Wizards of Gayverly Place

By moc.liamg@88enyawb

Published on Jan 16, 2010


This story is fiction and is not intended to imply anything about the true sexuality of the celebrities mentioned or any personal knowledge about their private lives properties or possessions. I do not own, write, or have any knowledge of the Wizards of Waverly Place script or future characters.

Wizards of Gayverly Place Part 4 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Recap ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Justin's hand bumped into his wand and he wrapped his hand around before sitting up and pointing his wand directly at Max, "`Max's idea is unwise, don't let him leave his room till sunrise.'" Justin chanted and Max vanished in a puff of smoke.

Justin put his wand back under his pillow and got up to pull his boxers back on when the door opened and Justin rushed to put on his boxer's without looking up.

"Max, how did you get out of your room?" Justin asked before the person walked pulling on his boxers just in time.


"Not Max, it's me Zeke" said Zeke as he walked in soaked from head to toe.

"Whoa man, what happened to you?" Justin asked forgetting the fact he was only in boxers.

"Well, I was changing into my pajamas but for some reason I kept sticking my head through the arm holes" Zeke explained "when I finally got the shirt on it was backwards, then while putting on my pants I kept sticking my legs through the same hole and that took a while..."

"MAX" Justin cursed under his breath.

"What did you say?" Zeke asked.

"How did you get all wet?" Justin asked evading the question.

"That's the weird part" said Zeke "I was rinsing my toothbrush off and the water started shooting at me at like super pressure."

"It was probably Alex trying to play a prank on you" Justin tried to explain.

"No I mean it actually knocked me backwards" said Zeke.

"Yeah she's super good at rigging that kind of stuff" Justin lied.

"Wow I feel really sorry for you then" said Zeke.

"Well do you need some new pj's?" Justin asked changing the subject.

"Actually since you're just in your boxers, do you think it would be fine if I slept in mine?" Zeke asked, "That's just how I normally sleep at home."

"No if that's what makes you comfortable mi casa es su casa" said Justin just realizing he was still in his boxers.

"Okay I'll go ahead and change" said Zeke still standing in the same spot.

"Alright", said Justin waiting for Zeke.

"Uhh... since I had a problem with bathroom earlier would it be cool if I changed in here?" Zeke asked.

"Oh... yeah... sure... did you want me to step outside for a second?" Justin asked.

"That'd be cool" said Zeke "thanks."

Justin stepped outside the door and closed it while he was standing there he thought of something.

Justin opened the door and stuck his head in "Oh by the way Zeke if you want I can go ahead and take your wet clothes and throw them in the dryer if you'd like" said Justin before looking at Zeke's frozen figure standing naked in the middle of his room, "sorry" Justin added as he pulled his head back through the door and closed it behind him.

After a few minutes Zeke tapped on the door before opening it and holding out his soggy clothes.

"I'll just run these to the laundry room real quick" said Justin taking the clothes and running them to the laundry room.

Once Justin got back to his room he stood outside for a few seconds before going in. When he opened the door he immediately looked at Zeke and tried to read his expression to gage his anger.

"Uhh... Zeke... man... sorry about before... I guess I wasn't thinking..." said Justin "sorry man."

"Ahh man, don't worry about it" said Zeke "it's cool not like you saw anything you don't already have."

"True" said Justin deciding to treat the situation humorously "except with a little more if you know what I mean?"

"Ha, ha very funny" said Zeke "I was in wet clothes and its cold in here."

"Whatever you say man" Justin said with a chuckle.

"Cool so I got the inflatable right?" Zeke verified.

"Yeah", said Justin.

"Are you tired", Zeke asked "or do you want to play a game or something?"

"I'm fine" said Justin "I'm always up for catching some z's."

"Cool," said Zeke and he jumped into the bed "Oww."

Justin looked over at the now flat air mattress, "What happened?"

"Your guess is as good as mine" said Zeke "I didn't hear it pop."

