Uncle Charles who is gay and has a partner of 11 years his name is Keith he lives with us of course.

I came out to them when I was 14, and no it's not because I was raised by them. I just knew I didn't like girls I always fantasized about boys. Not that I have been with one, I have had boyfriends and we have jerked each other off but nothing really serious.

Despite what my asshole parents say, that I am a queer because of my Uncles life style, it just pisses me off. My Uncle took me in when I was seven years old him and Keith never hesitated to take me away from my drug addict parents who lost their parental rights to me. My mom fought hard to let me just go into the system, because she didn't support my Uncle's life style, but luckily Keith is an amazing family lawyer.

Last time I saw my parents was about seven months ago. I told my mom I was gay, and she said she hoped I died of Aids. My father was to busy passed out from whatever he took, I just looked at her in disgust. She said so much that day, and Uncle Keith has tried to tell me not to listen to them, but it's not fair I'm still just a kid and knowing that's how my real mother feels about me still eats at me, but really try not to let it.

"Declan, you going to give me a hand with picking up the hay outside?" My Uncle Charles hollered at me from down stairs.

"Yes sir, I am just putting on my boots." I tell him slipping my boots on and my jeans over them, and head down stairs. I glance back at the computer still mentally cursing myself for scaring that boy off.

I make my way down stairs, and Uncle Charles is at the door waiting on me, He smiling up at me, "Bout time boy thought I was gonna have to do this all alone today."

"Ha, not a chance old man! I say leaning in for a hug."

My Uncle is tall probably around 6'3 he is built from working on the farm, you wouldn't guess he lived on a farm since he is a real estate agent. He has the same color blonde hair as me and eyes. People never believe that he is just my uncle.

Uncle Keith is about 5'10 he has brown hair and eyes, but he is cute for and older gentlemen. They are both 32 years old so that's good for me. They act like a bunch of teenagers a lot of the time. I honestly don't think I would be the person I am now without them two raising me.

I followed him out to the old pickup truck that we used around the farm. Well you really couldn't call it a farm anymore we didn't have animals just a lot of acres of land and we used it to make hay and sell it on the side, even though they had plenty of money coming in between both of their jobs. Plus it was away for me to pitch in and make a little money as well as learning some responsibility.

I just into the back of the truck as my Uncle starts it up and heads out into the field, it doesn't take long for us to get out far enough where we have the small square bales of hay. I grab a pair of gloves from the glove compartment, and start tossing them up to my Uncle who is arranging them in the truck bed.

After about Two hours we decided to call it a day, I was tired as well as sweaty. "Well that should be good for today." Uncle Charley says as I get into the passenger seat.

"Yeah got more than I thought we would."

"So how was school?" He asks as he drives slowly in the field.

I brush the hair away from my forehead, "It's Okay, nothing to hard this year. Hey Uncle Charley?"

"What's on your mind?" He asks looking over at me.

"Would it be okay, if I didn't play any sports this year?" I say cautiously. Not that he or Keith have ever yelled or raised a hand to me. Just I know he loved watching me play football, and basketball. I just wanted to get to know the boy I saw today and well it sounds stupid I wanted to date him.

He shrugged his shoulders, well it would free up my Friday nights!" He says chuckling. "No son, I wouldn't mind it's your choice Keith and I will support you no matter what you do. Can I ask why you don't want to play sports?"

I grow red in the face, "I want to focus on school, and stuff...." I say looking out the window.

This gets a laugh from him, "you want to find a boyfriend huh?"

"Yes sir, just I never had one, and it's not that I am even worried about coming out at school I have really cool friends, just they all have someone and I want that I want to go out on a date and have a boyfriend." I tell him.

It's not that I am not out I am partially most of my football teammates know, and they don't care. It is Austin after all, that and if anyone tried to mess with me I knew how to defend myself.

"Declan, you are a teenage boy. You are supposed to want those things, and it's okay to want them there is no reason to be shy about you wanting to date. I am surprised you haven't found a boyfriend yet. Just know you can always talk to me and Keith about things."

"UNCLE CHARLEY! I am not talking about sex! I just want a boyfriend to hold hands and be with." I say getting red in the face.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Colin's POV)

I am not like most boys....I hate left over pizza! It just doesn't taste right to me. I finish the last slice, and dump the crust into the trashcan along with the paper plate. Marta insists on using them, because she hates to wash dishes and so do I. I really hope she doesn't bring the guy home; maybe the date will go bad.

She has two jobs, during the week she works as a secretary at some law firm, and every other weekend she works at a popular bar on 6th street that is really popular. It's not like we needed the money my parents left a significant amount a lot went into my trust fund when I hit 18 I can get. I know another portion went into paying my Aunts college debt and bills so that we wouldn't have to struggle and the rest is put up until Marta gets married.

Like I said I really don't want to hear her, and who ever the new guy is having sex at all. I should be the one having sex, but that is never going to happen. I don't even want to think about sex, causes then I start to think of that boy, who swore he saw me in school there is just no way I never saw anyone today.

I shudder at the thought; I don't know anyone so I shouldn't really care. View this as a new start...that's what the counselor had told me today, that I could be whoever I wanted to be, well I wanted to be left alone. I didn't want to be known as the boy who was in the car wreck that killed his parents and he survived somehow.

I just want to get through high school. It sucks that I don't know anyone, and I doubt I will get to know anyone. Ever since the accident I feel so out of place with everyone. Now that I can be gay and not have one single person even cares about me. Marta does, but she is also trying to live her life.

Maybe taking a shower will ease my now growing panic in my chest. I lay a hand on my chest to try and stop the tightening in it. I need to stop freaking out about every little thing today. It isn't good for me, and I am not supposed to be freaking out. Maybe I will just get up early in the morning and shower.

Heading to my room I lock the door behind me, and turn off the light, I strip down to my under-armour boxers and slide into my bed. I make sure my door is always locked I don't want Marta to have to see my chest at all, I don't even want to see it. I try not to look in the bathroom mirror after a shower but sometimes I do.

It doesn't take long and I start to feel sleepy I should have taken my sleeping medicine but it makes me so groggy....

So sorry this one was so short but it was just an introductory chapter for the story they will be longer please feel free to email giving me your thoughts and all!!

Thanks! KD


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Next: Chapter 2

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