Wonder Woman

By John O'Connor (Coltrane)

Published on Oct 8, 2001



Title: The Further Erotic Adventures of Lois Lane: Wonder Woman (lesbian celebrity)

Author: John O'Connor

Email: lushcoltrane@yahoo.com

Rating: NC-17.

Pairings: Lois Lane/Wonder Woman.

Category: First time.

Date: 8 October 2001.

Series: None.

Website: http://www.ma-at.net/Sam-and-Janet-God

Disclaimer: All characters are owned and copywritten by DC Comics and Time-Warner. This story is for entertainment purposes only and no money exchanged hands. No copyright infringement is intended. The original characters, situations, and story are the property of the author.

Lois Lane, Superman and all related characters were created by Jerry Seigel and Joe Schuster.

Wonder Woman was created by William Moulton Marston.

Summary: Seeking to discover why she is so special in Superman's life, Wonder Woman strikes up a friendship with Lois Lane.

Note: A) Spoilers for "Adventures of Superman" #761, the storyline that starts in "Superman: Y2K" #1, as well as partial spoilers for the "Kingdom Come" and "The Kingdom" mini-series. Events take place following the Braniac 2.5 storyline. (Collected in the trade paperback "Superman: No Limits.") B) Follows "Supergirl's Girlfriend: Lois Lane" and "Superman's Girlfriends: Lois and Lana: Sharing Secrets" as well as a story I didn't write but used for inspiration; the Voice' story "The Adventures of Lois and Clark: Lois and Cat" (which can be found at www.superstories.net/sportsman/lsarch/dc.htm) _______________________________________________________ Wonder Woman

Diana, princess of Themyscira but known to the world at large as Wonder Woman, floated far above the strangely changed Metropolis. It was always a futuristic-looking city compared to Boston or Gateway City but now it was even more so. And with the coming of night, the lighted towers emphasized the differences.

Aware of the damage caused by Braniac-13's attempted take over of Earth on New Year's Day 2000, Diana marveled that the rest of the world seemed to cope, and even revert to it's original patterns. Metropolis, on the other hand, had been radically altered after that near-disaster. She recalled J'onn Jonz saying something about the proximity of the city to the core of Braniac's operations.

She shook her head, that was irrelevant now. She was here for a more personal mission. She had not pursued this until now, telling herself she had been too busy with the League and her own life. In truth, she was not looking forward to the potential denouement of this meeting.

Drifting down towards the gleaming towers, Diana looked for, and found, her quarry. She soared along the steep-walled, artificial canyons high above her target until the woman entered a residential building.

Waiting until she had a chance to reach her place, Diana settled onto the narrow balcony and knocked on the glass door. The curtain was pulled back and a startled Lois Lane looked at her visitor.

Dropping the curtain back into place, Lois opened the door and said curtly, "He's not here."

"I know," Diana replied, nodding. "He's at the Watchtower. I'm not here to see Kal. I actually wanted to talk to you."

Clearly puzzled, Lois stood aside and gestured the tall Amazon into her apartment. As Diana stepped in, Lois looked at her and thought, 'She is magnificent! No wonder the men at the Planet are practically drooling whenever one of her pictures comes over the wire.'

"Well, have a seat." Diana sat on the love seat and crossed her legs. Lois watched, thinking 'She does that so easily and naturally. Does she even know how sexy that is?'

Lois had become aware of her interest in other women several years before. In fact, just recently she had learned that interest stretched back even further. A fact she was still coming to terms with. But she had never felt the desire so strongly before.

Masking her quiet desire, Lois asked tersely, "What do you want?"

"As I said, I merely wish to talk. I'd like to get to know you better."

Lois' pulse quickened but she refused to show any sign of the affect this woman was having on her.

"Why?" There, that sounded nicely formal.

"Kal, uh, Clark is devoted to you. I find that incredibly admirable." Diana paused for a moment. "What did he tell you of the time we were away?"

"You mean that Sunday last fall? Just that you and he helped Thor defeat some demons attacking Valhalla," Lois said matter-of-factly. In reality, she still couldn't bring herself to believe any of it. Or even Wonder Woman's claim to be from some ancient Greek myth.

"Yes, the vgrtsmyth. Evil creatures bent on destroying anything good or righteous. It was a monumental battle. The Aesir fell, the vgrtsmyth fell. But through it all, Kal stood strong. He, Thor, and I were there at the end, victorious. And through it all..." Diana paused again.


"Over that millennia-long battle, he stayed true to you, to his love. I merely wish to see what kind of woman can inspire such loyalty. She would be one I would like to consider my friend..."

"Whoa! Back up a minute. Millennia-long? What the hell are you talking about? Clark was back the next day!" Lois said, pacing quickly about the room.

"Time in the Upper Realms passes at a different rate. To us, over a thousand years had passed. To you, it was just over a day. It is hard to explain," Diana responded.

