Wolf Cubs Rapture in Sordid Ruins

By James Jenkins

Published on Apr 9, 2023



All characters (except for Inge Dombrowski) are fictional and any resemblance to those living, or dead is purely coincidental. All language, places, and items used in this standalone story are meant to give a sense of time and atmosphere in the fall of Nazi Germany, no offense is intended.

I do not have anything to do with the movies this story is centered around. I do not know the actors who play the characters from both films and this story in no way represents the character(s) nor actors sexualities.

This story is a crossover of both films where HJ "soldiers" abandon their posts and come across and apartment room where Russian soldiers are holding German girls captive and after rescuing them, decide to let loose their sexual urges out on them. I was inspired to write this story as I love Coming-of-Age movies set during WWII and pictured what would happen if they took place in the same universe.

The characters in "Downfall" are property of screenwriter Bernd Eichinger. Gretel from "The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas" belongs to John Boyne. Markus Zusak owns those from "The Book Thief" (2013). Amma Asante owns Lutz in "Where Hands Touch" while those of "Jojo Rabbit" belong to writer Christine Leunens (based on her book Caging Skies). The second Peter in "Forgive Us Our Trespasses" belongs to screenwriters Ashley Eakin and Shawn Lovering.

All other characters in the story are original. Heinrich and Klaus are based on the 12 and 14-year-old boys who appear at 1:48 and 1:49 in this scene from "Downfall" (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bGqCKdrhLNY)

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Wolf Cubs Rapture in Sordid Ruins

© James Jenkins 2023

April 30, 1945

The "Baby Division" of the German army, the Führer's Hitlerjugend had been in the field fighting in Berlin's streets for four months, living and standing their ground in the trench by their flak gun. None of the eager units had known any glory since the previous year before the Allied advancement had begun. They were a defensive unit consisting of new recruits and some experienced fighters in operating anti-aircraft guns, scouting, collect the dead and rescue survivors.

Their primary duty was to be available to support infantry units, which meant that they were the canon fodder who went in when the adults got themselves decimated under heavy enemy fire. They were also used to clear out residential buildings, usually by leading or carrying people through backways to avoid allied bombs, despite this being a dangerous objective, as one could never know when a British, Soviet, or American bomb or shoulder brings your swift death with them.

With their second main use for them was for spying and enemy inspection, where they would advance fast, scour around and report back to their commanding officer. It was during one of these missions, as the Reich neared death, that they came across a small unit of Russian soldiers also out on patrol. They'd kept out of sight amidst bombed out buildings and their camouflaged uniforms helped them to hide the shadows after nightfall. Leaving two boys from each of the five positions on guard, the surviving ones who regrouped with them headed out on their search for trapped civilians.

Following the deserted street for about an hour before coming across the ruined apartment building half crumbled on the right side of the street. As they slowly moved in, they made out the shadowy outlines of two figures in Bolshevik uniforms keeping watch. They only noticed them, as they were moving around in some form of sentry duty. Unwise on their part when in a still active war zone, where the best way to keep watch was to stay out of sight and use your wits as equally as your senses.

Still their mistake was to the hunters advantage; they drew in closer and silently moved in on their foes positions. They were a mere three feet away from them when they stopped and stood fast. Two of their best comrades, Johannes "Jojo" Betzler and Yorki had made a bypass and were covertly advancing in on their positions from opposite sides of the building.

Once they were all in position, the lieutenant waited until the two guards had both moved to the two ends of the building and gave a sudden bark like a dog. Both Red Beasts turned in the direction at the curious sound, as the two 10-year-olds leapt of the shadows and hastily closed their sweaty hands around their mouths from behind. At the same time, they yanked the heads of the struggling enemies backwards harshly, making them throw their hands up to their throats in alarm.

Jojo, the Aryan Poster Child, on the left of the building as their comrades watched, used his knife-emblazoned with the HJ motto "Blut und Ehre!" (Blood and Honor!)- to slash the Russian soldier's neck from ear to ear, then slowly lowered the body like a vase to the ground and dragged it around the corner out of sight. Yorki, the pudgy glasses-wearing boy on the right-hand side of the entrance stuck his dagger against the fighting enemy's chest, as he did so the soldier's Pilotka cap fell off to expose the short dark hair of a 20-year-old male. The Russian soldier was dead within seconds when the knife cut through his torso and penetrated his heart; the boy lowered the body silently to the ground, and also dragged it around the corner of the entrance out of view.

