Woman Seeks Wife

By Madame le Docteur

Published on Apr 7, 2010


Woman Seeks Wife Part Four Donna Reed Meets Betty Page

By Madame le Docteur

Story codes: F/f, F^f, BD, anal, fist, spank, sm, medical fetish, mind control, lac, preg, body modification, noncon

Nifty category: Lesbian/authoritarian

The author grants the Nifty Archive a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free, perpetual, and non-cancellable license to display the work.

All other rights reserved.

Feedback adored: Madame.le.Docteur@gmail.com

The lactation experts say to expect twelve feeds a day from a nursing mother. If a woman continues to nurse until her child is two, as is recommended by some experts, that is 8760 sessions in a milking frame receiving hypnotic induction in a sensory deprivation helmet. 12 times a day, 365 days a year, for two years.

I never intended to encourage a desire in my wife to pursue some sort of dynastic ambition. Her conditioning bounced off the framework of her cultural heritage and produced a seriously kinky fusion of pre-Revolutionary China. My wife had hired the most reputable matchmaker in her village and soon had procured two further junior wives, girls of good family, both with college degrees, their families persuaded to support the unconventional match by one phrase. "She will have many children."

My wife's sister and her daughter were already in residence. I was a woman with four wives, all of whom were either pregnant or lactating. There were babies and toddlers everywhere, as well as older children like my heir and my wife's niece.

My wife, now pregnant again for the third time, came to me with the woman who would be trained as my first concubine. "Bao is Chinese, and gently bred," my wife told me without a trace of accent. Or at least, without a trace of Chinese accent. Instead she now sounded as if she worked for the BBC, cultured and elegant and always beautifully modulated.

"Her family achieved some success in Hong Kong, but her father offended a powerful triad boss. The triad killed him and his sons. The wife was permitted to suicide but his oh so pretty daughter was eleven, breasts just barely budding. The triad sent her as a gift to an enormously powerful yakuza boss in Japan. He had wives and mistresses and fucktoys and whores of either gender at his disposal, and an immensely perverse sense of entertainment. He gave her to Huyu, one of Asia's most notorious criminals.

"The gently bred daughter of the Hong Kong diplomat, convent raised and educated, was immediately examined to confirm that she had an intact hymen. Huyu locked her in the first in a series of chastity belts and enrolled her in an elite Tokyo academy for young ladies. He had a serious kink for her virginity which he indulged in a variety of imaginative ways."

I studied the young woman standing before me, wearing what was clearly a school uniform. "Every week or so, a limousine arrives to pick up this apparently innocent school girl, taking her to the yakuza's compound," my wife continued calmly. "With her carefully preserved virginity locked away, this dirty girl starred in a whole series of extreme porn films. She's spent a great deal of time bent over Huyu's knee, getting a bare bottom spanking; or tied up with the very best shibari bondage techniques, being forced to orgasm helplessly over and over as a vibrator stimulated her clitoris. Her most successful roles featured her being teased and spanked before receiving numerous enemas, forced to climax repeatedly.

"In every film, she ended surrounded by men as they jerked off, a splinter of the Japanese porn industry known as `bukkake', semen soiling her ethereal beauty. She has the most recognized face in the enormous Asian porn industry, and everyone knows that her father offended the triad.

"She is twenty-one now, and although she looks much younger, she's grown too mature for the Yakuza's tastes, or for the taste of those who purchased her films in such numbers. He wants to get rid of her."

The girl had beautiful posture, with alabaster skin over high cheekbones, a high, blade narrow nose and a delicate jaw. She looked innocent and untouchable and I wanted to violate her immediately. "Does either the Yakuza or the triad boss have any interest in the matter?"

My wife shook her head, serene and confident. "There have been several intermediaries. The triad boss has forgotten the matter, and the yakuza was reportedly highly amused when he learned of her destination. It pleased him to have her serve a lesbian head of household.

I raised my eyebrows. The girl continued to stand quietly, eyes modestly turned to the floor, serene and beautiful.

"And I may have led various interested parties to believe that her destination was somewhere in the remote Canadian Rockies rather than Australia."

I smirked, pleased with my wife as always.

"Virgin or not, she is too soiled to carry your children," my wife decreed. "But she is truly beautiful, and accustomed to both forced orgasms and total bondage. Reports are that her enema films are quite entertaining. Without instruments, it's impossible to confirm of course, but evidently this dirty girl is famous for multiple orgasms during filming. They usually make her ejaculate at least once."

I studied the girl's slender form for a thoughtful second, eyes raking over her face and body. I lifted my chin and waved the girl into motion. "Off with your clothes. Let's have a look at you."

The young woman obediently removed her clothes, revealing a locked chastity belt. It was the cage variety, rather than the sort centred on penetrative bondage, shielding Bao's virginity.

