With My Master

By Mark

Published on May 9, 2004


Once we got outside I saw a police van and there were two guards standing by the vehicle and one other police officer. Peterson pushed me towards the van and forced me inside. In side the van there were long seats along the side of the van. On one side there were three police officers in full uniform. Peterson pushed me down on the other side of the van. Then he told me to sit there and pull my arms behind my back and handcuffed them. Then he got a black leather hood and put it over my head. Then he told the other police officers that I was ready and got out of the van and soon after it drove off.

We drove for a good hour and I was wonering where we were going. I also thought about my master and wondered if he knew that I was made to go to another location. I also though whether or not after this I would ever see my master again. Also whether or not I was being forced to be in control of another master. I assured myself that I would find out all these questions in due time. The van then stopped and the police officers in the van got hold of my harms and forcefully pulled me out of the van. Then they took the hood off me. I then looked around to where they had taken me. It looked like a prison that we had arrived out. They opened the gates and in we went. We walked inside the building and down a hall and then into a huge room with different levels. On each level there seemed to be and indivial cell. They all looked full of prisoners. We walked a few steps past a couple of cells then we stopped in front of one of them and they opened the cell bars and pushed me into it. Then closed the bars and then left. The cell was a bit bigger than the one at the police station but there was only one small bed there and the rest of the cell was bare. There was one blanket on the bed and one pillow. I found a corner of the cell and just sat down wondering what was going to happen to me next........after a few minutes one of the guards came to my cell and opened the cell bars and threw some clothes at me. He said "at this jail prisoners should wear these clothes so put them on Now!" So he waited and looked at me while I put my prison clothes on. They were all red. There was a shirt and some pants and on the shirt it had a number on it. I knew I was a true prisoner after putting these clothes on although I wasn't aware that I had broken any rules or the law for that matter. But who was I to argue I was only a slave pig boi. I thought if I asked I would be punished more so I just didn't say a word. When I had finished putting on my prison clothes the guard left my cell and left me all alone.

About half an hour later a guard came to my cell with another prisoner and opened up the cell and pushed him in. Then shut the door. He was a big guy not very attractive but he had a friendly smile on his face. We did some small talk for awhile about the weather and about this prison. Then he asked me what I was in here for. I said I wasn't sure I haven't been charged with anything. He said ok in a very sarcastic sort of tone knowing that he didn't believe me. I then explained the experiences that I had up to the time I ended up to this prison. He then asked me who my master was. I told him and he looked at me with a shocked face. I looked at him and asked him why he's so shocked. He explained that my master was a very powerful man in this town. He said he controls all of it and whatever he says everyone in authority does. They don't question him and he controls the police force and the governor of the town. That explained all that I had been though all the pieces seemed to fit in together. He then told me there was a snow flakes in hell that I would get out of this prison unless my master wanted me to. I looked at the walls and got depressed about the situation I was in but I knew there was nothing I could do about it. The guy next to me in my cell just kept quiet and did his own thinking.

I looked out the small window in the cell and it looked really dark outside. I figured it was getting late so I rested my head against the wall and closed my eyes and tried to get some sleep.....After awhile a guard came to our cell and banged on the cell bars with his stick and told me to wake up. He opened up the cell door and yanked me up and told me that I had visitor and pulled me out of the cell. He then marched me down past all the other cells and down a corridor and past some other rooms. We got to one room and he opened the door. The room was quite a large room with one big large desk and a chair. In the chair I saw my master sitting there. The guard forced me to the other side of the desk and told me to sit down. My master then told the guard "that was all" and told him to go. When the guard left and shut the door my master asked "do you like being in this place" I said really quietly "no SIR" he yelled "what do you mean no" I then realised what I said and said "yes SIR" he then reached across the desk and slapped me hard across the face. He said "this is the best damn prison and I should be glad that I'm here" He then went around to my side of the desk and pulled me off my chair by my hair. He then pushed me towards the wall and slapped me a couple of times really hard across my face. He then pulled out some clamps from his bag that was lying on the desk. He then put each clamp on my tits. Then he got out a metal chain and told me to kneel down on the floor. He then connected the clamps on my tits to my balls. He then told me to stand up. When I stood up the chain pulled on my balls and hurt but I tried as much as possible. My master then laughed at the pain I was in. He slapped me hard across face again! Then he turned me around so I was facing the walls and with one hand he cupped my balls with his hands so it made sure they were hurting even more. He also slammed his dick in my pussy and began pumping it hard and fast. With his other hand he got hold of my hair and pulled it back. This went on for a couple of minutes until he came. When he had he held my balls even tighter and I cried out in pain. He told me to "shut up slave pig" and grabbed my balls even tighter. Then he told me to stand there while he sat back in his chair. He then began saying "this is probably the best place for me to be right now." He said "I had it too easy at his place while he was at work and that I needed to stay here until I learnt how to be a real slave pig". Then he got out of his chair and opened the door and walked out leaving me in the room. Moments later a guard came into the room and marched me out and back to my cell. He hurried me back to the cell ignoring the fact that I found it difficult to walk with my tits and balls chained up. We got back to my cell and he opened the cell door and pushed me in. Then locked it up again and left. I then rested on the wall again and closed my eyes and went to sleep.

