With My Master

By Mark

Published on May 9, 2004


When we got to the door my master rang the door bell. A few moments later someone answered to the door. He was dressed in a white uniform and I assumed that he was one of the servents of my master. He greeted my master and looked at me for a second then moved to the side to let us in. My master then told the servent to get all our bags from the car and put them in his room. He then dragged me up some stairs and across a hall. We passed a couple of doors and eventually got to one of the rooms. He stopped and opened it up. He then said this was his room. He then pulled me out of the hall again and into the next room that was next to his. He opened this room and said this was my room. The room that we entered was very small and had a small bed in it. There wasn't really any room to have anything in there apart from the bed. He then said this was my room. Although if sometimes I'm a good slave boi that he would let me in his room and bed to sleep. The other times this is where I would be sleeping. By this time his servent came with the bags and my master told him where to put them. He told him to put my bags in my room. My master then told me to get into my bathers and took off my collor and then report back to him. I did as I was told and reported back to him.

He took me down the stair and outside the back yard. There was a huge swimming pool in the garden. The garden was huge I could hardly see the edges of it. There were fountains around and it just look spectacular. He then told me to jump in the pool and he would be sitting on the side of the pool watching me. He sat down in one of the chairs next to the pool and read the paper. He ordered one of the servents to get him a drink and the servent followed his instructions and came back seconds later. I just swam around in the pool messing about not really knowing what to do. I wasn't really in the mood to go swimming but I thought it was a good chance to be free in the pool. My master after awhile turned to me sipping his drink and yelled at me. He said to stop messing around in the pool and that I should be doing something usuful he then commanded me to do laps of the pool. It was quite a large pool so this would take awhile. He told me he expected me to do at least 50 laps or maybe more if he wanted. So I started to do laps of the pool. My body was aching a bit from the treatment that I had gotten from the cop and also from my master but I tried as much as possible to do the laps of the pool. After doing some laps of the pool my master told me that I was hopeless and he expected me to do the laps faster if I wanted to be his slave boi. So I tried as much as I could to do the laps that he commanded. Eventually I got the 50 laps done and stopped. When he saw that I had stopped he called out and asked why I had stopped. He said because I had stopped that he wanted me to do another 10 laps. So I relucently did the 10 laps that he commanded. When I had finished that he told me to get out of the pool and dry myself. Then he told me to go to the showers.

He followed me to the shower room. He told me to go in and start the water. While I did that he went to get changed. Again the water was cold and I looked for the hot tap but I couldn't find it so I used the hot water. I was quite annoyed by this but I thought I should just get over it. I eventually got out of the shower and stood there for my next command. My master looked at me and was please that I had finished. He came up to me and put my collor on me again. Then for the first time I had been with him he gave me a very passionate kiss on the lips! I felt that I was in heaven it was the best kiss that anyone had given me. Then he told me to go up to my room and get ready. He said there would be some clothes on my bed and I was to wear them.

I went up to my room and looked what was on the bed. There they were really tight fitting clothes and almost too short for me to wear but I felt that this is what I had to wear. So I put them on and by the time I had my master walked into my room. He was pleased that I had put them on. He asked me if I liked them. I didn't much but I didn't want to say that. So I said "yes SIR" he said good. He said I would be on show tonight and I had to look good for him. He then said to come with him downstairs. I followed him downstairs and to the front door. His servent opened the door, as he did he gave me a wink and I thought what was that for but then ignored it. Outside was this stretched black limo. The driver of the limo walked around the car and was about to open it. My master told him not to worry about it and get back into the drivers seat. He said my slave boi is going to do that for me so he walked back to the drivers seat. I opened the door and my master told me to move along to the other side of the car. He then got into the car. The car then drove off. My master then decided that he wanted me chained to the seat again so he got the handcuffs and chained me to the seat. This time instead of blind folding me he got something to cover my mouth so I would find it hard to speak. When he had finished he went to the mini bar and got a glass of wine. He then mostioned the glass towards me and said "cheers" then winked at me. Then he began to sip the wine and sat back. He looked at me and had a big grin on his face and I wondered what that was about. Anyways we drove for awhile and then the car stopped. I couldn't see where we were because the black glass in the car made it difficult to see out. My master then unshackled me from the seat but got a long silver chain and chained it to my collor. He then commanded me to open the car door and get out. I couldn't get out very quickly because he was holding my chain. When I got out I saw we were at a pub of some kind and I wondered what we were doing here.