My wife swivelled her very pretty ass on to a corner of my desk and handed me the key. "You can go to stage three in the extreme clitoral stimulation program with her. She'll grow a pretty little girl dick for you."

I smiled, tickled by my wife's favourite description. She was beautiful, smart and confident, assured of her place in my life, and as always, absolutely glowing, pregnant with our third child.

"She's never been permitted to masturbate, at least not since she was fitted with her first chastity belt at eleven," my wife persisted coaxingly as I turned the key in the chastity belt's lock. "The only time she orgasms is during the filming of the bukakke flicks. She's ripe for it, and already has a head start on her conditioning."

The chastity belt broke away in two halves from either side of her body. She passed it between her legs and handed it to me with the ease and assurance of ten years experience.

Naked, the girl looked even better, her body reflecting the strict workout schedule she'd maintained for the last ten years. From the screen captures in the files pulled up on my computer, Bao was very flexible. She'd certainly spent enough time tied in a wide variety of total bondage scenarios to prove her flexibility.

She was tall for an ethnic Chinese woman, and I was unsurprised to discover that her great-grandfather had been a British diplomat, and minor peer. She was slender to the point of being skinny; a natural ectomorph although clearly very fit, with the rangy muscles of a runner or dancer. It was easy to imagine her strength enhanced by testosterone and a proper weight lifting routine, the long hair chopped boyishly short. Her arms already showed respectable definition from her katas and yoga.

She was young enough that her body should adapt beautifully to the testosterone. "You're right," I told my wife, bumping her shoulder with mine as we perched side by side on my desk. "She'll make a very pretty boi, and I have confidence that she'll grow a very pretty little girl dick for me."

My wife grinned, flashing me a flirtatious glance, bold as brass. "She is young and strong. It will be beautiful to watch you bend her to your will. It will undoubtedly leave me wet to my knees, just watching it." She bit her lip. "You will have to be so very strict with her."

Bao stood quietly under our gaze, unperturbed by our commentary.

I laughed, utterly delighted by my wife's perversion. "They've already given her laser treatments to get rid of the pubic hair. Should I keep her head shaved? Some women on T begin to show the signs of male pattern baldness."

My wife was nodding emphatically. "Shave her head. When you are finished with her training, we can give her a skull tattoo with the symbol of our House." My wife clapped her hands and the youngest of my wives hurried over as quickly as her very pregnant belly and her dignity would allow. After a low voiced conference with my wife, she waddled off on a mission.

I turned my attention back to my proposed concubine, who stood meek and silent and obedient. The school girl kink was cute, particularly given her looks, but I was going to train my concubine to handle more robust use. Still, a skirt might be the ideal solution to the question of street wear. Despite the soon more masculine appearance that would come as part of the hormone induced clitoral enlargement program, I didn't want to impede my access to her genitals. The tunics and traditional cheongsam dresses my wives favoured would not show Bao's transformed body to its best. Some of those lady golfers and tennis players were quite robustly muscular. There was certainly a wealth of options in the resort wear designed for lady golfers.

I wasted no time getting her strapped to the nearest examination table. There was no conversation, no explanation or questions. I strapped my new toy to the table, gloved up and grabbed the clippers. Bao's luxurious hip length mane of hair felt in drifts on the floor under the examination table. My wife swept the glossy black silk out of my way as I reached for the sensory deprivation helmet.

It's one of my favourite pieces of training equipment. Shaped like a falcon's helmet, it completely restricted sight and hearing while not impeding either the nose or mouth at all. The small embedded earbuds are the source of the daily hypnotic inductions.

"I adore the extreme clitoral stimulation program," my wife told me in her carefully trained BBC English accent as we waited for my concubine to settle down under the influence of her first hypnotic induction. "I wish to have more babies, but I will confess that I'm quite envious of this dirty girl. I can't imagine how wonderful it will feel to have my clitoris develop into a pretty little girl dick. My entire life is focused around sex and pregnancy and lactation, and I'm going to get wet watching you work over her clit. I'm quite jealous."

I chuckled, my eyes on my new concubine, watching the tension leave her wiry body. After four wives, I've become rather an expert at conditioning, particularly with the enthusiastic assistance from wife number three. She was already an M.D. and board certified psychiatrist. She was back in school studying neuropsychiatry for her second PhD. My other three wives were working on academic certifications for early childhood education with an emphasis on creative programming for gifted children. All of my children were sired by sperm bank donations from gay men with documented intellectual and creative gifts.

With the expert assistance of a kink friendly FTM transgender specialist, my concubine would be the first of my women to experience the full benefit of the extreme clitoral stimulation program. Without any plans to breed her, I did not need to be concerned about the impact of the hormones on her unborn child. Nor did I need to be worried about her milk production.

