With My Master

By Mark

Published on May 8, 2004


This is my own story inspired by my masters story called "Weekend Away". This is the first time I wrote a story so I hope that you guys out there enjoy it. I wrote a continuation of this story but I thought that I would put this one out first...please tell me what you think by writing to fredwhathisface@yahoo.com thanks....

Part 1

I reached the cabin that my master told me to go to just before 6pm. I saw the door ajar but it seemed dark inside. I didn't think any of it and walked up to the door. I went inside found the light switch and turned it on. There was no-one in the cabin and I looked around. It was a nice cozy place with a fire place in one of the corners of the room and some chairs and table. On the table was a note so I quickly walked up to the table. I picked up the note and read it. It was from my master with instructions on it. I took all my clothes off as the instructions in the note told me to do and waited for my master. I was quickly getting cold so I looked around for some wood and some matches to light the fire. In a few minutes I had a nice warm fire burning and I was warming up eventually....and closed the cabin door so the cold air wouldn't creep in.

About a half an hour later I heard someone at the door and it quickly opened and in walked in my master. He was a tall man about he was a well built man about 6 foot tall and in his 40's..I wasn't too sure how old he was but I liked the look of him. I was in my late 29 and tall but pretty skinny compared to him.....anyways when he walked in the cabin he seemed pleased to see me but didn't have much emotion on his face.....he motioned me over to him with his finger without saying a word and I knew what to do. I got on my hands and knees and began crawing over to him. When I reached his feet I took off his shoes and put them next to the door. I then took his socks off and before I put them in his shoes I smelt them slowly taking in all of his wonderful scent. I loved the smell of my master and couldn't get enough of it. He then told me that I was a good boi and I was a good boi to smell his socks. He then gave me the order to stand up because he wanted to expect me. He told me to stand still while he went to his bag and get something from his bag. He pulled out black coller first and put it around my neck saying that I was his boi and this was to show that I belonged to him. I replied to say thank you SIR. Then He went back to his bag and pulled out what looked like a riding crop. He then walked over to me and slowly moved the riding crop all over my body and every so often hit me with it. Sometimes hitting me hard so I began to make a noise. When I did he told me to be quiet and to take it like the slave boi that was. He then went behind me and started hitting me on my bottom cheeks one at a time. He told me to count the number of hits he hit me on my right cheek. That if I made any other noise that he would hit me some more so he warned me not to. I counted one...two..three..four and on the fifth he hit me really hard and I started to make a noise. I was so sure that I was going to have a buise after that hit. He told me to be quiet and take me like a slave again and the next hit he hit me even harder. I gretted my teeth and tried not to make a noise this time. I just counted and hoped that he would be finished soon! After about what seemed forever he stopped hitting me....

He told me that I stank and need a shower and I was a slave pig boi and that I should have cleaned myself before I came to the cabin. He told me that I'm going to get punished more of that but that would come later. He then told me to go to the bathroom and start the shower and he would be there soon. I walked to the bathroom and started the water in the shower. The water was cold and there didn't seem to be any hot water. I called out to my master and asked if there was any hot water in the cabin. He told me to shut up and that a slave boi like me should get used to cold water, because that's what I diserved as his slave boi. That's when he entered the bathroom and was really angry that I hadn't gotten under the shower yet. He told me I was wasting his time and I should be learn how to take instruction. He told me I would be punished for not being quick enough in the shower. He then ordered me in the shower and told me to pass him the soap. I passed him the soap and he soaped me up. When he got down to my dick he was pleased that my dick was pointing upwards and he started hitting my dick really hard to make sure I felt it and told me that this was part of my punishment. He then asked me what I though of the cold water and I told him I didn't like it much. He told me to shut up again and take it like a slave boi! When he was finished he told me to stand under the water and that he would be back. He was gone a couple of minutes and I was getting really cold but I didn't want to get out because I didn't want to disappoint him too much I knew I was really in trouble already. He eventually came back and told me to get out of the shower and handed me a towel. He told me dry myself and get down on my knees because he needed to have a piss. So he told me to open my mouth really wide and take his large dick in his mouth. In a few seconds I could feel warm liquid enter my mouth and it seemed like a long streem of hot liquid that went on forever. I didn't like doing this much but I wanted to please him as much as possible. He then told me to stay in that position and walked out the door and into the loungeroom.