"Okay, this is just a little much. But..." Lois held up her hand in a placating gesture. "Alright, let's just say you're right. This means Clark's immortal?"

"Not necessarily. In the Upper Realms, many things are possible. Few are explainable by your science. However, I do know that Clark will age slower than most mortals." Diana felt it imprudent to mention their encounter with their possible future-selves through the newly revealed Hypertime link. She didn't think Lois would take the revelation of her death and the subsequent birth of the son of Superman and Wonder Woman very well.

"Okay. Table that discussion for another time too. What was that you said about Clark staying true to me?" Lois asked.

"The Upper Realms women were, are incredibly attractive. They were most willing to grant any valiant warrior his, or her, desires. All would partake of this pageant except K...Clark. He never even looked at another female."

"What about you?" Lois asked, her nerves thrumming with dread at the answer.

"I admit I find your husband to be possibly the most attractive man I've ever met. He has every quality I admire. However, one of his greatest strengths comes not from within, but from without. You."

"You're not answering my question," Lois prompted her guest.

"Please understand, Lois - May I call you Lois? Please understand, we thought we had spent centuries there. I was sure everything we knew was long gone. I did offer myself to Kal. To Clark." Lois felt a cold ball form in her stomach. She turned her back and stared out into the night.

Diana came up behind Lois and gently placed her hands on the shorter woman's shoulders. "He politely declined. Even when we were certain that nothing would remain after the passing of so centuries, he remained true to you. He loves you more than I would have believed possible."

Lois squeezed her eyes shut; still feeling the tears trickle down her cheeks. Clark loved her! She knew it but to hear it from this goddess he had turned down, even when he was certain she was long dead... She covered her face with her hands, quiet sobs of joy and elation shaking her frame.

"Lois, I am sorry. I didn't mean to bring you hurt or grief..."

"Yo-you didn't. I'm such a fool... He does love me more than..."

"Maybe I should leave," Diana said, stepping to the French windows and the balcony beyond.

"Wait. Please..." Diana turned and looked at this mortal she should be jealous of. Why wasn't she? Why did she only feel admiration and...?

"Wonder Woman..."

"Please, my name is Diana," the tall Amazon said.

Lois smiled, her cheeks glistening with tears, "Diana, I've been a terrible host. Please, sit down. I...I guess I'd like...to know you better too."

Smiling gently and shaking her head, Diana said, "Perhaps it would be better another time. I would like to get together. You are a woman I'd like to know. Let me call you in a few days and..."

"Please do. I think I'd like to get to know you too. I know so few from the other side of Clark's life. Well, so few who aren't homicidal maniacs or power-crazed idiots..." Lois laughed.

Diana stepped towards Lois and hugged the young woman to her tightly. Lois held Diana, her face pressed against the warm skin of the Amazon's shoulder.

"I will call you shortly. Your husband is on his way and I believe he is anxious to spend the evening with you," Diana said as she stepped onto the balcony. "Until later, then."

Lois waved at slowly diminishing figure, her body still tingling where it had touched the other woman. Before she could indulge in any fantasy, the reality of her man, her love, came in and grabbed her into a fierce, loving embrace.

Several days later, in the Daily Planet's bullpen, Lois heard Jimmy call her, "Hey, Lois! You got a call on line three."

"Thanks, Jimmy," Lois replied. Picking up the receiver and pushing the flashing button, she said, "This is Lois Lane."

"Lois, this is Diana." Lois immediately recognized the voice, Wonder Woman!

"Yes. Diana, how are you?"

"Fine. I happen to be in Metropolis and was hoping you were free for lunch?" the voice over the phone said.

Lois, feeling pleasant chills run along her spine, said, "Yes. Where are you?"

"In Midtown. Any suggestions?"

Lois mentioned a cozy Italian place and arranged to meet Diana there in an hour. After hanging up, she hurried through her work, trying to clear up as much time as she could for the afternoon. Fortunately, the

main story she was working on was an in-depth article on the police department's SCU and was slated to be the cover story of an upcoming Sunday Magazine edition.

An hour later, Lois popped her head into the office of the owner/editor of the paper, Perry White. "Perry, I'm off. Gotta potentially big interview and I may not be back. The SCU story is coming along well and it'll be ready before the Sunday Magazine deadline. Thanks."

Before Perry could begin to bellow at Lois about who she was interviewing or how her other stories were progressing, the pretty brunette had already disappeared. 'Wonder if Clark's back in town,' Perry mused. 'That could explain why Lois is so...'

Shaking his head and smiling, something he'd never let any of his employees see, Perry turned back to composing the front page for the early addition.

Lois strode into Luigi's looking for the familiar blue, red, and gold costume. Instead she saw a tall, raven-haired woman wave to her from a booth in the back. It was Diana.

