Wooing My Beloved

By Susan Rogers

Published on Mar 12, 2001


Hello my lovlies!

I finally have chapter 12 for you to read... I hope you love it, as much as I loved writing it

I'm sorry that it took so long to get out, and I hope I still have faithful readers :)

Dislaimer - I do not know N'sync, or anything about them... this is FICTION

Also, if you are to young to be reading this, leave

And on with chapter 12

Chris' birthday

From Chris's point of view

When I awoke about an hour later, I opened my eyes to see nothing but beautiful green eyes staring down at me like an angel from above. My heart started beating faster from the love that I saw radiating from his eyes. I raised my hand and gently caressed his cheek, and smiled.

The past few days had been a surreal experience to say the least. Never in my wildest dreams could I have imagined this. I thought at the beginning of all this that I would have preferred the person pursuing me to be someone else, but I realize now that there is no one else that could fill my heart with such love, and desire.

I saw Lance bring his head down, and I raised my lips to meet his in a soft gentle kiss. His tongue encouraged my mouth to open, which I gladly did. We played a game of tongue tag and I would like to think that I won. Lance then started pressing hot kisses down the side of my neck, and I felt like purring. Lance's teeth gently nipped my collarbone and I just stretched my neck higher and enjoyed all the sensations. Lance stopped and smiled down at me.

"Did you enjoy your nap?" Lance asked me softly.

I just smiled up at him and nodded, of course I enjoyed my nap. With Lance, I enjoyed everything. "What time is it?" I questioned Lance.

"It's, 1pm, we have four hours or so before we have to meet the rest of the guys in the front lobby." Lance informed me in his business like voice, and I just grinned. Leave it to Lance to be so brisk at a moment like this.

"Sooo, my silky lance, what do you have planned for us?" I asked softly, trailing a fingertip down his cheek.

"I thought, we could. . . watch a movie eat some popcorn, and talk girl talk." Lance said with a mischievous grin.

"Oo, sounds like an exciting birthday!" I told Lance cheerfully.

Lance just glared at me. I knew he was feeling insecure, about what, I didn't know for sure, but I knew that something was troubling Lance. I gripped his hand and looked up at him, my eyes probing his. He gave me a questioning look and I just smiled.

"Lance, what's wrong?" I asked him softly.

"It's silly really, nothing to worry about Chris. This is your day to be happy, not to be sad." Lance said giving me an encouraging smile. I smiled back in response, knowing it was a fake plastic smile. The chances of me getting a real smile out of lance was going to be slim to none unless he told me what was going on.

I looked at Chris, my eyes probing his. I didn't want to spend my day like this. I wanted to know what was wrong, and why Lance was acting so sad. I just reached up and allowed my hand to travel gently lover his neck. "Lance, tell me what's wrong. Please, I promise to do whatever it is I can to make it better." I told him, pleading with him.

"Oh Chris, please don't push. It's nothing important I promise you. So just accept it ok?" Lance said slightly exasperated.

"I cannot have a good birthday knowing that you're upset about something Lance, I just can't! So please, tell me what happened." I begged him, with both words and with my eyes.

"Its embarrassing Chris!" Lance whispered softly.

"It's just between you and me Lance, and if you cannot trust me, to tell me something then who can you trust?" I asked him quietly. This was really starting to annoy me. I hated knowing that Lance was upset about something but not knowing what exactly that something was. It just wasn't fair.

"Fine Chris, but if you don't like what I have to tell you, then it isn't my fault. And if you get mad, please remember that you pushed for me to tell you." Lance warned me.

I was starting to get worried. Was he going to break up with me? Did I do something wrong? Had this all been a joke? What was going on?

I just nodded at Lance, my tongue not being able to get around the words I wanted to speak.

"I know I perused this relationship with you. And I know what I have to say is going to be unfair to you, I just hope you won't hate me." Lance said softly, taking a breath and then continuing. "I love you elfkin, you know that. I am sure I have made that plenty clear with my actions, and my words. I just want you to know that I am not ready to make it a physical love yet. I don't think that I want to go that far. I know you did the other night, and I know it's unfair to think that you won't be getting it back. I know I shouldn't have taken without wanting to give. But I just don't think I am ready for it. You seem to be more okay with it then me. And that's fine. But I am not okay, I don't think I am ready for sex yet, or the acts that sex brings. Last night was wonderful, yes it was. But I don't think I could return what you gave me, not right now anyway." Lance said with a slightly winded voice.