My master then commanded me to get down on my all fours and to crawl towards the pub. The ground was concrete and it hurt my knees but I did as I was told. There was hardly anyone on the street so I didn't feel too bad about where I was or what I was doing. We entered the pub though and there were heaps of people around. From the atmosphere of the pub I could tell it was a gay pub and with all pictures around of naked men and stuff. Anyways my master and I went in and soon he saw some people and started to wave to them. He then made me crawl right up to their table. He then sat down and I knelt by his stool. He interduced me as his new slave boi and they were all please about that. They all asked if I was going to show him laster tonight and he said that he was. I was scared and excited about this because I didn't know what was to come. I noticed around the table that there was another guy that was kneeling next to another guy by a stool and I assumed that he was another slave. So in a way I was glad that I wasn't the only slave in pub. I smiled at him and he smiled me back and I quietly asked how he was and he said he was good.....I didn't want to say too much or my master might hear us and get angry. My master then tied the chain around his stole and continued to talk to his friends. Then he went to get a couple of beers at the bar and came back to talk to his friends. He totally ignored me the most of the night. I looked around and everyone was busy having conversations and no one really looked at me. There were a few slaves kneeling on the ground. Some were kneeling and someone were resting their heads on the tables. All the masters of the slaves were ignoring them and engaged in their own conversations. Then about an hour later there was a guy with a microphone that stood up on stage. He said "now this is what everyone came for the displaying of slaves of their masters" Now we don't have that many tonight so if any more masters want to come up here and offer their slaves they are welcome!

My master excused himself from the table and untied me from his stole and dragged me to the bathroom. Once we were in the toilets he ripped off all my cothes and they all fell to pieces on the floor. Then he dragged me out to where he was sitting and told me to wait by his stool. By this time there were masters and slave showing of their slaves to everyone in the bar. They were tieing them to a piece of wood that stood on the stage and hitting them hard or whipping them. Some were sucking their cocks in front of them. Then an announcement came for my master to come up on stage. So my master pulled my chain and dragged me on stage. He told me to stand next to him and tied me to the pole on stage with my back towards the audience of the pub. Then he rubbed my butt with his stick and began to hit me really hard with it. When I cried out in pain he told me to shut up. Then he pushed the stick into my arse and out again he did this a number of times and my arse really started to hurt. Then he started hitting me again. The audience really seemed to enjoy this and were egging him on more. Then he grabbed my hair and pulled it backwards and hit my arse harder and harder. Then the guy with the mic said it was someone elses turn and my master and me returned to our seats. I knelt again on the floor and he tied me to his stool and resumed talking to his friends. A couple of hours a later he looked at his watch and told everyone that he had to go home. So he said his goodbyes and unchained me and walked me out of the pub. The limo was outside waiting for us so he pulled me in the car and we drove off. Eventually we got home.

When we got home he told me to open the door this time and we entered and he forced me up to his bedroom. Once inside he told me there were a few things that we had to talk about. He told me firstly that tonight I had been a good slave boi and he was going to enjoy having me around. Then he said there were a few rules if I was going to live with him. He said: First I wasn't allowed to enter his room without his permission. He then said that he wanted me to do something while I was here. He said he would make me study and that he would pay for it. He said that I had to study the hardest that I could and he wanted me to get good grades. He said he would make me study and I couldn't slack off. Then he said he would choose when I was allowed to see my friends. It wasn't up to me when I could see them. The rest of the time he wanted me to study. He also said when I don't have classes I was to come home directly and he would make sure of it. He then asked me if I agree with all his rules. I replied "yes SIR" then he said good. He then got undressed and hoped on the bed. He said this time I was allowed to get on the bed with him and sleep in his bed. Although he warned me that this wasn't going to happen all the time and this was a special moment. He then kissed me on the lips again and shut off the light and went to sleep...I slept in his arms the whole night and feel really good....

