Wolf Meets Wizard

By Matt

Published on Dec 19, 2010



The following story is completely fictional and merely a product of the author's imagination. This story is the sole property of the author listed below. Any reproduction or replication of this story, in whole or in part, without the written consent of the author is strictly prohibited. Any books, TV shows, movies, etc. mentioned herein are the property of their respective owners and not the property of the author of this story. The events taking place in the story are in no way meant to imply the true sexual orientations of any celebrities referenced herein. Please know that the author has no firsthand knowledge about the personal lives of any of the celebrities in question. Also this story contains homosexual acts between male celebrities, some of whom may be minors, and may also contain incest. If such information offends you or if you are not of legal age to view such material please use your browser's back button at this time and do not continue. Please note that it is the sole responsibility of the reader to know the laws governing the use/reading of such material in the area where he or she lives and that the author is in no way responsible for any unauthorized or illegal viewing of the following story.

"Wolf Meets Wizard" Chapter 2 Author: Matt (boyslut05@yahoo.com)

As David drove to Selena's place he couldn't get the image of Taylor out of his head. The washboard abs and bulging biceps were just too much for him and despite the fact that he had just jacked off he was getting hard all over again. {Oh my god! Really? Ugh!} he thought. He pulled up in front of Selena's building just as the doorman was opening the door for her. He shifted in his seat doing his best to hide the growing erection straining against his already tight jeans.

"Have a good evening Ms. Gomez, Mr. Henrie," said the doorman, tipping his hat to the pair.

"Thank you Jim. You do the same," said Selena as the doorman shut the door of David's BMW 325i.

"You look nice," said David.

"Thanks so do you. Oh and mmmmmmm do you smell good!" she said leaning in to take in even more of David's intoxicating cologne. "I don't think I've ever smelled this on you. Hoping to impress someone tonight?"

"No not necessarily. Why do you ask?"

"No reason," she said with a hint of sarcasm in her voice and a smirk on her face. Although he had never actually said anything to her about it, it was more than obvious to Selena that David was gay, or at the very least bi. She noticed the way he stared at other guys and practically drooled over Taylor in the previews to New Moon. In fact, that was why she had asked David to go with her tonight, she had never even mentioned the premier to Miley. She had a little fun planned for her two good friends.

The sidewalks and street outside the theatre were swarming with fans and paparazzi as the duo arrived and exited the car, David handing the keys to the valet. No sooner than they were out of the car then flash bulbs and screams erupted all around them.

"Wow! What a greeting! I knew we were both popular but I had no idea we were that popular," David said, shielding his eyes from the bright lights.

"Um, David? I don't think that was for us," said Selena. In all the excitement he had failed to notice the trio arriving behind them. It was of course, the most popular young actors in all of Hollywood, at least at this point in time, Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart and the, oh so hot, Taylor Lautner.

"Hey guys!!" Selena shouted waving at the other young celebs and slowing down to allow them to catch up. The look on David's face was priceless. It was a mix of happiness, lust, and sheer terror.

"Hey you two," said Kristen as they joined David and Selena and the group made their way to the door.

"David, you know Robert and Kristen don't you?"

"Yes, yes of course. How are you?"

"Very well thank you," responded Robert.

"And this is Taylor," said Selena motioning towards the remaining member of the group.

"Hey nice to meet you man," said Taylor extending his hand.

"Same here," said David taking the hand that was offered to him.

"Is this your first premier?" said Taylor.

"No, no of course not. Why do you ask?"

"You just seem nervous and your palms are a little sweaty."

"Oh, yeah sorry about that. These things just make me a little uptight," David lied. In fact, his nervousness stemmed from the fact that he was shaking hands with one of the sexiest guys in Hollywood. Introductions complete, the group navigated their way through the paparazzi stopping occasionally to talk to this person or that until they made it inside and found the seats reserved for them. After a little discussion about who was going to sit where it was finally decided that Kristen would sit next to Robert, they are a couple after all, Taylor would sit next to Kristen, David would sit next to Taylor, at Selena's insistence of course, and Selena would sit next to David.

The movie progressed and eventually made it to Taylor's first shirtless scene. "Like what you see?" Taylor whispered.

"Wha- what?" David stammered.

"Dude I watched your jaw drop when I took my shirt off. Now, do you like what you see?"

"No dude, I'm not gay!" David all but shouted. Almost immediately he felt a fist slam into his left arm.

"Shhh!" said Selena.

"Sorry," he whispered glaring at Taylor who had a sultry smirk on his face. "No, I'm not gay."

"Really? Well the bulge in your jeans is telling a different story."

"That's not what you think it is," David said shifting in his seat.

"Well that's certainly what it feels like," said Taylor grabbing a handful of David's growing erection and giving it a good squeeze, which of course, only made him harder.

"I- I'm sorry. I just can't help myself."