"Max" Justin cursed under his breath again.

"What?" Zeke asked.

"Must be a small leak" said Justin.

"Man I guess I'll just sleep on the floor" said Zeke.

"No... uhh my bed's a queen size we can share" said Justin.

"Cool thanks" said Zeke.

Zeke grabbed the blanket and pillow off the flat air mattress and drag it to Justin's bed. As Zeke got in the bed Justin went and switched off the light. Once the light was out Justin's room became pitch black as he fumbled through the darkness to his bed. Justin felt around through the darkness and reached out to feel for the bed once he thought he was close and his hand struck something hard and warm.

"Hey," Zeke said brushing Justin's hand off his chest "hands off the goods."

"Sorry" said Justin.

"No worries" said Zeke "it could have been worse if your hand was about a foot lower."

"I guess it could" said Justin.

"Let me scoot over a little for you" said Zeke scooting down.

"Yeah, thanks man" said Justin as he got under the covers.

Justin lay in the bed his eyes wide open as he recounted the day's events with Max. Also how Max had managed to get so close to getting what he wanted twice. Justin knew he couldn't let Max have his way, he knew he could never do that to his little brother or to Juliet for that matter. He was after all in a serious relationship with a girl and could honestly say before what happened with Max he had never been even the slightest bit curious about guys. Yet as he sat here contemplating what had happened with Max he felt his cock starting to rise to its full length. Now that his eyes had adjusted to the dark he could see the sheets tenting and he quickly rolled onto his side not realizing how close Zeke was.

"Whoa dude you can't sleep either?" Zeke asked.

"Just a little restless" said Justin trying not to be obvious about his pulsing cock resting on Zeke's arm as he rolled back over and tucked his dick under the elastic of his boxers.

"Yeah, me too" said Zeke not seeming to notice Justin's situation.

"Do you wanna like talk or something since we're awake?" Justin suggested.

"Sure that'd be cool" said Zeke.

"I know what we should talk about first" said Justin.

"How about we talk about your major overuse of the word cool today?" Justin asked.

"Oh..."Zeke said with disappointment that Justin didn't understand "I just usually say it a lot when I'm nervous, or embarrassed."

"There's nothing to be nervous about" said Justin "you've been here before and if you're embarrassed still don't worry man, because I was kidding earlier you actually were pretty well endowed from what I saw."

"Uhh, thanks" said Zeke "I think."

"Oh were you not talking about that" said Justin "sorry, again."

"I was talking about how your little sister pulled one over on me" said Zeke "but good to know your mind is still on my crotch."

"No it's not like that I just thou-"

"Don't worry about it" said Zeke "it's cool."

With that they both started laughing and after that died out they were both quiet for a while. Zeke was the first to break the silence.

"Hey, Justin?" Zeke asked.

"What?" Justin replied with a little chuckle in his voice still.

"Whatever happened to that Juliet, girl, you were going out with?" Zeke asked.

"Uhh... She went on a vacation" Justin lied well aware that she'd been kidnapped by a mummy.

"She's been gone for a while" Zeke said "do you know when she'll be back?"

"No" said Justin getting a little choked up "she's not even sure."

"Sorry man" said Zeke "that's a tough break."

"Yeah," said Justin still trying to hide his anguish.

"Sorry to bring up a sore subject I just wanted to ask you a different question" said Zeke "but it's cool if it will be too difficult for you."

Justin was quiet for awhile, "what is it?" Justin asked.

"I was wondering..." Zeke started "About...Whether or not...If you...Ever...Umm...You know...Like..."

"Zeke spit it out" said Justin.

"How far did you get with Juliet?" Zeke blurted out.

"Actually we didn't get very far before she was kidna- left" Justin corrected.

"Oh" said Zeke "so, just like...kissing then?"

"A little farther than that," said Justin feeling his cock starting to swell again tenting the sheet.

"Like what?" Zeke asked.

