Wooing My Beloved

By Susan Rogers

Published on Jan 31, 2001


Disclaimer this is a work of FICTION, a made up story of my imagination. I do not know the members of n'sync or anything bout their lives..

if you are to young to read or are offended by homosexual literature leave now

When I awoke the next morning, I found myself wrapped in Chris. His legs had somehow managed to wedge between my own, and his arms were wrapped around me in a forceful grip, that he kept even in his sleep.

I tried to squirm free, only to have Chris wrap his arms around me tighter. As much as I hated to wake Chris, I seriously had to use the washroom. I looked at Chris, in his sleep he looked peaceful and sweet. Obviously his dreams were pleasant because he had a small smile caressing his lips.

I ran my fingertip along Chris' jaw bone, delighting in the texture of Chris' skin, and the stubble that appeared from his nights slumber. His hair was slightly rumpled from sleep, but all in all... he was a vision of perfection.

I leaned my head close to his ear and called his name softly. I received no response, no matter how loudly I said his name. I knew that there was only one way to wake Chris. I wanted to avoid such drastic measures... but we had to be ready in 20minutes for the breakfast meeting to go over the next months schedule. I looked at my watch, getting ready to set the timer when I realized the date indicated at the top of my watch. It was Chris' birthday, we had no meetings!! DUH!!

I couldn't believe I had forgotten such an important fact. Well; after last nights escapades, it's no wonder my mind would have been muddled with other facts.

I knew, if Chris was left undisturbed that he would sleep for atleast another two hours. That gave me plenty time to plan a surprise breakfast. I quickly snatched up the phone and dialed J.C, I knew he would be awake... then I remembered that J.C often took the phone off the hook because relentless fans often got the number and called frantically.

I quietly snuck out the door and made my way to J.C's room. I knocked softly on the door and waited for a answer.

The door promptly swung open, and there stood Justin, clad wrapped in a bed sheet exclaiming "Finally!"

My mouth dropped open and I looked at him in shock. What the holy hell was Justin doing, in a bed sheet toga style, in J.C's room?

"Uhhh.... Lance.... I thought you would still be asleep." Justin stammered.

"Obviously, I've interupted something. I am curious, but I won't ask. Can you make sure the other guys know not to come to my room before five o'clock. I'm going to have Chris tied up until then," I told Justin with a smirk. And I turned on my heel flounced off to my room, giggling to myself.

I couldn't imagine what Justin and J.C had goin on, but that was their business, not mine. I just crept back into my room and looked at the bed. There lay Chris sleeping peacefully. I gently shut the door, so I wouldn't wake him up. I went into the washroom and shut the door, I made a few phone calls and then I went through my belongings to make sure I had everything I needed.

Around twenty minutes later, there was a knock at the door. I quickly answered it because I didn't want Chris to wake up just yet. Chris slept soundly enough that I didn't worry about waking him, as long as I didn't make any loud noises.

I laid out everything that came to the door in a neat fashion on the table provided by the hotel. Then another knock came at the door and I opened it. There stood our P.R manager. I grinned at him.

He knew my sexual orientation so when I called him with my request he wasn't extremely weirded out. I opened the discreet brown paper bag and peered in side. Everything that I had asked the P.R guy to get for me was there.

I went in and showered, and made myself smell good. Then I put on the a sky blue thong, and loose navy blue silk pants. To add to my look I put on a blue furry studded collar that I had purchased as a joke to myself some time ago. spiked my hair up and tinged the tips of my hair with blue hair mascara. Everything was ready. I knew I used a lot of blue, but I felt blue was a power colour for me.

I went into the bedroom and saw that Chris was still sleeping on the bed. He had the sheets all wrapped around himself, and his leg splayed out on one side of the bed. He looked so cute and innocent laying there like he was. A lock of his dark brown hair had fallen across his forehead into his eyes. Of course he didn't know this because he was asleep.

I put a "Do not disturb" sign on the door, and I took the phone off the hook and wrapped it in a towel so we wouldn't be disturbed by the sound. I then went back and looked at my sleeping elfkin. Though I didn't want to wake him I knew I had to.

I sat down beside Chris and felt the bed sag under my weight. I grinned evily and put my head close to Chris' ear.

"Chris, common get up... we're late!! We're twenty minutes late for the meeting." I shook his shoulder.

Chris sat bolt upright in bed and darted into the bathroom. I fell back on the bed and started laughing hard. Chris peeked his head back into the room and gave me a funny look. "What?" he asked. "And why are you wearing that, not that I'm complaining but I doubt management would want you doing an interview like that." Chris said talking quickly.

"Elfkin, I'm just kidding you. We have today off because it's your birthday, remember?" I asked Chris softly.

Chris looked at me confused, and then it dawned on him. "You little sneak! You tricked me!" Chris said glaring at me.

I just gave him what I hoped was a charming smile. "Awe Chris.. Don't be mad. It was all in fun. Now why don't you have a shower and put on what I left for you in the bathroom, and join me for Breakfast." I told Chris softly.

Chris gave me a puzzled look, and then his face lit up. "You've been a busy beaver haven't you silky?" Chris asked me softly.

I just blushed and shooed Chris off. I went over to the table and made sure everything was still warm. I didn't want to eat cold food. Thankfully everything was still deliciously warm.