As Lois came to the table, she saw the Amazon was wearing a single piece, royal purple shift. It was gathered at the waist by a slim gold chain. Her only ornaments were the ever-present bracelets on her wrists. The woman was stunning in her simplistic garb!

"You look lovely," Lois said. She immediately regretted it, thinking she was being too forward.

"Thank you. So do you," Diana replied with a heavenly smile.

Lois waved off the compliment, she was in her typical work clothes. "These are just work clothes..."

"Still, they enhance your appearance. Clark is a lucky man..."

The waiter came and they both ordered drinks and sat back to try to get acquainted.

"So, don't get me wrong, but why did you call me for lunch?" Lois asked.

"I enjoyed our short visit and felt that I'd benefit from getting to know you. You don't mind?"

"No, of course not. I'm just not used to goddesses asking me to lunch," Lois joked. "But Clark is out of town for the next two days so my time is wide open."

"Well, I don't have that much time. By the way, I'm no goddess. I'm an Amazon," Diana replied.

'Not from where I'm sitting. Definite goddess material there,' Lois thought. And not for the first time.

Since the brief meeting in her apartment, Lois had been thinking of the tall beauty often. She had even had an erotic dream or two about her. She never thought she'd really meet the woman in person again. Well, not without it involving a news story.

"Lois, I have so few normal friends. Uh, people that aren't metahumans, I mean. Would you please tell me about your life? What it was like to grow up in America?" Diana asked.

"Only if you tell me about life on Paradise Island," Lois said. "Deal?"

"Deal. You go first?"

"Okay. Well, first, my life isn't the typical Brady Bunch kind of life. My dad, Sam, was in the Army and we travelled a lot. Also, he wanted a boy so I became a surrogate son for a while. Until I rebelled..."

The afternoon was spent with the women relating anecdotes about their pasts. Lois told of growing up on different army posts, her sister's blindness and subsequently the strange cure when the bizarre replica of Superman, Bizarro, self-destructed.. Then she went back and told about life at Metropolis University and her life as a journalist.

Diana told about growing up on Themyscira, being the only child there among all the immortal Amazons. How she was trained to use virtually any weapon, including her body as well as various arts. A most unusual story that Lois found fascinating.

Lois was beginning to feel courageous enough to ask about more personal aspects of Diana's life when the Amazon stood and said, "Lois, I had a wonderful time but I have to get back to Gateway City. I would love to do this again."

Nodding in agreement, Lois said, "I would too. Please call whenever you're in town."

"I will," Diana said as she grabbed the check.


"My...treat? That is the proper term?"

Lois nodded, "Yes, and thank you. It's on me next time..."

Diana left the restaurant and walked to a nearby park before taking to the air. As she flew west, away from Metropolis, she decided then and there that the future they glimpsed through the phenomenon of Hypertime would never come to pass. Lois, and the rest of the Daily Planet, would not die at the hands of a pale-skinned, green-haired psychopath from Gotham.

That night, Lois finally fell asleep after masturbating to several intense orgasms. All while thinking of Diana, the lovely Amazon.

It was over a month before Lois heard from her new friend. Diana was again in town, this time for the evening, and had hoped to have dinner with Lois. Lois, of course, agreed.

They met at another cozy restaurant near Centennial Park. Lois had rushed home and changed into one of her newer dresses, a slinky black number slit from the knee-length hem halfway up her thigh. It was held up by spaghetti-thin straps, showing off the smooth, white skin of her upper chest and shoulders. The plunging back was proof she wasn't wearing a bra, a fact that became more evident when she entered the restaurant and saw her companion.

Diana was wearing a deep scarlet dress in a similar cut to the royal purple shift she wore to their lunch the month before. It was again tied with a thin gold belt. She wore golden sandals and ruby earrings, and the ever-present gold bracelets. Her hair was piled up on the crown of her head, showing the silky smooth skin of her neck. Lois was certain this was the most gorgeous woman in Metropolis that night, if not all of North America. Perhaps even the world.

If Lois had hoped for more that evening, she was to be disappointed. But she had already discounted the possibility of anything more than friendship with the stunning superhero. She was very happy to be her friend, and perhaps confidante.

"Diana, you look stunning! Absolutely stunning!" Lois said as she took Diana's hands in hers.

"Lois, every time I see you, I understand more fully why Clark is devoted to you. You are radiant tonight!

Did you do this for me?"

"Well," Lois smiled. "I don't normally dress like this for the doorman..."

They again got a private booth in an alcove towards the back of the main dining area. This curved booth was in an alcove which ensured more privacy. It was also smaller and they had to sit closer together, their knees lightly touching. Lois tried to move her legs but there was nowhere to move them. She decided this sweet torture would just have to be endured.

"Lois, you never told me about meeting your husband for the first time," Diana said.