They started to move forwards again to check out the interior, as they reached the very edge of the shell crater, where the dirty ruin-choked area surrounding the building started, they paused as the door opened and a figure stepped into the entrance. As she stopped in the area illuminated via light from inside one of the rooms on the second floor and turned so speak to those inside, they were able to clearly see her silhouette.

The girl was no more than sixteen years old with shoulder length blonde pigtails, she was slim wearing a pair of black HJ army trousers tucked into her boots. Her uniform shirt could not hide the swellings of her breasts as she turned in profile in the light of the room. She seemed to be at ease and strangely not carrying any protection on her, utter madness for a lady during wartime, when you ate, slept, and laid as a lover with your weapon within easy reach. It seemed as if the "enemy" maybe recuperating inside the room were being far to lapse for their own good.

A swathe of female voices came from inside the room, and the girl came out closing the door behind, her laughing out aloud as she did so to some shared joke or other. She started to walk across the dirt directly in the boy's direction. As she did so, she started to unbuckle her belt and undo the buttons on her trousers. On reaching the shell crater where 12-year-old Peter Kranz was in hiding, she turned around to face a darkened corner and dropped her trousers to her ankles.

Squatting down in front of the boy and lifting her shirt up to just under her breasts, she started to urinate onto the ground. Peter was no more than two feet away from that naked behind as the stream of urine started to splash on the ground. The bleach blonde boy was fascinated by the scene, he'd never been as close as this to a girl taking a piss. He could make out the lips of her muschi (cunt) between the rich plain of her bewitching ass as she lent forwards, and her expanding piss slit as it opened to let out the stream of liquid. Peter was so frisky that he wanted to reach out and fondle her cheeks and muschi in his hand.

Licking and biting his lips to curtail his sexual longings, at any moment, she might grow aware that the two guards were missing from their posts and alert their comrades. Until now, she had been so engrossed with her needs that she had been privy to and the task of relieving her restless bladder that she was totally unaware that they had vanished. Slowly and in ghostly silence, Peter shifted his weight ready to pounce and drew his own knife from its scabbard.

While the girl was still in full flow, Peter moved forwards and clamped his hand over her mouth and dragged her backwards so that she fell on her ass with her knees spread wide open. The move was so unexpected; the girl's stream of urine shot up in the air from between her legs and soaked the trousers around her ankles.

Leading the girl's body back tightly into his own so that she couldn't struggle loose, Peter placed the point of his knife against the skin on her exposed sternum. As her face came into view, he gasped as the figure before him was a comrade he thought dead-Inge Dombrowski! The girl he feared dead and pined for as their city toppled.

Her beautiful blue eyes grew to the size of bullets as they looked at the blade and pleaded for mercy. Peter used the tip to feel the gap between her cleavage. Finding the right spot, he slowly pushed the tip just enough, cutting into the skin and through muscle until it drew out a tendril of blood. He could feel her tense and fight for breath as the heart pounded. Next aiming the knife so that it was pointing in a line with her beating heart, slicing at the skin and midsection gingerly as Peter did so, and pushed the blade slowly forwards until it sank into her unscarred body. She winced as the nerves suddenly tensed and briefly froze. Peter held onto her for a few minutes until her sexually starved body had ceased to resist.

Once again the sexual thoughts began to regain hold as Peter looked down on her young shapely body. Naked from her blood-stained flesh down to her trouser wrapped ankles, her knees splayed wide apart, displaying the blonde hairy mound of her womanhood. While he waited for her to catch her breath, Peter slid the hand that had taken her virtue to push up her top and grabbed her breast. They felt wonderful, so stable and velvety. As her body calmed, Peter moved his other had that was covering her mouth down to that mound and stroked her untouched muschi, slipping a couple of fingers into her pussy, Peter found to his astonishment that she was still a virgin. Fuck this is a waste, still that was the bitter reality of war. Slowing sliding his fingers in and out of that wondrous netherworld, Peter was getting horny.

