With My Master

By Mark

Published on May 8, 2004


During the night I felt a sharp pain all over my body and I suddenly woke up. I relised that my master was slapping me across the face and telling me that I was snoring and keeping him awake. In my semi awaken state I said sorry SIR. He then yelled and said "what did you say slave pig? say it louder." "I said sorry SIR" louder this time and he said "that's better" but kept on slapping my face. He then got back in bed and went back to sleep. I woke up the warm sunshine streaming though the window....it took me awhile to relise where I was but then I remembered that I was in my masters cabin. I looked around the room and my master wasn't on his bed anymore. I could hear the shower running so I got back on the floor and lay there for awhile. After awhile he came back in the bedroom dressed in jeans and a white t-shirt. He looked at me with a mean expression on his face. He walked up to me and seemed angry that I was still lieing on the floor. He then started to yell and kick me and told me to get up! He then unchained me from the wall and picked up the chain and told me to follow him into the bathroom.

In the bathroom he unhooked me to the chain from my coller and told me to run the shower. I did as I was told me and got into the shower. The water was still cold but I could tell from when he had a shower that he had a really hot shower. He told me what was I just standing there for and I should get him the soap so that he could soap me up. I gave him the soap and he started washing me all over. Then he told me to stay in the shower that he couldn't sleep much that night because I was snoring and I was a real slave pig boi for keeping him up and I needed to learn a lesson. After about 5 minutes he told me to get out of the shower and dry myself off. Then told me to report to the kitchen.

In the kitchen he prepared me some dog food in the bowl like he had the night before. He told me to get down on the floor and to eat. He then prepared his own breakfast and ate that. Then he told me to get under the table where he was sitting. He then told me to unzip his pants with my teeth and pull out his dick. He told me I wasn't allowed to use my hands at all and if I did I would be punished. He then told me to suck his cock like a good slave pig boi that I was. He told me he doesn't want to feel my teeth on my cock and I would be punished if he did. His cock was really big and I found it difficult to suck and I choked a few times but I somehow managed. He just laughed when I just chocked on his dick. Just when I felt that he was about to cum he told me to stop. Then he told me that he needed to piss instead and after a few minutes I could feel his piss enter my mouth. Then he told me he wasn't in the mood to cum and I didn't deserve it anyways so he told me to get out from the table. Then he told me to get back into the bedroom.

In the bedroom he chained me up to the wall. This time he made the chain shorter so I didn't have that much room to move. He also put a black hood on me with small slots for my eyes and mouth. He then told me to lie on down on the floor with my stomach on the floor. Then I heard him leave the room. He told me to stay there until he called me and if I moved I would be in big trouble. Then I heard a knock on the door and I wondered who knew that my master and I were here. That's when I heard my master come into the room and tell me to get up and he he took off my hood and unchained me. Then told me to go and answer the door.

I went to the door and answered it. There was a man about the same height and weight as my master and he looked like a bear like kind of guy. Then I saw other guys come up behind him. The guys didn't say anything but walked past me and towards my master and sat down in the chairs next to him. My master called out and told me to get something to eat and drink for our guests. While I was doing this I could hear them talking about me.My master yelled from where he was and asked if the food and drinks were ready because everyone was hungry and I was being a slow pig boi. My master then told me to put the food and drinks on the table and to kneel next to his chair. They talked for a couple of hours while I was on the floor ignoring me. Then my master told me to get in front of his chair and to kneel again. He then pulled out his dick and told me to put his dick in my mouth and proceeded to piss in my mouth. When he was finished he told me to stay there. Then the other guests spoke up and said that they wanted to give me a "test drive". My master thought this was a good idea so he told me to stand up. Then my masters friends all surrounded me with four of them in front of me and one behind me. They told me to get down on my knees and started to put all their dicks and put them in my mouth. The guy behind me put his dick in arse crack and began slamming it in and out as fast as he could. This went on for awhile then I felt his cum enter my arse and some of it dripped out and onto the floor. The three guys pulled out their dicks and my master in an angry voice told me to crawl on the floor and lick up all his friends cum...while I did they all slapped me around my body. Also my master got a huge rod and started hitting me hard with it. Then told me to put my butt high towards the ceiling and started to enter the rod into my butt. He violently moved the rod in and out of my butt and the others just laughed and wanted a turn. My butt felt really stretched and sore. Then they stopped and told me to sit down where I was while they sat back and talked for a little longer.

About half an hour later they said that they had to get going and began to get out of their chairs. My master told me not to just sit there but get the door for them so that they can leave. As I got up he got the rod again and hit me really hard on my butt. I quickly rushed to the door and opened it and waited there until they got to the door. They took a while talking to my master a bit longer and saying their goodbyes. Then they left and my master told me to shut the door. He then went to a door that I hadn't really noticed before and opened it.

He told me to go first though the door and followed me behind. As I was walking down the stairs he turned on the light. As I got down the stairs he told me to stand there and wait for him. He then told me to go to one of the benches and lie across with my arms forward. When he came up to me he put some chains around my wrists that were by the bench and then put some chains across my ankles. I couldn't move at all and I wondered what was next. He then went though another door and left me in this room for a good hour.