The next morning my master woke me up and said it was time for him to get ready. He told me to go to his cupboard and get out a shirt and some pants and a tie and bring it back to him. I jumped out of bed as quickly as I could and got what he wanted and put them on the bed. By this time he was in the shower singing away. I got on the bed and just lay there thinking how lucky I was to be where I am. When he got out of the bathroom he yelled at me that I shouldn't be on the bed I should be up and about and getting ready to have a shower. So I quickly walked past him and went into the bathroom to have a shower. He yelled out that if he saw that I had a hot shower that I would be in trouble. He told me that slave bois aren't allowed to have a shower. So I ran the water cold and gritted my teeth and had a cold shower. I quickly soaped up myself up and washed myself and got out of the shower. When I returned into my masters room he was all dressed and standing by the bed. He then sat on the bed and told me to walk up to him and stand by him. When I did he told me to lay across his legs. He then started to rub his hand all around my butt. Every so often he would hit me hard and the other times he would just rub his hand on my butt. Then he began to hit me really hard everytime he made contact with my butt. Harder and harder every time. It started to hurt and I tried my hardest not to scream out. After awhile he stopped and told me to stand up again. Then he told me that I can expect that every morning before he leaves to work and whenever he feels like during the day. He said I had to be reminded that I was his slave boi. Then he told me to stay where I was and not to go back to bed. He told me to stand in his room till he came back from breakfast. I just stood there really not knowing what to do. Luckly he came back pretty soon. He then stood right close up to me and gave me another kiss and kissed me really pasionatly again. Then he hugged me and let me hug him back. That's when he said that he's going to work and that he was also going to book me into a course at Uni and I would start as soon as possible. I then told me while he was away I was allowed to wear whatever clothes I wanted but when he came back from work I had to be naked. He told me also I could do whatever I wanted while he was away but I had to do whatever he ordered when he came back. He told me he wasn't going to tell me when he got back that he wanted it to be a surprise. Then told me to follow him out of his room and closed the door and locked it. He told me slave bois aren't allowed in their masters rooms. Then he walked down the stairs and out the front door. I then quickly went to my room and got into a pair of shorts and t-shirt. It feel weird to wear clothes again but nice....

I wondered downstairs to see what was happerning and went to the kitchen and prepared some breakfast. There didn't look like there were people around the house this time and I wondered where the servents were. I looked out the large windows and saw some people working the garden working making the garden more beautiful. When I had finished breakfast I went up stairs changed into my swimmers got a told and headed out to the pool. I figured that I might as well do some laps of the pool to keep myself fit. I was in the pool for awhile and I did quite a number of laps before I got pretty tired. I then headed inside when I saw that there was a saurna and thought I might go in there and have a try. I needed to relax after the couple days that I had. It was nice to sit there in the steam and just relax. I must have been pretty relaxed because before I knew it I was asleep. I woke up a bit later and relised where I was and decided it's probably time to go and do something else. I walked out and into the house and glanced at the clock. By this time it was just after 2pm. So I must have been asleep for quite awhile. I went upstairs to have a shower and then got dressed. I then lay down on my bed and turned on some music.