But when Peter saw the others moving into position, he had to regain sensibility. The others had started to move forward again, so he led the girl back into the shadows and began to move forwards into the building. As they stopped to listen at the side of the door, and they could hear female voices conversing and laughing on the inside. Together, all eleven of them burst into the room with their weapons cocked and ready. There were nine people sitting around a dining room table, their own weapons were piled up in one corner of the room out of reach. A simple glance told them why they had been so entirely off-guard, some of the girls were holding half empty bottles of Deutsches Reichsbraeu, and other bottles, both empty and unopened were strewn out on the floor. The only man in the room seemed to be even aware of their presence initially, the mildly drunk hulking middle-aged Bolshevik soldier made a move to reach his weapons and was cut down by gun fire from two of their comrades, Heinrich and Klaus, before he'd touched his gun, bullets pierced into the layers of fat around his midsection and torso and he was dead before his gigantic hit the wooden floor.

The nerve-stopping sound of the gunfire in the confines of the apartment seemed to bring the other girls to their senses, and they all encroached around in their direction, to face looking down the barrels of their firearms. As the realization of their dilemma became clear, they started to raise their hands into the air. With some of them keeping the surviving girls from harm, some of the men stepped forward and bound their hands together and gagged them. They were then led over to the ceiling fan hanging from the roof and tied to the fan with their arms still raised above their heads, ropes were passed around their ankles and tied to the base of the fan as well.

When they were secured, they searched the apartment and all their belongings for information, including medicine, food, and valuable documents, they also took items such as cigarettes, money and jewelry if they found them. The girls themselves squirmed as the boys brazenly searched their pockets for address books and issued ID cards, Peter supposed more than one girl would have got her nipples squeezed through her shirt, as her breast pockets were checked, or her pussy stroked through the material of her trouser pockets. He knew when he slid his hands down a girls trousers looking for hidden items he felt around her blessed cave, her young, leaking, and warm vagina was explored. Peter even managed to slide a finger in. The girl tried to resist only to receive a slap across her face.

They presented everything they found to their lieutenant, who had sat down where the girls had been sitting. As he looked through the papers, a couple of the boys reached for the bottles of Deutsches Reichsbraeu, cast aside by the girls. He stopped them immediately and instructed them to stack them in a couple of girl's packs, to take with them for later. Jojo and Yorki were charged to go outside on watch.

Patiently waiting for the lieutenant they were eyeing up the eight frightened girls, all were in HJ army uniform trousers and shirts, their tunic coats having been discarded over near their weapons. With their arms tied up high above their heads, their breasts were being thrust upwards against the material of their shirts. It was impossible to make out the form of their legs in those baggy uniform trousers, but if the covered legs were anything like the rest of their bodies, they would be voluptuous.

Straightening up, the lieutenant announced that he had enough intelligence information on the girls units and positions for the patrol and encouraged them to have fun with the girls and relax for a few hours. They' d continue their progress again a couple of hours before dawn, to head back to their post. As soldiers, they always helped any civilians during missions to honor their oath; because the Reich was dead, they wouldn't be able to get out of harm's way so easily.

With his sanctions they all looked back over at the girls, and then at each other, the same thing was coursing through each of their minds. Finally, the corporal, a 16-year-old blonde named Lutz, voiced their thoughts to the lieutenant, and he begrudgingly allowed them to have some fun with the girls before they'd take them to safety. The well-built youth ordered that the guard now numbered at four boys and that they did so in shifts to allow those on watch to de able to come in for their part of the revelry.

The HJ Lieutenant was of the ideal stock of Nazi soldiers, who scorned any sliver of weakness, but he was also aware of how flustered his unit had got over the last few months without contact with girls their ages. These girls as far as he was concerned were victims and would have been at the Bolsheviks wrath as he and his men at any moment. He already ordered their protection, and so they were now merely damsels to be saved, if his men wanted to indulge in their bodies first, he saw no reason why not.

Corporal Lutz ordered two more boys, another blonde youth named Peter and 12-year-old Rudy Steiner, outside on guard duty, leaving himself and seven other boys in the apartment, as well as the lieutenant, who was going to take no part in the orgy and went and curled up in the corner for a rest. Then Lutz himself although agitated and wanting some of the action decided to wait until the guard changed to keep his eye on things, one of the older "soldiers", a tall brunette named Ralph, also decided to wait with him.

