Wooden Swords

By CollegeDraon

Published on Jan 10, 2005



Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. All characters are fictional, though possibly based in part off of someone that I know. Also, this work is adult in nature. If adult material offends you, or is illegal in you area, leave now or forever hold your peace. Oh and this work is gay fiction, so any homophobes need to leave.

"Wooden Swords" by CollegeDragon

Chapter 1

There he is, my current crush. The one boi who invades all my dreams and is the focus of all my fantasies. He's a nineteen-year-old five foot six well built boi. He has spiked locks of golden blond hair and silver-blue eyes. He looks like a character out of some Japanese cartoon. The fact that he is also on in our university's kendo club just adds to that appearance. But in short, Shane is every thing that I could want in a boyfriend.

But why would he want me? I'm eighteen years old, six foot even, barely weigh 180, and I'm skinny as hell. I'm not scrawny but I'm not built well either. My reddish orange hair is a mess of tangled curls when it gets more than half an inch long and my eyes are a dull gray-blue. In short, I'm one of those persons that you try to overlook and if you can't try to ignore and forget. At least I am forgettable.

But hey, if I can't have the guy I want, at least I can look at him, right? And I look every chance I get. Which is on average, 6 or so times a week. Like I said, he's in the kendo club and so am I. And all the kendo club guys wound up with lockers near each other when we went to rent lockers this semester. So at our two meetings each week I get every glance. Once when we're changing before practice, once in the shower, and once after the shower when we're getting dressed after practice. And with each glance I see a 4 inch flaccid piece of marvelous manhood. And his balls are fairly large, though they don't hang that low. Occasionally I'll get to see his member semi-hard in the shower, but not often. It's hard not to pop up rock hard then.

So anyways, it's Thursday. Second meeting of the week and its nearly over. We all finish up the set we're working on and go over next meeting and a few other things. Fundraiser this, community support that. Just boring crap. And as we're leaving I don't know how it happens but I just spit out as Shane walks past. "Hey dude, I was having trouble with the new technique. Got any time to help me with it?"

Shane looks back at me, slightly shocked. This is, in both his and my memory, the first time that I not only spoke to him but spoke period. I've never talked during the meetings/practices nor in the locker room or shower. NEVER. And then he smiles. I get ready for it. I just know he's gonna laugh or say something that basically boils down to, to hell with you. But instead, "Sure Evan. I'll help you. You know me, anything for the club." (That's not an exaggeration folks. He once, as a fundraiser, did strip dancing for all the gay guys in the school. We charged a fair cover and he managed to be given over two hundred dollars in tips in just ONE show; we had three shows) He motioned me to follow him. We stopped by one of the rec center offices and he grabbed a scratch sheet of paper and scribbled an address. It was an apartment just off campus. "Can you come over tonight? Say around 8 or 9?"

Not expecting any of this I nodded before saying, "Yeah I can be there at 8." After that we both headed to the locker room and showers. As we showered I noticed that this was one of those rare times that he was semi-hard. And damn it, I couldn't help it. I started to stiffen up, and damn quickly too. I hightailed my ass out of the shower so it didn't show to anyone and made my way back to my locker. As I changed Shane walked up behind me, slapped my back, and smiled then went over to his locker and proceeded to get dressed. Since his locker was on the wall adjacent to mine, he dressed with his back to me. Can't see his cock very well that way, but his ass was a nice sight indeed. Perfectly round and (surprisingly) just as tanned as he was (which was a light gold). I so wished that I could reach out and just grab it. But it was truly my forbidden fruit.

As he leaves, he got dressed a lot quicker than I did, he turns back and says, "See you at 8 tonight." I look at my watch and silently curse. It's only 4. Four agonizing hours to go. I grab my crap and leave. Four more hours and I'll be working one on one with my personal Adonis. Too bad it'll only be for kendo practice.

Chapter 2

Eight o'clock rolls around and I pull into his complex, grab my practice sword and walk my happy ass up to his apartment. Lights are on and some music is playing. Good sign I figure. Ring the doorbell and wait a few minutes. Finally Shane answers the door... in his boxers! Woah. It takes all of about 2 seconds for me to bone and from the looks of it, Shane's not in that much better of a predicament than I am. Looking into each others eyes I finally say, "Interesting practice clothes. Well, gonna let me in or are we gonna practice out here?"

Shane smiles (was that a sneaky smile I saw?) and steps to the side. "Come in. Go ahead and leave your stuff on the couch to your right. I want to show you around the place first." So we take a grand tour of the apartment. For those who don't know, a one bedroom apartment is not big. Quite the opposite, there is very little to see. The tour ends in the back of the place, in his bedroom. Where there is junk everywhere. An dvd case with no cover sits open, upside down in the middle of the floor while there is clothing covering every surface imaginable. From shirts on the desk to jeans on the bed and even underwear on the bookshelf. "Not much room for practice," I comment quietly under my breath. And I also begin to wonder, Shane is the best in the club. He would KNOW that we need more room. So why invite me here?