Later on I heard someone ask where I was and I relised that it was my masters voice. So quick got out of my clothes and went outside. My master was yelling at me to come downstairs and meet him. I ran down the stairs and met him at the door. He said I was damn slow and I should do better next time. Then he told me to follow him up to his room. He unlocked his door and pushed me into his room and then into his bathroom. He then told me to get into his bath tub face up He then undid his pants and pulled out his dick and began to piss all over my body. His piss was really hot and it burnt my body a bit but I tried not to say anything. He then ordered me to get up and into the shower and to have a cold shower! I quickly did as he told me and washed all his piss off my body. Then got out of the shower and dried myself off. My master called from his room and told me to come to where he was. He then told me to stand next to him on the bed. He the told me to lie across his knees. He then began to spank me really hard each time getting harder and harder. I nearly had tears in my eyes by the time he had stopped. He then told me to stand up. He then told me to get on his bed face up. He the got some ropes that were beside the bed and tied my arms to the bed and then tied my legs to the bed. He tied it so my legs were tied up in the air so my pussy was up in the air. Then he called out loudly to his servants to bring up the biggest cucumber that they could find. Minutes later someone came up to his room with a huge cucumber and handed it to my master. He then said that is all and the servant left. He then played with my pussy with the cucumber and then began inserting it in my arse further and further until most of it was in my pussy. It hurt a lot but I tried not to screem out in pain. Then he pulled it out and pushed in a number of times and was really enjoying it. He seemed to really enjoy the pain that he saw in my face and started moving faster and faster with the cucumber. Then eventally he stopped and asked if I enjoyed that. Straight away I said "yes SIR" then he asked if I wanted him to do it again. I didn't really but I said "YES SIR" so he started doing the same thing but harder and faster. After awhile he stopped again. Then he untied me from the bed and told me to lie over the bed face down. He then got behind me and played behind me with his cock and then entered my pussy with his dick and pumped my pussy really hard and fast. I could feel his balls slapping against my arse. After awhile he came and his hot cum entered my pussy and it was nice to feel his cum again. Although some of it feel to the floor again. He then took his dick out of my pussy and ordered me on the floor to lick up his hot cum. He stood over me really angry at me and said I had to lick up all the cum right to the last drop. After awhile I finished. He then told me to stay in the postion and to crawl out of his bed room and into mine. He followed behind me making sure I did crawl all the way. When I got to my bed in my room he told me to get on my bed face up. He then tied me to my bed spread eagled. He then got a blind fold and put it across my eyes. He then took hold of my dick and slapped it really hard a few times with his hands and made sure it really hurt. He did this for awhile and I could feel my dick getting really sore. He then started to wank me really fast and really hard. After I came with the biggest orgazam than I can imagine and the cum spilt all around my dick and on my bed. He just laughed and though it was great. He then said that he's going to leave me like this for the night and walked out the door. I then hear the key in the lock. Then didn't hear anything after that. I then tried to sleep but it was difficult feeling the cum all over and on my bed. I found it hard to sleep like that but I knew I needed a good rest.

The next morning I my master unlocked the door and came in. He then took my blind fold off and unchained me from my bed. He then asked me how I slept and if I had a good night. I told him that I slept well even though I didn't. He then yanked me up with my arms and pushed me into his room and sat on the bed. He then told me to stand next to him and then told me to lie across his legs. He then began to spank me hard quite afew times. While he was doing this he was saying "who's your master" I said "you are my master SIR" he asked me that a number of times. Then he said what are you I said "I'm your slave boi SIR" he said your more than that and slapped me really hard on the butt. I said "I'm your pig slave boi SIR" he said that's right and slapped me really hard harder than he had before and then told me to say it again. He then told me to get into the bathroom and into the bath. He the entered the bathroom when I was in the bath. He took out his dick and started pissing all over me again. This went on for awhile and he started laughing how funny I looked with all his piss all over me. He then ran the shower and ordered me in the shower. He told me then to soap myself up and then to report back in his bedroom when I had finished. I had a shower and then dried myself off and then went back to the bedroom. He waited there impatiently and told me that I took my sweet time and I should learn a lesson. He told me he didn't have time right now though. He then said that I have a special visitor coming today and then he left out of the house. I stood there wondering who it was and then though oh well and went to get dressed.

I went to my bedroom to get some clean clothes on and then walked around the house a bit too finds out what else was in this big house. There were just rooms and more rooms but then I found the gym. I thought that would be interesting to do some exercise. So I started on the gym equipment and was really getting into it and lost track of time. After awhile I heard the door bell ring and heard one of the servants answer the door. Then I heard my name being called out and wondered who it could be. Then I remembered that my master had said that I would have a special visitor. I hurried out the gym room and down the stairs to the front door. Standing right in the door way was the cop that had his way with me at the police station a couple days ago. When I got right up to him he didn't seem that pleased to see me. The first thing he said was why have I got clothes on? He said slave pig bois shouldn't have clothes on and he started ripping them off me. He then got his handcuffs from his belt and put my hands behind my back and put the handcuffs on my arms. He then pulled me outside and into the back seat of his car. He then got into the drivers seat and drove off.