"You are my First Wife, my only legal partner in this country," I reminded her, giving her all my attention as a sign of respect for her position in my household. "You have no reason to be jealous of the concubine, even if her clit will be larger than yours until you've weaned the last of your babies. Now tell me the rest of it," I prompted my wife with a fond glance. " I know damned well that you wouldn't hand me a woman to train unless you've had them thoroughly investigated. Tell me the part you didn't want to say in front of her."

"Yes, Ma'am," my wife capitulated gracefully, with a flirtatious little lowering of her gaze. "Bao's disappearance has long been hushed up and forgotten. Huyu was thankfully possessed of some honour, despite his occupation and his orders to make the girl's humiliation as public and as lasting as possible.

"He was also a shameless sexual predator who had the protection of the very wealthy and the most powerful. She was not raped and at the age of twenty-one, has an intact hymen and has never been penetrated by a man in any way. No blow jobs. No getting fucked in the ass. Nothing in the virgin pussy.

"She was eleven when her father was executed, and had not yet had her first period. When delivered to Huyu by order of the yakuza boss, he had her stripped naked in a room full of his men, with three cameras covering the action live. His men held her down while a doctor confirmed her virginity, a camera doing an extreme close up to actually show her hymen. He locked her in a chastity belt on camera, and vowed to produce his best series of specialty porn.

"Locked in her chastity belt, Bao was ordered to dress in the uniform of the new school she would be attending, then Huyu tied the girl up like a pretty package and had all his men jerk off over her.

"That clip ended up on all the extreme porn produced by his studio for the next three years. Bao was not given screen credit, and was never mentioned by name, but the story spread like wildfire among criminal circles, according to my sources. The police were bought off, and the British great-grandfather was a younger son, long dead - his family was unconcerned about an inconveniently located and somewhat scandalous offshoot of the family tree.

"With the delicate balance of power at risk following the end of British control of Hong Kong, the various governments collectively forgot about our young friend, despite her image running on every bit of seized kiddie porn on several continents." My wife frowned. "She was always the kid they couldn't save whenever they broke one of those rings. Kids all over the planet were getting therapy and she was going to school, a Chinese girl in one of Tokyo's most elite private girls' schools. She tried to go to the police herself, and her teachers, but....

My wife sighed. "There were several young ladies in attendance who had... patrons. And certainly it did not take long for the girls at the school to hear about the films. Two teachers who tried to assist were paid off, and for the rest.... well, this particular academy of higher learning had a long history with the yakuza, going back generations. No one touched her, but I'm sure the other children were unkind. There were, of course, several employees at the school quite frankly in the employ of the various patrons or the yakuza Huyu-san. He had numerous interests.

"Bao was not the only girl in a chastity belt, and there were teams of attendants in the toilets who had to go through an elaborate procedure to have two people unlock the chastity belt, and then witness the girl either peeing or pooping, to make sure she didn't masturbate. Some of the older girls were even locked into the sort of chastity belt that has plugs for both holes.

"Apparently, they were waiting for Bao to begin to have regular periods. According to the yakuza's rather unique interpretation of honour, he was impelled to wait until she was `sweet sixteen' before defiling her purity – at least that's what he said in the big introduction to his new "Purity" line of extreme porn."

I could see where this was heading. "Oh, yes," my wife confirmed, "the Purity line was dedicated to the systematic corruption of the perfect little virgin school girl. In every film, there were multiple sequences dedicated to her hymen. One of the reasons the line was so successful is that it features something that would be right up your alley, if it weren't for the age of the subject.

"Huyu always made a production out of coaxing real responses out of the girl. He used drugs, and some of the most knowledgeable `fluffers' in the industry, as well as an assortment of toys to make sure that Bao was teased into real arousal, knowing that every bit of it was filmed and that men all over the world would be jerking off to her image, each one no doubt imagining defiling her purity."

"Every film started with a medical exam that would make Bao start to lubricate heavily, featuring visual confirmation that her hymen was intact. She'd be ordered back into her school uniform, without her chastity belt this time, and then Bao was chastised or praised for her performance at school. There would always be a reason for the spankings and paddlings.

"Huyu was a master at shibari bondage techniques. He tied Bao up in every position imaginable, teased her with a careful balance of pleasure and pain, spanked or paddled her until she was crying hard and teased her some more. He had a huge kink for enema sex, and as long as he owned her, she was only allowed to orgasm during enema sex scenes on camera. The rest of the time, she was in a chastity belt or closely supervised.