"I'd rather not go into detail" said Justin "it's just kind of personal."

"Oh that's cool" said Zeke "it's just that...Umm...You know...I was just...Uhh wondering...You..."

"Zeke" Justin said.

"I've never been kissed or anything and I was just kind of wondering how it felt or if it was fun or anything" Zeke blurted out again.

"Oh well yeah it's fun" said Justin "other things we did were more fun though."

"Like what?" Zeke asked.

"If you must know a hand job doesn't feel too bad" said Justin smugly "neither does a little oral."

"No way man you didn't get BJ from her" said Zeke.

"Yeah she was really good at sucking" said Justin with a chuckle.

"What's so funny?" Zeke asked.

"Inside joke" said Justin.

"What about returning the favor" Zeke asked "it's not pretty is it?"

"Oh and our stuff looks like a box of kittens to them" said Justin.

"I know but we're used to seeing our stuff though" said Zeke.

"Besides she never asked me to do anything like that" said Justin.

"Wow you got super lucky" said Zeke "I heard they always want it both ways."

"You must have heard wrong because never once did she complain or ask me to return the favor" said Justin.

"Wow here I am wondering how it must feel to be kissed and you've had a girl go down on you", said Zeke.

"Kissing can be pretty fun too" said Justin "it's like the lead in or the prelude it's what get's you started for the main event."

"Which you've never been invited to" said Zeke.

"I've gotten closer to being invited than you" said Justin "you're still waiting to get a glimpse of where it's held."

"That was a low blow jerk" said Zeke as he fell silent.

"Zeke...Zeke man...Are you seriously pissed..." Justin asked "Dude...Come on you know I was kidding right? If I kissed you would that make it better?"

"Are you serious?" Zeke asked with a hint of excitement.

"No" said Justin incredulously.

"Oh...cool" said Zeke with the same disappointed tone he used earlier.

Justin rolled over so he could look at Zeke as he asked, "you don't want me to kiss you, right?"

"Ha ha very funny of course I want you to" said Zeke joking feebly.

"Zeke look at me" Justin requested "do you...want me to?"

Zeke looked Justin in the eye seeing Justin's serious expression through the darkness as he answered, "Actually I do...But let me explain" Zeke added when he saw Justin opening his mouth "it's been a long time I've been waiting for this to happen with a girl and I guess I've kind have given up hope that it will ever happen with a girl."

"Zeke...Man...I...Get it...I mean...But you've got to have hope...it will happen for you" Justin reassured.

"Yeah..." said Zeke "...but still...It's just like...Why wait?"

"Do you really want your first kiss to be with me a guy instead of some girl you actually care about?" Justin asked.

"What are you talking about you are my best friend Zeke asked I do care about you...No let me finish" Zeke cut Justin off as soon as he opened his mouth "...I care about you and I've shared a lot of experiences with you why not this?"

"Well...I can't really think of an answer right now" said Justin.

"There is the obvious one" said Zeke and when Justin had a blank look on his face he added, "you know...that you don't...want... to."

"Okay here's the thing" said Justin "it's not that I don't... want to do this for you... it's just I'm sure you don't want it to be me."

"Well I'm not" said Zeke "so are you in or not?"

"Only if you're sure" said Justin "I mean you are my friend so... I guess I can do this one thing for you."

"Okay so how do you want to do this?" Zeke asked "you're the one with experience."

"You just have to do it" said Justin "you kinda have to just jump in the water so to speak."

"What do you mean?" Zeke asked.

"Dude, just kiss me already" said Justin.

"I'm not ready" said Zeke.

"Do it" Justin demanded.

"I can't" Zeke replied.

"Come on" Justin insisted.

"No" Zeke responded.

"Just kiss m-"

Zeke cut Justin off by throwing his lips into Justin's. Zeke was now lying on top of Justin their warm bare chests pressed together as Zeke continued his assault on Justin. Justin felt as his hard cock now pressed up against Zeke's.