Wow, what a speech. Lance honestly believed that I would get upset, even ponder breaking up with him simply because he didn't want to have sex? Was he crazy? I guess in the past he might have been hurt by someone because of it. But still! I loved Lance, with ever fiber of my being, I wouldn't leave him over something so petty, and so stupid.

I gripped his hands in mine and I stared into his sea green depths. "Lance, I love YOU, for YOU, not because I think that you will have sex with me in the near future, or today for that matter. If you're not ready to give, then don't give Lance. I am not going to get angry with you. I completely understand that you just aren't ready. This has all happened quickly. But it was good, and I am glad it all happened the way it did. I wouldn't change anything. This birthday means more to me then any other for the soul reason that you are there with me. That I can share this birthday with someone I love so much. And I do love you Lance. If you do not want to have sex with me, today, tomorrow, or a month from now. I won't leave you because of it. I feel when you're ready, you're ready and when that time is right then by golly, you'll let me know and we'll make mind blowing love till the sun sets and rises and until we're spent and sated and we cannot move." I told Lance with passion, believing every word I spoke.

Lance looked instantly relieved by my words, and I was glad. He leaned down and kissed me with a sweet passion that melted my insides. I wrapped my arms around him and hauled his close to me, and kissed him till we both pulled back gasping for air.

"So, Lance my lovely thong wearing boyfriend, what are we going to do today." I asked him softly.

Lance grinned at me, and picked up the phone and punched in a few numbers. "You ready?" He asked when I believe someone picked up the phone.

The person on the other line must have answered because Lance told them that he'd be right there. Lance hung up the phone and grabbed my hand. And hauled me to the closet. "Pick out your least flashiest and most comfortable outfit and put it on." I looked at him questioningly and rummaged through my clothes deciding on some very comfy khaki and a blue T-shirt. Simple, but classy, I said to myself. Lance had put on navy slacks, and a gray T-shirt. I slipped on some comfy Birkenstocks, and Lance put on his sensible running shoes.

Next Lance led me threw the bathroom, to my room, where our makeup lady was waiting. I looked at Lance with surprise, not quite knowing what the heck was going on.

"Today, Elfkin, you and I are going to be unrecognizable." Lance told me smugly.

Lydia our makeup lady got me to sit down and went about doing her `magic'. She fitted me with a wig, gave me a shave and fake facial hair, and applied some goop to my face. When I looked in the mirror, I hardly recognized myself. I looked totally different, with blonde hair and a mustache.

I looked over at Lance, and my jaw dropped at the beautiful sight that stood before me. Lance looked totally beautiful. Lydia had done his hair a rich strawberry blonde, and slicked it back instead of making it spikey, giving Lance a laid back sexy look. She had changed his sexy sea green eyes, to a light brown colour, and she had given him a goatee.

Lance and I thanked Lydia and then we made our way to the elevator. When we got inside I wrapped my arms around Lance and gave him a passionate kiss; not worrying that anyone would see us and rat us out to the press.

Lance took my hand and led me outside, and I entwined my fingers through his. The sunshine felt glorious on my skin, and I grinned foolishly at Lance. We must have been the best looking couple on the block, cause everyone was looking at us. I know that they probably were all freaked out at the sight of two gay guys, but I'll lie to myself if I want to.

Lance and I went to McDonalds, and I giggled. The most public place, full of teenage girls we could possibly go to. It was great! Lance and I ordered our food, and took a seat in the busy restaurant dining room. I Lance dipped his french fry in chocolate shake, and fed it to me. I felt so giddy, it was great. I fed Lance a french fry covered in Ketchup and fed it to him, giggling when Lance got ketchup all over his mouth. Feeling bold I leaned over and licked the ketchup from around his mouth.