The seven fired up youths approached the subdued girls with ferment. The look in their eyes told them that they knew they were crossing paths with peril. All the girls were aged between about ten and sixteen, and although there were no storybook princesses amongst them, they were all enticing, especially to their lustful minds.

They were all eager to see these girls in all their ripened beauty. With their up-thrust breasts barely sticking out against their shirts, it was innate for them to make these the first focus of their interests. They opened the fronts of their shirts and tugged them out of their trouser waistbands, all but one of the girls were wearing bras, these they rousingly unhooked and tore off their bodies to give them free reign upon their budding breasts.

Warm zealous hands reached out and caressed their naked alluring twin pears, rubbing and squeezing those heavenly mounds and embracing the feel of their ripened flesh in their fingers. Massaging and squeezing the nipples until they swelled up under the touch of the boys fingers, then pressing on the flaming buds to bring a mixture of cries from under the girl's gags. It had been so long since they'd been able to do this that they shoved their faces in the bosoms and kissed them madly, sucking and biting the nipples as if it was forbidden fruit from Eden itself.

Even though this was thrilling foreplay they needed more, and soon their hands were dropping to the girl's waists to grope at their belts and buttons. No clue if it was because of the Deutsches Reichsbraeu that the girls had been drinking, the thought that co-operating with them would relieve their suffering, or even that they were genuinely getting sexually worked up, the girls were responding to the boy soldiers touches. Inge was shamelessly moaning from Peter's oral ministrations of her breasts and thrusting her hips forward to aid in his awkward attempts to remove her trousers.

Finally Peter had the front of her trousers open and started to push them down her legs, her knickers, if any, had gone down with them and he started to feel around the region of her legs. Inge had a noticeable thick bush of mangled hair nesting down there and Peter ran his fingers through the thicket, sliding them down to the crevice below where there seemed to be the warmth of a summer's day.

Cheeks blushing, Peter slid his fingers along the trail, she thrust her hips forwards against his fingers, driving his digits to slide inside her fiery gorge of pleasure. As he relished in the euphoria, she started to fuck the boy's fingers. Shit! Peter was really ready for a fuck, big time, and so it seemed were his comrades, who were having similar experiences with their girls.

Encouraging themselves to let go of the girls and pull away, they were able to take their first unadulterated full gaze at their naked bodies, all were perfect for a sweet fiery fuck, and they were determined to make sure that is just what they got. In truth they were gasping for it and needed to plough their cocks into these females relentlessly, they didn't forget that they were orphaned youth and wanted to escape. Gradually, they only released them one by one.

Leaving their gags on, they loosened the ropes around their ankles and lifted their legs to remove their boots and trousers completely; next they untied their hands and slipped off their shirts before binding their arms again tightly behind their backs, lashing their forearms together so that their arms were secured in the middle of their backs. They were each moved to another part of the apartment where they could be secured on their backs and their legs spread wide open and fixed.

Inge now consumed with released passion, was laid down on the floor between two of the fan blades, ropes were attached to her ankles again and tied to the fan blades about three feet off the ground and pulled tight. This caused her legs spread like an eagle to form a wide arrowhead shape with her wide-open gushy vagina at the point, with nothing to stop him.

Three other girls named Gretel, Liesel, and Elsa were tied up in a similar fashion between the blades. Two other girls, Sigrid, and Beatrix were tied lying on their backs on couches, with their hands and feet tied together underneath, with one leg on each side of the couch they couldn't have closed their legs if they had wished. The last two girls-Melita and Olga- were tied in a similar fashion on top of two chairs, with the ropes holding their ankles to each side being passed under the chairs as well.

In a beat they were all secured they went in deep, Peter Kranz decided to have Inge again wholeheartedly and knelt down between her wide spread legs, dropping his pants to knee length, he pushed his swollen cock straight into her pussy as far as it would go and started to clobber it intensely in a tide-like motion.

Leaning forward between her legs as Peter Kranz fucked her, he again started to play with those untouched pure breasts, this time sucking on them and biting on her nipples. Inge squirmed a bit in response, and Peter drew his face towards hers and kissed her. Inge struggled to pull away, but Peter forced it deeper. In no time she was bucking underneath the boy, trying to raise her hips to meet his thrusts into her muschi. It didn't take long for the boy's base urges to catch up with him and he felt himself swelling in her bowels. Hammering his cock into her as far as he could, Peter launched his cum deep into her cunt.

