Wonder Wank


Published on Aug 3, 2000



ukstories@yahoo.com ICQ: 45862060

All the usual warnings apply. You have to be old enough and it has to be legal for you to read stories containing elements of gay sex where ever it is that you are accessing this from. If two guy's getting it on together offends you.. go and do something that won't offend you instead.

This one is for all of you who have taken the time to write to me over the past few months. I appreciate your comments. Especially this is for those who I chat to on a regular basis, Angel, Perry and Terry, thanks for letting me moan at you occasionally!

Wonder Wank

I hadn't planned to fall for him. It just sort of happened, one day when I wasn't looking. Like a light bulb going off inside an inventor's head, some things you just realise without thinking about it before. And so it was for me and the object of my desires, my sister's boyfriend, Bradley.

Up to that day when the lights came on and I saw Brad in a different way for the first time my life had been generally straightforward. I went to school, played sports, kept myself in good shape and went with plenty of girls. Then I left school and went to college. I played sports, kept myself in good shape and went with plenty of girls. But there was something else at college. I started looking at the guys too. Which I suppose is where this whole thing with Brad came from. I'd seen guys naked plenty of times in the showers at school after gym. I'd checked a couple of them out and made sure I was stacking up with them - and I was! But now, since I started college I looked at them differently. I saw them in my mind in bed alone at night. I saw them as I ploughed the head cheer leader after winning our last game.

There's something about a dick which all of a sudden is making me sit up and take notice. They way they hang down over hairy balls and sway as the owner moves back and forth. The way it gets so hard when I get turned on. Folds of skin peel back to reveal the mountainous throbbing purple and red head. Clear fluid oozes out of the tiny slit and spreads all the way over this angry looking mound.

Brought back into the real world by the sound of a door being slammed downstairs. Not before time too as my best friend starts to swell inside my pants. There's nothing worse than an unwanted hardon. Apart from perhaps wanting something you never had. And wanting it so bad that you would stop at nothing to get it. I was heading in that direction. I'd had enough of looking but not touching. I needed to touch, to feel, to caress, to stroke, to nibble, to lick, to suck. Who was I kidding, I wanted to know what it felt like to be one of the sluts I'd been screwing for the past six years. I wanted a dick buried deep inside me. I wanted Brad's dick deep inside me.

I don't suppose I'd look unattractive to other guys. I'm pretty sure I don't look unattractive to girls anyway. Given the numbers that I've managed to get to drop their knickers for me in the past, I'd say I was an alright looking guy. The mirror sort of confirms that. Light blond cropped hair, buzz cut, chiselled features, tanned complexion and sparkling blue eyes. More than one girl has said that she loves my eyes. I don't mind them either if I'm honest. I think I've already mentioned that I play sports so I have this athletic build that I'm rather proud of. Not your body builder type, but lean and firm. But the thing I'm most proud of stands at a full eight inches when we get going. Uncut and almost clean shaven. Well, not quite, but it sounded good. Trimmed I suppose is how you'd describe my bush. Neat and tidy. Girls like that. With a bit of luck so do boys. They'll probably also like my balls. Big, very big and meaty. A hairy sack that I shave occasionally when I can be bothered. Usually when I think I've got a good chance of getting some slut to chew on them. Slut's aren't on the agenda any more though. Ball chewing, dick sucking and passionately hard fucking certainly is though.

Now then would you look at that. Just take a look out of the window. My sister and her boyfriend. Arm in arm. I can see exactly what she sees in him. Christ he's the most good looking guy I've seen with all his clothes on. I wouldn't mind betting that he'd look even better with them off. Brad's a couple of years younger than me. But you wouldn't think it. He is the typical boyfriend material. The type of guy your parents would die for. Older and wiser than his years. Responsible and mature. Much more so than me.

I saw him with his shirt off the other day. He was in the garden soaking up the sun. It was a couple of days since I had my blinding revelation that I might actually be becoming infatuated with this guy. And then as if destined to be like that, there he was spread out before me, uncovered, to a point, for the first time. Dark hair swept back, big brown wet eyes, really strongly defined cheek bones, the most amazing set of white teeth when he smiled. Strong neck giving way to broad shoulders opening out into a bulky frame. Pecs to die for with big quarter sized nipples capping them off, like the snow on the peak of the highest mountain, only darker. And the beginnings of some thick dark hair separating those two firm bulks of muscle.

