With My Master

By Mark

Published on May 9, 2004


I found it very difficult to sleep in the position that I was in but I managed to get a bit of sleep. Also my master was snoring a bit so it was difficult to sleep. I eventually got some sleep and I woke up the sun shinning though the windows and it looked like a very nice day outside. My master was still asleep and snoring lightly but enough to hear him. I looked at him and thought he was such a cute guy and I was glad that I was his slave. Even though he treated me roughly I thought that I wouldn't want to be anyone else's slave but his. After awhile he woke up and after awhile turned around and looked at me. He had a great big smile on his face and it must have been the first time since I've been with him to see this great big smile he had. He then got up without a word and went to the bathroom and started the shower. I heard him singing in the shower and was glad that he was in a good mood today. He then came back into the bedroom and put on his cloths. He then looked over to me and walked over to me and stood right in front of me. He then proceeded to pull out his dick and put it in his mouth and said I need to have a piss. He then made me swallow all his piss in my mouth and I swallowed it. He then unchained me from the wall and told me to stand up. Then he told me we have to leave the cabin and then told me to get everything together and pack it in his bag...he said well now! Don't wait around slave pig!

I quickly went around the cabin getting everything together and putting it in his bag. While I was doing this he got himself breakfast and put some more dog food in my bowl ready for me to eat. He then sat at the table and ate his breakfast and every so often looked around to see if I was still packing things up. When I had finished he told me to crawl over to my bowl and eat what he had prepared. I did so and when I had finished I stayed on the floor for his next commands.

He then asked if I was ready and he proceeded to go towards the door and told me to follow him. The car wasn't far from the cabin and he told me to put everything in the boot of the car. Then he told me to get in the back seat he then pulled out some handcuffs and forced my hands behind my back and put them on my wrists and attached them to the seat. Then he got out a blindfold and put it on my eyes. He then shut the door and got in the drivers seat and off we went. We drove for about an hour when I heard the car stop and my master open the door and get out. I wondered if we had reached his house or whether we were someone where else. I'm assured myself that I would soon find out...He never came to get me so I figured he had gone to get someone like food or something. The next thing I knew my car door opened and someone was taking off my binds that were attached to my seat. It didn't smell like it was my master it was someone else and my heart raced to see who it was. Someone then took off my blind fold and what I saw was amazing. It was a cop! He was hunky and well built and very good looking he was in full uniform and had a leather jacket on. He looked really handsome in his uniform! He looked like he was in his late 30s or early 40's and looked quite mean. He yanked me from the car seat and out onto the street and pushed me towards the Police Station. It was quite a small police station, some people were at their desks working or walking around. There must have been at least 50 people inside. Some of them looked at me and stared others got on with their work. The cop took me to a room that was just right of the entrance of the station. As we walked into the room I saw my master standing there taping his feet and arms folded waiting impatiently for me to enter. He then sat down as the other cop sat in his seat. My master then gave me orders to stand by the desk and not say a word. My master then told the cop that I was a bad slave boi and needed to be taught a lesson. That I needed to be locked up for a while and this would be a good place for me to do that. They then chatted about other stuff and seemed like they were good friends. My master then said he would come back for me a bit later...As my master left the cop told my master that I would be well cared of and not to worry. Then my master left.

The cop then ordered me under his table to where he was sitting. He then commanded that I should unzip his pants with my teeth and get his dick out of his uniform. He said I wasn't allowed to use my hands and if I did I would be in more trouble than I am right now. So I did as he told me and eventually got his dick out of his pants and started sucking on his dick. He actually had a bigger dick than my master and I found it hard to suck his dick in my mouth. The cop must have known that I was struggling so he told me to just take it like a pig boi and to hurry up. I eventually got his dick in my mouth and started sucking. After awhile he came and streams and streams of cum entered my mouth. I found it difficult to swallow it but somehow I managed. He then got up from his chair and told me to crawl out of the table. He told me to stand up next to him and just stay there. He then asked if I was really turned on his uniform. I said yes without even thinking about it. He then said what did you say? And slapped me really hard across the face. He then asked the question again and I thought this time I should answer him properly. I said "yes SIR" he said that's better. Then me made me get really close to his leather jacket and told me to lick it and make it clean and also smell it. He then told me that I was allowed to wank while I was doing it. While I was doing that he rubbed my hair and pulled it every so often so I felt it. It hurt a bit but I just took it because I knew he would get angry if I complained. He wasn't happy with the way that I was wanking so he told me to wank faster. He told me if I can't do a good job of it he was going to hurt me more and wank me. So I harried up wanking my dick while sniffing and licking his uniform. After a few minutes I came and if feel on the floor. He got really angry at me and told me to get down on my knees and lick it up. While I was doing that he told me to raise my arse in the sky so that he could enter me. He then played with my arse with his dick and eventually entered me. I found it difficult licking up the cum and him moving in and out of my arse but I found a balance and it was ok after awhile. By the time that I had licked up all the cum on the floor he was about to cum himself. The next moment I felt his hot cum enter my butt and it felt really nice. He then told me this is all I would get for today...he then told me that he was going to take me somewhere were I could rest.