"It's ok. I have one too," he whispered taking David's hand and placing it on his own hardening cock. Instinctively David's hand closed around Taylor's most prized possession eliciting a soft moan from the Twilight star, "mmmm."

"Are you gay too?"

"We can discuss that later. Just watch the movie for now." Throughout the rest of the movie the two could hardly restrain themselves. They did their best to keep the groping to a minimum so as not to attract attention but they had their hands on each other for the rest of the movie. Whether it was sliding up and down the inside of each other's leg or massaging each other's crotch they were in constant contact. As the movie got closer to the end Taylor insisted they stop, "Don't want to walk out with raging hard-ons now do we?"

"I personally don't care but if you insist, okay." After the movie ended, everyone began to disperse. Some were headed to the official after party and others were headed out to other, not-so-official after parties. Being the stars of the movie, Kristen, Robert and Taylor had to make an obligatory appearance at the official after party.

"Hey you wanna come along?" Taylor said to David and Selena.

"Of course we do," Selena quickly responded. "Taylor why don't you ride with David and I'll ride with Kristen and Robert. Kristen and I still have some catching up to do."

"Sounds like a plan," said Taylor. "David and I need to get to know each other some more anyway."

"Okay. We'll meet you there."

Once they were safely inside the security of David's car, Taylor ventured, "Now to answer your question earlier, I'm not gay. I don't even consider myself bi but I have fucked a few tight asses and let a few guys suck me off. A hole is a hole right? Haha."

"Haha. Yea I guess when you put it that way a hole is a hole."

"So I'm guessing you're gay judging by the massive boner you got in the theatre?"

"Yea I'm gay and you turn me on like no one else can, but what about you? Why did you get hard?"

"It turns me on to know that someone else is turned on by me, guy or girl, doesn't matter. You getting turned on turns me on which is why I got hard back there," said Taylor as he reached across the center console to run his hand across the inside of David's leg.

"Hey now, stop that. You were the one that didn't wanna be seen walking around with a boner so stop turning me on ok," said David grabbing Taylor's hand and removing it from his leg.

"You're right. I don't wanna be seen walking around with a boner. Everyone's already seen my bulge, I really don't need them seeing that. Seeing you walking around with one, well that's a whole different story."

"Well that's not very fair now is it? If I have to walk around with one then so do you," David said as he reached over to grab the bulge in Taylor's pants, massaging it gently, making the teen wolf rock hard. Taylor began to moan with delight, "Oh you're going to pay for this David. You're going to pay for this."

"Gladly," David responded with a smirk. By the time they reached the after-party they were both rock hard and aching for release. "Well let's get this over with shall we?" said Taylor.

"Yes. Let's..." As they both stepped out of the car their hard-ons were more than obvious. Taylor's was pressed against his left leg straining against the fabric of his slacks while David's was throbbing against the already tight denim surrounding his right thigh. Flash bulbs erupted around the pair as they entered the venue where the party was being hosted. "Great, those will be circulating around all the bulge-watch sites on the net before we've even had our fun," Taylor whispered. David just grinned.

"Hey guys. Over here," came Selena's voice. As they walked over Taylor, Robert and Kristen were pulled off to do some interviews leaving David and Selena to chat. "So I see you and Taylor are really getting to know each other," she said with a huge grin.

"I... uh... uh..." stuttered David.

"It's ok David. I know you're gay and I'm ok with that, and apparently so is Taylor."

"Wha-... How did you find out?"

"No time for explanations, here comes your boy." He turned around to see the trio headed their way, Taylor slightly less hard than before but still as sexy as ever.

"So, ready to blow this popsicle... stand?" said Taylor pausing after the word popsicle smiling as a look of horror crossed David's face. "We've done our thing and to be honest this party's kinda lame."

"Yeah let's get outta here. What are you guys gonna do?" said David, addressing Selena and the others.

"Well I'm kinda tired. I think I'm just gonna go to home," said Selena.

"Rob and I are gonna grab a bite then spend the rest of the night in," said Kristen. "You guys?"

"Well I'm definitely not tired. Wanna go do something David?"

"Sure. Sounds good, we'll take my car." With that the group split up going to they're respective cars. Selena caught a ride home with Rob and Kristen while Taylor and David headed to his car with absolutely no intentions of going out. They were headed back to David's apartment for some fun, just the two of them.

A/N: Ok guys, here's chapter 2. Sorry it took me so long to write it but my life has been C-R-A-Z-Y, CRAZY. Thank you all for your patience and I promise to try and do better with the next chapter. Sorry for the cliffhanger, it just seemed like a good place to end this chapter and well I do love a good cliffhanger. I assure you the next chapter will be full of wild crazy sex. I already have ideas running through my head. You won't be disappointed. As always, I welcome your feedback at boyslut05@yahoo.com just make sure to send it with the subject "Wolf Meets Wizard." Hope you all enjoyed chapter 2. I look forward to writing chapter 3 and hearing from you guys.

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