"Well, I'm sure you heard the story by now. I was covering the maiden flight of the first space plane and it's historic landing at Metropolis Airport. Historic, that's certainly an understatement. There was a problem during reentry and we were almost certainly doomed. Then, something lifted the ship and set us down softly on the tarmac. Before I could get off and see what happened, a man stared at me and then flew off.

"I later learned that was Clark. He had just come to Metropolis and hadn't even created the Superman persona. When I met Clark face to face, I didn't recognize him. He was so meek. And, of course, I wasn't expecting my savior to become my coworker." Lois paused as the waiter came up and took an order for wine and a light appetizer of Oysters Rockefeller.

They also ordered their entrees, hoping to minimize the intrusions by their server.

After the waiter left and returned with the wine, Lois went on, "So, we didn't like each other at first. Well, actually I didn't like Clark. But things changed and soon, I realized that Superman would never give me more than the time of day. Clark was a constant in my life. And when I realized that, I also realized that I did like him. Soon enough I was willing to admit that I loved him. The rest, as they say..."

Diana rested her chin on the tops of her interlaced fingers, a small smile on her lips. "You are one of the lucky ones, I believe. Too many of the people I know are divorced or separated. A stable, loving relationship...it's a rare thing." The waiter returned with the appetizer.

"I know, that's why I am willing to deal with his other life. There are also no secrets between us." Lois dropped her eyes for a moment as she picked up her wine glass, she was lying. There was one secret she could never tell, she owed Lex Luthor one story of his choosing. At his whim, she had to do everything she could to quash the story, no matter what. To allow Perry to keep the Planet, she had agreed and, though regretting making a deal with that snake, she was an honorable person and would keep her promise.

Diana then told Lois more about her life on Themyscira and the contest held to determine who would represent the Amazons to the world at large. How she had to disguise herself, as her mother had forbidden her to compete.

"You see, I grew up with the stories Mother told of her days with the Justice Society and the All-Star Squadron. It sounded like such fun to a child. And later, when I realized my life would be little more than idle pleasure with no real purpose, I desired the adventure and excitement," Diana said.

"Have you ever regretted your decision?" Lois asked.

"No. Not once. Even when Artemis was sent to replace me, I managed to remain and, as Clark once said, fight the good fight. What about you? Ever regret marrying your husband?"

Lois thought back, "No, there were times it was trying. And once, when I thought I'd lost him, it was devastating..."

Diana nodded, remembering all too well when Superman had been killed fighting a living war machine called Doomsday. She, like billions around the world, was stunned and saddened by the news.

"I think the worst was that I couldn't even mourn properly. We decided, the Kents and I, that Clark's secret should be buried with him. It was safer for us, keeping psychos like the Superman Revenge Squad from coming after his loved ones. And then to get those imitators and under-developed clones..." Lois shook her head. Time to change the subject.

"Diana, what about you? Is there someone in your life?"

The tall beauty shook her head, "No. I tried a couple of relationships. The closest I came to anything serious was with Arthur - Aquaman? But we shared too many similarities and the differences were too great. And he still harbored feelings for his lost love, Mera." Diana looked at her salad then smiled, "Besides, try keeping your hair like this underwater."

They both laughed at that. Shortly afterwards, their meals came and they ate heartily. Another bottle of wine helped add to the ambience. Lois was definitely enjoying herself and, most especially, her companion.

At one point, Diana placed her hand lightly on Lois' arm. Lois looked into Diana's eyes and saw a glimmer there she hoped she wasn't misinterpreting.

"Diana, I'd like to ask you something..." Lois was interrupted by the low beeping of Diana' JLA signaling device.

"Excuse me, Lois, I'm afraid I'll have to cut our evening short," Diana said, the regret obvious in her voice.

"I understand," Lois said, disappointed at the intrusion of Diana's other life into this quiet dinner. "Maybe we can pick this up again?"

"Yes, I'd like that. Here..." Diana quickly scribbled a phone number on a cocktail napkin, "This is a number in Gateway City where you can leave a message for me. I'm sorry, but I don't have a regular phone..."

"Thank you, Diana," Lois said.

She stood as the lovely woman got up to leave. Diana paused and kissed Lois lightly on the lips. A fleeting gesture but one that sent sparks through Lois. Then she was gone.

Lois played that scene over and over in her head for the next several days. Was she imagining things? Or was Diana attracted to her?

Then the logical, ego-crushing side of her stepped in and questioned why a goddess would be interested in her. Anyway, Lois told herself, she was happy this woman wanted to be her friend. Lois felt an unexpected closeness to the tall Amazon. And friends don't become lovers... Usually.

However, even that cold, hard inner voice didn't stop the fantasies that played through Lois' head late at night. Even after a bout of supersex with her husband.

Well over a month later, the phone in the Kent condo rang. Lois had just returned from a two-day press junket in Washington and decided to let the machine pick up.