"The films always ended the same way, with the school girl bukkake scene. Huyu would not allow anyone to consider a bukkake scene with her naked, because of the very remote possibility of pregnancy. Her semen covered face was used on the cover of literally thousands of films, her image featured on websites all over the world. Again and again, her case was raised when there were prosecutions in other parts of the world, but Bao's name was long buried, and Huyu was so well insulated that no one even approached him, despite his very public position as the head of the studio producing the seized films.

"Once he started filming her, it was a regular thing. She would attend school for several weeks, and then the limousine would come to pick her up. She'd be gone for anything from several hours to several days. Huyu filmed every bit of it. Huyu was a kiddie porn star himself, the very pampered darling of the big boss himself. From all accounts, Huyu was a high functioning psychotic, and Bao is lucky that his kinks manifested in the way they did. Not everyone survived his films in one piece."

"Sometimes he had her taken from school, just to spank her and tease her and have a bukkake scene, without letting her orgasm There were numerous scenes actually filmed at the school, in the infirmary, with Huyu dressed up in doctor's gear, giving Bao various `treatments'. Apparently the man knows his way around the female body. And Huyu was quite thoroughly evil about it. He liked to combine forced orgasms of the enema bukkake flicks with prolonged teasing, spanking and orgasm denial. He said it would make her eager during filming.

"In between films, Bao attended the university, and was an honours student earning the highest marks on her university entrance exams. She actually graduated from the Academy two years early, and began attending the University as soon as Huyu began to use her, with the necessary bodyguards, of course. She wore the chastity belt any time she wasn't under the supervision of Huyu's most trusted lieutenants, women he had known from their days as kiddie porn stars. They supervised all her bodily functions, witnessing her every second that she was without the chastity belt. Trained as bodyguards, they knew it was their very lives if she had an opportunity to masturbate or worse, to tear her hymen.

"Bao's a smart girl. She blasted through her Bachelor's degree, maintaining a perfect 4.0 despite being periodically abducted to star in kinky enema sex porn films on a regular basis. Huyu seemed to monitor her assignment schedule. He'd leave her alone if she had a big paper due, and would arrange for tutors if she missed a class. In many ways, he was her protector. Bao certainly sees him that way, although some of it is most certainly Stockholm Syndrome.

"Bao told me quite bluntly that when she was delivered to Huyu's office when she was eleven, the first thing he did was tell her that she was a survivor, not a victim. He told her that bad and scary things would happen to her, but nothing would permanently damage her, and she would not be raped. He told her that none of it was her fault, and nothing she could do or say could change any of it."

My eyebrows shot up. I didn't even begin to know what to say to that.

And then I did. "That sounds like someone has had some good therapy. Not quite what I was expecting from a psychotic kiddie porn producer."

My wife made an indelicate noise. "Mei says someone's clearly had a go at modifying the way his psychosis expresses itself." My third wife was a pshrink. She had a vested interest in psychosexual issues, and had developed several improvements to the Household's training protocols. If Mei thought someone had mucked with the psychosis of a badly abused child, then that's what had happened.

"What else does Mei have to say?" I teased, looking around. My third wife spent a great deal of time here in the main treatment area, down in the private wing. I was surprised not to see her.

"Sorry, sorry," the lady in question called out, hastening to join us.

"Sorry, morning sickness. What did I miss?"

My First Wife gave a quick recap of our conversation, and Mei nodded briskly, all business despite being slightly green about the gills. "Huyu's Purity line was a smashing success. Although it involved the systematic long term sexual assault on what was a minor child, a great deal of focus was place on ensuring that the girl was never penetrated. Apparently, she started a trend, and Huyu has since maintained a stable of barely legal porn stars, all of whom are technically virgin.

"I'm not a profiler," Mei cautioned, "but I did seek the advice of several of my professors. I actually used Huyu's case for one of my thesis projects on long term programming and aberrant sexual behaviour. Based only on what public information is available, and without rattling any yakuza chains, I was able to confirm that someone has actually been consolidating the kiddie porn industry. Competitors and amateurs are ruthlessly put out of business, their records turned over to the police.


Mei looked rather nauseated for a moment, taking a deep breath, her lovely face pale under the discreet touch of cosmetics subtly enhancing her beauty. "From all accounts, Huyu began as a kiddie porn star himself, but one who was not spared penetration. His childhood was grim, but he was very bright and very beautiful, and encouraged in his sadism since early childhood. About fifteen years ago, there was a big shake up among the yakuza, and a bunch of dead bodies, and lo and behold, Huyu has a new patron and begins producing films.

"It's what he told Bao that I find so remarkable," I prompted, eyeing my senior wife as she started to shift on the desk.

"Your heir is tapdancing on my bladder again," that worthy lady informed me tartly.

I chuckled. The prosaic realities of pregnancy were often a source of rueful amusement in our Household. "Go pee, silly," I told her fondly, and then had a small stroke of inspiration. "I'm establishing a new rule, to honour your place at my side as my first and senior wife; pleasure yourself as you urinate, and remember how much you please me."