He then entered and at the corner of my eye I could see that he had changed. He now was wearing a black leather shirt and pants and leather boots. He then got behind me and started hitting me really hard with his black rod that he had before. The told me not to move but to count the number or times that he hit me. After a few counts he started to hit me really hard and I shouted out in pain. He told me that I was a pain pig slave boi and told me to shut up. That's when he hit me the hardest that he's hit me before. He did this about five times and said this is what I deserved as a pain pig. Then he put his played with my arse with his dick and started rubbing it all around my crack. Then eventually he put it right in without any lub. He started pushing it in and out very violently and his balls were slapping against my butt. He did this for some quite time and without me doing anything my whole body was moving voiently. Then he eventually came in my arse and it felt really great to have his cum in my arese again and this time it stayed there. Then he put his face down near my arse and began using his tounge to lick up all the cum that was near my butt. This really ticked and I started to make a noise. He then started to slap me even harder on my butt and told me to shut up again. Then he told me that I had to learn a lesson. So he unshackled me and told me to stand up. He pointed towards a cupboard and told me to walk towards it. He opened up the door and I could see some pointy things coming out of the wall and there was a really small place where I could stand without getting stabbed from these things. He told me to get in the cupboard and stand there. I could see if I moved I would get stabbed from the pointy things so I decided it was best to stay still as possible. He then shut the door of the cupboard and I could hear him lock it. Then I heard him walk away and I was left alone....wondering what was going to happen next......

About 5 or so hours later I heard him come back and open the lock of the cupboard and open the door. He then looked at me with a mean expression on his face. He then ordered me out of the cupboard and told me to stand right next to him. Then he shut the cupboard and told me to walk up the stairs towards the loungeroom. When I got there he told me to stand next to one of the chairs. He then got to that chair and sat down. Then he told me to lie across his legs. I did as I was told and waited for the punishment that he sort fit to give me. He started to spank me as hard as he could a couple of times then told me to stand up. Then told me to go to the bedroom and lie on his bed. I had never been on his bed and I thought that was a place I would never be allowed to go. When he entered the room he told me to lie there on my back. Then he got on top of me and pulled out his dick. He then began to put his dick in my mouth and pushed it in and out as fast as he could. He didn't give me time to breath as his dick was moving in and out of my mouth. I gagged a few times and he just ignored it and kept on going. This went on for a couple of minutes and then he suddenly stopped and told me I didn't deserve his hot masters cum right now. He then got off the bed and told me to do the same. He then got some jeans and t-shirt and changed into them. While he was doing this I loved the sight of his really hot body and I was getting more and more turn on by him. He then got the chain and attached it to my coller. Then he told me to follow him into the main room.

He opened the door and told me to come with him. I asked if I was going to dress to go out and he told me to shut up and that pig slave bois don't deserve to be dressed and yanked the chain. The sun was about the set in the sky and the forest looked beautiful it was a great time of day. I was glad to be walking in the forest with my master although I was a bit scared of people seeing me in the state I was in. I walked behind my master with him pull the chain in front of me. We walked for some time not saying anything but just walking. After about 30 minutes of walking we came across one man just walking in the forest. He looked at me and my master. He reconized my master and stopped to chat with him. They talked for a bit ignoring me just talking about the weather and the day and stuff like that. Then he looked at me and told my master that he had a really good looking slave with him. He told me that one time he wouldn't mind having a "turn" with me. My master just smiled and said that maybe one day he could have a "turn". When the guy walked on my master turned to me and said you'd love that would you boi? I replied with a yes SIR. He then said ok I think it's time to back to the cabin. On the way back we didn't say a word to each other and eventually got back to the cabin. Once inside he took off the chain and told me to get the fire started.

I started the fire and my master went back to his chair and sat there and watched me. When I had finished he told me to kneel before him and got out his dick and told me he wanted to piss so he told me to open my mouth and let his dick in. Then he told me to go get him a beer from the fridge and to come back as quickly as I could. I did as I was told and nearly asked him for a drink too but thought better of it. When I got back he said oh you probably want a drink too. Why don't you go back to the fridge and get the six pack out and lets have a drink. So I did as I was told and came back and was about to sit on one of the chairs when my master told me the slave bois place was on the floor. So I sat on the floor. He then went to the TV and turned it on and put a XXX rated porn DVD on. We watched it in silence for awhile and then he turned to me and said you'd love to do what those guys are doing wouldn't you boi? I said yes SIR. This went on for awhile and I was getting drunker and drunker and so was my master. I was wondering why this time he was letting me get drunk but then though nothing of it.

He then went to the kitchen and prepared my dog food and put it in a bowl. He said I must be hungry by now and if I'm going to drink his beer I should eat. SO he directed me towards my bowl and demanded that I eat something. He then prepared his food and sat at the table to eat it. When he had finished he looked over to me and I was on the floor and had finished what I ate. He said good boi and then directed me over to the chairs and I sat on the floor again and he sat in the chair. He said that we needed to have a talk about the weekend. This is when he told me that this weekend was a test to see what sort of slave boi I was and if I lived up to his stands of what his idea of a slave boi. He said that I did ok but there is a lot of improvements needed. Although he said he liked me and that he wanted to me to be his pig slave boi. So he said tomorrow when we go home he would like me to live at his place. He said if I agreed then that's what was going to happen. IF I said no then he didn't want to see me anymore and this weekend would be it. Then he asked me what I thought. I really liked my master by now and said quickly yes SIR I would love to live at your place. He said good boi then that's what's going to happen. Then he went to the bedroom and told me to follow him.

When in the bedroom he directed me over to the wall where I slept the night before and put the handcuffs on me and connected some other hand cuffs on those and connected them to the wall. Then he left me there and walked out of the room. I then heard the TV go again and he said there watching whatever was on TV. This happened most of the night and I started to get bored but didn't want to fall asleep because I was afraid of what my master would do. There was a clock on one of the walls and eventually when he walked in I looked up and it was about 10pm. I had been chained up against this wall for a good 5 hours wondering what I should do. I couldn't lay down from the way I was chained up so I had to sit up. Anyways he came in took off his clothes and got into bed. He then said good night turned off the light and went to bed. I was wondering how I was going to sleep in the postion that I was in but thought that I should make the best of it.

Next: Chapter 3

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