After the beep, Lois heard, "Hello, Lois. This is Diana. I was hoping to reach you but..."

She always kept a cordless phone near her in the apartment, in case it was Clark calling. Lois jammed the button on the handset trying to pick up the call before Diana hung up. "Hello? Diana?"

"Lois, I'm glad you're home," a delighted voice said over the phone.

"Yeah, Diana. I just got in. Long day... Are you in Metropolis?"

"I'm on my way through your city from Paris. I thought we might get together and resume our talk? Would you like to get together? Dinner perhaps?"

Lois didn't hesitate in answering, "I'd love to."

"I'm in my...costume, if you will. I wanted you to be prepared. My plane is wonderfully advanced by human standards but it doesn't have a clothes closet," Diana laughed over the line.

"It doesn't bother me but if you'd rather, we can eat here. I can whip something up. Or call for a pizza or something..."

"A Metropolis-style pizza sounds wonderful, Lois. I can be there in thirty minutes. You're sure this isn't a problem?" Diana asked.

"No, more of a pleasure," Lois replied. "See you soon."

"Bye, Lois."

Lois quickly dialed the local House of Pizza and asked for a large special to be delivered no earlier than an hour from that moment.

After she hung up, Lois dashed into the bathroom and took a quick shower to wash off the grime of the workday.

The shower turned off, she wrapped her damp hair in a towel as she looked for something casual but fit to wear around a woman of style like Diana. She settled on a white, open-necked, business blouse, shirttail hanging, and a pair of black, hip-hugging slacks. She didn't bother with shoes since the night was comfortably warm.

Just as Lois questioned her attire, there was a gentle tap on the French doors. She hurried over and opened them to a vision on her balcony.

Diana stood there in her famous costume, one Lois had seen countless times before off the wire and, more recently, in person. She was mesmerized by the soft, silky, black hair held in place by the gold tiara with the sapphire star mesmerized her. The white skin of her shoulders and chest disappearing into the tight, eagle-emblazoned top. The incredibly short, blue pants with stars that allowed an amazing amount of shapely leg to be displayed above her gold-trimmed, red boots.

Finally, clearing her throat, Lois managed, "Please come in and make yourself comfortable." She squelched the more-than-friendly thoughts she had. She dashed into the kitchen to fetch some iced tea.

"Thank you," Diana replied with a gentle smile and a nod of her head. She sat on the love seat and casually crossed one leg over the other.

"Diana, I was wondering..." Lois began as she returned from the kitchen, "I'd like to do an article about you. You know, something about women's empowerment and how you're such a positive role model?" Lois stopped when she saw the sad look on Diana's face.

"I see," the tall raven-haired woman said. "Then this was all for a story?"

"No! Not at all!" Lois hastened to say. "I really have enjoyed spending this time with you. I really like you. A lot." Lois paused, her face hot from embarrassment. How could she have asked such a thing?

"I...I mean I like you as a fr-friend."

Diana looked up at Lois and smiled. "I'm sorry, Lois.

It's been a trying week. Donna asked for my help with the Brotherhood of Evil and we spent the past few days criss-crossing Europe looking for them."

The Amazon princess paused and looked directly into Lois' eyes, "I like you too, Lois. A lot." She stood and took the tray from Lois' hands and placed it on the coffee table. "I like you as a friend. A very good friend. But maybe...?"

The unspoken question burned through Lois like a comet. This woman wanted her? The most desirable woman on the planet wanted Lois Lane?

As Lois dared a peek at Diana, the princess, as if she was a mind reader, said, "Yes, I do find you incredibly attractive..."

The long, gentle fingers brushing Lois' cheek did nothing to quench the fire raging in her veins. Nor did the gentle kiss that followed.

Diana looked at Lois, "Do you...?"

Lois reached up and took Diana's face in her hands, pulling the beautiful hero to her. She gently brushed her lips to Diana's. It was one of the most exciting close-mouthed kisses Lois had ever experienced. The kiss was cut short as Diana pulled back. "Lois? Are you sure you want to...?"

Taking Diana's hand in hers, Lois looked deep into the Amazon's eyes. "Diana, I am sure. And this is not the first time I've been with a woman."

Lois' thoughts, of course, went back to her affairs, both short-lived and long-term, with other women. She treasured the month she shared her bed with Mae, known to the rest of the world as Supergirl... The magical night in Smallville with Lana... Then, before her wedding, there was the eye-opening night, that she had believed was her first time, with Cat Grant... But it was just a few months ago when another restored her memories, a forgotten lover, and she discovered many more treasured memories in her past...

"Diana, Clark is fine with this. He knows I'll always love him. There can never be another man in my life. But another woman..." The last was said teasingly with a twinkle flashing in Lois' eye and a sweet, sexy smile on her face.