Finally it hits me. Or rather Shane does. He knocks me onto the bed and as I try to sit up he jumps onto me, still only wearing his now greatly tented underwear. Before I have a chance to ask what the hell is going on he mashes his lips to mine while grinding his crotch into mine and we fall into a rather uncomfortable make out embrace. Little while later we disentangle ourselves and I finally get to ask, "What the hell?"

Shane looks sheepish (?!) and says, "I know you're queer. And I know you've got the hots for me. I KNOW it. Well you blind dumbass, I've been TRYING to get you to talk to me or flirt with me for nearly 6 months! Ever since you joined the club. But NO you wouldn't say anything, you shied away when I looked at you pleadingly. Nope, YOU wouldn't respond to anything. I'd nearly given up hope of ever getting you over here. Oh by the way, I'm just as queer as you."

Damn, I wish Shane had taken my picture then. I know how completely non-plussed I looked. He had figuratively overturned nearly my entire world with that mini-speech/lecture. And since I didn't respond quickly enough he decided that was the moment to make things more interesting. Specifically he began to strip me. I was wearing a wife-beater a shirt tank top thing. You know, they sell them in packages of 3 at K-mart. So he just ripped that off. Or rather, ripped it to shreds. They were still hanging on. With it sufficiently ripped he began to suck and lick on my chest before he moved to my pants. Typically I wear blue jeans and a rather forgettable belt. Today because I expected to be working out, I was wearing sweat pants. So he just grabbed those at the hips and gave them a tug. That left me in the shredded and tattered remains of my shirt and a pair of incredibly terribly tented boxers.

"Ooh, fancy drawers!" Shane joked. It was sorta true though. They were shiny polyester with dragons and Japanese symbols printed on them. His comment just made me blush. "It's not fair though. Your shiny boxers make mine look plain and ordinary. I demand that you strip yours off this minute! he mock ordered. "Yes sir," I said as sheepishly yet playfully as possible. He may have started the game, but I'd be a willing participant. So he let me up an in a flash I was standing there in nothing but a shredded shirt. He began to advance on me and as he got to me we began to make out again but because he was being more forceful, we ended up falling onto the bed, again. At that point we stopped mouth fucking and he moved down to my nether regions and began to orally service my rock hard prick. Oh, in case you're wondering I was gifted with nearly 8 inches of hard cock. And he was taking every last inch down his throat. Oh was I ever in the throes of pleasure as he serviced my cock. Never had I a better blowjob than that. After a bit he released my cock from his mouth and throat and began to simply play with it with his tongue. I think that he knew what was about to happen and wanted to see it for himself. What happened was while he was tonguing my prick I began to shoot stream after stream of thick cum. And most of it landed in his hair or on his face. And he just smiled and smiled. Finally he stood up, with a bit of a groan and I decided to make my move.

Fast as lightning I got up and spun him around. I shoved him onto the bed and he looked shocked. He later admitted to me that he thought I wouldn't be this forceful during our first sex. But I was and I was also very hungry. For his cock that is. I went down on him. He was still in his boxers so I started by sucking through his shorts before I teased them off of his hot body. All he knew at this point was that he was in pleasure heaven and I was the cause of it. And for the curious, fully erect Shane measure just over 9 inches. And I tried to take it all. It took a few tries but I got each and every lovely inch down my throat. And as much as I enjoyed it, the moans he couldn't keep under control told me that he was enjoying it as well. We continued the fucking of my face for a bit before I pulled off. I pulled him off the bed and he knew what I wanted. I wanted his nine inches up my almost virgin ass. I knew it would hurt, and so did he. I didn't give a damn.

So he laid me back onto the bed, gently. He lifted my legs, somehow we both knew that I didn't want to do it doggy style. And then he positioned his cock right at the entrance to my hole. I tried to relax. His cock was well lubed with my spit and my ass wasn't tight as a virgin's. But when he punched it (at my insistence and request) it hurt like hell. And I screamed but I urged him on. And he began to fuck me. Long and hard. He varied it sometimes. And after I had gotten good and loose he began to pull out and punch in again. Just before he came though I stopped him and asked, in a raspy breath, "Shoot over my chest." So he complied and pulled his dick out and he jacked himself like two times before jets of creamy cum began to spray forth. He made me look like a child with how much he shot in comparison to me. It went everywhere, but mostly it landed on me. From my hair to my cock, I was literally covered in creamy white boi cum. I loved it. It is the best feeling in the world in my opinion, to be covered in the cum of so hot a boi toi as Shane.

When he finally stopped we glanced at the clock and saw that it was almost 10. What seemed like only a few minutes had somehow escalated to two hours. We had the whole night ahead of us. And in the end, we made use of it! :)

The end.

(So, what did you think? Anything that could be improved? I've only written one other thing so I need feedback. Plus the sex stuff was improvised considering that I'm an 18 year old virgin myself. And if anyone wants to know, the protagonist, who goes by the name Evan is physically based on me. Anyways, comments or suggestions can be sent to dragonshifter306@hotmail.com. I suggest including something about nifty or the title "Wooden Swords" in the subject line. I have a tendency to delete what seems like junk mail rather quickly.)

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