Upon pulling out. Peter Kranz could see that the others were all finishing off with their girls and moving away. Lutz then gave them all a few minutes to overcome their desires before he detailed a few alert boys to go outside and relieve the others on guard. The Peter who bore a disabled leg but brave in heart was one of those selected, so he checked his pistol and headed out with the others. They sat silently panting in the dark, with the intimacy-craving captive German girls; they were well away from the building hidden in the shell crater. The boys sat for what seemed an eternity before they themselves were given release, although it was in fact only about an hour when their replacements had arrived.

When they returned, Lutz and some arms carriers were sitting around relaxing, the girls were all still bound, as they had been when they went outside. As they started to cross over to them the lieutenant sat up and informed them, with only an hour left before they left the city. He instructed them that he wanted all the girls moved and tied up kneeling across the two couches ready, and that once it was done they could take them again if the boys wanted before he would have them readied to depart.

First they untied the two girls who were lying on their backs on the couches and coerced them to kneel down facing them, they attached a rope to one knee then forced them to lean forwards with their stomach on the couch. Next they passed the rope under the couch, tied it around their necks once, and then passed it back under the couch to tie it off on their other knee, thus securing them entirely with their asses hanging over one side of the couch and their tits over the other.

All the other girls were also then moved and tied up the same way so that there were four girls secured side by side on each couch. To prevent any problems, each girls knees were tied to the girls knees next to her, the girls at the ends had their outside knees roped to the legs of the couch. From the rear they could now clearly see their tender walls and asses as their legs were being held slightly parted. The two couches were facing each other so each of the four girls could see their fellow companions.

The lieutenant nodded his satisfaction and pointed to his watch, making it clear that time was running out for the females. Now, without further misgivings they once again started to play with the girls. This time Peter Kranz chose one of the youngest girls, a slim brunette named Elsa with a cute tight butt to have a bit of fun with. Reaching over her back to grope her malleable peeking boobs, the boy started to massage his semi-swollen cock in one hand until it once again began to get hard. Mumbling as he rubbed the bell end up and down the breach of her muschi to get it moistened before slamming it forwards into her pussy. Once again, Peter could feel the hot chute of a 10-year-old girl gripping his cock as he drummed her honey pot.

As Peter bashed wolfishly into her whispering eye, he noticed that the boy next to him, Henrich, was thrusting his cock into to his girls tight cave. Peter had heard of this in banter between friends but had never had the experience himself. Deciding that he'd never get a welcome chance to revel in the gratification of fucking a lady's ass, Peter pulled his sticky engorged cock out of her muschi and placed its head against her tight inflamed abyss. At first, Peter couldn't get it in as the hole was so small and he had to put his hand around his cock to stop it bending and sliding away from the opening.

Effortlessly using his hand to guide his dick and continuing to thrust his hips forwards, Peter began to feel the muscles around her entrance open and his spear tip stretching her opening to achieve entrance into manhood.

Peter Kranz thought to himself: This is the only victory we're going to get out of this shit.

As the tip of his cock entered her fiery snatch, Peter could feel the girl really squirming at the pain of his crashing as she screamed into her gag. The thrill rush of her bucking in torture as his cock slipped deeper into her hatch was phenomenal on his sensitive dagger's point. This was no girl resistant to sex like his last conquest, this was a no holds bar fest on her virginity.

When his cock was buried up to the hilt in her tight anal portal, Peter started to pummel her body on the insides with his swollen manhood, drawing it partially out and thrusting it back in again until his nuts collided against her vaginal lips below. This was the best sexual encounter of his life, every part of the boy's dick seemed to be enveloped by the girls tight internal depths, it was like multiple gracile hands gripping onto his dick all at once to wank him off to paradise.

A couple of "soldiers" on the opposite couch had shot their loads into their girls and withdrew. As they stood up and did up their trousers, the HJ Lieutenant looked at his watch and then crossed the room to where the girls were. The 15-year-old drew his HJ knife and without speaking approached the first naked bound girl. She saw him coming but failed to grasp the true impact of his actions. Each of the girls spoke fluent German, so they well understood what their saviors intentions for them were by now.