Diana placed her hands on Lois' hips. Lois, in turn, rested her hands on the taller woman's bare shoulders.

They moved together slowly and began to dance to unheard music, looking deep into each other's eyes.

Feeling her body mold itself to Diana's, Lois knew her fantasies would be more than fulfilled this night. She slowly ground her hips into Diana. The young reporter could feel the wetness building between her legs. It was going to be a magical night, of that she was certain. Lois had only rarely ever been this turned on by merely dancing.

Leaning up, she brushed her lips against the Amazon's soft, moist, full lips. Slowly sliding her tongue along that exquisite mouth, Lois was thrilled as Diana opened her mouth to allow Lois entry.

Diana led her back to the love seat, pulling Lois onto her lap. Their lips quickly found each other again and they began a long, passionate kiss, sharing each other's taste, warmth, and breath.

Lois ran her fingers across Diana's chest, tracing the the outline of the golden eagle and then the edge of her top. She felt Diana's open-mouthed smile under her lips and more forceful contact with her lissome tongue.

Suddenly, the top slipped down and Lois felt the round fullness of Diana's breast in her hand, a rock hard nipple pressing into her palm. Pinching the nipple between her thumb and forefinger, Lois thrust her tongue back into Diana's mouth. She wanted this so much!

Diana moaned into Lois' mouth. The reporter had skillful fingers! Diana moved her hand to gently cup Lois' breast through the woman's shirt. Diana duplicated every motion of Lois' hand as the reporter stroked and tantalized her breast.

Lois didn't want to break the kiss, she loved the taste of Diana's mouth! But she wanted to explore those wonderfully full breasts that so many fantasized about.

Reluctantly breaking the kiss, Lois moved her lips softly down Diana's arching neck, sucking lightly when she felt the woman's pulse throb against her lips. Using her tongue, the brunette left a wet trail down to the valley between the Amazon's perfect breasts.

While Lois was exploring Diana's upper chest, the princess was slowly opening the white shirt to reveal Lois' lovely, smaller breasts. Pulling the shirt off after popping the last button, Diana played with the erect nipples while erotic chills ran through her every time Lois' tongue touched her.

Deciding to be a tease like she had been with her college roommate, Lois circled the base of each voluptuous mound with her tongue. Inadvertently, her short, brown hair did brush against the Amazon's straining nipples. As the beautiful woman moaned loudly, Lois smiled as she continued her mild, delicious torture.

A figure eight was traced across Diana's bosom by Lois' mouth with slowly shrinking arcs. The inevitable destination was centimeters from the reporter's mouth and she was ready to give into her own needs and take one of those perfect nipples in her mouth. As she lowered her face towards the bright red circle...

The doorbell rang!

Lois looked up in irritation. What...? The damned pizza! Screw it! She had all she wanted right here before her...

The doorbell rang again.

Flicking the rock hard nipple, Lois refused to give in. So what if they were removed from the parlor's delivery list...

Yet again the doorbell rang...

"Perhaps you should answer the door?" Diana said softly. She may have been just as perturbed by the interruption but refused to show it.

Grumbling, Lois jerked the door open...

Lisa had only been working for the pizza joint for a few weeks but the sight before her was one she knew she'd never see again. Nor would anyone believe her... The brunette stood there topless. Behind her on the small love seat was another, even more beautiful woman, also with bare breasts! It was obvious she had interrupted something.

Stammering an apology, Lisa said, "I-I-I'm s-s-sorry. I-I-I have your p-pizza."

Lois, suddenly realizing that her breasts were completely exposed, blushed. The young woman with the pizza was staring at her, she had to know what was going on. "Uh, how---how much?"

"Fifteen dollars. And fifty-three cents." Lisa had managed to regain control of her voice.

"Here's twenty. Keep the change..."

"Okay. Have fun. Uh, Jeanne, my roommate, and I play dress-up occasionally too..."

Lois felt a wave of relief, the girl didn't realize her guest was really Wonder Woman! What a break! "Yeah, uh, costumes are... Uh, thanks." Lois pushed the door closed on the wide-eyed college student.

As she set the pizza on the table, Lois wondered if the girl would like a more personal tip next time... That train of thought was broken when she saw Diana's clothes lying on the back of the couch, the tiara resting atop them. Diana had somehow quickly removed all of her attire, with the exception of her gold wristbands, and was standing nude before the half-naked reporter.

'Exquisite!' was Lois' sole thought as she gazed upon what was possibly the most perfect female form in existence. The long black hair now flowing loosely over her shoulders. The firm, full breasts capped by hard, eraser-sized nipples. The flat stomach and narrow waist. The long, shapely legs that led to a neatly trimmed thatch of raven curls, curls that hid a wondrous treasure.

"I believe you are over-dressed, Lois. Let me help you." Diana stepped up and slipper her fingers along the waist band of the pants Lois was wearing. The touch of those strong yet gentle fingers sent shivers of ecstasy through Lois' body.