That was all about two weeks ago. Since then I've not been with a single girl. This must be the longest I've gone without getting my end away since I lost my virginity at 16. From that cold October night onwards it was like the floodgates opened and years of hormones spilled out and into the end of countless condoms. But for the past couple of years, since I started at that college with all the pretty boys I've wanted something different. And for the past couple of weeks that different has been Brad.

Ever since Brad asked me to help him with a computer assignment he was working on the cogs in my mind had been working overtime. Planning, plotting and working everything out down to the smallest detail. It was like a military operation. My Dad had always told me that I should go into the army. Too much energy for a desk job he told me. He said I looked like the marine type too. I wasn't so sure. But since I started to work out how I was going to seduce Brad, I wondered if a life in the military, with all those horny boys, might not be such a bad idea after all. But that's getting away from my plan.

In it's most basic form my plan was simple: appeal to Brad's most animal of instincts. It's easy really, you present a teenage guy with the image of two or more people getting it on together and unless there's something seriously wrong with him, he's going to respond. So that's what I set about doing. I was going to provide Brad with the stimulus in a way that made it look purely accidental. What happened after he had come across the bait I couldn't be sure of. But if I was lucky all my wet dreams from the past two years would come true.

Since my discovery about the erotic and sensual qualities of the male form ever since that day in the locker room at college I've taken a strong interest in finding internet sites with pictures of group and bisexual sex; two guys one slut being my favourite. This shit ranged from the mild, two seemingly straight guys enjoying doing whatever they liked to their bitch right up to the more heavy stuff where the guys get it on together while the woman watches. The beauty of my plan was that it wasn't me but Brad who would unknowingly decide which level he reached.

Like I said, my plan was horrifically simple. I would accidentally leave a web link to one of my favourite group sex websites laying around on the computer's desktop. Brad would come in, need to use the computer, see the link and go for it. Any questions easily deflected by the excuse that I must have saved it in the wrong place earlier. By the time the tricky questions came however, I had hopped that it wouldn't matter. And so the scene was set.

Quite deliberately I had arranged to do the work with Brad on an evening when I would have normally had the house to myself. My parents would be at yet another church meeting and my sister would be away having her weekly 'ladies' night with the girls from school. I'd just finished placing the link on the desktop when the doorbell rang. It sounded louder than normal, the sound of bells crashing echoed all around inside my head. Involuntarily I inhaled sharply and my heart started to pound inside my chest. My crotch started to fill out. My nipples strained obscenely against the tight white cotton of my T-shirt. My mouth went dry as I reached the door and turned the handle.

There he was. Alone at last standing on the doorstep. He'd come straight from playing badminton. Despite the cold winter air he was wearing only a pair of shorts and an thick sweatshirt. All I could see behind him was the black night sky. I could hear the faint sound of rain just starting to fall as I stepped aide and let him in. And still my heart continued to race ahead of me.

I don't really remember what happened in those first few moments of that night. It obviously wasn't anything worth remembering. It is like my mind has deliberately forgotten those things in order to save up enough space for what came afterwards. And what came afterwards I can remember in the tiniest of detail. Memories that I, and I hope Brad as well, will never forget.

We started off in my bedroom. He was sitting in the computer chair whilst I sat on the edge of my bed and he went through the work he had to do. I listened to his voice intently, taking in everything he was saying. My eyes followed his fingers as they danced across the pages of the book he was reading from pointing out important sections. Once or twice I looked up at his face to see him busy in concentration. His lips shimmered as he spoke, his chin quivered a little. His eyes were as wide as ever. I suggested that he should look up on the internet for a particular part of his project sensing that the time was right. Time seemed to stop. My heart continued to pound. Air left my lungs at an incredible speed. The journey was just beginning.

Brad turned away in the chair and faced the computer. He moved the mouse to get the screen saver out of the way and up came the desktop in glorious technicolour. I watched intently for a moment as he majestically moved the mouse around the table, searching up and down with the pointer for an icon that would access the internet for him. The pointer hovered over the link that I had placed on the desktop. Almost too long. I thought that he was going to be the responsible boy again that my parents liked so much and ignore my obvious error and say no more about it to save my embarrassment. I shouldn't have worried though. He turned around to face me again. I pretended to be reading the book. He spoke my name softly, it sounded like he was whispering erotic suggestion in my ear when he said it. I looked up, he was wearing the most mischievous grin I think I've ever seen in my life. "What's this?" he said.