My First Wife blushed, biting her lip and smiling. "As you wish," she murmured as she hastened towards the toilet facilities. I watched with fond amusement as she waddled briskly towards the nearest loo. Although I'm quite certain my builder thought I was insane, I had designed my house with the needs of my family in mind. There were multiple bathrooms on each floor of the house.

Mei was checking the screen when I looked back, no doubt interested in my choice of induction for Bao's first session. "What else can you tell me?"

"It was once the custom to find an honourable place for any woman dismissed from the Emperor's harem. Former Imperial concubines were generally quite valued as the treasured status symbol of high ranking men. A very few former concubines were chosen for a junior wife. While I cannot even begin to speculate about Huyu's motivations, he apparently notified every matchmaker on the planet that he wanted to find a safe and honourable position for Bao when she retired at twenty-one, as if she were a former Imperial concubine and not a kiddie porn star. He did not want her going to another pornographer, nor could she be used for prostitution."

Mei sighed, and jerked her chin at the naked woman bound to the gyno examination table. "Huyu abused that girl for ten years, while simultaneously providing her with the tools to ensure that she survived the experience. She's received an excellent education, has impeccable study habits, beautiful manners and holds whatever the equivalent of a black belt is in the Filipino Martial Arts – which is itself a highly unconventional choice in Japan.

"Huyu sexually assaulted her on a regular basis, and yet repeatedly told her that she was a survivor, not a victim. He told her that he was warping her sexuality, but that it wasn't her fault and that there was nothing she could do to change things. He told her that there would come a time when she would be set free, and until then she had to survive, and study and thrive and get ready to reclaim her sexuality.

"Bao has had her head shrunk to a fair thee well and knows far more than even my professors do about aberrant sexuality. She could be a professional rape counsellor and is perhaps the most brutally self-aware individual I have ever encountered – or even read about. She understood precisely what your First Wife was saying during those interviews. Her sexuality has already been profoundly altered by a decade of sexual abuse, and a psychotic sexual sadist's version of guerrilla psychology."

My third wife is adorable when she is being smart and capable. It's a trait I encourage in all my training because an educated, confident woman provides my heirs with a good role model. "You're deliciously provocative when you show me how smart you are," I tell her fondly. "A good hard orgasm should settle that nausea down nicely. Get undressed and hop up on a table while you tell me your recommendations."

Mei flashed me a wicked, merry grin and toed off her sensible, but very professional pregnant lady shoes. "Thank you, Ma'am," she chirped brightly, beginning to unbutton her classically tailored tunic top. "I think Bao completely understands the ramifications of her choices. I also think that the stage three clitoral stimulation program appealed to her on several levels. She's quite decorative and I will thoroughly enjoy watching you transform her with the testosterone and extreme clitoral stimulation."

I chuckled. "After ten years in a chastity belts, she'll have fun learning to masturbate during the preliminary conditioning. She'll have the libido of a teenaged boy and her clitoris will be ground zero. I suspect our newest member of the family will respond beautifully to her training."

Like all my women, Mei was delicately built, almost petite under the modest layers of her professional wardrobe. Pregnancy had ripened her breasts from a demure A cup to a luscious B cup, the nipples standing proud after nearly two years of vacuum therapy with the goat milker. Although she was not yet lactating, her preliminary conditioning had taught her to find great pleasure in nipple stimulation.

While she hadn't quite `popped', as pregnant women seem to do somewhere around the fifth or six month, Mei was unmistakably pregnant when naked, her belly just blossoming with my child. "You're beautiful," I told her with genuine affection as she pushed her trousers down. I'm so very fond of each of my wives.

Mei's sensible cotton underwear left wet smears on her shapely thighs as she shed her trousers. I admired the way the dilator peeked out between the cheeks of her perfect little ass. There are days that I think the reason I adore Asian women so is that so many of them have the delicate frames, with perky little A cup breasts and tiny, very spank-able bottoms.

Although she wasn't pregnant enough to have to deal with a changed centre of gravity quite yet, Mei was still careful as she settled herself into the familiar embrace of the gynaecological examination table. All of my women understood their responsibilities when carrying one of my heirs, as well as during lactation.

Mei was working on the final draft of her thesis, and should have that second PhD under her belt well before she was due to deliver what looked on the latest ultra sound to be my second son. (It was still a bit early to tell, but apparently the baby was quite shameless during the ultra sound.) Mei worked hard, and I was proud of her.

"Masturbate for me," I told her with a warm smile. "I want to see you orgasm ."

"Thank you, Ma'am!" my third wife said, and proceeded to obey with enthusiasm.

