Wizards of Gayverly Place

By moc.liamg@88enyawb

Published on Oct 8, 2009


This story is fiction and is not intended to imply anything about the true sexuality of the celebrities mentioned or any personal knowledge about their private lives properties or possessions. I do not own, write, or have any knowledge of the Wizards of Waverly Place script or future characters.

Wizards of Gayverly Place Part 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- "I wouldn't do it if I were you" Justin's words reverberated in Max's head.

Max woke up early this morning he had decided it would be fun to play a trick on Alex while she was in her morning shower. He remembered instantly his response to his brothers warning as he stood outside the bathroom door.

"Why not?" Max asked "she put hair loss potion in my shampoo."

"Ha ha" Justin laughed "you have to admit that was pretty funny though."

"It took me a week for my hair to grow back I had to tell everyone I got lice" said Max as he recalled it he laughed "you're right it was pretty funny."

"Well I'm out I'm not going to help you get her back" said Justin.

"Fine I'll take care of it on my own then" said Max.

"Fine" said Justin "good night Max."

"Good night Justin" said Max as he plotted his revenge on Alex.

Max stayed outside of the bathroom door making sure he had everything planned out perfectly before surprising Alex. Once he was ready Max quietly turned the door handle and entered the bathroom. Max slowly held up his wand and pulled out a piece of paper with his spell on it.

"`For making everyone believe I had lice make the water colder than ice'" Max chanted as the light flew from his wand directly to the shower.

The water quickly froze as it shot from the shower head before it froze the shower head and began to move into the wall quickly freezing all the water in the pipes.

"Max" Justin yelled and peaked out of the curtain "why did you do that?"

"I thought you were Alex" said Max.

"You froze all the water in the house `Mcreary Timereary'" Justin chanted and light shot from his palms and quickly rewound time to before Max had cast the spell unfreezing the pipes and the water.

"Oh god that was too funny" said Alex from behind Max "I totally knew you were planning something."

"Is that why you let me have the first shower today?" Justin asked.

"Of course, I didn't want him messing with me" said Alex taking out her wand "heres a real spell Max, Trying to cause mischief without any wit freeze this twit lickity split.'"

Light shot from Alex's wand and ice formed from Max's head down to his toes.

"Actually not what I was going for" Alex laughed "but I like this better."

"Alex thaw him out he'll never get out of that alone" said Justin.

"You're the one who got hit with his spell" said Alex holding up her wand "so I guess it is up to you."

"On second thought he could stand to learn his lesson at least until I get out of the shower just take him outside for me so I can finish up" said Justin as he pulled the shower curtain back and continued his shower.

"Sure thing" Alex said sarcastically and left closing the door behind her leaving Max still frozen.

"Alex? Max?" Justin called out "now back to work."

Justin began to soap up his four inch flaccid cock and it slowly began to grow to its full seven inches. He imagined Juliet was in the shower with him as he slowly ran a soapy hand across his hairless, well defined pecs and circled his finger around one of his stiff nipples imagining it was her hand.

"`What's in my head is really hot show me now my erotic thoughts'" Justin chanted and an image of his fantasy about Juliet in the shower with him showed on the wall.

Justin slowly ran his hand up and down his soapy dick as he watched the image of Juliet running one of her hands over Justin's muscled torso and across his abs and stroking his cock with the other. He began to let out a low moan as he watched the image.

As Max sat in front of the door still frozen solid he could see the silhouette of Justin beating his meat from the light of Justin's spell. Max felt a stir in his still frozen pants. He couldn't understand what was going on with him or what Justin was doing but he knew it was exciting. Even though it was exciting and he would love to mimic Justin's actions, as it looked very relieving, he couldn't due to being frozen. Max knew one thing was certain the feeling was becoming unbearable he tried to yell out but could barely make a light hum that could not be heard over the shower or Justin's soft moaning.

Justin moaning was more constant as the image began to become more erotic as he was now getting ready to penetrate Juliet. As he began to pound Juliet in the image he began to jerk off faster. He felt a wave of energy run through his body as he neared his climax. He held his spunk as long as he could, while still watching the image of himself pounding his vampire girlfriend. In the image he saw as he began to spew his semen inside her and he began to buck his hips as he shot his load down the drain.

"`Now I'm done with this show put it back where it goes'" chanted Justin as the image snapped back into his head.

Justin turned off the shower, grabbed his towel before throwing open his curtain as he dried his hair and seeing Max frozen, still in the same place as he had been before, his eyes zeroed in directly on Justin's deflating member.

"Max what are you still doing in here?" Justin asked as he scrambled to cover his cock up with his towel.

"Mmm...mhmhm...mhmhmh" Max mumbled through his frozen mouth.

"Hold on, ok umm...`Before he gets sick thaw him quick'" said Justin and steam began to rise from Max as he thawed.

"I can't believe you let her keep me frozen" said Max.

"You froze the water while I was in the shower, you did kind deserve it" said Justin wrapping his towel around his waist.

"What were you doing in the shower just now?" Max asked still staring directly at the location of Justin's cock as if there were no towel blocking it from view.

"Nothing" said Justin in a high pitched voice.

"That's not what it looked like or sounded like" said Max.

"Like you don't know" said Justin in defeat "I was beating off."

"You were what?" Max asked not knowing what the hell Justin was talking about.

"You know jerking off..." said Justin still seeing Max looking clueless he continued down the list "you know spanking the monkey... beating my meat... choking the chicken... playing with myself... come on you know... masturbating?"

"What's that?" Max asked "I didn't see any animals in there."

"I give you way too much credit" said Justin "you mean to tell you've never done nor heard of stroking off?"

"No... I mean yes... or do I mean no" said Max "what is it?"

"It's when your dick gets hard and stands up" said Justin trying to dumb it down "you wrap your hand around it and slide it up and down."

"Can you show me?" Max asked.

"No" said Justin.

"Fine I'll just ask dad about it then" said Max turning to grab the door handle.

"No, wait" said Justin "I'll do it ok. Sometimes I don't give you enough credit."

"Alright let's see it then" said Max turning around.

"What you want me to... right now" said Justin "I can't... I just did it... I'm gonna need a little while."

"Ok then" said Max as he grabbed the door handle and turned it "Da-"

"No wait" said Justin "I promise I will show you after school."

"Swear" Max commanded.

"I swear" said Justin.

"On your powers" said Max.

"I swear on my powers I will show you after school" said Justin "meet in my room."

"Ok see you then" said Max enjoying the new found control he had over his older brother.

That's all for now I hope you're enjoy this story so far I really enjoyed writing this story and I'd love to hear your thoughts on this story. I know there wasn't much sex stuff in this story but this is the set up. I will determine how far this story will go based on the amount of feedback I receive. It's quite a change from my Zac Goes to Smallville series as it has magic in it but feel free to check that one out if you'd like. Thanks in advance. BWayne88@gmail.com

Next: Chapter 2

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