I coughed and spluttered as if clearing my throat ready to explain myself. Partly it was an act, but also I really needed to do it as I realised that there was no turning back now. I tried putting on my most innocent expression which has worked for me occasionally in the past. Usually when I'm trying to get some girl to give me head. I told him as per my plan that I must have forgotten and saved the link to a site I was looking at before in the wrong place. Then Brad turned the key and unlocked the door. He asked me if it was any good and could he look at it. I didn't object.

Never before has the sound of a double click resonated so strongly around my bedroom. But there was something deeply sensual about it when Brad turned around and faced the screen as it exploded into a mass of colour and body parts of all shapes and sizes. Everything was totally silent as he clicked through page after page of thumbnails, occasionally clicking on one he liked the look of. I hadn't planned for this and after ten minutes I wondered if Brad had come up with the perfect counter attack to my precision plan. He was going to just go through this horny collection and then get on with his work. I convinced myself of it. That was until one movement of his arm gave everything away.

Swiftly my eyes followed that arm down to his hand that now rested on the top of his shorts around his crotch. I studied the thin material closely, like an owl on the look out for it's pray I was trying to detect the signs of an erection. And then it came. He clicked on a picture of a guy with his cock shoved right up inside another boy's ass while the token slut lay on the side and fingered herself whilst watching the pretty boys. A clear, definite, undeniable twitch from a dick very definitely aroused by what he was seeing. Then his fist clasped around the inflated organ and like a lion choosing the moment carefully, I pounced.

Even without a shot of whiskey to see my through, the Dutch courage started coursing through my veins. I stood up from my position at the edge of my bed. The outline of my own erection was more than evident as it strained through the denim of my jeans. I broke the silence by walking up to where Brad was sitting and I asked him if he needed a hand. I heard the words coming out of my mouth before I had even said that. I was glad at the time it happened that way because otherwise I probably wouldn't have gone through with it. He turned his head to face me and asked me what I meant. That soft yet deep masculine voice again turning me on more and more. I reached my hand down to his shorts and took a firm hold of his cock. He didn't need an answer to his question.

It was now as if I was controlling this man with my thoughts. My hand still grasped his cock firmly and mentally I brought him up from the chair and to his feet. Still without letting go of his throbbing penis, Brad moved his face, unshaven for a couple of days, closer to mine. The first thing I felt was the stubble on our faces scratching and meshing together, quickly contrasted by the warm moisture of our lips merging together before parting and our tongues darting in and out of each other's mouths.

That night I kissed Brad like I had never kissed another person before in my life. Before that moment I don't think I'd ever really felt like I had been in love with a single person. Not even the ones I'd gone to bed with. Even less the one's I'd fucked up against the school wall after the end of year dance. This was different. This kiss was all male and yet so passionate and caring. Rough and loving all at the same time. Like making love and having sex all rolled into one glorious feeling that ran wildly through every inch of my body. All translated by the throbbing and twitching of Brad's dick.

As I recall it, it was when I first felt the signs of Brad's precum beginning to soak through the material of his shorts that I knew it was time to go back to basics. I broke off the kiss with a couple of short kisses, firm on the lips before I sank to my knees. My hands trailed along the side of Brad's body. I could feel the guy quaking with anticipation and my fingers fumbled around the waistband of his shorts. I pulled them down to the floor to leave Brad before me. His sweat shirt just hanging down now over the top of his white briefs.

From then on it was like the animal inside me just took over. I saw Brad's cock sticking straight up inside those briefs, now completely soaked through with his love juice. I lifted the bottom of his shirt up a little and saw that his erection was raging so furiously that those skimpy little pants could no longer contain what was going on inside them. The tip of Brad's dick was sticking up over the top of the waist band and precum was running down and soaking through the white cotton. I pulled his crotch closer to me and flicked my tongue at his hairy navel. The treasure trail of black hair was broken by the tip of his cock stretching over his tight skin, slicked up with his own juice. My chin rubbed up against the head of this bright red monster, covering me in his own liquid as my tongue played with his navel.

I pulled away from him for a short moment to once again view the full impact of what was now standing before me. I looked up at Brad's face. His eye's tightly closed, he was biting his lower lip as he thrust his crotch out at me, as if pleading with me to work him over. Instinctively my mouth attacked that long rod encased in it's cotton prison. I pressed my lips all over that huge dick of his up and down time and time again. Brad reached down and peeled his sweatshirt off his body now glistening with moisture. I saw him raise his fingers to his nipples and pinch them. It was then I ripped those briefs off his body and let his cock spring forward, straight onto my lips.