"How was that?" Zeke asked pulling away from Justin.

"Ahh... Good" said Justin a little breathlessly.

"Are you just being nice?" Zeke asked.

"No dude didn't you feel my dick?" Justin asked you can't fake that.

"You were hard before" said Zeke.

"So you noticed that" said Justin and Zeke nodded "well still it doesn't change anything that was good for a first kiss."

"I don't believe you" said Zeke.

"Is this what you want?" Justin asked and grabbed Zeke's head and pressed his lips against Zeke's.

Zeke was surprised at first but then he started kissing back. Once Justin felt Zeke kissing back he slowly began to stick his tongue into Zeke's mouth lightly touching his tongue to Zeke's lips and Zeke graciously opened slightly allowing Justin access. Justin let one of his hands slide down from Zeke's face lightly brushing down Zeke's neck, across his pecs brushing against his nipple which stiffened instantly with the contact, across his abs, and down a light brushing of hair until he reached the elastic of Zeke's boxers. Justin slowly worked his fingers under the waist band of Zeke's boxers.

"Wow Justin what are you doing?" Zeke asked breathlessly.

"Sorry I guess I just got carried away" said Justin.

"No don't be sorry" said Zeke and he pressed his lips back into Justin's and this time let his tongue enter Justin's mouth.

Justin worked his hand under Zeke's waistband until his hands were within the fabric prison. He didn't feel bad about this at all it was like being with Max except he knew there was nothing wrong with this he was free to do as he pleased. Justin grabbed Zeke's cock feeling Zeke's pubic hair brush against his hand. The warm dick pulsed in his hand as he held it feeling much larger than it had appeared earlier.

"This is bigger than I thought it was" said Justin "do you know the size?"

"I think a little over six and a half" said Zeke as Justin now began to nuzzle his neck "wow, Justin you're really getting into this now."

Justin was now in a state of mind that nothing could inhibit him he was doing things to Zeke now that he wished he could do to Max. Justin kissed back across Zeke's cheek to his lips and began to lightly bite Zeke's lower lip. Zeke now began to get into Justin's new attitude as well exploring Justin's body. Zeke ran his hands across Justin's well defined pecs and abs lightly running his fingers across Justin's nipples. Then he let his hands travel down Justin's hairless body down to his boxers which he pushed down till he had full access to Justin's cock. Zeke quickly wrapped his hand around Justin's cock feeling the warm monster.

"How big is yours?" Zeke asked.

"Seven and a half" said Justin his lips brushing against Zeke's as he spoke.

"Are we going to do a little sucking?" Zeke asked.

"It's all up to you" said Justin and he began to lightly suck and bite his way down Zeke's body trying as hard as he could not to imagine he was Max.

Justin kicked his boxers off as he began to pull down Zeke's revealing his six and a half inch dick surrounded by a small amount of curly brown hair. Justin now wrapped his hand around Zeke's cock and began to stroke it as Zeke began to moan softly. Justin watched his hand and the way Zeke's cock looked as he slid his hand up and down the length.

"Zeke man you have to be quiet if we're going to do this" Justin said as Zeke's moaning got louder.

"Alright I'll try" Zeke moaned out.

Justin tested the waters first and lightly touched his tongue to the head of Zeke's cock. Zeke let out the loudest moan yet probably not enough to wake anyone but Justin knew it could only get louder.

"Man I'm gonna go get something from my desk real quick" said Justin seeing Zeke's confused face he added, "don't worry it will definitely make this more fun."

"Okay, well hurry back" Zeke said.

Justin kissed his way up Zeke's body until he reached Zeke's lips. He lightly pressed his lips against Zeke teasing him and letting his lips hover lightly on Zeke's as they both panted. Then Justin pressed his lips heavily into Zeke's letting Zeke's tongue push into his mouth allowing Zeke to explore it before reining Zeke's tongue in lightly massaging it with his own. Once Justin was sure Zeke was thoroughly distracted he reached under the pillow and wrapped his hand around his wand.