From where Peter Kranz was, fucking into his girls love box, he could see the girls stretched neck and the fall of her two ripe pristine boobs with piqued swollen nipples pointing over the side of the couch like canons. The HJ Lieutenant stopped in front of the girl with apple-shaped breasts and started to play with her budding breasts. He then undid his trousers and forced his cock into the girl's mouth. He amorously faced fucked her until he grunted and pull out. The HJ Lieutenant grabbed the girl's golden-blonde hair in his hand and forced her head up so far that her neck was stretched tightly. The girl with cum dripping out of her mouth barely had time to process what was going on. Then the lieutenant stared deep into the girl's blue eyes, which turned to degrading lust as she finally understood what was about to happen. While Peter continued to shove his cock into his girls peach, he watched as the lieutenant placed his knife against the girl's neck, near her right ear and drew the blade with spider-soft gentleness across her unmarred neck until he stopped at her left. A thread-like cut manifested which suddenly started to flush out cherry red blood which he lapped up. As the lieutenant let her head fall back, droplets of blood mixed sweat started to form on the floor below her, as her horror melted away mixing with the cum still dripping from her mouth. The lieutenant then zipped up his trousers and proceeded feverishly.

As the lieutenant proceeded onto the second girl and grabbed her hair, Peter also grabbed the hair of the girl he was fucking nonstop with both hands; Peter hauled her head up to face the other couch, forcing her to watch as Gretel's womanhood was flooded. He held her head there and used it to pull himself further and further into her snatch. The lieutenant didn't wait for the boy to become a man with Liesel.

While she was being fucked between the legs from the rear, he pulled her head up and cut at her neck teasingly with his dagger and sucked at them. As he let her head drop down again, the man fucking her exploded his seed deep into the numb girl's cunt. The fourth girl on the opposite couch was also eaten out while being fucked up the meat curtains by her lover, who again shot his load deep into her bowels as she passed out.

Peter Kranz let go of Inge's head and continued to batter his cock into her hole as the lieutenant finished with a girl next to them. Inge was in an absolute decadent frenzy by now, and her body was shaking and bucking underneath him, sending wonderful sensations from her body into the swollen head of his cock in her mut as Peter fucked her. He felt her tense as the adolescent lieutenant yanked her head up by her hair, her vagina seemed to lock tightly around his dick taking the boy to new indescribable euphoric levels. Inge's body seemed to tremble and shake as the dagger was drawn slowly across her reddened throat cutting enough to draw more blood from her without killing the girl. As her body fought a losing battle for sanity it shook and spasmed, bringing these sensations to her womanhood and his dick buried deep inside. Peter grabbed her breasts and squeezed hard wanting to feel her whole body shuttering in her erotic convulsions. Peter felt himself expand to herculean limits as he launched his warm seed deep into the heaving girls bowels, shot after shot of his hot sperm blasted deep inside of her now lifeless form before Peter started to wilt and pull out.

"Thank you," Peter Kranz whispered to her now intoxicated face.

The lieutenant fired his load into the remaining two girls, including Elsa; Peter was somehow pleased that she had hollered while she was being fucked in her cunt by one of the lads, and wondered if her body had given him the same sort of feelings that he had experienced as she died. Peter walked over to her limp body and fondled her small breasts one last time.

"Never dreamed I'd have a sweet brave girl here, you could've escaped and gotten out of this hell hole. But fate brought you to us. God, at least you gave me joy even if we might not make it." Peter said his goodbyes with a kiss and walked away.

The last girl had already been fucked, and had to wait for her lover to approach her now spent body, confused at what was going to be the inexorable conclusion of his life-sapping thrusts.

They cleaned the bodies of all the deflowered girls before getting them outside the building, along with all their belongings and weapons, and prepared to set the room on fire so none would know what happened here. Then they got properly dressed and prepared to leave. They gathered their weapons and the two cloth sacks containing the girl's alcohol and headed out of the door.

Collecting the four lads on guard duty on the way, they ventured back along the position towards where they'd situated the flak gun. They reached an out-of-the-way refuge point just as the dawn was breaking amidst the smoke-filled air and spent most of the day regaining some long-deprived sleep.

That night they sat around a makeshift fire with the looted alcohol and recited the story of their nightly excursion to the eleven "soldiers" who had wisely gone into hiding instead of securing their position. They were all wondering if they'd meet up with any more orphans in hiding and if deliverance would come out of this nightmarish war.

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