The guard came by all the cells and used his stick to bang against all the cells and told us it was time to wake up. He then opened each one and yelled for everyone to get out of their cells. He said it was time to do some exercise. My cell mate by this time was quickly out of his cell but I found it hard to move because of my tits and balls still chained up. The guard entered my cell and pulled up by my hair and yelled "get out of the cell now!" he then undid my clamps and unhooked my balls. Then on my way out of the cell he hit me really hard and sharply across my arse! He said "move it now!" He then made sure everyone was in the yard doing their exercises. He looked at me and told me "to run around the track and don't stop until he tells me to". All the other prisoners were doing weights or running around the track.

I ran around the track for about an hour and by this time I was getting tired and wanted to stop. Although the guard didn't seem interested in me stopping because he hadn't commanded me to do anything else so I tried to keep going. Eventually I slowed down a bit and the guard saw me and said "what are you doing stopping I told you not to stop until I told you to". He said "run faster around the track now!" so I picked up my speed as best as I could around the track. A bit later on he called out to me "Ok time to stop running time to hit the showers". I stopped and he motioned me over to him so I walked over to him. He said "why are you walking run over here" so I started running as quickly as I could in my tired state. When I got over to him he hit me hard across the face and said get to the showers and once and grabbed hold of my ear and forced me into the showers. Once in the shower room he turned on the cold water and put me under the water. While I was showering he watched me. Then he stopped the shower and got me a towel and told me to dry myself. He said "you don't need clothes now" and pulled me by my ear again and down the hall past some rooms till he got to the room he wanted me in and walked in. In the room was sergeant Peterson. The guard greeted him and said "hello SIR" Peterson grunted something and said "that's all" and told him to leave the room. Peterson then told me to lie across the desk face down and got his handcuffs and cuffed my hands. Then He got his night stick and pumped my pussy as hard as he could. He really made sure that my pussy was loose and sore. Then he unzipped his pants and pumped my pussy like he did the night stick. He grabbed my hair and pulled me backwards and yelled in my ear "who's the pussy slave pig?" I said "me SIR" he then said say it louder and pulled my hair tighter and harder. I said "ME SIR" he said good pig boi don't you forget that. Then he slapped me really hard on the butt and pulled me up from the table. He then put a blind fold on my eyes and made me stand up. Then he got hold of my arms and pushed me out of the room and outside. He then opened what seemed like a car door and pushed me onto the seat. Then shackled me on the seat so I couldn't move and closed the car door. I then heard another door opened and shut and the car started and we got moving. I mistakenly asked Peterson "where are we going." He just said "shut up pig boi" and kept on driving.