I heard the door to the washroom open, and I quickly looked in the direction of the door. There stood Chris, his chest still glistening with water droplets, wearing another pair of silver boxer shorts, I looked at his feet and head and gave him a disappointed look. He gave me a pleading aww do I have to look, and I shooed him away.

I honestly do not know where the manager managed to find it, but it was perfect. Chris came back out of the washroom wearing silver silk, elf hat, and silver slippers with a curled pointed end with a bell. He looked embarrassed.

"Aww, my elfkin looks SO adorable." I quickly grabbed my camera and snapped a picture.

"I cannot believe you just took my picture." Chris said looking not at all pleased.

"Awe, Chris, you look adorable! And this is just blackmail in case you ever think to let the group know about my wearing thongs." Lance said with a evil grin.

Chris huffed but made his way over to the table. "So what's for breakfast." Chris asked me softly.

"Pancakes, crossiants, scrambled eggs, and orange juice." I said opening the different platters and displaying the goodies that were inside.

Chris rubbed his sexy tummy and took a seat at the table. We ate in silence, and exchanged loving looks. I knew the guys were planing a big birthday dinner for Chris, they had been for sometime now. So I knew that Chris and I had until exactly five o'clock before some baffoon interrupted us.

"Did you want your birthday present now, or tonight?" I asked Chris softly after we were done eating and our plates had been pushed away.

"Depends," Chris said, giving me a sexy look. "Is it personal?"

I thought I personal, but whether Chris would see it as such, I didn't know. "I'd like to think that it is a personal gift." I told Chris shyly.

"Then by all means, give it to me now." Chris said leering at me.

"It's not that kinda gift Chris." I said blushing red.

"Oh..." Chris said looking a bit dismayed.

I felt discouraged immediately. I knew my cheesy present should never have been bought. Obviously Chris wanted something more special, something like a pay back for what I received last night. However, I didn't want Chris to feel like his birthday present was that cheap. However, it seemed like he wanted his birthday present to be that cheap.

Chris must have saw the disappointed look on my face. "Aw, Lance, pookums... I am sure whatever you got me for my birthday will be precious and special no matter what it is. Yes, I won't lie to you that a part of me wished that your present would be a tad bit sexual, but I suppose I can always get more then one present." Chris said with a devious grin.

I blushed, yet again. He had me, but of course he knew he had me. I didn't even bother to answer his comment. I just calmly reached under the bed and pulled out a big brightly wrapped box. I handed it over to Chris, and sat back to watch the unwrapping.

I knew with Chris, he would frantically rip the paper away. I was prepared. He tore away the first layer on the wrapping paper, only to be met with yet another layer. He ripped that off too and opened the box. He crazily threw out the plastic foam bits that hid the contents of the box. He then pulled out another, smaller box and shot me a glare.

I just grinned mischievously at Chris and motioned for him to continue. Finally he had gotten to the last box, a circular object. Chris shot me a puzzled grin and ripped open to reveal a plastic ball that you would find a twenty five cent piece of jewlery in.

"I assure you, what's in that bubble, is worth more then the packaging." I told Chris with a grin. I didn't want him to think I was a cheap boyfriend. When I was shopping for Chris' present, thought more then price went into it. I admit I paid more then I should have for a relationship I wasn't quite sure about. However, Chris didn't need to know that.

Chris just gave me a small grin, and bit his lip with concentration at getting the plastic ball open. Finally Chris wrestled it free and took out the tissue paper center with extreme care. He sent me a loving smile. He gently unwrapped the tissue paper and allowed the silver chain spill into his hand. He sent me a shocked look. "I was expecting an engagement ring," He said mockingly.

I just stuck my tongue out at him. Chris unraveled the chain and saw the silver elf holding a heart with a sapphire center. "Uhm, look on the back Chris." I told Chris softly.

Chris flipped over the silver elf, and I know he was reading the inscription.


It may be one word, but I felt that it ment a lot. I didn't want to cloud the word with other words. Chris could take his own meaning. To me, it just ment, that forever, no matter what Chris would be my one true thing. I could find another man, but no one could mean to me what Chris did. I know it was hokey, but I loved Chris. Before he knew that I had feelings for him.

Chris looked up at me, and I saw tears glistening in his eyes. I just gave a small smile, I hoped he liked my gift. "Would you put it on me?" Chris asked me softly.

"Gladly." I said simply, and sat behind Chris to fasten the necklace behind his neck.

I took Chris' hand, and led him to the bed. He looked at me a bit oddly, and I suspected he thought what was about to happen was not what he expected.

I just laid down on the bed and pulled Chris down. He fell easily and snuggled up close to me. I instantly let my fingers drift through his hair, and my other hand I just let it creep up and down the soft skin of his back.

The silver necklace that hung from Chris' neck was pressed inbetween us, like a physical reminder of our love. Chris buried his face in my neck, I felt his lips move, and I heard thank you. I just smiled, I knew Chris enjoyed what I got for him.

Chris pressed a kiss to the side of my neck, then moved back a bit and looked into my eyes. His brown eyes were clouded by emotion. I felt proud that, that emotion was directed towards me. I let my lips skim over his, and I pulled him closer. I just cuddled Chris tightly to me and took a deep breath. I was so happy at this moment, everything was so right. After we laid there for about a hour or so, just laying quietly basking in each others warmth, we drifted off into a peaceful slumber.

there you are my lovlies, chapter 11 I hope you enjoyed it

Susie Q


Next: Chapter 12

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