Noticing this, Diana chuckled and said, "Lois, I believe you are a little too excited? Perhaps we should wait..."

Eyes flashing, Lois declared, "Not on your life!" Then, more quietly, "I've been waiting for this since we first got together. Please, Diana. I want this!"

"As do I," Diana whispered into Lois' ear before tracing it with her tongue.

"Oh God..." Lois' knees went weak and she probably would have fallen but for Diana's strong grip on her pants.

Folding her gently into strong arms, Diana embraced Lois and whispered, "Perhaps you'd like to show me your bedroom?"

Lois looked up and pressed her lips to Diana's. Diana returned the kiss and they stood there sharing the kiss for long, exciting minutes.

Finally, reluctantly, breaking the kiss, Lois took Diana's hand and led her into the room and to the bed she normally shared with her husband. "Please, make yourself comfortable," the brown-haired woman invited.

Diana lay back on the silky sheets, sheets Lois had put on the bed earlier in, what was then, a vain hope that she might share her night with this beauty. The night-dark hair fanned out over the pillows. Her breasts proudly stood up from her chest as she lifted one knee, opening herself to Lois' lust-filled gaze.

Quickly pulling the tight pants off, Lois crawled onto the bed with her friend and new lover. Diana again wrapped her arms around the woman and held her close as they shared more long kisses.

Lois straddled Diana's smooth thigh, her mound spread and pressing wetly against the warm skin. She marveled at the strength of this woman hidden beneath such lush softness. Her hands roamed over the curves of the woman in her bed, exploring all the wonders but never resting too long on any one spot. When her fingers brushed the silken curls between Diana's legs, Lois decided it was time to break the wondrous kiss.

She returned to the taut nipples and soon had Diana moaning quietly from the actions of her mouth and fingers. While never being much of a breast woman, the young reporter could well understand men's fixation with such lovely specimens as these she was tasting.

She sucked and nibbled on both breasts for several minutes, enticing moans that increased in volume from the lovely recipient. But, she couldn't resist the temptations between Diana's thighs much longer. Lois began to kiss her way down the perfect torso, her sex sliding along the muscular leg leaving a trail of wetness and sending sparks shooting into the reporter's brain.

"Oooo..." Lois cooed as she slid over the Amazon's knee. The brunette slid back up the woman's leg and the back down, repeating the pressure of Diana's knee on her spread mound. She grasped Diana's breasts and kneaded them as she slid back and forth.

The wetness flowing down around her knee and the alternating pressure on her chest made Diana even hotter and she smiled to herself. This woman was turning out to be all that the princess had hoped she'd be.

Lois slid past over the knee once more and continued on this time. As she slid off Diana's ankle, the reporter was able to look at the center of her most recent lesbian fantasies. She caught just a hint of pinkness below the black, curly hair.

Kissing up the insides of the Amazon's thighs, Lois settled down and inhaled the aroma of Diana's arousal.

It was almost intoxicating.

Using the tips of her fingers, Lois pulled apart the sensitive flesh before her. The wet lips opened like a dew-laden flower before her.

Not wasting anymore time, Lois pressed her closed lips to Diana's labia and slowly snaked out her tongue to finally taste the woman's juices.


Lois took special care to run her tongue up and down the outer lips before tonguing and suckling the hot inner lips. She gently took one of the inner lips in her teeth and tugged on it, sliding her tongue across the taut flesh between her teeth. After tasting all the honey there, the intrepid reporter thrust her tongue deep into the Amazon's vagina to scoop out as much of Diana as she could.

Diana moaned loudly as Lois proceeded to french-kiss her sex. The woman was a marvel. The princess was already on the verge of an orgasm. This mortal was as good, if not better, than most of her lovers on Themyscira in her youth.

Lois had made a point of avoiding direct contact with Diana's clitoris, with the exception of an occasional teasing brush with the tip of her nose. She always preferred to bring a woman to her first orgasm slowly by stimulating her lips and slit before ravishing the supersensitive little nub. However, Lois was a very observant woman and could detect Diana's impending climax by the pressure of the silky walls on her tongue.

Moving fractionally up to wrap her lips around the Amazon's clit, Lois quickly replaced her tongue with two fingers, gently thrusting in and out of the raven-haired woman's heat. Her tongue now stroked the little shaft and brushed across the tip of the throbbing organ. Wrapping her lips around the base of Diana's clit, Lois started to suck as she swiped her tongue around and across the hypersensitive organ.

Diana turned her head and screamed into a pillow as the suction on her clitoris and the piston action of the slender fingers inside of her caused her to explode in a wonderfully fulfilling climax.