"Gialsjay Timesday'" Justin chanted as he hopped off the bed onto one foot and time froze around him as he continued to hop, "first things first said Justin we'll need some sound proofing As We Do Things in Here No Sound From This Room Will Anyone Else Hear'" Justin chanted again and flash of light shot from his wand and settled in an invisible barrier around the room, "and the excuse `It's Fun in a Tube Give Me Some Warming Cherry Flavored Lube'" Justin chanted once more as he pointed his wand at the desk and a small tube lube appeared on top of the desk and he stopped hopping and placed both feet on the ground and time resumed.

"What's up man?" Zeke asked as Justin walked towards the desk.

"I just wanted to grab that thing before I forget about it" said Justin as he went to the desk and threw his wand in the drawer before grabbing the lube and tossing it to Zeke who caught it, "go ahead and put some of that on."

Zeke unsnapped the cap and put a few drops on his hand before rubbing it into his cock, "dude this stuff feels really weird" said Zeke.

"Is that weird in a good way or a bad way?" Justin asked as he walked over to the bed.

"A good way of course" said Zeke, "where did you get it?"

"It's just something Juliette picked up for me" Justin lied.

"Well let's put it to good use" said Zeke.

With that Justin got on top of Zeke and picked up where he left off before he grabbed his wand. His lips lightly hovering over Zeke's once again teasing him. This time around Zeke grabbed back of Justin's head and pushed their lips together and now Justin let his tongue explore Zeke's mouth before Zeke broke the kiss.

"I was thinking maybe I should stay another night" Zeke panted their lips so close they brushed against each other as he spoke.

"I'm thinking that would be a good idea" said Justin breathlessly "but I do have to work in the morning."

"That's cool we have all night" Zeke replied as he pulled Justin back in for more kissing.

While Justin massaged Zeke's tongue he let his hand glide up and down Zeke's well lubed cock. Justin broke the kiss once again this time to kiss across his cheek and playfully bite his ear lobe to moans of approval. When Justin was finished with Zeke's ear he began to lick and kiss his way down Zeke's body tracing the plains of his muscles, that although not as defined as Justin's were still visible, only stopping at Zeke's nipples to playfully bite and suck them till they were a dark red. When Justin finished that he found his way down towards Zeke's cock. Justin could smell the cherry flavored lube once he got down there and his mouth began to water. Justin wrapped his lips around the head of Zeke's cock and was immediately glad he had placed the soundproofing spell as Zeke let out a moan that anyone could here who was on the first floor.

"Oh shit," said Zeke "I am so sorry."

"Don't worry about it" Justin said "I just remembered my family went out shopping."

As soon as he was done speaking he had Zeke's cock back in his mouth. Zeke now was quieter as Justin worked his six and a half inch cock although he was still moaning softly. Justin attempted to take as much of Zeke cock in his mouth as he could but he could only manage the first four inches. As Justin sucked Zeke's cock Zeke ran his fingers through Justin's hair. Justin was now determined to fit all of Zeke in his mouth since he'd seen Juliette do it a million times, to him, he knew it was possible. He tried to mimic what he remembered Juliette doing and managed to get an inch more in but it still seemed stuck on something. While he continued to suck Zeke off Justin pondered how he could go about deep throating and he moved his tongue just slightly and he felt Zeke's cock slide into place deep in his throat. Justin's nose, now buried in Zeke's pubes, was filled with Zeke's scent. He took a deep breath through his nose and felt his throat tighten around Zeke's cock and heard Zeke's response to the pressure as he moaned loudly again. Once Justin figured out the effect it had just to breathe he tried a little hum which drove Zeke wild. Zeke now began to pump into Justin's mouth slowly face fucking him as Justin continued to hum. Zeke began to pump harder and harder into Justin's mouth really throat fucking him when he felt his climax nearing.