Lance looked at me shocked, but his eyes showed me he was smiling, I felt great! After we finished our lunch Lance and I headed back out of the restaurant and he led me onto a bus. I looked at Lance puzzled and he gave me a look that said `trust me'. I just shrugged and sat back to enjoy the ride. I guess Lance too, was feeling bold because he started kissing my neck, and then give me a passionate kiss that involved a lotta tongue.

As quickly as the kiss started, it ended and Lance pulled the stop cord on the bus and we both got off. Lance took my hand and we started walking and I realized we were heading towards the zoo. I grinned at Lance, another public place! It was grrrreat.

Lance and I spent the next two hours wandering around a crowded zoo, filled with teeny bops galore. We mimicked the monkeys, made out infront of the hippos and secretly groped each other infront of the elephants, and although, elephants never forget I bet they won't tell our little secret.

After the zoo, Lance led me to a movie theater and I followed happily. This had been the best birthday ever! At the theater we decided to watch Blair witch 2. Lance bought me popcorn, and a drink and we headed into the theater. We sat at the very back and I fed each other popcorn until the movie started. Lance and I noticed that there were only two other people in the theater and they were at the very front. I looked at Lance and he looked at me and we grinned at each other. Lance wiggled his eyebrows at me, and I looked at him curiously. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a square foil package. I just raised an eyebrow at him.

Lance leaned over "I don't know why I put this in my pocket today, but it seemed like a good idea." Lance said with a grin.

I just looked at him curiously not knowing what he planned on doing with that package. I saw his cleaver run up my thigh, and I was starting to get aroused, then Lance sunk those perfect little teeth gently into my neck and I was gone. I was harder then ever before, especially with the fact that we were doing this in a public place.

Lance unsnapped my pants, and pulled my cock out through the slot in my boxers. I bit my lip to keep from moaning outloud. Lance smiled at me, and whispered in my ear. "I know this won't feel as good, but it'll save us from making to big a mess."

I the saw Lance open up the condom package and I felt him slide it over my now very hard cock. I just gasped as he started sliding his hand up and down my cock. Lance looked around the theater, and seeing nothing I saw him bend down and felt his mouth going over my cock. He did it expertly and, I was so damn hot that I almost came right then. Lance began to give me expert head, his tongue doing things I had never imaged, and the heat of his mouth was quite amazing. After Lance's amazing tongue did a few loops and twirls over the head of my cock, I exploded. I had to bite my lip hard to keep from moaning aloud, and although I was trying real hard, I couldn't help but making some noise.

I just lay back in my chair and closed my eyes, coming down from the high that I just experienced. Lance sat up and grinned at me, I weakly grinned back. Lance removed the condom from my now soft cock and dropped it into the popcorn container. I smiled at him, and I heard him whisper. "Happy birthday Christopher, my sexy elfkin."

I looked into Lance's changed brown eyes, and smiled. "I love you Lance, my silky wonder stud."

Lance giggled at my words and kissed me on the mouth, it was a soft sweet kiss and my insides turned to liquid goo all the way to my toes.

We just sat there staring at each other lovingly and then the house lights came up. We had missed the whole movie, but it was more then worth it.

After we left the Movie Theater, we checked our watches and found that it was 4:45. I looked at Lance and cringed. There was no WAY we would get back to the hotel in 15min.

Lance pulled out his cell phone and hit a few buttons. "Justin?" He said, "Yah, this is he, Chris and I are going to be a bit late, we are just coming home now."

I heard Lance say a few more things and then he shut off his phone and stuffed it into his pocket. He took my hand and we wandered to the bus stop.

It was a 20 minute ride back to the hotel and we made out the whole way there. After we got to the hotel we made our way back up stairs.

Lane knocked on Justin, and J.C's hotel door, and it swung open. I saw Justin stare at Lance and I in total shock. "What the fuck?" He said puzzled.

I looked at Lance and dissolved into a fit of laughter and we crumpled to the floor.

I didn't care what went on for the rest of the night. To me, it was the perfect birthday. Lance and I were able to be ourselves without worrying about being caught.

I helped Lance off the floor and we ruffled Justin's curly head and went into the room and closed the door. Yep, I would never ever forget this birthday.

Hope ya liked it

Susie Q


Next: Chapter 13: Interludes 1

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