Sprawled between the long legs of her new lover, Lois looked up, her fingers still buried in the hot softness. With her other hand, Lois lightly stroked the soft, moist pubic hair. Gazing across the glistening, taut body, she smiled as she watched Diana's ample chest rise and fall, her face serene in the afterglow of ecstasy.

Finally, Diana looked down and said, "Lois, that was wonderful! Come here. I want to reward you."

Planting a lingering kiss on the dark fur, Lois pulled her fingers out and climbed up next to the beautiful woman sharing her bed. She settled into the gentle curves of Diana's body and looked into Diana's beautiful eyes. The princess gently pulled her head down and kiss her deeply.

Lois' head was spinning. She thrilled to the other woman's tongue as it slid around hers, knowing that Diana would be tasting her own juices in Lois' mouth. By the time they broke the kiss, Lois was practically breathless and her pulse was racing from her excitement.

"Now, for your reward..." Diana said quietly with a twinkle in her eye.

Lois, still reeling from their latest kiss, could only nod dumbly. Her cloudy thoughts tried to figure out what could be better when Diana placed her hands on Lois' hips and lifted the brunette over her head.

Hanging from the Amazon's strong hands, Lois felt the other woman's lips brush her mound causing goose bumps to form. When Diana's tongue slid across her nether lips, Lois felt thrills running along her spine.

Utilizing techniques she learned in her youth on Themyscira, Diana began to make love to Lois' sex. She found that Lois, while already wet, was practically gushing as the superheroine's tongue delved deep into the reporter, thrusting again and again.

With a scream, Lois came quickly and hard. All that had come before, the deep kisses as well as the chance to finally fulfill her desires on Diana, combined to push her past the point of no return and into bliss.

Diana smiled against Lois' labia as she again began to orally please the young woman she held in the air. The brunette was simply delicious and Diana wanted quite simply wanted more.

Within a matter of a few minutes, Lois had two more orgasms, each more powerful than the one before. She was hardly aware of the world around her. All she did know for certain was that she had never had such powerful orgasms so close together. What she didn't know was that Diana wasn't done with her yet.

As Lois hung limply in her hands, Diana finally moved her mouth over the reporter's clit and began to suck. Her Amazonian strength as she sucked on the small fleshy nub and her skillful tongue-work on the organ quickly brought Lois to a fourth orgasm.

As the waves of intense pleasure flowed through her, Lois' body tightened and she screamed. Diana's mouth on her pussy was fantastic! But four such powerful orgasms so close together took their toll, Lois actually passed out for a few moments.

When she awakened, Lois opened her eyes to see Diana leaning over her, a gently smile spreading across her beautiful face. Lois returned the smile, reaching up and caressing Diana's cheek.

"Thank you," she whispered. Diana nodded and leaned down to kiss Lois, her long, black curls falling around their faces.

After a long, sweet kiss, Lois said, "That was incredible. But you..."

"Lois, you pleasured me both with your wonderful mouth," Diana paused and brushed her lips to Lois', "And when you were being pleasured. I also had several small orgasms as you were climaxing."

Lois looked puzzled and Diana explained, "On Themyscira, we learn to be in tune with our bodies as well as our lover's body. When our lover feels pleasure, we feel pleasure. While some of us have occasionally taken men as lovers, the effect is much stronger between two women."

With a sly smile, Lois said, "I hope this doesn't mean I can't enjoy you some more..."

In lieu of agreeing in words, Diana kissed Lois again, another deep, passionate kiss.

Much later that night, the two lovers finally fell asleep in each other's arms. They had long since lost track of how many times each woman came.

As the sun rose over the tall towers to the east, Lois sat up in bed and stretched. She had never felt so sated after a night of lovemaking.

She suddenly realized the bed was empty. Her heart beating fast, Lois leapt out of the bed and raced out of the bedroom. There was no sign of Diana in the living room, her clothes were no longer on the couch.

"She left..." Lois said in a small voice. "Without even saying goodbye..."

With unseeing eyes, Lois sat on the couch. The pizza box was still on the coffee table with a piece of paper resting on it.

Slowly, realization came to her and she picked up the paper. It was a note from Diana!

Settling back on the couch, Lois read:

Darling Lois,

I thoroughly enjoyed you last night. You are a

marvelous lover. I have rarely felt so much

satisfaction and joy with a lover. Clark is a

very lucky man.

Unfortunately, my League pager has gone off and

I must be off to the Watchtower. I wish I could

be there with you now though. Hopefully, another

time soon.

All my love,


Lois smiled wistfully and leaned forward, opening the pizza box. The thick, cold pizza had remained untouched since the evening before but she always did like cold pizza for breakfast, brought back fond memories of college.

As Lois took a bite, her thoughts were focused on her new lover and the wonderful night of passion they had shared. She hoped it was the first of many.

And if Lois Lane, the most tenacious reporter on the Daily Planet, had anything to say about it, it would be.

The End.

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