He then pulled my chain and pulled me out of this room down a hall and into this other room. This room was full of small jail cells and most of them were empty. There were only 3 people in 3 different cells they were all sleeping so didn't notice us entering the room. The cells were only 3 feet by 3 feet. So there wouldn't be much room to move around. Anyways he picked a cell for me to go into opened the door and pushed me in. He then closed the door and locked the cell door. He told me I would be there awhile so I should make myself comfortable. Then he left the room and turned off the lights. There weren't any windows in this room where the cells were so when he turned off all the lights it was almost dark, despite being daytime outside. I picked a corner of the cell and sat down wondering what was going to happen next. I was a bit confused because I thought I was going to start my life with my new master and here I was in a jail cell. I thought what the hell was going on. But I thought everything was going to work out in the end so I was trying to tell myself not to be worried. I just sat there staring out the cell thinking about the two days with my master and thinking about what was going to happen next.......

Another couple of hours past....then someone turned on the light and I could see that it was a different cop that entered the room. He was fatter than the other cop and was mainly bold and wasn't that attractive. He had a plate of what looked like food in his hands he flung it under the bars and told me that was what I was eating that night....he said it was my choice if I ate it or not but that's what I was going to get. I looked at the plate and didn't like what was on it but I thought I was hungry enough to eat it so I began to eat it. It was pretty tasteless but I thought it was better than nothing....after I had finished I left it and sat in the corner of the cell. Someone from another cell called out and I assumed he was talking to me. He called out "hi mate what's your name?" I told him I was Peter. He then said what are you in for? I just said I wasn't sure. He said "yeah that's what we all think but they charge us for something and end up here. He said "yeah we're all innocent". He then said "don't worry we'll all get out of here eventually" then he went really quiet....I just sat there again scared and not sure what was going to happen next. I figured it was getting late and it would be dark outside so I thought it was about time to go to sleep.

I'm not sure what time it was but I awoke to a noise of someone at my cell door. I slowly opened my eyes and there was a cop there the same one that brought me in the station. He was yelling at me to wake up and opened my cell door and started slapping my face. He kept yelling at me to wake up and that I was being lazy and all that. He slapped my face once more really hard and then grabbed my arms and pulled me up in a quick sharp motion. Then he marched me out of the cell and out of the room into the main police station. By this time there weren't anyone else in the room. My handcuffs were still behind my back so I couldn't move my arms. He then started to move me towards one of the desks and told me to lay over it. He made sure that my arse was hanging up in the air across the desk. Then I heard him unzip his pants and the next thing I could feel was his dick rubbing against my arse. He then entered my arse and started pumping me really hard. His dick was really slamming my arse in a fast motion. And his balls were slamming my butt really hard and fast. He kept saying that I was his slut and slave boi and that he could do whatever he wanted to me. Then he asked me who his slut boy was? I said "you are SIR" he asked again and I said "You are SIR" then he said "that's right remember that slut boi!" he kept slamming my arse more and eventually he came into it. This time my arse was really full of his hot police cum that some of it started dripping out of my arse. He got really angry and said "can't you slut boi keep my cum in your arse?" he then stopped what he was doing and told me to stand up. He then forced me to the ground and told me to lick up all the cum that was on the floor. He told me to do it quickly or I would be punished. He told me I was wasting his time by being slow. I eventually licked it all up and he told me to stand up. He then got his night stick out and told me to bend down and hold my ankles. Then he hit me really hard with his night stick quite a few times. Knowing it really hurt he hit me harder and harder with every hit. I yelled out in pain but he kept on going. Sometimes he would tell me to shut up and take it like a slut pig slave boi. Then he told me to stand up. It was a bit difficult with the way my butt was really sore but I made sure that I did. He then marched me back to the cells and into the cell that I was in. He then shut the door and turned off the light and left. My butt was really sore right now I couldn't sit down so I stood up and walked around for a bit. Then I lay down on the cold floor with lying down on my stomach and tried to sleep some more.

I woke up eventually and wondered for a sec where I was and then remembered that I was in a police cell. Then I got to thinking why the hell was I here I didn't think that I did anything wrong. But here I was and still wondered what was going to happen next. Then in walked the same policeman that abused me last night and he opened the door and yanked me to my feet and marched me out of the cell room. He then took me to the main area and into the same small room where my I had started in the police station. There was my master again this time sitting in a chair. My master greeted the policeman but totally ignored me. The cop sat down in his chair and they started talking about general stuff for a while. I was made to just stand right next to the desk and not say a word. Then my master looked at me with a stern face and then looked back at the cop. Then he asked the cop if I've been a good slave boi and if he'd had "fun" with me. He told my master that I was ok not great but not bad. But he had "fun" with me and he would like to do it again. My master said he'll see about that. Then the cop opened his top draw and asked my master how much he owed him for the "fun" that he was able to have. My master said "it's about 500 bucks" then the cop handed him the money. When I saw this I felt cheap and dirty that I was traded for sex and money. Although I figured my life now was my masters and he can do with me whatever he wanted.

Eventually my master said it was time to go. He took my arm and pulled me towards the room and out of the police station. Then he pushed me in the car and told me to buckle up and got into the drivers seat. I was amazed that this time he didn't tie me up or blind fold me but I wasn't going to complain because I didn't like it that much. We drove for awhile and eventually stopped by some gates. He then pressed a button in his car and the doors opened. Then he drove down this long drive way. The place was amazing and big and the gardens were amazing from the place he looked like he was well off! We eventually got to the entrance of the house and he stopped the car got out and shut his door and went to my door and opened it. Then he pulled me towards the house..........

Next: Chapter 4: With My Master 4 5

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