We eventually reached the police station and he got pulled me out of the car and inside. He then put me into one of the rooms and shut the door and then walked up to me. He got in front of me and looked at me for a second and then hit me across the face really hard. He then told me I was a pig slave boi and that I should be punished. He then grabbed my balls and pulled them down really hard and squashed them as hard as he could with his hand. He held them there for a long time and it really started to hurt. He then took my handcuffs off and told me to lie across his desk in the room. He then played with my arse with his dick and then began to enter my arse and start pumping it really hard in and out. He began to pump it harder and harder each time and I could feel his balls slapping against my butt. As well as this he grabbed hold of my hair and pulled it tightly. He was riding me like a horse and liked the control that he had of me. Then he eventually came and I felt his hot cum enter my arse. Then he pulled out his dick and told me to stay the way that I was in. He then called some people into the office. Soon there seemed to be quite a few people in the office but I wasn't sure how many. That's when the cop said this slut boy likes lots of dicks up his arse so you all get a turn. They all laughed and one at a time they had a change to pump my arse and have their cum in my arse. Then one of the cops told me to get up from his desk and stand in front of everyone. Then he told me to suck every dick that is in the office. So I got on my knees and started one by one sucking everyones dick. The cop then said good and ordered everyone out of the office till it was just me and him. He then got out his night stick from his belt and got behind me. He then wacked me really hard across my butt quite a few time. Each wack was harder than then next and I was nearly in tears by the time he had finished. One time I started to screem out in pain and he just hit me harder.

He then put his handcuffs me on again and marched me out of the room. We then went to the cell block that I was in before. There were a lot more prisoners in the cells this time then there were last time. He picked an empty cell and pushed me in it. He then chained me up to the wall. This time though he chained my legs together so I couldn't walk around and couldn't move. Then he closed the bars to the cell and left.

Later on he came back and opened my cell door and came up to me and gave me another slap across the face. Then he pulled out his dick and told me to suck it. I did the best I could sucking his dick but the position I was in made it hard. Eventually he came and I swolled it in my mouth. Then he left again.

I waited and waited in my cell wondering what was going to happen next. I was really bored and wished I was at my master's house. I could be at the gym or the swimming pool and here I was chained up in a cell. I really didn't want to be here but there was nothing I could do about it. That's when the door opened again and the same handsome cop came in and opened my cell and pulled to my feet and forced me out of my cell. He undid my shackles on my legs so I could walk. He then pulled me though the main part of the police station and into his room. Then he ordered me to stand in the middle of the room and to stand still. I heard him unzip his pants and he played with my pussy with his dick. Then he inserted his dick into my pussy and started to pump me hard. At the same time he took my hold of my hair with his hands and pulled my hair backwards. While he was doing this he asked me who's the slave pig? Who's the slut boi? I said "I am" he asked again pumping harder and starting to slap my arse at the same time really hard. He said again "who's the slut boi" I said "I am SIR" he said that's better remember that boi!" and pumped my arse really hard until he came in my arse again! Then he turned me around in one quick motion so I was facing him. He was a really cute cop. He was a bit taller than I and quite hunky man and I could see his muscles though his uniform. He was wearing blue pants and the police uniform shirt and his jacket over that. On his jacket he had a name badge and it said "sergeant Peterson". I loved the smell of his jacket and I breathed in the smell of it. He then snapped me out of my daze by saying "what are you looking at slave pig?" he then began to slap me really hard across my face. Then said "so you like a cop in uniform do you?" I said "yes SIR" he said good and pushed my face into his uniform and said get a good smell of it pig boi. Breathe it all in! at the same time he got hold of my dick and balls and squeezed it really hard. Then he got hold of my balls and pulled them down really hard. To the point where it really hurt and I was about to scream out in pain. Then he kissed me on my lips and let me go. He then pushed me on the floor and took out his dick and pissed in my mouth. When he finished he put his dick back in his pants and zipped it up. He then hand cuffed my hands behind my back and made me stand in the corner of the room. He then sat at his desk and did some paper work. He told me to stand there and not move and not to make a noise. About an hour later someone walked though the door and I relised it was my master. I was pleased to see him and I thought it was about time I went back to his place.