Like it was the most natural thing in the world, I opened my mouth and started to swirl my tongue all around the head of this amazing monster. I took a firm hold of his shaft with one hand as I worked my lips and my tongue all over it. Wiping his precum all over my face. My free hand went straight to his tight hairy balls. I rolled them about in my fingers as I began to feed Brad's organ into my mouth.

The throbbing veins of his shaft pressed against my lips as I fed more and more of his seven inches inside me. Still this hard fleshy tube with it's foreskin pulled violently back by the force of the blood coursing through it gave up more and more of it's salty sweet love juice. I moved my tongue all around the edge of Brad's shaft, where it joined up with the head of his cock. He moaned and whimpered with pleasure as I gave head like I had never received in my life. His hands reached down and stroked my face. His fingers rubbed over the stubble and slid through the patches of precum that glistened in the artificial lighting. He pushed my head on to him, willing me to take more and more of his cock inside me. I could take one last deep breath and then I had to swallow him to avoid chocking. A couple of minutes earlier I had never even touched the dick of another man and now I was kneeling before my sister's boyfriend, naked with his pants around his ankles and torn briefs laying by the door, and I was deep throating him.

I reached around and took a firm hold of Brad's ass cheeks. They were hairy in my hand, covered in probably a light dusting of course public hairs. But my finger tips could feel the inside of his crack lined with hairs surrounding his puckered hole. I lined my finger up with that glory hole and as he began to thrust I made sure to start to work my finger up inside him. Brad roared with the pleasure of it and I suppose some pain at having his asshole invaded for the first time in his life. His entire shafted leaked precum and throbbed inside my throat as he pulled it out and pushed it back in, threatening to go all the way and ejaculate at any moment. I was determined not to let it happen though.

Just as I felt that he was about to cum, I pulled away from him and got to my feet quicker than I had ever imagined possible. Brad just stood there stunned for a moment. His cock still pointed upwards and throbbed now covered in a highly tantalising mixture of my saliva and his precum. I smiled a wry smile. I could imagine him looking at my face covered in his precum and wondering why I had left him in this state. I quickly started to pull off my clothes. My white T-shirt, I unbuckled the belt on my jeans and let them drop to the floor. I had deliberately not worn any underwear that night. Now totally naked with my eight inches already starting to drip all over the floor, I pulled Brad back towards me and we both fell on top of my bed. My new lover on top of me as our cocks ground together.

Our legs intertwined as our bodies meshed together. We rolled around on my bed with Brad rubbing up against me very hard, trying to relieve himself of what I had denied him earlier. My hands roamed all over his back, feeling up that hairy crack of his again and digging my finger nails into the firm mounds of flesh that were his ass cheeks. I was determined to leave my mark on this boy.

I felt Brad's hard nipples rub against my and my breath was completely taken away for a moment. Then everything stopped and became still again. The only noise was our heavy breathing. I pulled my face away from him and I looked straight at him. It was the most amazing look. It made me glow inside, it made me want him even more. It made me determined that my entire plan would be fulfilled tonight. I asked him to fuck me.

There was a little trepidation in his voice after he kissed me hard and with his tongue but no hesitation. He told me yes. One word. Simple. Then he did something I wasn't expecting at all. In one fluid motion, he went down the length of my body until his head was resting between my legs. He looked up at me once again and I still wasn't sure what he was playing at.. Then he spread my legs wide and raised my butt. I saw his face disappear for a moment and then I felt his breath gently hitting me against my asshole.

Before my brain had a chance to register what was about to happen to me, Brad was drilling is tongue towards my hole. I felt a hot slimly mass invade me forcing it's way right up inside me. Brad skilfully used his tongue to stretch my hole out. I could feel him poking at the sides of my chute as his hands reached up and touched my dick for the first time. He played with me, wanking me all the time his tongue was buried deep in my most intermit part. I could hear Brad grunt and groan as he tried to force his way further up inside me. I was moaning loudly. My legs were spread wide. All I could feel was precum flowing from my dick where Brad was wanking me and salvia and sweat running down my ass crack from where he was tonguing me. I didn't know which sensation was coming from where at that moment. I didn't care either.