"Justin I'm... Gonna... CUM" Zeke moaned loudly.

Justin didn't have time to pull Zeke's cock all the way out of his mouth. Zeke's cock was almost out of Justin's mouth when he began to shoot. Two or three shots went down Justin's throat, two more globs landed right on his tongue, and the last six spattered on his lips, cheeks, and chin. At first Justin just held the semen on his tongue not wanting to taste it. Eventually the cum did reach his taste buds and it really wasn't so bad he actually liked it.

"Dude I'm so sorry I didn't warn you sooner" said Zeke trying to get up "I'll get you something to clean up."

"Don't worry it's fine" said Justin crawling up the bed so he was face to face with Zeke once again, before swallowing the cum that was on his tongue and licking the rest off his lips, "it's actually kind of... good."

"Are you serious?" Zeke asked.

"Here, try some for yourself" said Justin scraping some cum off his cheek with his index finger and holding it to Zeke's lips.

Zeke looked at Justin's finger and very hesitantly moved his lips closer. He seemed to stare at it for a long time before engulfing Justin's finger and sucking his own semen of his friend's finger. Zeke sucked Justin's finger clean and sucked it a while longer making Justin's already straining cock turn a deeper shade of pink as it now began to spasm. Zeke grabbed a hold of Justin's cock as he continued to suck on his finger.

"I guess it's your turn now" said Zeke finally unlatching from Justin's finger and grabbing the lube and putting a few drops onto Justin's cock and worked it in.

It was now Justin's turn to moan as Zeke began to stroke him off. Zeke leaned in and licked the remaining cum off of Justin's chin and cheeks before he began to kiss Justin tracing Justin's lips with his tongue. Justin opened his mouth and Zeke let some of the semen slide in on his tongue sharing the taste with Justin. Justin knew this wouldn't go on for long since he felt like he had been waiting for this all day. Zeke could tell the urgency of Justin's need to cum from the pulsing of his cock. Zeke rolled Justin over so that he was now on top of Justin. Zeke now made his way down Justin's body stopping only briefly to lick Justin's nipples. Then Zeke got down to Justin's near hairless cock and began to stroke it as he sucked on it knowing it would be more than enough to get him off. Zeke already had the taste of cum filling his mouth due to the copious amounts of precum Justin was now producing. Justin had already begun to pump into Zeke's hand and mouth, effectively face fucking him. Justin was once again glad that his room was now soundproof as he was now the one moaning. Justin could feel as his climax neared as chills ran through his body.

"Zeke I'm going to cum" said Justin and with that Justin began shooting his load into Zeke's mouth.

Zeke made sure Justin's cock was sucked dry as it continued to shoot in his mouth. Zeke swallowed some of Justin's cum but made sure to hold some on his tongue. Zeke made his way back up the bed on top of Justin and share another cum filled kiss with him. They continued to kiss as they rolled so that they were both lying on their sides in a full embrace all their limbs entangled.

"Thank you" said Zeke "...for doing all this for me... you're a good friend."

"Hey if you ever need a favor like this you can ask anytime" said Justin.

"Actually I think I do have another favor similar to this one to ask you" said Zeke.

"What is it?" Justin asked.

"Do you want to try fucking tomorrow?" Zeke asked Justin didn't answer he just pressed his lips again to Zeke's, "I'll take that as a yes".

Zeke returned to the kiss allowing Justin to explore his mouth until they switched off and it was Zeke's turn. They continued to kiss until they both fell asleep still entangled in each other's arms.


That's the end of that chapter I hope you like it. If your thinking Max has given up on Justin don't count him out yet but I don't want to spoil anything so that's all I'm going to say. I'll try to have next one out soon but I don't have it written yet like I did with this one so don't expect it as soon. All feedback positive or negative is always helpful. Thanks.


Next: Chapter 5

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