My First Wife returned, pink cheeked and smiling, her dark eyes sparkling with pleasure and contentment. "Hello, Wife," I greeted her. "Did you orgasm?"

"Yes, Ma'am, and thank you," she replied with a brilliant smile. "Mei, you're gorgeous."

My third wife chuckled, the fingers of her right hand flying on her clitoris as she plucked and teased her nipples with her left hand. "So are you," Mei managed, her voice husky with arousal. "I love it when my conditioning kicks in," she admitted cheerfully, with the self-awareness I expect of each of my women.

"Wait til you start the lactation conditioning!" my First Wife teased.

Mei moaned hungrily, pregnancy hormones kicking her libido into high gear, her conditioning priming her for the much anticipated pleasures of lactation. She changed her caresses, beginning to stimulate her breasts as she would when hand expressing, working the tissue behind the nipple as well as the nipple itself. Her pretty cunt blossomed and flowered, oozing eagerly, fluids dribbling over the base of the dilator in her ass, flexing and shifting as Mei clamped down on it with well trained strength.

Although they had no clue about my training philosophies, the sex positive midwives and doctors we used were universally approving of the results they saw during my wives' gestation, labour, delivery and lactation. My wives were tremendously fit, and sailed through their deliveries like the elite athletes they are. Even if Mei had yet to bear her first child, and had not yet begun to experience lactation conditioning, she was still well trained in the basics after more than two years in my household.

It wouldn't be long. I recognized the signs. Within a few moments, Mei convulsed as she exploded in a perfectly beautiful orgasm, muscles straining, her face twisting in the familiar rictus of ecstasy. Murmuring a few words of praise, I let her rest on the table, a perfect example of passionately sated pregnancy.

I knew Da-Xia and Jing-Wei, my second and fourth wives, were upstairs, safely engaged in taking care of my four children. Both women were pregnant, Da-Xia carrying her second child since joining my household.

She still grieved for the child that had been aborted against her will, but she was healing and a much loved member of the household. Mei-Lien, her daughter from her first marriage, now called Lien to avoid confusion with my third wife, was in the first grade, and thriving.

Jing-Wei was only a few weeks away from the birth of her first child. My fourth wife was the quietest of my women, serene and gentle, a fully trained infant and early childhood educator. She adored babies and was never far from the children. They responded well to her, which helped my heirs grow up in a nurturing and positive environment.

With my babies taken care of, I could indulge in a bit of perverted dalliance with my other wives and my new concubine. All it took was a glance at my First Wife and she was eagerly stripping out of her modest dress, revealing her ripe and fecund beauty. Six months along with her third child, Chun or `Charlie' as my First Wife was known to friends and family, was stunningly beautiful, her belly swollen with my child. After years of lactation training, her nipples were permanently enlarged, her delicate A cup breasts once again swollen with pregnancy.

Her thighs were slick and shining with vaginal fluids, her beautiful cunt lush and full, like a Georgia O'Keefe painting. Her clitoris was nowhere near the size it would be after the stage three extreme clitoral stimulation treatment, but it was no longer a tiny, undeveloped bud. It was flushed and erect, plump and pleasing after years of vacuum therapy and strict daily training.

It would be months before my new concubine developed the level of physical conditioning necessary for her to begin the extreme clitoral stimulation therapy. The first induction would ensure that she began her training with open eyes, understanding everything that would be demanded of her. In particular, it was important for her to understand the permanent nature of the body modifications. The enlargement of her clitoris into a pretty little girl dick would be permanent and irreversible, even after her course of treatment with testosterone was completed.

The hypnotic induction Bao was experiencing would ensure that she would make an informed choice. I toyed idly with Charlie's clitoris as I chatted with my wives, waiting for Bao's treatment to finish. Although all my wives were beautifully responsive and endlessly alluring, I particularly enjoyed teasing my First Wife. After two children and almost six years of marriage, Charlie's training was the most advanced of my four wives. She had experienced two separate sessions of lactation conditioning, participating with enthusiastic obedience and the best milk production figures in the household as she endured each twenty-four month long lactation period.

8760 sessions in a milking frame receiving hypnotic induction in a sensory deprivation helmet. 12 times a day, 365 days a year, for a relentless twenty-four months following the birth of each child, Charlie had the best milk production rates of any of my wives. She was also the most orgasmic, with defecation and enema procedures so sexualized that forbidding her to orgasm was a particularly harsh and deliciously evil tease.

Although Charlie had obediently orgasmed in response to my orders to masturbate as she urinated only a few minutes earlier, she was still a delight to tease. She squirmed and flushed, her well trained cunt flexing hungrily around empty air, her rectal dilator shifting and moving as she clamped down on its girth. Still riding the afterglow of her last orgasm, it was easy to push her to the edge of another orgasm.