He called me about 15 minutes later and told me to come to where he was and stand in front of him. He then told me to put both hands in front of me and he went to his bag and got two sets of handcuffs. He then put on set on one of my wrists and the other set on my other wrists. Then he directed me to one of the walls that was near the fire. He then told me to face the wall and to lift up my hands. He then attached both sets of handcuffs to the ring on the ceiling. He then went and got something and stood right behind me. The next thing I felt was the pain of that riding crop hitting both sides of my bottom. He started to hit me slowly not hurting me that much and then started hitting me faster and with more force. By the time he had finished he was really starting to hurt me and I'm sure there would have been blisters on my bottom by now. I cried out in pain and he just told me to shut up! He told me that if I didn't that he would shove a sock in my mouth to make me. Then he started hitting me again harder and harder. I tried to be quiet but the pain was getting too much for me. So I shouted out in pain again. He told me that I wasn't been a good slave for him and that he would have to punish me and went to get that sock and shoved in my mouth. Than began to hit me for another 5 minutes. I was so glad when he had finished and was just rubbing his hands around my pussy hole. I then began to start putting one finger at a time in my pussy and moving it in and out of my hole. This began to hurt a bit but I didn't dare to say anything. Then he spat on his hand and rubbed it in my crack and the next thing I know his dick is in my hole moving in and out. He started off slowly and then making sudden movement of in and out and I could feel his balls slapping against my butt. He then began to voiently move in and out of my whole and I could feel that he was really enjoying it. It really began to hurt but I wasn't going to say anything in fear of getting punished more. This went on for a good 10 minutes and then the sudden feeling of his cum began to enter my crack. He shot a huge load of cum in my arse and it was starting to drip out and fall on the floor. He began to get really angry and yell things like can't I even keep his cum in my hole and that I was being a slave pig again. He then began to quickly unleash me from the rings and took one set of handcuffs off my wrist and put my hands behind my back and surcured them on my wrists. He then told me to get on the floor and lick up his cum. I began to quickly do as I was told and soon there wasn't any left on the floor. He then began to take off my handcuffs but told me to stay in the position that I was in.

He sat down on one of the chairs and watched me in the position that I was in and had a great big smile on his face. He loves seeing me submit to him and being told by him what to do. This went on for about 30 minutes then he told me to come over to him and stand next to him in the chair. He then told me to lie across his legs. I quickly did as I was told. He then started to rub my buttocks with his hand and every so often slapped me a little bit. He then told me that I would have to repay him for being the disobedient slave pig boi that I was and that I was to obey every command that he told me in the future. I replied "Yes SIR". Then he started hitting me really hard on my butt and told me to count. He said he wasn't going to tell me how many times he was going to hit me because this was my punishment. He ended up hitting me about 50 times or more and then told me to stand up. He then told me to get down on my knees right in front of him. He then took out his dick and told me he need to pee again and he wanted me to swallow it without dripping any of it on the floor. I did as I was told and soon he was finished. He then told me to stay in the position that I was in and to stay still.

He walked over to the kitchen and went to the cupboards and pulled out what looked like cat food. He then went to the fridge and pulled out some meet and some rice. He then began to mix the rice and meat and cat food together and put it in a cat bowl. Then he put it on the floor right at the entrance of the kitchen. Then he ordered me to crawl over to the bowl. He then told me to wait a sec and then to eat what was in the bowl. I hesitated for awhile and he yelled at me to eat it! So I put my mouth in the bowl and started to eat it. While I was doing this he got his own food and prepared it and ate it. It took me awhile but I eventually got though the food that was in the bowl. When I had finished he was still eating. He looked over to me told me to stay there while he finished his food. He then walked over to another cupboard and got out a dog chain and attached it to my coller and yanked it so I followed him. He then took me into the loungeroom and told me to stand up. He told me that I was a good slave boi to eat the food that was in the bowl and that I deserved a treat. So he reached for my dick and began to stroke it slowly. I started to moan and he was pleased that I was happy. Then he began to jerk my dick a bit more in a faster motion and soon I was about to cum. Most of the cum fell to the floor and some fell onto his hand. He put his hand to my lips and told me too lick all my dirty slave boi cum off his hand. So I stuck out my tounge and began to clean his hand. He told me I was a good boi and then pushed me to the floor with his strong hands and told me to lick all the cum that was on the floor and to stay there till I had. When I had he walked over to the bedroom and told me to come in there when I had finished. I did as I was told and as soon as I had I started walking over to the bedroom. He must of heard me walking and yelled out that I should be crawling like a dirty slave pig. So I got down on my knees and crawled to the bedroom.

When I got to the bedroom he was lying on the bed waiting for me. He told me it was about time that I got there. He then got off my bed and grabbed my chain and pulled me across to the other side of the room. Then he attached the chain to another ring that was attached to one of the walls. He then told me that's where I was going to be for the night and that I should make myself confortable. Then he undressed and got into his bed and turned off the light. His last words for that night was that I should sleep well because tomorrow was going to be a HUGE day!.....

Part 2 later I want to know what you think of this

Next: Chapter 2

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