My master totally ignored that I was in the room. He sat down at the cops desk and started chatting to him. They chatted for a good half an hour and then my master turned to me and gave me a glance and then talked to the cop again. He then said so has my slave pig boi been good? The cop said he's been ok still needs a lot of work. My master then said "oh ok well I'll leave him here so you can work with him" he said "I have to go away on business for a couple of days so I'll leave him in your safe hands". He then walked over to me and gave me a huge slap across the face. Then he said I hope you treat this officer with the respect that I expect from you. If you don't you'll be in big trouble. He then told me to turn around and face the wall. He then unzipped his pants and played with my arse with his cock. Then he began to enter me with his cock and pumped my arse like there was no tomorrow. Harder and harder each time he entered my pussy. After awhile he came and I could hear him panting near the end. Again some of his cum ran out of my hole and onto the floor. My master turned me around and forced me to the floor and told me to lick every bit of cum that is on the floor. He told me I was a pig boi and have to learn a lesson. After I had he pulled me up by pulling my hair. Then he kissed me on the lips and left the room. The cop then got from his desk and got hold of my balls again and started to pull at them really hard. This time I started to shout out in pain and he slapped me across the face again. Then he yanked my arm and pulled me out of his office and back to my cell. This time instead of putting me in cell by myself he put me in with someone else. He told me it's about time I had some company and maybe we could have fun together and winked at me and closed the cell door and left.

I looked around the cell and next to me was this man about my age. He looked sad and worried. I smiled at him and said hi and how are you going and stuff. He replied with a "hello" then just looked at another part of the wall. I thought geez this is going to be fun he won't even talk to me. Sargent Peterson then came to our cell again some time later and he seemed angry that we hadn't done anything to each other. He opened the cell door and walked up to me. He slapped me on the face and said how come you guys haven't fucked each other yet? You can't both stay in this cell and not have sex together. Then he stood by the door and command the other guy to bend over. He then told me to get up behind the other guy and to put my dick in his pussy and start pumping him. I did as I was told and pumped him. The cop came up to him and hit me across my head really hard and sharp and said "can't you do anything right pump his pussy harder" I did as I was told and soon came in the guys arse. The cop then said "you came too fast your meant to take your time, there is so much you have to learn" He then took out his night stick and started hitting my but really hard with it many times until it had blisters on it. Then he slapped me across the face again and left our cell. When he left the guy next to me just looked at the walls again and didn't want to know that I was in the cell with him. After awhile I was pretty tired and figured it was getting late into the night so I rested my head against the walls and tried to get some sleep.

What I assumed was the next morning the door opened and 5 policemen and 5 security guards came and stood near our cell bars. They began to open them and Sargent Peterson yelled out "ok everyone out and hit the showers". One by one once the cell bars were open everyone marched to the showers. When I got out of my cell Peterson grabed me and made me stand by him until

everyone was in the showers. The other police offers and guards had followed the prisoners to the showers. Peterson then grabbed my arm and pulled me towards his room. Once inside he told me to lie face down on his desk with my butt in the air. He then got out his night stick from his belt and hit me hard square on the butt. Each hit was harder than the previous one. He told me my master said I loved this done to me and also I need to know who was the master and who is the slave. He also said "you are a slave pig and this is what you deserve. He hit me quite a few times and once he was finished told me stand up. Then he grabbed my arm again and took me to another part of the police station. In this room that he took me had a bath tub and and toilet. There was no shower so I was wondering what I was doing here but I soon found out. He yelled "get in the bath tub" once I was in he pulled out his dick and began to piss all over me. Once he had finished he told me to get out of the bath tub and grabbed my arms and then pulled me towards to where everyone else was having a shower. By the time we got to the showers there were only two other people left having a shower. Peterson ran one of the showers and pushed me into it. It was cold water running but I was used to it with the time that I lived with my master. Then Peterson left the room and said the other guards "make sure I did a good job of showering and then take him back to his cell" then he left. I did my best of showering and when the guard though that I had finished he turn off the shower and got me a towel to dry myself off. He then pulled my arm and dragged me back to my cell. By this time my cell mate was back in the cell still staring at the wall. I just found a place in the other side of the cell and tried to sit down. It was hard with my sore butt but I tried my best. The guard then shut the bars to our cell. A couple of moments later someone else came by our cells and gave us "breakfast". When I looked at it, it was just mushed food on a plate. I couldn't even figure out what it was but I was hungry so I ate it. My other cell mate didn't seem that interested and just left his plate in front of him.