"I want you to enjoy every minute of your pregnancy," I told my First Wife, admiring her languid writhing as I teased her into desperate and hungry arousal.

"Oh, I'm having a pretty good time here," Charlie laughed, and then gasped as I found a sweet spot on her plump clitoris.

I chuckled, pleased by her spunk. "I want you to masturbate until you orgasm each time you urinate until you give birth," I told her with fond amusement.

"I want another one," Charlie gasped, thighs trembling, fresh melt gushing from her plump and swollen genitals, puddling on the examination table between her wide spread thighs.

"I understand that," I soothed her. "Let's wait and see what the doctor says after you've weaned my heir. You're an extreme athlete, and in far better condition than the vast majority of women giving birth, but pregnancy and delivery is still hard on your body. And you know I won't let your sister get pregnant again. This may be the second child she carries for me, but it's her fourth pregnancy. I'm still not sure how you all convinced me to let her have another baby."

Both Mei and Charlie laughed.

"Remind me to spank you later," I told them with fond exasperation. "Cheeky bitches."

"You like us this way," Mei reminded me, as my First Wife giggled shamelessly, her hips lifting as she offered herself to my teasing touch.

"I do," I admitted with a martyred sigh. "But I have to say that Charlie always chooses the best women to be my wives. I'm so very pleased with each of you." My women glowed, their bodies ripe and fertile, their sexuality trained and developed to ensure maximum orgasmic performance, strong and flexible erotic warriors. I smiled down at my First Wife. "Focus, Charlie. Your training is now modified to include an orgasm every time you urinate until you give birth."

"Yes, Ma'am," my First Wife purred, the movement of her rectal dilator telling me that she was rhythmically contracting her pelvic floor, increasing her own arousal. "Shall I come now for you?"

I grinned at her. "Of course not. I want to tease you for a while."

Charlie moaned happily. "You're going to make me come so hard."

"You'll make yourself come hard the next time you have to empty your bladder," I reminded her. "I'm just going to tease you until then."

Mei laughed as Charlie scolded me. "You're evil," my First Wife told me, her eyes bright with equal parts of gleeful flirtation and arousal.

"And you like me that way," I shot back and both of my wives laughed.

I was not at all surprised by the accuracy of Mei's insight into my new concubine. Nor was I surprised by how smoothly we would be able to incorporate her into the household. I interviewed her at the completion of her first induction, removing the ear muffs and their tiny speakers so Bao could hear me but leaving her in the security of the falcon's helmet.

She was articulate, and as previously noted, almost brutally self-aware. The first induction has engendered a feeling of safety and confidence in my care. She was offered the opportunity for legal recourse, but confirmed that she wanted to reclaim her sexuality through the transformative conditioning I offered her as my concubine.

Bao felt there would be a certain fitness and symmetry in her service as my concubine, balancing the years spent locked in a chastity belt. As my concubine, she would be trained to masturbate, taught to self pleasure on command, her long guarded holes rarely empty. She understood both the effects and the side-effects of testosterone treatment, and was cautioned about the permanent nature of the body modifications.

The woman was delighted by the promise of growing a pretty little girl dick for me. By the end of her first interview with me during a hypnotic induction, Bao confirmed her desire to become an extreme sexual athlete, understanding that while she would not be surgically transitioned to male, she would experience the full course of my much anticipated stage three extreme clitoral stimulation program.

My new concubine was a diligent student, swiftly mastering both a thorough knowledge of female sexual physiology and her new skills at masturbation. Her hymen was carefully trimmed away during her first complete examination, and her virgin cunt spared any activity until she healed. She was, however, encouraged to masturbate to orgasm during her daily defecation and enema training sessions. The only orgasms she had ever known had been forced during on camera enema scenes, so Bao was primed for success.

Within a week, she had been fitted with her first vaginal and rectal probes, and started on a strict remedial treatment program to train her pelvic floor and both sphincters. Bao was swiftly and easily sent into a deep trance, something Mei theorized was in response to ten years of Huyu's peculiar habit of mixing valid psychological treatment philosophies with forced orgasms and prolonged teasing and orgasm denial.

She adored over the knee bare bottom spankings, and took to the goat milker like a duck to water. Bao owned her sexuality, and revelled in the changes in her body, glorying in her carefully modified sex drive when she began testosterone treatments. She had been an ethereally beautiful young woman. With her head shaved and the muscular development that only months of hormone augmented weight training could bring, Bao was becoming an astonishingly beautiful and androgynous boi.

It was Bao's wish to train as a midwife, although she had already completed her first degree at university, and was only a few courses away from her master's degree at the University of Tokyo. She had spent almost her entire life in school, and was enjoying the opportunity to wallow in her conditioning. She sailed through her nurse midwife training, assisting in the birth of my children as they arrived, one after the other.