Brad slowed down and then stopped. He pulled his tongue out of me but kept his hand on my engorged shaft a puddle of precum had formed on my stomach. He raised his head from between my legs and smiled at me. Rows of white teeth and sparkling brown eyes shone back at me. My dick throbbed at the touch of his hand and my asshole felt like it had been stretched wider than I could ever of thought possibly as the wet mess Brad had created continued to drip onto the bed beneath us.

Taking hold of his still erect shaft, Brad got to his knees in between my legs. He let go of my dick and put both of his on my ass. He raised my butt back off the bed further than before. I watched his dick as he pulled me closer to him. I could feel him gently rub the head of his fat dick up and down the crack of my ass. I realised for perhaps the first time that this might not be as comfortable as I thought. My mind told me to get out of this situation, but something more primitive within me told me that I wanted this guy and his dick buried so far inside me that nothing else mattered.

Brad pushed my legs up on each of his shoulders giving him a clear aim at my slick hole. I felt the very tip of his dick, precum still flowing, touch against the circle of skin around my hole. I let out a nervous sounding moan. Brad looked up to make sure I was ok. I closed my eyes and just nodded my head. I felt it intensely as Brad entered inside me for the first time. Despite the expert work of his tongue, nothing could truly have prepared me for the first time that Brad's dick went up my asshole.

His cock just felt so wide, it pushed my hole further apart with every movement inside me. I could feel the odd stray hair that lined his shaft slip beneath the ring of my hole as his fat organ prodded at the soft walls of my hot chute. I could feel the head of his dick going all the way up inside me. Forcing a passage through, grazing my insides as he went. The burning sensation quickly faded as my hole adjusted to being stretched so violently. Then I felt nothing more than pure lust as Brad pushed his way further inside me.

The concentration on his face was intense has he pulled himself literally on top of me. He was breathing really heavy, panting and groaning as he pushed in further and further. I felt the start of his bush beginning to touch inside my crack, I knew I was close to having the entire thing inside me. One last thrust. Brad let out and ecstatic roar as his balls smashed against my hairy crack. He came down on top of my and I just screamed out as his lips touched mine once again. We kissed passionately for about five minutes with Brad buried all the way deep inside me. A fantasy fulfilled.

My legs were still on top of his shoulders as Brad took hold of me by the hips and he brought his cock out of me about half way before being taken over by the urge to plough back inside me once again. I could feel everything around the entrance to my hole. The way his enormous shaft was sliding in and out of my was like nothing else I'd ever experienced. No wonder the girls moaned when I had shagged them long and hard before. But this was nothing like sex with a woman. This was making love with a guy who was all male as he pushed in and out of me again.

Brad continued to pump in and out, seemingly pushing his cock further inside me with each thrust. He screaming and moaned as he stretched me wider and wider than the last time. Each thrust of his cock was more intense than the last. Finally he took hold of my cock, still straining against my stomach and started to wank me in time with his thrusts in and out of my hole. Harder and faster he thrusted in and out as he pulled my foreskin down and rolled it back over the head of my dick with a violent force. Precum sprayed between our two bodies as it lubricated my insides. His cock started to graze against my prostate gland threatening to through me into the most intense orgasm of my young life every couple of seconds.

Our bodies sweated hard as Brad kept working on me. I reached my hands up to his neck and pulled his head down and kissed him. My tongue invaded his mouth swirling around inside him. Tasting his flavour as I lost it and began to shoot the biggest strongest load of my life between our two bodies. My ass clamped around Brad's dick, forcing him to stop. I took my legs from off his shoulder and wrapped them around his hairy ass like I was holding him in position.

I forced him into me a little more. Pushing his balls tight up against my crack. Without breaking our kiss, Brad screamed straight into my mouth as his dick started to pulse wildly inside my chute. It felt like it was thrashing around deep inside, spraying the walls of my ass with his own brand of thick sticky cream. Wave after wave of cum jetted out of his cock deep inside me. It wasn't long before I felt some oozing back out of the sides of my hole and along his shaft creating an interesting mess to be cleared up off his body later on.

Brad just collapsed on top of me. His huge bulky frame covered in sweat as was I. The rough hairiness and the odour in the room reminded me that this was another guy I was with at last. Two years of waiting. Two weeks of planning. A whole lifetime of this to enjoy.

ukstories@yahoo.com ICQ: 45862060

And another one bites the dust! Hope you enjoyed that one and sorry it's been a while in coming but I got there in the end. If you have any comments please get in touch with me. If you need the URL of my web site, let me know and I'll be pleased to send it on to you. Until next time then!

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