Moments later Peterson came and stood in front of my cell. He looked at me and then looked at my cell mate and then the plate of food in front of my cell mate. He yelled at me "how dare I not make my cell mate eat his food". He then opened the bars to the cell and yanked me up with my arms and told me to turn around facing the wall and gave me a good beating on my butt with his night stick. Then he turned me around facing him and pulled me out of the cell. Locked it again and took me to his room. He then made me stand in the corner of his room next to his desk. He told me to turn around facing the wall with my face facing the wall. Then he handcuffed my wrists and attached them to the rings hanging from the ceiling. He then gave me another huge beating across my butt, while doing this he pulled my hair. This went on for a couple of minutes. He then told me "I was a huge pig slave" "and a slave slut boi and I needed to learn a lesson" He whacked me a couple of more times and then stopped. Then he entered his dick into my pussy and pumped me hard and fast. While he was doing this he also pulled my hair and forced it backwards. He really seemed to enjoying himself and I could feel his balls slapping against my arse. He eventually came and he seemed satisfied with what he had achieved. Then he unhooked my arms and told me to turn around. He then told me to raise my arms again and attached my arms to the rings again. Then he went to his disk and sat down and did work at his desk.

The room must have been getting warm because he stopped what he was doing and took off his uniform leather jacket and hung it on the back of his chair. Then he took off his jumper and did the same. He then looked at me and saw that I was staring at him. He then said "what are you looking at slave pig?" and got up from his desk and walked over to me. He gave me a huge hard slap across the face a couple of times and made sure it hurt. Then he said "look straight forward towards the door". If I catch you looking at me again you get the same punishment". Then he walked back to his desk and continued what he was doing. My arms were really hurting by now with them hooked to the roof and I had to distract myself somehow. I didn't know what to do but I looked around the room abit. There wasn't really anything there just a desk that the cop was sitting at and a chair in front of the desk and some filing cabinets. I knew I shouldn't but I looked at Peterson again he was really well built and looked really strong. He was my type of guy and I could have got fucked by him for ages. He was the sort of guy that I always wanted in a guy. Unfortually he caught me looking at him again and he got up from his desk and walked over to me. He got his night stick out from his belt and began to hit me really hard against my dick and balls. So much that it really started to hurt and I cried out in pain. He just ignored me and kept on going. By this time my dick was starting to get read and my balls were stinging. He then stopped and went back to his desk and started to work again. I then learned my lesson and looked forward I really didn't want another punishment like that again.

A couple of hours later some cops came into the room to talk to Peterson. As soon as they entered the room they looked at me and had a huge smile on their face. Then they sat in the chairs and talked to Peterson. After awhile they looked back at me and asked if they could "play" with me? Peterson looked at me and smiled and said "sure you can". He went right up to me and unhooked my arms and told me to look at the wall and stand still. Then one by one each person went up behind me unzipped their pants and stuck their dick in my pussy and pumped me really hard until they came. Some would hold my hair with their hands and pull my head backwards and they all seemed to really enjoy themselves. By the last person pumping my pussy my arse really started to hurt. If this wasn't enough once they all finished having their way with me. One of them pulled out their night stick and stuck it in my pussy without any warning pumping it in and out as if it was a dick. It was quite a big stick and it really stretched my pussy. After afew minutes they stopped. Then a voice started saying "you really like that don't you slave pig?" I recognized it as Peterson's voice and I said "yes Sir" he then said "you'd like it more wouldn't you slave pig?" I said "yes Sir" so he started pumping my pussy with his night stick again. While he was doing this the other cops were encouraging him to do it faster and harder and were laughing egging him on more. He started to pump my pussy really hard and fast and I'm sure my pussy was about to explode. He eventually stopped to my relief and just left me standing there. Then everyone just talked to Peterson for longer with me just standing there. They all just joked and had fun and sometimes talked about business. Then after awhile they just left the room. Peterson then had a phone call and answered the phone. He didn't say much just "huh huh" a couple of times. Then after awhile he put down the phone. He looked at me and said "your ride has arrived". He then walked up to me turned me around to face him kissed me on my lips slapped me a couple of times on the face and marched me towards the door and outside the police station.

Next: Chapter 5: With My Master 6 7

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