While Bao would never have gender reassignment surgery, she often was mistaken for a boy, her small breasts consumed by the development of her pectoral muscles, as well as bound by the sensible compression sports bra. She never tried to `pass' as male, but enjoyed being an extremely butch woman with a very pretty little girl dick.

Strict penetration bondage was as far from a chastity belt as it was possible to be. Bao's well trained cunt and asshole were almost never empty, her clitoris rising proudly from the shelter of her plump genitals, her camel toe enhanced by daily suction. Her clitoris was the size of a big man's thumb, the entire shaft erect and permanently engorged like the penis of a very young boy although it was not free of her body.

Because her natural desire to masturbate had been denied by ten long years in a chastity belt, there was particular emphasis place on Bao's ability to self-pleasure. She may not have always been given permission to orgasm, but she participated with enthusiasm in her own conditioning. Like a young boy just entering puberty, she was easily aroused and experienced erections with a shift in the wind.

Bao enjoyed working her `little guy' as she referred to her clitoris. She swiftly mastered the modified masturbation techniques that would ensure she swiftly achieved the best orgasmic performance when stimulating her enlarged clitoris. Building upon the non-consensual conditioning she received between the ages of sixteen and twenty-one, my stage three extreme clitoral stimulation program provided brilliant results.

The addition of four more concubines to the house ensured that my heirs and my wives received the very best of care. Although the four lower ranking concubines were held to a strict training schedule, they never carried my children nor participated in the lactation conditioning program. Once their preliminary conditioning was complete, they only required a daily workout as they completed their daily defecation and enema treatment.

My First Wife would talk me into a fourth pregnancy, the only one of my women to provide me with four heirs. Da-Xia, her sister, would give me a son and a daughter, as well as letting me adopt Lien, who was a bright and sunny little soul. Mei and Jing-Wei would each give me three children, giving me a baker's dozen.

With thirteen children in the house under the age of ten, it took all four wives and the four lower-ranking concubines to care for the household. All of my women worked part time, unless they were on maternity leave, working in study time around their breast milk expressing duties and sexual conditioning.

Bao, our first concubine, was the sexual plaything of the entire household. Each of my wives had the authority to order her to jerk off for their amusement, watching with interest as Bao stimulated her hugely erect clitoris until she orgasmed. Her biggest kink was self pleasure, her history of systematic sexual abuse creating a predilection I was happy to encourage. She celebrated her sexuality, and caused her own orgasms, thank you.

She was permitted to use the fucking machines at will, although access to clitoral stimulators aside from her own fingers was something granted only at my orders. Although Bao was almost always plugged both fore and aft, it was her choice of dilator and dildo with which to penetrate herself.

All of my women were sexual athletes, required to orgasm as many times as I dictated in their training. After four pregnancies and eight years of lactation conditioning, my First Wife began stage three extreme clitoral stimulation therapy. Unlike Bao, Charlie's hormone treatment ended when her clitoris reached its maximum development. She didn't need a testosterone enhanced libido after the years of hypnotic conditioning while expressing breast milk for our four children. Her training was quite sufficient to ensure that she received the maximum benefit from clitoral stimulation.

By the time Mei's third child – the household's last baby – went off to boarding school at thirteen, all nine of my women had completed stage three extreme clitoral stimulation conditioning. My wives had the additional benefit of lactation conditioning while they were expressing breast milk for two years following the birth of each of my children. Even in their forties and fifties, my wives' hard bodies, well trained responses and utterly shameless hunger for erotic pleasure was a source of fascination. The strength and flexibility of their sphincters enabled me to enjoy their bodies in any number of ways, the strength and endurance of their pelvic floor making it possible to effortlessly force as many orgasms as I demanded of my wives.

Smiling contentedly, I wandered the main treatment room, sipping my mug of tea. All nine of my women were fetchingly displayed on their examination tables, each eagerly masturbating with the skill and enthusiasm achieved after decades of training. They were each in peak condition, effortlessly achieving multiple orgasms as they stimulated their clitorises with their fingers.

"Remember that I want the revised proposals for your post-menopausal conditioning in my inbox by the end of the week, ladies. We'll be meeting next Thursday to begin refining the process and putting a timeline on procedures," I said briskly as the women of my household rested. "I want long term programming options, with consideration to your changing physical condition as you age. Never doubt that I have provided for your long term care. You will be experiencing daily forced orgasms even in your nineties and beyond, until the day you die. Make provisions for reduced lubrication levels and compensate for the reduced libido of a geriatric patient."

Smiling and nodding, stretching luxuriously as they recovered from their latest orgasms, my women moved towards the showers and the breakfast we would soon share, clever minds focused on the continuing improvement of their conditioning.

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