We stopped somewhere and I heard the Peterson get out of the car and opened my car door. He then unchained me from my seat and pulled me out of the car by my hair. I saw that we were in the middle of no where and right in front of us was a small hut. He marched me into the hut when we got inside he shut the door. Inside was just a couple of chairs and that was about all. He then turned me to face him and with his powerful hand pushed me down to the ground so I was facing his crotch. He then unzipped his pants and pulled out his dick and made me suck his dick. He then pissed in my mouth and when he finished and I had swallowed all his piss. He made me suck his dick until he came. He then told me to stand up. He then punched me in the stomach really hard with his fists one blow after another. When I bent over in pain he told me "to stand up and take it like a slave pig that I was" he then used his fists to hit me across the face with his fists until I had bruises on my face. He then marched me over to a cupboard that was by the wall and told me to stand in it he then chained me to one of the walls and put a blind fold on me and closed the door and locked it. I then hear him walk away and shut the front door. > After a long while I heard the front door open and heard someone walk inside. Then I heard someone walking about going on with their business. Eventually the cupboard door opened and the person unchained me from the cupboard and pulled me out holding my hair. Then the person took the blind fold off me and I saw it was Peterson again. I looked outside the window and it was really dark outside. He asked "why was I looking out the window and to face him" when I faced him he slapped me really hard across the face. Then made me get down on the floor facing his crotch. Then he pulled out his dick and pissed all over me! Then he told me to lick up all the piss that was on the floor. After I had done this he told me to stand up. Once I stood up he slapped me across the face. Then he made me turn around with my back towards him. Then he marched me towards one of the walks with him holding my hair tightly. Once I was at one of the walls he pressed me hard against the wall. He then unzipped his pants and pressed his dick against my pussy. Then he slammed his dick against my pussy and started pumping my arse really hard until he came. Instead of Cumming inside my pussy most of his cum fell on the floor with only some of it hitting my pussy. He then turned me around and made me get on the floor and lick up every bit of cum on the floor. While I was doing this he stood on my hands with his heavy boots so it hurt my hands. I cried out in pain and he yelled "what did you say slave pig?" I replied "thank you SIR" he said "that's better" and made me lick up the rest of his hot cum. Then he pulled me up to stand pulling my hair again and pressed me against his uniform and made me smell all of it and breathe it in. He said "you like that boi don't you" I said "Yes SIR" he said say it louder "pig slave!" I said "I love it SIR" he unbuttoned his shirt and I saw a beautiful hairy chest he had the best chest I had ever seen. He then pressed me towards his chest and told me to breathe it in. Then he got hold of my balls and pressed it really hard in his hand. He then started to wank me really hard. Just when he thought I was about to cum he stopped. Then after awhile he started again and then stopped. He told me "slave bois aren't allowed to cum very often" he said "it's a very special moment for a slave pig like me to cum in front of his master". He then stopped wanking my dick and pushed me away from him. He then buttoned up his shirt again and marched me to the cupboard again pulling my hair. He then pushed me in the cupboard and chained me to the walls and put the blind fold on me. Then he shut the cupboard door and left. I was all alone again wondering what was going to happen next... > Then I heard the front door open and the cupboard opened soon after. Two big guys in black t-shirts unchained me from the cupboard walls and dragged me out pulling my hair. Then they took both of my arms and made me stand still. Soon afterwards Peterson came into the hut and stood right in front of us. Then he slapped me across the face and started punching me in the stomach. I tried to struggle but the two guys next to me held me still. Then they pushed me to the floor with their hands. Peterson then unzipped his pants and pulled out his dick. He then put his dick in my mouth and ordered me to suck him off. When he came he told me to swallow all his cum to the last drop. Then the two guys picked me up again. Peterson then told them to take me outside and they pulled me all the way. They then put forced my hands behind my back and put handcuffs on me. They then forced me into the car and sat side by side me. Peterson got into the car and drove off. > We drove for awhile and stopped in front of the prison that I had been held in before coming to the hut. The two guys dragged me out of the car and dragged me inside. They then followed Peterson to a room and pushed me in and made me stand in the middle of the room. Then Peterson told the guys that they weren't needed any longer so they left the room. As I looked around the room I saw my master. I smiled and was relieved to see him there. Peterson so my smile and told me off. My master turned around and saw me and told me to stand right next to him. He then got hold of my balls and pulled them down so it hurt. Then he got hold of my tits and squeezed them tightly. Then he turned around to Peterson and said did you have fun with this slut boi. Peterson replied that he was ok but he needed a lot more work. He said he still doesn't know how to submit to authority yet. My master turned around to me angrily and stood up. Then he forced me down to the ground with his hand. He then pulled out his dick and started wanking. He told me not to look at his dick but to look towards the ground. He soon came after that and made sure that all his cum feel on my head and all over my face. Then he said he needed to piss and he pissed all over my head and face as well. Then he sat down on his chair again. He then said to me that he didn't want me any more as a slave boi. He said that I would be better off here learning how to be a slave pig boi. He told me that I had it too easy at his place. Then he told me to get out of here out of his sight and that he never wanted to see me again. Peterson called in the two guys again and they dragged me out of the room. As we were leaving he told the guys to put me back in my cell. Then Peterson closed the door. > That was the last time I ever saw my former master face to face. I saw him on the TV a couple of times. He really did have a lot of control over the town that I now called home. I resigned to the fact that this prison that I was in was going to be my home but I hoped that one day I could escape and run away to another town. For now this is where I stayed for another couple of years. THE END

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